Kihyun woke up to poking and groaned. "Changkyun go bug Hyungwon." The poking stopped but only for a few seconds. "But the scary man brought us food." Kihyun shot up scaring the toddler. "Did he touch you. Pick you up or talk to you."
The toddler shook his head. "He gave us food and left. He's really quiet." Changkyun frowned. "Don't talk to him unless I tell you okay." The baby nodded then his stomach growled making him rub it. "Hungry." He pouted. Kihyun sighed and nodded his mother instinct kicking.
"Open wide." Kihyun said and fed Changkyun a spoon full. He did that for a while till Changkyun spoke up. "Aren't you hungry eomma." Kihyun shook his head and smiled a little. "I ate earlier sweety." He rubbed the youngers back and kissed his head. "I'm gonna go fine uncle Wonnie okay. Don't open the door unless I give the secret knock like at home. Okay."
Changkyun nodded and munched on his toast. "I want bear." "He's at home. We'll get him soon." With that he left the room. Across from him was another room he slowly entered and saw Hyungwon asleep. He quickly sat down and took a deep breath. "Hyungwon wake up."
"Ten minutes." He mumbled. "Now. I don't want to leave Changkyun in that room for long." Kihyun shook his friend hard. "What do you mean ro- shit Kihyun are you okay what about Changkyun." Hyungwon sat up and grabbed his arm in pain. Kihyun nodded a tear ran down his face.
"He's fine eating as we speak. How's your arm." Hyungwon sighed and realized he was shirtless. He covered himself up but held his arm out. It was wrapped with a cloth but had a red stain that was the shape of a circle. "Hurts like hell but I've had worse."
Kihyun nodded rubbing his face. "I'll find you a sweatshirt or something." He got up and opened the closet pulling out a sweatshirt. "I see you've already got comfy." "Shut up turtle." Hyungwon shook his head and put the sweatshirt on with the help of his friend.
"Eomma~" Kihyun ran out of the room and tried opening the one he slept in. "Changkyunie its eomma." He did the secret knock hearing the click unlock and opened the door. Scooping Changkyun in his arms right away. "What's wrong baby." "I gotta pee."
Kihyun took another deep breath and rubbed Changkyuns back. "Okay baby. Let's find a bathroom huh." The toddler nodded and they searched for a bathroom. Soon finding it and letting the younger pee. "Eomma what happened to that scary man and his friend."
"I don't know Wolfie. You still hungry." The younger shook his head and flushed the toilet. "All done." He giggled. "Lets wash your hands hmm." After washing the toddlers hands they exited the bathroom. Running into someone. "Kihyun." His heart skipped a beat hearing that deep voice.
The voice he didn't think he'd hear ever again. "Changkyun go back in the room." Kihyun said harshly. The toddler obeyed and ran to the room shutting the door. "When am I allowed to go home." He asked. "I like the pink it looks good on you." The older smirked, ignoring the question.
Kihyun was now furious. 'I like the pink' After 5 years of never seeing someone thats what he says. "You're an ass." Kihyun scoffed and headed back to his room. Hyunwoo stopped him by grabbing his hand. "I'm sorry. I'm trying to fix things." Which made Kihyun scoff again.
"Its a little late for that. And what was up with the shooting. Changkyun could've gotten seriously injuryed." He snapped again. Hyunwoo looked down still holding onto the shorters hand. "I came back. After I found out about Changkyun I wanted to be a good fa-"
"No you don't get to play the father card. You're not his father. You're nothing to him and he's nothing to you. If you go near him I'll kill you." With that Kihyun pulled his hand free and went to the room slamming it shut.
"Well that was smooth." "I told him I was sorry." Hyunwoo frowned. Hoseok walked up to him and patted his shoulder. "Maybe don't start with his hair." "He didn't have to be so harsh about it." He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.
"I can't believe that is the mother of you're child. He's so..." "Cute." Hyunwoo blurted out. "I was gonna say naggy." Hyunwoo clutched his hand over his rapid beating heart. Even though things had changed over the years he was still in love with the younger.
"Don't even think about it. He's never gonna forgive you for what you did." Hyungwon snapped. He was leaning against the door. Hyunwoo jumped at the voice and turned to him. "Hyungwon how's your arm." He asked.
"I'm fine. Will someone please explain why we're here and who those guys were." Hyunwoo sighed shaking his head. "Bad people are after Kihyun. I can't tell you why because it doesn't concern you. This is between Kihyun and I."
Hyungwon scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Kihyun may still love you but he doesn't forgive easily. At this point I hope he never forgives you. Do you even know what you did." Hyungwon yelled. Hyunwoo didn't speak. He wasn't quite sure why Kihyun hated him.
He figured it was for leaving without saying anything and not contacting him till the day before at the cafe. "Because I left." Hyungwon shook his head. He looked angry but it faded to a soft hurt look. "What happened after you left, hurt him the most."
"W-What do you mean." Hyunwoo asked concerned. "If you had listened to the voicemails he sent you'd know." Hyungwon walked to Kihyuns room and knocked the secret knock. Hyunwoo stood there dumb founded. What did he mean by that.
"Wolfie how are you." Hyungwon smiled. Changkyun instantly went into his arms and hugged him tight. "Why were you yelling at the scary man. I don't like loud it makes me scared." Hyungwon nodded and apologized softly. His angry tone disappeared as if it was never there.
"H-Hyunwoo and I are going to the apartment to get some things." Kihyun mumbled. "I don't trust him. What if he hurts you again." Kihyun looked down and fiddled with his fingers. "Ch-Changkyun needs his medicine. Clean cloths his blanket and plushie." There was a soft knock at the door.
"If he touches you or hurts you in any way. I'll kick his...ass." Hyungwon muffled Changkyun's ears for the last word. Kihyun opened the door and stepped back a bit. "We better go." Hyunwoo mumbled.
"Scary man don't hurt my eomma."
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