The older ran to them and watched as the toddler threw up. He started sobbing and puked again. "It's okay Wolfie." Kihyun whispered and rubbed his back. "Hyunwoo c-could you get him some water." The older nodded and rushed back inside.
The toddler held onto his mother and continued to cry. After a few minutes Hyunwoo came back and handed over the water and some napkins. He let Kihyun do his job. Not knowing how to deal with a sick child. "Lets get home so you can take a bath and rest." The red haired smiled.
Changkyun nodded and held his arms up for Kihyun to carry him still crying. Then all 3 headed back to the car. "He's burning up." Kihyun frowned and felt the toddlers cheeks and forehead.
"Everyone must be sleeping." Kihyun mumbled as they walked in. "It's about 11pm. Probably just went to bed early." The younger nodded and lightly bounced Changkyun in his arms. "I hope he isn't that sick." "Probably just a little fever. It'll be gone by morning." Hyunwoo shrugged.
"I'll run him a warm bath. Could you check his temperature." Kihyun asked worriedly. Hyunwoo nodded and took Changkyun to the bathroom where the thermometer was. "Ahh." The older said and the toddler mimicked him opening his mouth.
Hyunwoo set the thermometer in the youngers mouth and waited. A few minutes later he looked at the thermometer and widened his eyes. Then instantly put his hand over the toddlers forehead. Even if he still didn't know much about kids he knew this wasn't good. "How do you feel." Hyunwoo asked.
"K-Kihyun." The older called. The red haired ran into the bathroom and asked what was wrong. Hyunwoo gave him the thermometer and watched as the younger gasped. "T-Try it again. M-Maybe it's broken." He pleaded. "I just bought it. It's supposed to be the best one out there."
Kihyun nodded and brushed his hand through his hair. "I-If it doesn't go down by morning we'll take him to the hospital. C-Could you get him some cold water. I'll put him in the bath." He picked up the toddler and carried him upstairs.
He mumbled comforting words and hoped it'd sooth the younger down. "Changkyunnie do you remember what you ate at grandmas." Kihyun asked. The toddler shook his head. He'd eaten everything Changkyun did so why was he suddenly so sick.
What had caused him to suddenly get so sick. Unless if he ate something before and it had taken effect on him later, meaning now. "Mommy I don't feel good." Changkyun whimpered. The older knew what was about to happen and brought him to the toilet. Seconds later he vomited.
"It's okay Wolfie. Just let it out." Kihyun sniffled. Hyunwoo came in with a sippy cup. Kihyun could see the ice cubes in it and smiled at the older. "Lets wash out your mouth then take a bath huh." He was glad Hyunwoo was here. He'd never be able to do this without him.
Which made him wonder how he did it while the older wasn't there with him. "You should go and relax. I got this." Hyunwoo said softly. "You've been through a lot today. I'm sure you're probably sore and should wrap your arm before it swells even more." The younger nodded receiving a kiss before he headed out.
"Thank you Hyunwoo." He smiled. The older smiled back and watched as he left. Then started undressing the toddler and carefully set him in the bath. Then went on the internet and found as much as he could on toddler health.
Kihyun yawned waking up and pulled Changkyun close to him. Instantly he noticed something off. Usually he'd giggle or speak, sometimes even push the older away. He sat up and gasped. Changkyun's face was pale. "Wolfie wake up." He yelled but got no response.
"Hyunwoo call an ambulance." The older sat up instantly clueless as to why Kihyun looked so worried. Then he remembered. "I-I'll call my doctor and he'll get here fas-" "No! He needs the hospital now." The older nodded and put his shirt on. Grabbing his keys to start the car.
"What's going on guys." Hoseok bursted through the door. "It's Changkyun. H-He had a high fever last night and he's not waking up." Kihyun cried. "Hoseok you practiced medical things right." Hyunwoo asked. The blue haired nodded instantly.
He walked over to the bed. "He's really pale. Let me check his pulse." Kihyun moved aside and let the older do his job. "I have something but I don't know if it'll work. I'll give it to him on the way to the hospital. We better go quick. I-I don't know how much longer he has."
"Let's go then." Kihyun sniffled. "I'll go get my stuff. You guys head out to the car." Hyunwoo carried Changkyun and Kihyun followed. They headed to the car and got in. Kihyun was in the back of course with the lifeless toddler.
Hoseok entered the car and instantly told Hyunwoo to drive. Then took out alcohol wipes and a needle with liquids inside. "Wh-What is that for." Kihyun asked. "Shh. I have to concentrate." "Kihyunnie come up here. Let him do his job." Hyunwoo said softly.
The younger knew if he kept getting in Hoseoks way Changkyun wouldn't make it so he listened and went to the front. Hyunwoo took his hand and watched the road. "He'll be okay. Hoseok will do everything he can to make sure Changkyun lives." Hyunwoo demanded.
The younger took a deep breath and nodded. "H-Hyungwon a-a-a-and Jooheon. Do they know." Kihyun gasped. "I told them to meet us at the hospital in a few hours." Hoseok said. "What's his blood type." "O why" Kihyun asked. "Good then it'll work."
Kihyun watched as Hoseok stuck a needle in the toddlers arm. "There he should be fine now. It'll take a little bit for the color to return to his face." "When will he wake up." Kihyun asked instantly. "I don't know. It depends on how soon the doctors get whatever's inside him out." Hoseok frowned.
"When did he start getting his fever." "Last night when we were heading back from my eommas. He told me he didn't feel good and was gonna puke. He did eventually and then we took him home. I-I noticed a few days ago he was starting to heat up a bit but I was just thinking that was all the clothes I make him wear." Kihyun sobbed. "How high was his temperature when you last checked it."
sorrt for the delay usually i upload around 7am if i got school but my life is ass rn
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