Hyungwon woke up. He was in a bed. He looked to the sides and saw someone. "Hello." He mumbled. "Hyungwon you're finally awake." The younger sat up. "Finally." He asked. "How long was I sleeping. What happened." The older mumbled the answer but the only thing clear to him was 6 years. "I-I was asleep for six years." He gasped. "Wh-Where's Kihyun and Changkyun." "Dead."
Hyungwon woke up and groaned. He hoped the dream was false. Six years, dead. "Hello." He groaned again. No answer. He got up and looked around scared. Nobody was there, not even Hoseok. "Hoseokie." He yelled regretting it instantly. His head pounded. He put his hand up to it and felt a bandage that was damp. He looked at his fingers and saw red. His heart started pounding even more.
Was he kidnapped. Did somebody take him when he...called Hoseok. He remembered what happened. Changkyun. "Ch-Changkyun." He gasped. Getting up he felt a bit dizzy, he had to find Changkyun and get out of wherever they were. Hyungwon opened the door and was blinded with light. "Uncle Wonnie." Changkyun yelled and ran towards him. Hyungwon instantly fell down but grabbed the toddler tight. "It's okay Changkyun I got you. We'll find a way out. I'll get us both home to Kihyun."
"But eomma is-" "Shh we have to stay quiet." Hyungwon got up and walked towards a kitchen. He looked around and it was quiet. The front door was locked shut and needed a key. He looked around the tiny kitchen. There was a knife on the counter and he grabbed it setting the toddler down. "Hold onto my hand Changkyun." He whispered. He heard a noise coming from another room. He went towards it and saw a man on the phone. He was short and buff.
"Hyungwons not awake yet." He heard the man say over the phone. "Stay here. When I say run then run." The toddler was scared of the older. He didnt know what was going on. He felt like crying. All he knew was Hyungwon was gonna stab his uncle. He knew his uncle Wonnie loved his Uncle Wonho, and was confused as to why he was gonna attack him.
Hyungwon walked up to the older on the phone and held the knife up shakily. The floor squeaked and Hoseok paused what he was saying. He turned around and saw Hyungwon. The younger brought the knife down and hit Hoseoks arm when he defended himself. "Yah what are you doing." "This is for kidnapping me and Changkyun." He smacked the phone out of the olders hand and made Hoseok mad so he made Hyungwon drop the knife and pinned him down. "Run Changkyun." The younger yelled.
He tried getting out of the olders grip. "Let go of me. Hoseok is gonna find me and tear you to pieces." He growled. "Hyungwon I am Hoseok." The older said. Hurt all over his voice. "No you aren't." Hyungwon snapped. "Look in my eyes. I know you remember me Wonnie." Hosoek held the youngers head still so he could only look at him.
Hyungwon tried to look away or shut his eyes. "Remember when we went out to an amusement park and rid every ride. You made me buy you all the jumbo shrimp they had, and then we got kicked out because you refused to let those people talk shit about us. How you punched one of them and almost got yourself arrested." Hyungwon started to remember. "Dont you know what Hoseok- what I look like."
Hyungwons vision started to get blurry. Everything hit him like a truck. "I bought you that bebegom plush because it reminded you of me but then you gave it to a little girl who also wanted it. She couldn't have been older then Changkyun." Hyungwon passed out at that point. Hoseok tried waking him up. "Hoseokie." He mumbled.
The older let go of Hyungwon and let him sit up. He held his head and sighed. "What the hell happened." He asked. "You woke up and attacked me. I was on the phone with Kihyun and then you stabbed me-" "I what." Hoseok took a deep breath and held out his arm. "I should wrap this up and change your bandages." "I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me." Hyungwon mumbled.
"Wonnie it's okay. You hit your head pretty hard when you fell. How is your head. Where does it hurt the most." "H-Here." He said and felt the spot with stitches. "Dr.Wang said that's where you hit the rock. I went back to where you were attacked and saw the rock..." He wanted to add more but stopped. "Why'd you call me. None of this would have happened if you didnt call me."
Hyungwon didn't say anything and shifted he wasnt comfortable on the floor. Hoseok sighed and got up. "Changkyun let's go and rebandage uncle Wonnie." Changkyun hid behind the older. The toddler was scared of Hyungwon. He lashed out and didnt like it. They all headed to the medical room and bandaged up Hoseoks arm. Then Hyungwons head.
The older gave him pain killers and some water. Changkyun fiddled with his fingers in the corner. "How long was I out for." Hoseok didn't want to answer. "Hoseok." "2 weeks." Hyungwon started crying. "The doctor said you could be out from 2 to 4 weeks. I'm glad it only lasted 2. I dont know how much longer I could have taken it." Hoseok sighed shakily.
"Taken what." Hyungwon asked. He was afraid of what the older would say to him. "You had seizures once every few days. I-I freaked out the first time it happened. I was trying to get the blood to stop and then you just started shaking. I-I didn't know what-" He was cut off by Hyungwon hugging him. "I love you." He mumbled. "I-I love you too." It was the first time they said it to each other.
"Eomma and appa are home." Changkyun gasped and ran towards the door. Hyungwon started slipping through the olders grip. "Wonnie are you okay." He asked. "Y-Yeah just...a-a little light headed." "M-Maybe you should lay back down." The younger nodded and took a deep breath. "Hyungwon you're awake." Kihyun gasped setting down groceries. "H-Hey." The younger mumbled out and fell unconscious once again.
Hoseok carried him to the bed and pulled the blankets over him. Trying to make him as comfortable as possible. "Hyung what happened." Kihyun asked. "I was on the phone with you and he came up and attacked me. When he wakes up be careful, he might forget what you look like." Kihyun didnt say anything. It must have hurt Hoseok so much. The love of your life not recognizing you.
He must be heartbroken. Kihyun looked up at the olders arm. Just seeing the fresh bandage. He put his hand on it instantly being pushed back a little. It caught him off guard making him fall. Hyunwoo saw this and walked in. "What the hell Hoseok." He snapped and helped Kihyun up. "I'm sorry Kihyun. I-Its just Hyungwo-" "It's fine. I shouldn't have touched your arm."
"Don't ever touch him like that again. You here me." Hyunwoo yelled. Hoseok just pushed himself out the door and left. Slamming it shut. "Are you okay. Did he hurt you." Hyunwoo asked his voice changing from harsh to soft and caring. "Appa why did you yell at uncle Wonho." Changkyun asked. "I'm fine Hyunwoo." Kihyun said, they ignored the toddlers questions. They did that a lot when he didn't need to know. So he turned around and went to go play with some toys.
"He had every right to-" "No he did not. He should have never put his hands on you." Hyunwoo interrupted. Kihyun started getting mad. "Look. People have put their hands on me my whole life. Just because you're here doesn't mean it won't happen again. He didn't mean to push me and I forgave him." He moved out of Hyunwoos grip and fixed his shirt.
"Then why did he." The older asked. "Hyungwon forgot who Hoseok was. I saw a bandage on his arm and touched it. He defended himself. I was in the wrong he wasn't. Don't be mad at him be mad at me." Kihyun sighed when he finished speaking. Hyunwoo didn't speak. "What if I was in Hyungwons position. If I had forgot who you were. If you pushed Hyungwon. What do you think he would have done to you. Nothing."
The younger walked out of the room and out the front door. Trying to find Hoseok. Instead he ran into the wrong man.
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