Hyungwon woke up sleepily to movement on the bed. Little light came from the windows. "I'm back." He heard. Instantly Hyungwon smiled and tried to feel for Hoseok. "I'm cold." The younger mumbled. Hoseok moved the covers and got under. Pulling Hyungwon towards him and planted a kiss on his neck. To Hyungwon the older felt warmer and a bit damp. Smelling like shampoo and bodywash. "You smell nice." The younger yawned rubbing his hand up and down the olders toned upper half. "You got any energy." Hoseok asked. Hyungwon shrugged and asked why. He'd gone to bed early and it had been at least 8 or 9 hours. "Well I promised you something before I left. Didn't I?" Hyungwons eyes opened up and his heart started beating faster.
He wasn't nervous or scared. He felt warm and happy. He'd even forgotten and was surprised Hoseok remembered. "What time is it." He asked and tried looking at the clock. Getting pulled down before he could even look at the time and was kissed and instantly kissed back. "It's been a while. You sure you can keep up with me." Hoseok asked. Hyungwon grinned and then on they enjoyed their very early morning.
Kihyun snuck into the fridge as usual. Taking as much food as he could. Anything he wanted infact. There was no one to stop him unless....He heard a chuckle and turned seeing Hyunwoo leaning on the wall with his arms crossed smiling at the view. Kihyun had a spoonful of peanut butter in his mouth, a container of carrots and some barbecue sauce. He stood there embarrassed. Knowing the mix wasn't something someone normally would have but he was craving for all 3 things at once. "I-I was just." Kihyun mumbled and took out the spoon. "I can get some stuff from the store if you want. Tteokbokki Crackers or even some chicken. You've been eating it pretty well lately. I think they're starting to like it finally." Kihyun smilled a little at the thought.
How spoiled he was. "I-I'm fine." Hyunwoo walked over and took the food from Kihyun's hands. Even the spoon and dipped it back in the jar. He motioned the younger to open his mouth and he did. "Go sit down. I'll put this on a plate and then head to the store." Kihyun lightly nodded and hugged the older. Enjoying the view of the older make him his snack. Watching him flex his muscles and make his veins pop out. Knowing it made Kihyun go crazy. The spoon clanked on the table. Not knowing he had dropped it from his mouth. Hyunwoo looked over and smirked. "How cute." He mumbled. Kihyun looked down at the spoon and picked it up. "Here." Hyunwoo said and put the peanut butter in front of his lover. "Thank you." Hyunwoos phone went off and Kihyun picked it up.
It was some lady. "Um I believe you have the wrong numb-" She had asked for Sohn Hyunwoo. That made Kihyuns heart stop. What did this chick want with his fiancé. "What do you want from us." He asked. Hyunwoo had no idea who was on the phone yet he saw it scared his boyfriend and immediately took the phone. "Whoever you are leave us alone. I no longer deal with mafia business." He yelled and hung up the phone. He turned around and saw Kihyun picking his nails. "Hey don't worry. I'm sure whatever they wanted was nothing important." Hyunwoo reassured. The younger shook his head. "Sh-She said you're the father of her kid." Hyunwoo had been very confused.
"I've never been with anyone besides you. You know this." Kihyun nodded. He knew to believe the older. "Here have your snack. I'll go to the store n-" Kihyun shook his head. "Stay here. I-I don't feel safe being alone. She got your number who's to say she doesn't have the address." Hyunwoo nodded and tried to calm down the younger. He dipped a carrot in barbecue sauce and sighed. Taking it to his mouth and poof it was gone. Kihyun whined knowing it wasn't something ordinary. "Hyung don't it only tastes good to me." Kihyun giggled. He whipped a little sauce off Hyunwoos mouth and watched his face turn sour. "It's actually not as bad as I thought but over all its still bad." Kihyun giggled again and held his stomach. The laughing calmed down and they both sighed.
"Let's go to bed my mother and Changkyun will be here tomorrow. You need rest and I need to make sure you're safe." Kihyun frowned at this. Hyunwoo had refused to sleep lately. He had to make sure Kihyun was safe 100 persent of the day. "I'm scared they wont move. Changkyun kicked so much and with these two...nothing." "They are just taking their time." Hyunwoo reasured. The younger shrugged. "Depends I've never had twins before. With Changkyun it was so fast and I don't really remember much. One minute I was going to school, hospital, school, hospital and then poof he was in my arms crying I remembered him giving me hell but I don't remember seeing it."
