Changkyun ran and ran. He didn't know where he was going, just far away so he didn't hear his mother scream. He was five after all and knew nothing. "Ah." He screamed and tripped on a log. He heard a snap and pain shot up his ankle. He clutched his leg and sobbed. He regretted leaving the warm house. It was October and he had no coat or shoes. He shivered and cried, soon fainting from the cold. Unable to create enough body heat to let him last the night. Kihyun taught him to always dress warm if leaving before night, he could get very sick. He needed to get back to Kihyun fast. His ankle ached and the cold numbed it throughout his slumber. Waking he couldn't open his eyes. He rubbed them and felt the ice that glued them shut. With enough force he opened his eyes and tried to stand but pain jolted up his ankle and he fell back down. Sitting up he looked in all the directions. His frozen tears fogged his view. It was dark and he couldn't see anything. Hours had past and nobody had found them. Sadly he hadn't known what had happened to his mother.
Kihyun had given birth to two healthy baby girls. It took a few hours for them to come out sadly and about 45 minutes to get him all stitched up. He had lost a lot of blood and that caused him to faint. His body was suddenly changing back to not supporting two more people and those two supporting it. Hyunwoo searched the house for Changkyun. Called his name, his throat burned as it had been dry for so long. Hoseok washed his hands, they were stained with one of his best friends blood. He hoped he did a good job stitching him. "H-Hoseok." He heard his lovers voice, it ached his heart yet he answered. "I'm washing my hands." The door opened and Hyungwon walked in. He saw the blood and looked afraid. He had no idea what was going on. "Wh-What just happened." His throat was sore and dry. "Go find Jackson, he might need your help." The younger nodded and heard two babies cry. He went towards the room and entered. Jackson was struggling to make sure they were both watched at the same time. Hyungwon went to one side and asked what he had to do.
Jackson sighed in relief and started commanding what needed to be done. They finished quickly and the two new borns were warmly wrapped in blankets. "I need to check on Kihyun. Go find Hyunwoo he'll be with Changkyun and the little girl." Hyungwon nodded and they set the twins in a basket, keeping them safe. Hyungwon raced up the stairs and saw the little girl and Hyunwoo calling Changkyuns name. "Wh-Where's Changkyun, I was told he was gonna be with you." Hyungwon questioned. "Kihyun told me he sent him to you hours ago." Hyungwon gulped he had been sleeping in his room. He hadn't passed out for long, just an hour or so. "I-I was sleeping." He mumbled and grew frantic. "I searched the house, he's not here." Jackson yelled for the two in the basement. The three ran down, Kihyun had woken frantic. He wanted to see his family. Hyunwoo, the twins...Changkyun. "Wh-Where is he." Kihyun asked. He looked around the room. His little boy was missing, he wouldn't survive the night outside. "It's all my fault." Hyungwon mumbled. The room went silent. "I was asleep when you sent him to my room. I woke up and ran here, then I fainted. I should have been there for you. I-I was just so-" "It's alright Hyungwon. W-We need to find him now." The younger nodded and ran upstairs.
He'd fix this and bring Changkyun back. He grabbed his coat and put his shoes on. Then ran outside and called the childs name. Changkyun shivered in a ball. His hair frozen white. He was far away from the house. Unable to cry or move. His body was numb from the cold. Not cold enough for frostbite but it sure felt like it. Changkyun became scared, he wanted someone to get him from this horrible cold night. So he yelled for help, screamed and called at the top of his tiny lungs till he passed out a while after. Luckily he was heard and Hyungwon came running. Picked him up and ran back to the house. "Changkyun." Hyungwon heard Hyunwoo yell. "I got him." Hyungwon yelled and he heard the older run up to him. "I'm sorry Hyunwoo." The older grabbed Changkyun and took him inside quickly. Running to his room and quickly undressed him. He needed to warm up quickly. Hyunwoo grabbed a onesie. He saw bruises around the youngers ankle and figured he tripped and sprained it. Carefully Hyunwoo slipped the onesie on the younger then wrapped him in blankets and carried him downstairs. "Jackson, Hyungwon found him. He's ice cold, I changed his clothes and wrapped him in blanke-" "Let me see him." Kihyun demanded.
Hyunwoo walked over and laid Changkyun down. Kihyun felt the cold come off him and started to cry. "H-He's been out there for hours. I think he tripped and sprained his ankle. It's bruised hard and swollen. Jackson nodded and went to Changkyun. He needs to warm up before I do anything. A nights rest will help, I will stay the night and watch over the girls. They are healthy and will make it. Yes they are premature, if they're anything like you, you shouldn't worry." Kihyun lightly smiled and wiped his tears away. "Hyunwoo take Kihyun to your room he needs to rest along with Changkyun. Make sure he stays warm, too hot and he'll get badly sick." Hyunwoo nodded and carried Kihyun up to the room, Jackson grabbed Changkyun and followed. "He should wake in the morning. He'll be sick and weak but he'll come out strong I know it." They nodded and Jackson left the room. He went back down to watch the twins.
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