sorry for the late update
They all turned around and saw Minhyuk. He shakily held a gun. A stranger on the floor, bleeding out. "Go." He yelled. "Quickly. I got this." Hyungwon pushed everyone to the stairs. Making them move and get to safety. Luckily the basement had a secret entrance so it would look like they were going to the normal basement instead of the hide out.
There were more gun shots heard making them all jump. Changkyun tugged on his mothers shirt. "V-Vent." He mumbled. "Do you feel safer there." The toddler nodded. Kihyun got up and went to the vent. Taking off the thingy and setting his 4 year old son inside. "Mommy will be right here." He set the thingy back in place so nobody could tell anyone was in it.
Really it wasnt an actual vent. Hyunwoo built it when they moved there. Incase Changkyun had to hide again. It had a built in soft floor, blanket, pillow, snacks, and a few drinks. Things that would last a long while if things got sketchy. "Here's bear and hamster." Kihyun said and shoved them in. It was very spacy. A few cobwebs here and there but that didnt scare the toddler at the moment-
All of a sudden they heard Minhyuk scream. "Someone has to get him down here." Jooheon yelled. "I-I'll do it." Kihyun volunteered. "Ani you just woke up. I should go-." "Fuck." Jooheon interrupted. Kihyun and Hyungwon both looked at him. "Both of you look like shit. I'm the only one who hasn't been beaten on. I have to go. You guys stay here and protect Changkyun. If anyone comes down here hide." Jooheon went back to the stairs and went through the hidden door.
The first thing he saw was Minhyuk being picked up by someone. He found the nearest thing and ran towards them. When the guy turned to look at him he dropped the object. "D-D-Dr.Wang." He stuttered. "Take him somewhere safe. Hyunwoo called my gang and we're here. You all will be safe. Yugyeum! Go with Jooheon and guard the others."
The doctor put Minhyuk in Jooheons arms and his friend followed. Jackson grabbed out his gun and started shooting. The younger took his chance to go back downstairs. Yugyeom was a footstep away from Jooheon. They reached the hidden floor and set Minhyuk down on his bed. "First aide kit in the bathroom. Go get it now." Jooheon demanded.
Hyungwon did as he was told. Kihyun stayed as close as he could to the 'vent'. Yugyeom counted everyone in the room. "Where is the 5th one." He asked. "5th who." "Mr.Chae, Jackson said there was 5 people down here. I've only counted 4." "Who have you counted so far." Hyungwon questioned. "You, Mr.Yoo, Mr.Lee Jooheon, and Mr.Lee Minhyuk, Jackson's boyfriend."
Kihyun held his arms out at the vent and a toddler instantly jumped into them. "Th-That's IM." Yugyeom gasped. "This...child is the reason why people are trying to kill the Monsta X clan." Kihyun held the toddler tight. He never thought of it that way. Changkyun was just a kid. "Eomma did I do something." Changkyun mumbled. "I-It is true then. You, a male bared a child." Kihyun nodded awkwardly. He felt like a freak again.
"H-How did you do it." "Hyunwoo and I didn't do anything special. We you know, did it and it just happened-" "Eomm and appa shared a special hug. Then I came out of eommas tummy." The toddler instantly felt comfortable infront of Yugyeom. He had child-like features. "I-I don't mean to scare you. It's just my boyfriend and I ever since we heard about you. We just became more curious."
Kihyun smiled a little. His cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. "Eomma when is appa coming back." He shook his mother out of his thoughts. Someone started running down the stairs. Yugyeom instantly pulled out a gun and aimed it at the door. A stranger appeared out of breath and a bit bloody. "Youngjay." Yugyeom gasped. He put the gun down and hugged him.
"Is Hyunwoo okay." Kihyun blurted out. Youngjay, the new stranger nodded. "Everyone is fine. Shownu will be here soon. Jackson is on his way to take care of the wounded.... Is there a room we can use for our wounded members." Jooheon stepped up and nodded. "Follow me." He guided Youngjay and Yugyeom to a spare room. 3 others entered. They were decorated with cuts and bruises.
