Jihyun came back that morning with Changkyun. She had been running tests with Jackson and JaeBum for a week. "Mom." Hyunwoo hugged the older lady tight. Kihyun was next and she asked how he was doing. Saying how he had gotten bigger last time she saw him. Jackson came in next with Bambam. Changkyun ran towards his mother and gave him the biggest hug he could. "I'm here to do some check ups and leave. We got some stuff to do before heading back." The couple nodded and all 4 went to the basement. Getting everything ready Kihyun did what he always did, ask about his brother and friend. "They're fine. Minnie has learned a lot about becoming a medic. Jooheon has gotten his aiming better. He's a quick learner. Almost never misses now."
Hyunwoo nodded and Kihyun was always worried for his friends. "We think we've gotten a head start on whatever it is your mother has. It's poison and an uncommon one. Very expensive and dangerous when used correctly. It'll take time but JB is working on the cure. Your father isn't as bright as he seems." Kihyun felt terrible for not telling Hyunwoo, Woobin wasn't his biological father. "When will it be ready." The other leader shrugged. "A few months minimum. We don't know if it'll be done in time. They are trying all they can but if Kihyun delivers before its done we'll all have to stop and come here. It'll put things on hold. We might have to start over even with limited resources. Now I'm not pressuring you because nobody can stop life from entering this world but Hyunwoo I know exactly how to deliver these babies. I will show you and you may have to do it yourself."
Kihyun gulped hard at this new info. "I hate how this has turned out but since you guys live so far away, I'm afraid by the time you go into labor I'll be too far away. A real hospital is the next best thing but who knows how they'll handle Kihyun. They've never delivered from a male and will run tests on the babies, you guys and even Changkyun. Your doctor the one who delivered Changkyun...I'm afraid he passed away. I learned all I could from him before he passed. It happened last week." Kihyun was heart broken. The doctor was infact old. Yet he didn't think he'd go so soon. Hyunwoo was terrified that this info would scare Kihyun too much. "Thank you Jackson for all of this. Kihyun-ah why don't you go upstairs and relax." The younger nodded and got off the bed.
"Thank you Jackson." Kihyun kept his head low and bowed heading for the stairs. "They're healthy. Strong like the both of you. They'll make it I promise you that." Jackson announced. Kihyun was relieved already knowing they were strong he smiled and rubbed his stomach feeling them move once more. He shut the door behind him and was bumbarded by Jihyun. "So what you guys do while I was gone." Jihyun asked. He shrugged and smiled. Blushing as he remembered the things he had done with this womans son. "You know the usual, watch movies eat nonstop." The woman nodded and yawned. "You should go rest. Let me bring you to your room." Kihyun suggested. Jihyun declined but thanked for the offer. Going to the room herself.
"Hyung." Kihyun turned around and saw Bam. "Hey Bam what's up." He asked. "Jackson wanted me to tell you if we don't get here in time to make sure someone gets these miracles out. There is no way for them to come out besides a C section. If they come out too late it could damage your body. They could suffocate from needing to be separate but are too closed in." Kihyun nodded and held his stomach. "Thank you for telling me. I understand what you mean. Would I be able to deliver myself." Kihyun asked. Bam took a deep breath at this. "Yeah you could but how high is your pain tolerance." The younger frowned and hugged his sweatshirt. "So who are Cravity anyway." Kihyun asked a different question now. Remembering the man from last night. "I heard Serim surprised you last night." Kihyun nodded and sighed. The stranger had ruined a perfect moment. "Ah." Kihyun hissed in pain and held the side of his stomach.
"You okay." Bam asked. Kihyun nodded. "They started kicking last night. I've been waiting since I hit 13 weeks but jesus they went all night. I couldn't even sleep." "Eomma." Kihyun heard and looked in his childs voice direction. "Hey baby." He smiled and picked up the child. "Eomma." He mumbled and sucked his thumb. "Wolfie you gotta stop sucking your thumb. You're starting kindergarten soon remember." The younger nodded and frowned. "Wolfie what's wrong." Kihyun asked worried. The younger shrugged and leaned against his mother. "Jackson and I gotta go. Take care okay." Kihyun nodded and bid his friends goodbye. Watching them leave he waved along with Changkyun. "Eomma and sisters play with me yet." The child asked. Kihyun ruffled his hair and shook his head smiling.
"Ani~ right now you're going to take a bath. Then get ready for lunch alright." The little one nodded and raced towards the bathroom. He loved playing in the water. Pushing his tiny little boats around and splashing as if he was at a pool. "E-Eomma can I have my bath alone." Kihyun bent down and asked the question again. Changkyun had wanted to bathe alone lately. Feeling more confident he didn't want his mother or father accompanied with bath time. Kihyun nodded and felt a little hurt. His baby was growing up so fast. "Okay wolfie. Let me know if you want to start showering. It's like a bath but standing and the tub isn't filled. It comes from here and you just wash then rinse." The 5 year old nodded and waited for Kihyun to leave to undress and get in. He played with his bubbles, rubber ducky, and toy boat.
Kihyun went to his bedroom and stood on the balcony feeling the breeze. "I hope you two lead a good life. I know it'll be difficult because of what your parents are involved in but remember we love you. If anything happened to me or your father..." Kihyun sniffled and his throat got caught. A pair of arms snaked around him. It surprised him but he knew who it was. "Nothing will happen to us. We're settled down and have our family. Nobody will bother us remember that alright." Kihyun leaned back and put his arms over the olders. "That boy came to the house. I-It felt like when we were at the first house. Wh-When Woobin broke in, how scared I was. I felt settled down then, and when we were at the next place then the next. This place...it feels like it'll be different yet I can't bring myself to settle down until...until I see our girls grow up safely. No more stock pile of guns in the basement or one in all the desks or under them."
Kihyun took a deep breath and sighed. He turned around and was hugged by his fiancée. Hyunwoo had remembered everytime Kihyun got hurt by someone he knew. "When I was in the states I never thought I'd come back. No matter what I tried they brought me back. Awake, asleep, bloody, they didn't care and each time I tried harder. Hoseok and I had a small apartment in a small town. I learned to settle down and when I finally did they told me I was heading back." Kihyun looked up eyes glassy. "D-Did you want to come back." Hyunwoo shook his head and sighed. "Not at first but when I was on the plane Hoseok gave me photos of you and Changkyun."
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