He laid there helpless, beaten and rapped. He cried while Hoseok held him. Covered as much of his boyfriend as he could. "Baby why would you let them do that." Hoseok mumbled. The younger shook and hiccuped. "Wh-" The door opened making Hyungwon flinch and hide under Hoseok. He kept his eyes shut. Some baggy sweats and a sweatshirt were thrown at him. Men laughed and locked the door again. "Hyungwon you need to get dressed. It'll only take a few seconds." The younger nodded and took a deep painful breath sitting up and letting Hoseok dress him. Hyungwon leaned on Hoseok with whimpering and muffled sobs. "Okay, okay, okay, its done relax." Hyungwon took a deep breath and sighed but as he spoke he broke down easily. "I-I couldn't let him k-kill you. I-I didn't want to die." Hoseok traced his thumb across a few bruises trying to whipe his lovers tears away. "I want to now." Hyungwon sobbed hard hurting his chest. Hoseok shushed him and held him close.
"I-I'm so cold." The older tried to warm up his lover but he was freezing. "Lunch time." Someone yelled and a small window opened at the wall. The place they were kept had one of those dumbwaiters. Hoseok got up and limped towards it. Grabbing everything that was inside. Suddenly it closed and he was glad he acted fast. Silently he went back to Hyungwon and set the food down on his own lap. A few carrots, bread slices, water and a cheeseburger. "Eat all you can. You need the strength." Hyungwon gulped and nodded. Hoseok fed him and let him sip the water. Then Hyungwon did the same. "We both need our strength if we wanna get out of he- where's your mother." "They never brought her in." Instantly Hyungwon tried to get up, limping to the door while Hoseok could only walk so far.
"Hyungwon get your ass over here." He banged on the door trying to open it. "W-Woobin where is she. We made a deal." The door clicked, unlocked scaring Hyungwon as he dropped to the floor backing up. When he was in Hoseoks reach he pulled him behind. "Where is she." Hoseok growled. "Bring her in." Woobin yelles. She was drug in and thrown towards the two. Hyungwon took her and tried to shush her crying. "You're safe now." He mumbled. Hoseok watched the men stare at them. Waiting for something. "Your friend made a deal, you three will get to leave soon. What a shame here I was thinking I'd get another slice of that cake." Hoseok got up and walked towards them, sadly he was pulled back by the chain and fell. The men laughed kicking Hoseok. "We made a deal." Hyungwon yelled. One walked up to him, he flinched hard and started to cry again.
"Leave him alone." Hoseok coughed. He sat up and held his side. A gun fired scaring everyone. "Baekhyun, Sehun back off." Woobin ordered. The men sighed and backed up. Hoseok watched as the man before him held the gun his way but went to Hyungwon. Pulling him by his hair until he stood. "Baekhyun unchain him." The man nodded and undid the chain. "Now if I was you, I wouldn't get any ideas. My grip is tight." Woobin tugged Hyungwons hair making him yelp. "now let's go to the car. Sehun is going to chain your arms from behind." Hoseok took a deep breath and let them put the handcuffs on. It was an easy break but he knew to keep his cool. Hyungwon held tight to the little girl. Not letting her slip from his arms. The gun was pressed hard against his back. Bruises tattered his body and every step, press, or push made him ache.
They walked outside all 3 squinting, none had seen the light of day in a month or so. "Now get in the car." Hoseok was the first one in then the little girl. Suddenly the door shut before Hyungwon could get in. He looked at the men and started to shake. "One last time pretty boy." "N-No please." He whimpered and started to quiver, backing up from the men yet with every step they got closer.
Hyunwoo sighed as he got in his car. Driving to his destination. An exchange was what he was up to. Hyungwon, Hoseok, and a little girl who happened to be Hoseoks sister for one man. One man who could change everything. "Fuck!" he yelled and smashed his hand on the steering wheel. Hyunwoo never knew if he'd see Kihyun again. His smile, laugh, voice, the feel of his fluffy hair and soft skin...even Changkyun and now the girls who weren't even born yet. As soon as he stopped he got out of the car. The car in front of his was jet black with tinted windows. Woobin got out along with a few others. Some wearing bags over their heads some not. He knew who was who. A gun was raised at Hyunwoo and he put his hands up. "I come alone and will not fight you." Woobin put the gun down and signaled the men to take the bags off. First was Hoseok he stood strong with bruises and held in the pain he felt. Next was the little girl she didn't look hurt at all. He saw Hoseok in her and knew his friend found the one he was looking for. Maybe this whole thing wasn't so bad after all. Then Hyungwon, poor Hyungwon.
When his bag came off he kept his head low. "Show me his face." Hyunwoo demanded. Sehun gripped the youngers hair and pulled his head up. Hyungwon wasn't fazed, he showed no emotion as their eyes met. Yet a single tear escaped Hyunwoos eye. Hyunwoo saw bruises and cuts, a bite mark on his shoulder as the dirty sweatshirt he wore hung low on the collar. Hyunwoo swore under his breath and looked down. His friend had been beaten and rapped. Hyunwoo didn't know how many times but the bite was new. He knew this from the fresh blood that dripped from the wound. Hyunwoo walked closer and his friends as well. Until they were only feet apart. "Take care of Kihyun while I'm gone." Hoseok nodded swollowing hard. He tried to speak yet his throat was too dry and soar. "H-He will be my...first priority." Hyunwoo shook his head. "Hyungwon will be your first priority, your sister will be your second. All I ask is for you to not forget about him. Call once a week and let him know that I will al-always love him."
Hoseok nodded once more and glanced at his lover. "They will not hurt you anymore. I know this is hard to believe but everything gets better. The pain gets better and will fade. Kihyun will help you. When you leave a weight will be lifted. The memories will come back when they are triggered. A shut door, lights turning off and on, when you sleep, when you wake up, all the pain you felt will come back like it happened a second ago." Hyunwoo paused and let his friend take it all in. "Kihyun has gone through this and so has Hoseok....maybe not as severe or traumatizing but it has happened." Hoseok looked up at his best friend. They never told anyone what had happened. "Nothing goes unnoticed my friend. I know the signs as Kihyun has showed many. He still does to this d-" "Alright enough chit chat." Baekhyun walked up and Hyungwon fell to the floor. Hoseok bent down and tried to help him.
Hyunwoo was rushed away. The little girl stood there watching. "Baby are you alright. C-Can you hear me. We're one step to being free. Can you stand. Please the car is right there." Hyungwon shook and couldn't move. "T-Take me...to Kihyun." Hoseok acted quickly and picked his lover up. Putting him in the car and made sure his sister was secure in the back. There was a phone on the dashboard, he took it and made a call. The first person he'd call when he got out.
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