Kihyun woke up with a pain in his side. He looked to his sides and saw that he was in a room. It was empty besides the bed and medical stuff around him. He lifted up his shirt and saw a bandage around his waist. Knowing it'll leave a scar for sure. He forced himself to sit up and cried out in pain.
Then put his feet on the cold floor and stood. Using the bed as leverage. He gripped his side and tried to walk to the door. He stumbled a few times but made it and held onto the handle. He needed to find his family. Needing to know if they were safe. All he remembered was that he got shot. He didn't remember anything after that.
He didn't know where he was. "Come on Kihyun get yourself together." He sighed. The bandage started bleeding and he felt wetness. Now he really had to find Hyunwoo. He opened the door and saw a long hallway. He cursed at how long it was. Then started walking using the wall to help him stand.
Soon he made it to the end and saw the stairs. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." He groaned. "Could this day get any worse." He took one step at a time. The stairs were spiral. This day really couldn't get any worse, but then he heard it. His baby crying. His heart started racing faster then normal.
He had to get to Changkyun now. "Wolfie." He tried to yell. The next thing he heard was small feet run towards him. He saw Changkyun from the end of the room. He rushed now to get to him and fell off the last stair. He made a pained yelp and tried to crawl to the younger. Changkyun spent no time getting in his arms.
A strange man showed up where Changkyun had come from and watched in shock. "Who are you and what did you do to my friends." Kihyun snapped. He hadn't remembered meeting him. "Kihyun I didn't think you'd be out of bed this soon-" "Where are my friends." Kihyun interrupted. "And how do you know my name."
"K-Kihyun-ah you're awake." The younger turned to the voice. Knowing well who it was. Kihyun started crying and tried to crawl to him. Hyunwoo ran up and sat down. Hugging him tight. "H-How did you get down here." He helped the younger stand and made sure Changkyun was okay.
"Where are we. Who is that man. Why did he have Changkyun." Hyunwoo tried to calm him down. "He helped us out at the house. He's the leader of the Got7 clan." Kihyun looked over and looked the man up and down. He didn't look or have the build of a leader. "Don't you remember him." Hyunwoo asked.
The younger shook his head. "The last thing I remember is getting shot." The oldest nodded and took a deep breath. He'd fill him in later when Changkyun was asleep. "J-Jaebum right." Kihyun asked. The stranger nodded. "I apologize for scaring you. I should have known you wouldn't have remembered much."
"Wh-What do you mean." He asked. "Later." Hyunwoo mumbled. He eyed Changkyun and Kihyun saw. Knowing it'll have to wait. A beeping noise came from Jaebums side and he grabbed it. He had a pager for whenever something went wrong. He turned around and walked away.
Kihyun wanted to know where he went. "Eomma bleeding." He looked down and saw how bad it really was. Hyunwoo instantly lifted up the youngers shirt. "Aish. I didn't think they'd be bleeding this soon." The bandage was covered in blood. "Wolfie go to the room."
The toddler protested. "Eomma." He shakily mumbled. Hyunwoo carried the younger back up the stairs and through the hallway. It didn't seem long this time. He set Kihyun on the bed and asked him to take off his shirt. He nodded and did so. Pain shot up his side and he hissed. "This is gonna hurt so if you want to squeeze my hand go ahead." Kihyun looked into his eyes and saw that the older wanted him to. He took a deep breath and held on tight. Hyunwoo tried his best to take the bandage off carefully.
He was taking too long and Kihyun let go. "Y-You need both hands and I'll be fine. Besides it'll just take longer if I hold on." Hyunwoo nodded and continued. Kihyun looked at his stitches. They were covered in blood. "I'm gonna have to change them now." The younger nodded.
Taking a deep breath. The older started cutting them and taking them out. Kihyun decided to hold onto the olders shirt. "C-Can you tell me now what happened." Hyunwoo nodded and told him everything. By the time he was done telling the story he was done with the stitches. Hyunwoo reached into a drawer and grabbed a large bandage.
"I have to go find Hoseok and thank him. " The older shook his head. "He's not here. Secret mission. Don't worry he's fine. Hyungwon took care of him." Kihyun nodded and looked around the room again like he did earlier. There were more things then last time. "Who's that." He asked.
The older looked to the side and saw the photo. "He used to be Jacksons fiance. My father killed him." Kihyun gasped at this and put his hands to his mouth. He got up and picked up the picture. The man was indeed very hansome. Hyunwoo got up and smiled at the photo. It was a picture of a man smiling.
"He died at a very young age. 6 years ago today to be exact." Kihyun wanted to cry. This is what Jackson had meant. 'You helped me through my rough time' He finally understood why he came to Hyunwoo's every call. "Jackson almost died. It was at a wearhouse back in america." The younger nodded and set the photo down where it was displayed.
"What was his name." Kihyun asked. "His name was Mark." They both turned to the door. Jackson appeared. His eyes a puffy red with tear streak stains down his cheeks. One escaped his eye and he wiped it off immediately. "Jackson." Hyunwoo said sternly and pulled Kihyun behind him. The younger was clueless.
Why was the older protecting him. "Nobody can change the past. We can bui-" He was cut off by Jackson slashing something at him. Kihyun saw it shine. It was a sharp knife. Hyunwoo pushed Kihyun away making him colide with the floor. Kihyun yelled in pain. He looked over at Jackson but saw Changkyun. "Run Changkyun."
Changkyun wanted to see his mother so he tried to sneek up the stairs but Jackson beat him to it. It took the toddler time but soon he reached the room and saw Jackson try and hit Hyunwoo. Instantly Kihyun told him to run and he did. He ran as fast as he could. "JB!" He cried. "JB!" Changkyun fell again and this time he didn't have the strength to get up. He heard footsteps and a shadow kneel in front of him. "Changkyun what's wrong." It was BamBam. "J-Jack-Jacks-s-son." He couldn't speak but sobbed. Screams were heard upstairs and the older knew.
"Go into the room farthest down the hall. It's opened just a crack. Hide." He picked up the toddler and made him stand. Then pushed him making him run to where he said. "Damn it Jackson. Not again." He mumbled and ran up the stairs. It had happened every year. It really wasn't Jacksons fault what that man made him witness was tragic.
He'd witnessed the death of the one he loved most. It was brutal and unhuman. He'd dream about it and the outcome was never good. Sleep walking was what some would say. "You killed him. How could you." Jackson yelled. He was pinned to the floor by Hyunwoo. Kihyun was in the corner still, afraid to move.
"Jackson." BamBam came in and saw the scene. He ran to the drawer where the photo was on and grabbed a bottle. He shook it and hoped it was still good. Telling Kihyun to plug his ears. He obeyed and the younger pressed a button. It sounded a horn like on a truck or a big car. Hyunwoo let go and plugged his ears.
"Wh-What the fuck is going on."
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