More people came over and picked Kihyun up. Bringing him back to the room he was in. Instantly they went to work and stitched him back up. "Stay awake Kihyun. Fight through the pain." Needles were going through his side and all he could do was scream. All he felt was pain. Another needle through his arm, and another in his shoulder. He began to feel sleepy and passed out.
Everyone in the room began working harder. They had to cut the stitches, take them out and put new ones in. "What was he doing up. Didn't I say when he wakes up to take things slow." Jackson yelled. Jooheon stuttered and tried to speak. "H-He got up himself. He seemed just fine." Jackson sighed in annoyance. "Get him out of here." BamBam nodded and guided Jooheon away. Then began to work again.
"Yah Hyunwoo calm down." Hoseok yelled. Bang! Another shot and a body dropped. He was furious. While Kihyun was laying on a bed unconscious. Hyunwoo was putting bullets inside others. "Kihyun would not like you doing this and you know it." The older didn't say anything. Just kept shooting. He captured maybe 30 people who were involved in the breakin.
12 were already dead. The rest, waiting. 4 more shots were heard and making it 16 dead now. "Hyunwoo!" Hoseok pulled Hyunwoo to look at him. The gun was now pointing at him. Tears streamed down his best friends eyes. "Don't test me right now Wonho. I don't want to shoot you but if I have to I will." Hoseok was about to say something when his phone buzzed.
He took it out of his pocket and answered seeing it was Hyungwon. "What's up-" He stayed silent until the younger said goodbye. "It's Kihyun. H-He's awake. Well was." "What do you mean was." Hyunwoo asked. "Apparently his stitches came undone and his wound is infected. Please just let these assholes go. Kihyun needs you, hell Changkyun needs you."
"Dont be like those monsters"
He heard Kihyun speak to him in his mind. He didnt want to be like those people. Like his father. But if he kept doing this he'd end up just like him, and he'd do anything not to. This made Hyunwoo stop. He set the gun down.
"Fine. We'll go, but I'm finishing them all off first. They are the reason Kihyun was shot." "No I was. I was still upstairs with Hyungwon. I was distracted and let him through." Hyunwoo sighed. "Go to the car. I'll be there in a minute." Hoseok knew he wasn't gonna get the older to stop now. So we went to the car and crossed his arms sitting down. His phone chimed again. He grabbed it and sighed.
Hoseokie Changkyun isn't doing so well. He keeps calling for Kihyun but the only one he'll listen to is Hyunwoo
Hoseok rushed out of the car and back up the hill. "Hyung they say Changkyun isn't doing okay. He needs you." He paused to let Hyunwoo process. Meaning he would have to leave the rest of them alive. "Fuck." The older sighed. He put the gun down to his side and walked to the car. "If a cop pulls me over I'm shooting him." Hyunwoo said. Hoseok followed and they sped off. Eager to get back to the safe house.
They made it within 2 hours. Hyunwoo barged through. "Yah where is he." He yelled and searched for Changkyun.
"Appa..." The older hugged his son tight. "Wolfie I got you. Nothing will ever happen like this again. I promise." He thought for a moment. Knowing exactly how he could make sure this never happened again. "C-Come on let's go play with some toys." Hyunwoo said to try and distract the toddler. He realized the toddler was more fragile and important than himself.
Of course what he saw in that room traumatized him but if Changkyun ever saw it. He'd need more then therapy to get himself back to normal. So he was gonna make sure the toddler never sets foot in that room until Kihyun was awake. "Where's uncle Honey." Hyunwoo asked. Changkyun giggled. "He's with new uncle Bam. I think they like each other a lot. Like eomma and Appa, or uncle Wonnie and uncle Wonho."
"And I thought he was the straight one of the group." Hyunwoo mumbled. "Hmm." Changkyun hummed. He didnt hear what his father said. The older was glad and changed the subject very quickly. "Uncle Wonnie was supposed to watch me but when you and uncle Wonho got here he disappeared." Hyunwoo understood and sat down. "Let's watch some TV huh." He wasnt in a play with toys mood.
The toddler agreed and they watched disney channel. Hyunwoo thought while Changkyun was in a trance watching the tv. Nothing could distract him more then tv. "Hyunwoo." Someone whispered. The older looked towards the direction of the door. "It's about Kihyun." Instantly he told the toddle he would be right back and left. Shutting the door.
He saw Yugyeom and demanded that he make sure nothing gets through or out of the room. "What is it." Hyunwoo asked. "He's okay. All the stitches are fine and the bleeding has stopped. Hoseok has given him as much blood as he could, but he's the strongest one, no offense, here and we cant let him get any weaker. Jooheon, Changkyun, Hyungwon, and you are the only ones that can give him more blood if needed."
Hyunwoo didn't need anytime to think. He already knew Hyungwon was too scrony, no way was Changkyun giving his mother his blood. It was either him or Jooheon. "He needs it rest now. The longer he sleeps the more he'll heal." Hyunwoo nodded and rubbed his face. "Thank you for everything." The other nodded and lead him to the room.
"H-Hyung I told them I was fine. 4 pints isn't much. I-I can save him for you. I'm... responsible for what...happened." Hoseok looked as if he hadn't slept in days. "Take Hoseok and put him in a bed to recover. Hyunwoo sit down where Hoseok was." The machine was beeping signalling Kihyun was breathing but not steadily.
Jackson was demanding. He grew to like Kihyun. Even with his fucked up life he didnt think he was that bad of a kid. Just unfortunate in life. "Jinyoung grab a new needle and start taking blood immediately. I think-" Blood was everywhere, all over Jackson, Kihyun, and Hoseok. A machine beeped in a single line. Signaling that the patient wasn't breathing.
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