Days had gone by and there was no word. No sign of Hoseok or Hyungwon. They vanished without a trace which made Hyunwoo very mad and terrified for Kihyun. He was just shy of 5 months meaning there was only 4 more to go. "Hyung do you think they're alright." Kihyun paced once again rubbing his stomach. Sighing he sat down and nibbled his nails. His phone rung and Hyunwoo answered it immediately. "Anything....I-I see....keep looking they're out there somewhere." Hyunwoo put the phone down and sighed. "Still nothing but they're looking. My father hasn't made any move or seemed out of the ordinary." Kihyun glanced at his lover when he said father. Hyunwoo caught it and sat down. He was eager to know what his boyfriend was hiding. Kihyun knew he should have told him sooner. "What is it." "H-He isn't your father." Kihyun prepared himself for anything that would come yet only a soft reply was heaed. "I know." Kihyun looked at him wide eyed. "He told me when I was 4. Every time I saw him in the hallways or left my room. Everyday he would remind me."
Kihyun held his lovers hand. Squeezing it and letting him know he was there for him. "H-How come you call him father then." Kihyun was curious since they knew he was evil. Enemies since day one for the both of them. Hyunwoo shrugged and took a deep breath. "A shit ton of daddy issues I'd say." Kihyun giggled at that. He too was in the same boat. Having never seen his father. "Hey, promise me something." Kihyun whispered. The older hummed and looked his lover in the eye. Letting him know he was listening. "Don't make our kids have the same fate as us." Hyunwoo nodded. He wouldn't let anything happen to anyone. "I'm gonna put Woobin in prison or I'll kill him myself. Once that happens I'll have to take over the family business. We'll become known to Korean and parts of the world, are you ready for that."
Kihyun gulped at that. All of Korea knowing who he was, a freak. Bareing another mans children. Love meant more than sacrifices. More than publicity and fame. It was being there for someone you care about every step of the way. Kihyun would do that for the one he loved. "Y-Yes." Hyunwoo faintly smiled. "I'll be back, I-I don't know when but..." He sighed and kissed Kihyun deeply, then instantly left the house. The younger cried on the couch hoping to see his fiancée again. Knowing it wouldn't end with everyone being happy. Something would happen that would change their lives forever.
Hyungwon sat on the floor watching over Hoseok. He had passed out what felt like hours ago. Tired and cold Hyungwon sniffled and rocked himself. Hoping his boyfriend would wake up soon. Luckily he heard a groan. Hoseok opened his eyes. "H-Hyungwon..." The older tried to sit up but he couldn't do it. "It's alright Hoseok, here." The younger helped him up and they hugged tightly. "Did they hurt you at all." Hoseok asked. Hyungwon shook his head and busted out sobbing. He tried to muffle it, not being able to hold it in any longer. "Hoseok I'm scared." He choked out. Hoseok took a deep breath still holding onto Hyungwon. "I'll get us out of here." The younger shook his head. "You're chained to the floor." Hoseok looked at his legs and saw the chain, but there wasn't one on Hyungwon. "You need to get out. They can't hurt me as bad as they can hurt you." The door suddenly opened and a group of men grabbed Hoseok while two grabbed Hyungwon and stood them up.
Hoseok of course did all he could to get free but nothing worked and he stopped as soon as he saw a knife up to Hyungwons throat. The same one he got stabbed with. "He's not apart of this. Just let him go." Hoseok yelled. Hyungwon sniffled and shook in fear. "He's with you so he's involved. Sadly not as much as your sister." Hoseoks heart sank and fussed a little. "Don't touch her. She doesn't even know who I am." Woobin snapped his fingers and another man appeared with a tablet. It showed a little girl tied up. She couldn't be more than 6 years old. She sobbed and tear streaks were shown. He didn't even know if she existed. The only thing he had was who the parent's where, her school, and what town she lived in. No grade, no name, and no face. Yet he could tell she was who he was looking for. Their natural hair color and skin tone.
The tablet was taken away and Hoseok looked at his kidnapper in the eyes. "I'll kill you. Don't touch her you got it." He demanded. A punch landed on his wound. "You aren't in any place to tell me what to do." Hoseok gasped and looked down in pain. Not wanting to show how much it hurt. "You are however able to make a deal." Hoseok gulped and waited for what his options where. "Either we can hurt the kid or we can hurt your little whore. Which will it be." Before Hoseok could speak Hyungwon did. "What do I have to do." They looked at him. Woobin smiling and clapping his hands. "Alright katness lets see. Dealers choice, you can pick which one. You can either get beat up, I'll let a few of my friends do whatever they want to you, we could get a little frisky just us, watch as your beloved bleeds out while we stab him to death, or he can watch you bleed out." Hyungwon started to cry. Knowing his only option, he wasn't gonna let Woobin touch him how he did Kihyun. He could never live with it. Even with therapy afterwards.
"Hyungwon let me die. It's not worth getting hurt like that." The older was instantly punched again in the side. Hyungwon squirmed and yelled. They looked back at him. "C-Can I add to the deal." Woobin grew curiously at the response. "Depends." Swollowing Hyungwon couldn't look at Hoseok, couldn't show it was alright because in reality it wasn't. "We get the girl, she comes in here unharmed and you won't lay a finger on Hoseok or her." Woobin thought for a moment. "What will I get from this." He wondered. Wetting his lips shakily Hyungwon spoke. "Th-The first two." That made Hoseok try harder to get free. Receiving another punch yet this one sent him to the floor. "Stop hitting him" Hyungwon yelled, "he doesn't get to decide for me. Now bring her in here unharmed and you can do whatever you want to me."
Woobin smiled and the men let go of Hoseok. "I'll bring her in a minute. For now Hoseok is gonna watch my men destroy you." Hyungwon gulped and tried to get free. Their grip only growing stronger. "That wasn't the deal." "Yes well you never specified when or where." Suddenly Hyungwons clothes started to get ripped. He shut his eyes and let it happen. Then he was pushed to the floor and the worst day of his life shined through.
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