"Kihyun wake up....Kihyunnie." The younger gasped awake. He wasn't in his warm usual bed with Hyunwoo. Instead he was in a hospital room on the couches. "Changkyun." He stammered and looked around. He'd hoped it was all a dream and the toddler was home safe.
"I just got here. Has he woken up yet." Hyunwoo asked. The younger nodded and set his feet on the floor ready to get up. "The nurse told me you fainted yesterday. A few hours after I left. A-Are you alright." Kihyun nodded. "Th-They said he was in a lot of...p-pain." Kihyun sniffled.
Hyunwoo hugged the younger and took a deep breath. "They gave him medicine so he's not in pain anymore. We can take him home soon. Why don't you freshen up. I brought you a change of clothes or that beautiful hair of yours. Maybe put a fresh smile on your face." The younger nodded once again and took the bag. Then headed to the bathroom to shower.
Hyunwoo got up and sat down beside Changkyun. "I'll find whoever did this to you Wolfie." There wasn't a response only a little shuffling and mumbles. Then his eyes opened and looked around. "A-Appa where a-am I. Where's eomma." He sounded weak and scared. Something Hyunwoo hated.
"In the hospital. Don't worry you're safe here." "I-I'm scar...scared." The older grabbed his tiny hand and rubbed his thumb across the youngers tiny knuckle. "I brought you something." He grabbed something in his bag handing it to the toddler.
"Shownu." He gasped and hugged the teddy bear. The scared weak tone started to fade from the toddlers voice and made Hyunwoo relieved. He turned on the tv and put on a cartoon for the toddler. His phone buzzed and took it out.
I found out what it was. It seems your father had something to do with it.
You know what to do.
He put his phone back in his pocket and rubbed his face, not caring if Hoseok responded. He should have known his father was involved. Then he remembered what Kihyun said. "How do you feel." "Hungry." Changkyun mumbled. "I'll be right back." Hyunwoo smirked.
Even if he was feeling extremely angry he couldn't let the toddler see it. He got up and walked out going to the vending machine he had passed earlier. He grabbed his wallet and started putting in money. Then pressed all the buttons he'd thought the toddler would like.
His hands were full by the time he entered the room. Even his pockets were a bit full. "Appa." Changkyun giggled and saw how the older struggled getting the candy to the bed. Changkyun started opening the bags and eating as much as he could.
"What's all this." Kihyun asked from the bathroom door. Hyunwoo turned around and looked at the red haired. His hair was still damp, clothing clung to his wet skin. "He woke up after you left to shower." Hyunwoo smiled and walked towards him.
Changkyun was too focused on the candy he didn't realize the others were talking or even there. Kihyun held his arms out and instantly fell into Hyunwoos. "How is he." Kihyun asked. "At first he was scared but after a few minutes he was pretty happy. Then I got him candy."
The younger lightly chuckled and nodded. "I never give him sugar so he's probably gonna love you for a long time." They watched as Changkyun happily ate his candy. "Eomma." The red head let go of Hyunwoo and walked over to the toddler. "I can't eat it all. Help meeeeee."
Kihyun giggled and was handed a candy bar. He opened it up and took a bite. Knowing Changkyun would make him eat it. Plus he hadn't eaten for a few days. "Appa come join us." The older walked over and sat down. He never ate junk food because it would ruin his image.
"Please~." He sighed and took the candy bar. Opening it and took a bite. The adults ate the sweets slowly as the toddler ate like there was no tomorrow. "When do I get to go home." Changkyun asked. "Maybe tomorrow if you're good." Kihyun mumbled.
"As long as I'm with my eomma and appa. I will be safe wherever I am. Right." The older two nodded and both said 'Right.' Yet both had an uneasy feeling about it. "Can I have a baby brother." Hyunwoo and Kihyun both choked on air at those 2 words.
Changkyun politely patted both their backs and munched on his candy bar. "A-A-A b-b-bab-baby brother." Kihyun asked. The toddler nodded with a smile. "Uncle Wonnie said you guys had a very special hug. It was so special it created me. I hug people all the time, so it will be easy."
"Uncle Wonnie is crazy. It's a lot more work then a hug." Hyunwoo mumbled. Kihyun hit the back of his head and growled. He actually growled which scared Hyunwoo, a lot. "Well I don't think I want to receive a special hug from your appa ever again. Since he says it's a lot of work."
"N-No, no, no. I didn't mean it was a lot of work. It's easy." Hyunwoo mumbled. "So I'm easy." The olders jaw dropped past the floor. Everything was going the wrong way now. "Th-That's not wh-what I m-meant either." He defended. "Hmm so what did you mean." Kihyun asked.
The older couldn't say anything. He didn't know how to speak. Especially with a toddler right next to him. Changkyun started giggling and so did Kihyun. "Wh-What's so funny." The older asked. "Appa sounds funny. Eomma look at his face."
"I'm just kidding Hyunwoo." Kihyun laughed. The older was shocked at what the younger did to him. How he put him in a vulnerable place so easily and fast. His phone buzzed and checked who it was. It was a call from Hoseok.
"Speak." Hyunwoo demanded.
"I got him. He already confessed to everything."
"Did you get it on camera."
"Of course sir."
"Good. I'll be right there."
Hyunwoo instantly hung up. "A-Appa are you leaving." Changkyun frowned. "Only for a few hours. I'll be right back." Kihyun looked down and fiddled with his fingers. "D-Did you find wh-who did this." Hyunwoo sighed and nodded. "Yes. He confessed to everything."
"Just don't get hurt. Call me every two hours okay." Kihyun demanded. Hyunwoo smiled and kissed his head. Then Changkyuns and got up leaving.
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