Hyunwoo watched as Kihyun and Changkyun slept. They slept peacefully while the older thought. He felt beyond guilty for doing what he had done. It was selfish of him. He should have washed up and gone back to comfort his boyfriend and their child, but no he had to stand in front of the sink and crush glass in his palms like an idiot, a coward...how pathetic.
A knock on the door shook him from his thoughts. "Hyung." Hoseok motioned the older to come out of the room. Hyunwoo got up feeling dizzy and held his head with one of his hands. Sighing and followed. When he got out Hoseok instantly examined the olders wrapped palms. "Hyung...wh-why would you do this. Remember the last time. You almost didn't survive." Hurt was all over his voice. "You're suck a child. I'm fine. Go back to work."
"Y-Yes s-sir. Sorry s-sir." Hoseok turned around and went back to his room. Slamming the door shut. Hyunwoo didn't know what was wrong. Had he said something wrong. "That was rude." Jooheon said from behind him. The older turned around and looked at the younger confused. "He cares a lot about you. You're like an older brother to him. He has feelings like everyone else."
Hyunwoo scoffed. "He was trained to shut all feelings off. If he wanted to he'd kill everyone in this house." Jooheon sighed and shook his head. "He wouldn't be dating Hyungwon if he didn't have feelings. From what I heard it didn't take him long to fall for Wonnie. The older Hoseok would probably do what you said, but today he couldn't. Would you." The younger left Hyunwoo speechless. All he could do was walk back into the room and sit down. "Bear why'd you leave." Kihyun yawned and sat up.
He opened his eyes after rubbing them and saw the puzzled look. "What happened. I heard doors slamming. Is everything okay." Changkyun stirred in his sleep and snuggled closer to Kihyun. Feeling the warmth disappear when the older sat up. "Y-Your bandages." Kihyun gasped and quickly got off the bed wrapping the olders hands in a towel. Hyunwoo hadn't noticed he was squeezing his fists.
"I'm fine. I think I just need to-" With that he collapsed onto the floor. Making Kihyun scream his name. He got up and cradled the older. Carefully he checked for a heart beat and found it. From what he knew it was normal. So he tried getting the hair out of the unconscious males eyes and opened them. Making him blink and sit up. "Bear you scared me so much." Kihyun sobbed and hugged him.
"Wh-What happened." The older asked. "Y-You fell a-and were unconscious for a few seconds. Hyunwoo squeezed his eyes and shook his head. The blurry vision becoming clear. "I just need some rest. I'll be fine tomorrow. I need to protect you and my son, before he-" "We heard screaming what happened." Jooheon asked out of breath. Hyunwoo looked away in shame.
"Nothing. I fell, and that's it. Mind your own business." He snapped. "Joonie take Changkyun and let him sleep in his own bed. I need to speak with Hyunwoo alone." Kihyun sounded furious. Everyone stared wide eyed for a few seconds before listening. Then it was just the two adults alone. The younger got up off the floor and stood waiting for the older.
"Wha-" "First of all he's not just your son. You didn't raise him off the streets for the first 4 years of his life. Second of all, how dare you speak to my family like that. They aren't your servants. You treat them with respect. Last of all what the fuck were you thinking. You need to sleep and rest for at least a week. I don't care if you have 'business' to take care of. You are going to lay in this fucking bed until I say you can go back to work. I am your boyfriend and you will listen to me."
Kihyun was screaming at this point. Snapping and looking terrifying. Hyunwoo was actually frightened of the younger. He'd always been but that's because Kihyun was Kihyun. He doesn't take shit from no one. The older laid down and got under the covers. "Thank you." Kihyun sighed. He smiled and kissed Hyunwoos forehead.
"Now I'm gonna go make you something to eat. Stay here." "I'm not a dog." Hyunwoo mumbled and crossed his arms. Kihyun sighed again and walked out going to the kitchen. He passed everyone, they looked at him frightened. When Kihyun was finally alone he tried not to break down. He took a deep breath to calm down, but it only made it worse. The tears started flowing and the sobs became known.
He was so scared something had happened. "K-Kihyun." The younger sniffled and tried to stop crying. "He...Hey Wonnie." He couldn't bare to look at Hyungwon. He looked so broken. "What are you making him for breakfast." Kihyun couldn't speak not now, but he had to answer. "........Toast, e-eegs, some juice. Healthy things, s-so he gets better soon."
The older nodded and grabbed all the ingredients. Kihyun was about to grab something when Hyungwon sat him down at the table. He grabbed a cup poured orange juice into it and gave it to the younger. "Drink." He said emotionless. The red head nodded and started sipping away. He needed to relax, for a few minutes. Maybe even rest his head on the table to calm his headache.
Before they knew it Kihyun was asleep. He would definitely wake up with puffy red eyes. Hyungwon made all of Hyunwoos breakfast. He wanted to have a talk with the oldest. So he got a tray ready and walked upstairs. "Hyunwoo we need to-.....talk." He sighed and set the tray down. Hyunwoo was sound asleep. "Fucker." The younger mumbled angrily. "Babe watch out." Hoseok whispered.
Hyungwon watched his boyfriend carry Kihyun's unconscious body onto the bed. He could see the tear streaks. "Come on we should leave them alone." The tall male nodded and followed after the other.
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