"I know we won't have to worry about this for a while but how do you know if they're ready." Kihyun thought for a moment. "Well I felt pain and lots of it. Um it was weird but I'll definitely know when it's time." Kihyun looked down worried. Changkyun barely made it and now he has to go through it again with twins. He was terrified, terrified of not looking the same, giving birth to a stillborn or even having a miscarriage. All were a possibility. "Finish your snack before I do." Hyunwoo went for a carrot but Kihyun smacked his hand back and ate one whole. Munching on it quickly.
He finished his snack and headed to bed. Looking at himself in the mirror. Pulling the robe he wore down a bit and untied it. He felt fat but what he saw was what he'd never change. "Kihyunnie." He heard and looked at Hyunwoo in the mirror. The younger smiled and motioned the older to come over. "They must be so small." He giggled and placed the olders hands on his stomach. He leaned back and closed his eyes. Resting on Hyunwoo and smiled. "I love them so much." Hyunwoo kissed Kihyuns neck and smiled. "You'll be such a great dad."
The older scoffed. "Joke still not funny." Kihyun rolled his eyes and tried to hide his smile. "Ani~ hyung I mean it." The younger felt like crying. He knew his babies loved their father so much. Knew one day they'd have a bond Kihyun would never have with them. "Babe what's wrong." Hyunwoo asked. Kihyun shook his head and held the olders hand tight. "I love you hyung so much. I'll have to share you with more then Changkyun soon. Soon we'll be too busy I'm gonna let myself go and we'll never-" He barried himself in the olders chest and sniffled. Yeah he was happy to share Hyunwoo but he was greedy.
"Come on babe. Nap time for you." Hyunwoo chuckled and pulled the younger lightly to the bed. He got him all snuggled in. His pregnant stomach sticking out. Kihyun chuckled at that and closed his eyes yawning hard. A few seconds later Hyunwoo got up. He gave a kiss to Kihyuns forehead and rubbed his stomach. The babies calming down and going to sleep. "I'll be in the other room protecting you all from the dangers I started. Now be good girls and let your mother sleep for a few more hours please." He whispered and stood up.
Shutting the door lightly and walked to the kitchen. He grabbed the pistol that was velcrowed under the coffee table. Watching out the windows and watching the cameras on his phone. He'd felt suspicious about something lately. So he watched every night. Staying on guard and alert. "Hyunwoo!" It was Kihyun. The older put the gun off safety and went to the room. Opening it carefully. "Bear come quickly." Kihyun gasped. The older ran up and turned the bed side lamp on. "What's wrong." He asked. Kihyun grabbed his hand and put it on his stomach. "Feel that." The younger smiled. Hyunwoo didn't feel anything for a few seconds then it hit his hand softly. "Wow." He mumbled and placed his other hand on the other side.
Soon he felt it again. "I love them so much." Kihyun choked out. Hyunwoo kissed the younger and smiled. Their babies kicked for the first time. "H-Hyunwoo." Kihyun yelled and the older turned his head. A hand with a gun appeared. "Go Kihyun." Hyunwoo whispered and the younger rolled off the bed near the wall then went under. "Show yourself." Hyunwoo demanded. He got up but stayed where he was. The stranger walked in and Hyunwoo instantly put the gun down. "Jesus fuck you gave me a heart attack." He sighed. "Kihyun it's safe." The younger crawled out but sat on the floor. He didn't know the person. He looked young, younger than himself. "Wh-Who are y-you." He asked. Hyunwoo put the gun in his pants behind him. Then went to Kihyun. "Serim go wait in the livingroom." The stranger bowed and left the room shutting the door.
Instantly Kihyun hit him in the chest. "What's wrong with you. He's a kid." He growled and got up. Going to the closet and grabbing Hyunwoos baggiest sweatshirt. "My favorite one." The older whined. Kihyun gave him a death glare and slid on a pair of baggy sweats. "Babe you already had clothes on why do you need a second layer." "A t-shirt and boxers aren't clothes." He growled once again and opened the door.
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