"Wh-What do you wanna talk about." Kihyun asked. He swallowed hard. "Let's finish this snack and talk in a bit." Hyunwoo smiled. How could he smile when he said he wanted to talk. A serious talk in fact. Kihyun just nodded and took a bite of a cracker. He knew he needed food even if he didn't feel up to it his baby needed it. "Eomma I wanna share my snack with the baby." Changkyun smiled. Kihyun looked over and ruffled his hair.
"What did you want to share." He asked. The toddler made a small sandwich out of crackers, a cheese slice. and a piece of meat. Kihyun thought it was adorable how Changkyun was already taking care of his sibling even if it was as small as a lime. The older opened his mouth and let the toddler feed him. All three smiled and Kihyun chewed his food. Then swallowed it. Instantly something didn't feel right and he got up.
Covering his mouth. First he made gagging noises making Hyunwoo stand up. Then it happened again and he rushed to the trash bringing it over to the younger. Instantly he knocked the lid off and was ready to puke. It never happened. All he did was gag a little in his throat. "Eomma what's wrong." Changkyun asked scared. "I'm okay Kyun. The baby just didn't like the snack. I think it was the cheese." He frowned and rubbed his tummy.
The toddler rubbed Kihyuns stomach on his hand. "It's okay dongsaeng. I don't like some foods as well. Maybe someday we'll like the same things. I really like meat. I hope you do to." The older two were speechless. Changkyun cared so much for this baby. "Why dont I go into town and get some food. We'll grill and have a good time. Get some different kinds of meet, a few side dishes."
Hyunwoo smiled and hoped to cheer everyone up. "Hyung I don't want anything to happen. Someone should at least go with you." Kihyun worried. He grabbed a cracker and gnawed on it. "I'll take 3 others. We'll be back before 5 okay." Kihyun nodded and sighed. "If you dont come back I'm gonna kill you." Hyunwoo laughed and kissed the youngers cheek.
"I'll be back in an hour or so." The younger nodded and let him go after a firm hug. "Appa can I join." Hyunwoo shook his head. "Ani you gotta stay here and take care of your sister and eomma okay." The toddler nodded finishing nawing on his snack. Hyunwoo took Hoseok, and Hyungwon to the store.
Kihyun continued to clean up a little. Getting everything ready for dinner. He couldn't wait for steak, chicken, beef. His mouth watered just thinking of it. "Kihyun let me take care of that." Jaebum came from outside and scared the younger. "Ah hyung. Don't worry I got it. It's an apology for earlier. Hyunwoo went to the store to get food for barbecue tonight." The younger smiled.
Jaebum thanked him and bowed a little. Kihyun felt weird being bowed to by an older. "Hyung I know it's unusual seeing a male in this state. I will answer as many questions as needed. I dont want the host to feel uncomfortable with their guest." Jaebum nodded and convinced the younger to sit down. "I am very happy to see you and Hyunwoo able to have a family. I would love a family with Jinyoung but it would never work."
Kihyun nodded understanding. "I-I just have one question. Since Jackson and I are the only two practiced. Jackson more than me in medicine. H-How would the baby come out." The older blushed hard and looked away. He had a theory but he just wanted to be correct. Kihyun saw this and laughed. "You would have to cut my stomach." He stood up and lifted his shirt a little. A long scar was shown. "This is from when Changkyun was born."
The older nodded. "May I." He asked. The younger nodded and let Jaebum feel the scar. Getting a good sense on how it would work. Then instantly he pulled his hand back and gasped. "Something just moved." Kihyun looked down at his stomach. Knowing he shouldn't feel or show movement this soon. He put his shirt down and sat back down. "It's gonna be weird for a while but you'll get used to it." The younger smiled.
"Hyung." Jinhyoung walked in and pouted. He stopped and looked at the scene. Jaebum got up and went towards him. "What's wrong." He asked and hugged the younger. "I want a baby. Kihyun-ssi are we doing something wrong. How come you get a baby and we dont." The older pouted once again. Kihyun was shocked at this.
He was speechless in fact. "I'm sorry Kihyun. He gets like this sometimes. Why dont you help Kihyun out in the kitchen. The others are grilling as a thank you for letting them stay." Jaebum informed. The younger nodded and smiled. Jaebum took his chance and left. "Here let me hyung." Jinyoung smiled. Kihyun odly felt offended by the term 'hyung'
"Yah I'm only 22." He snapped. The others smile faded instantly. "Mian if I offended you. I was only being polite." Kihyun took a deep breath and sighed. "Ani I should be the one to apologize." There was an awkward silence so they just finished up. Kihyun felt a bit nauseous so he went outside to take a walk. They stayed in the country. There were hills, trees, a few ponds. It was beautiful to him and it was where he wanted to live. Grow old with Hyunwoo and watch their little miracles grow up.
The walk soothed him and he was happy, calm, relaxed even. "What are we gonna do." He asked his stomach and rubbed it. He walked for what felt like hours and turned around. Still able to see the house as clear as day. He sat down and laid on his back. Closing his eyes and letting the sun sink into his skin. He smiled and moved his arms feeling the soft long grass.
How he loved it there. "Ah." He suddenly hissed in pain and grabbed his side. He looked down and saw his flat stomach. Then smiled. "You like it too." He giggled. Knowing immediately his baby didn't try to cause pain but get his attention. "Aish you're a bit strong for only 13 weeks." The older mumbled.
He didnt mind his baby was taking as much room as they wanted to grow. Kihyun yawned and closed his eyes feeling the hot sun on his skin and smiled once more. Then something hit him. The doctor said he was able to have have kids but they'd be male since there is no female in him. Yes the X and Y cromozone stuff but it was less than 5%.
If he was having bad nausea and other things this much that meant only one other thing. "Aish Sohn Hyunwoo is in a lot of trouble now. Thanks to you...two."
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