Changkyun freaked out and asked to go back in his safe vent. Kihyun allowed it when he heard a door open and more footsteps. He was worried there were gonna be more strangers. What if one of them were bad. Nobody was guarding the door. The brown hairs heart sank the minute he saw who entered. Seeing someone he loved beat up so badly. His stomach felt like it was being cut out and all that was left was a hole.
"Kihyunnie." Was all he could say before running up to the younger. Hugging him tight and spinning him in the air. "Changkyun, is he okay." The younger nodded with a smile. "Appa." Changkyun smiled. He jumped out of the vent and into his fathers arms. Hyunwoo hugged him tight.
He sighed out of relief. "Shownu." The oldest turned around. "JB thank you for helping save my family. I owe you and your men. Wonho is collecting as much supplies with Jackson as possible. They will tend to your men." JB nodded and walked towards a room that sounded a bit noisy. "I'm gonna go help Hoseok." Hyungwon said and rushed out the door.
"Eomma, appa. Are we safe." Hyunwoo nodded. Kihyun looked up and smiled but it faded quickly. A man in a mask held a gun. A few inches away from Hgunwoos head. Nobody had noticed him. Everyone was worried about others or themselves. Hyunwoo and Kihyun were focused on Changkyun. He couldn't lose the older. So he got up and moved in front of Hyunwoo.
A gun shot was heard and he instantly stopped. Blood rushed to his throat. He coughed from the bitter taste of iron and red liquid spit everywhere. He looked down feeling as if his insides were being taken out like earlier. His hands and body shook. A few more bangs and he dropped to the floor. Seeing the blood pour out and stain his shirt. Kihyun looked up speechless. The last thing he heard was one more gun shot then darkness consumed his vision.
He felt like seconds passed when he opened his eyes. Remembering instantly what had happened. "You're up." He turned his head and saw Jooheon. "Joonie where is everyone. Hyunwoo-" "H-He left a few days ago. The Got7 clan allowed us to stay at one of their hideouts until everyone recovered. I'm glad you woke up. Minhyuk is still out. H-He hasn't woken up yet."
The older sat up and felt a sharp pain on his side. "I-I thought you and Hyunwoo were trying to start a family." Kihyun looked up and sighed. "We are-" "Then why did you do that. Jump in front of that gun like that." The older couldn't answer. Of course he wanted to protect his family. It was stupid of him to do that. Hyunwoo was trained to survive things like that.
He had muscles and a bigger body then Kihyuns scrony figure. "Damnit." Kihyun said and put his hands to his face. "How's Changkyun." Jooheon sat back in his chair. "He had a night terror the night you got shot again. This is too much stress for a 4 year old. You and Hyunwoo need to figure something out. I have no idea how long Changkyun can take this. He's still plastic. But not for long."
The older nodded and unhooked himself from the machines. "Where is he." Jooheon got up and guided his brother to a room. It was on the top floor. A smallish room about 8 by 12 feet. "Changkyun." The toddler jumped at the voice and ran at the door. Jumping into his mothers arms. "I'm so sorry. I'll never do that again." The toddler sobbed and sobbed.
Kihyun looked in the room and saw another stranger. He stood up with his baby in his arms. "Who are you." He asked. "I'm BamBam, apart of the Got7 clan. It is nice to meet you Mr.Yoo. I am glad you are healed. IM was just showing me his favorite bear." The younger didnt answer. He didn't want anyone near his baby. "I shall go and check on Mr.Lee." Bambam walked past moving fast.
"Hyung he's a nice man. All he was doing was playing with Changkyun." Jooheon frowned. The older sighed. He knew his brother was right. A sharp pain shot through Kihyuns side. He bent over and set Changkyun down. Blood started coming out of his side. Jooheon saw this and yelled for a man named Jinyoung. Instantly he was there and lifted Kihyuns shirt up. "His stitches have opened up." Kihyun fell back almost going unconscious.
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