After dying his hair they came out of the bathroom and went on the main floor. Hyunwoo and Changkyun were in the kitchen snacking on some grapes and other things. Kihyun walked up to Changkyun and picked him up. Making him scream and giggle.
"Eomma." He squeaked and put his tiny fingers through the olders new red hair. "Do you like it." Kihyun asked. The toddler nodded and giggled a bit more. Hyunwoo was busy doing dishes to look right away. He finished up the last plate and dried his hands.
Then looked at Kihyun. He'd be lying if he said the youngers new hair didn't turn him on. "Damn you look-" "Shh Changkyun is here." Kihyun shushed and covered the toddlers ears. He set him down and told him to go play in the living room.
The others had followed the toddler and it was only Kihyun and Hyunwoo in the kitchen. The oldest pulled the younger closer to him so their chests were touching and kissed him deep. "I take it you like the new hair." Kihyun teased. Hyunwoo nodded immediately.
The younger leaned up and playfully bit the olders bottom lip and giggled. Hyunwoo picked him up and placed him on the counter. "Don't tempt me when there's people here." The younger smirked and slowly tempted him.
"Yah we didn't come here to puke." Jooheon whined. The two saw Minhyuk and Jooheon and separated. Kihyun got off the counter and fixed his shirt. "What did you guys wanna talk about." He asked changing the subject . Minhyuk and Jooheon sat down at the table.
"We didn't want to worry you. Work for us has been tough since what happened with Hyunwoo's father." Minhyuk sighed. "What did he do." Hyunwoo asked. "He got me fired from the daycare." Jooheon frowned. "Before I could become the boss of Monbebe's he bought it for a lot of money and is closing it down." Minhyuk frowned as well.
The oldest sighed. "We moved in together to make rent easy. We tried looking for jobs but weren't successful." Jooheon explained. "I have many rooms here. Minhyuk has stayed in the past. It'll be a little cramped but we'll make it work." Hyunwoo said.
The two shook their heads. "We can't burden you." "My father is responsible for this. It's the right thing to do. Besides we all went to school together. You've done many things for me before and I'm simply repaying you guys." They nodded and thanked him.
"We'll help around here with anything you need." Minhyuk said. The oldest shook his head. "Just be yourselves." "Uncle Honey, uncle Minnie are you gonna spend the night." All four of them looked at the toddler with his bear plush in his arms.
Hyunwoo walked over and picked him up. "They'll be living here for a while. As long as they want." "Really." The toddler gasped. The older nodded with a smile. Changkyun cheered and hugged his appa. "We won't be here much during the day. We're still trying to find jobs." Jooheon yawned.
"Where have you guys been sleeping." Kihyun asked. "Park bench." They both frowned. The red haired slapped them both in the arm. "In this weather. It's frickin freezing outside. You're lucky you didn't get frost bite." He snapped. "We had no where to go." Jooheon sighed.
"Obviously you had me. What about mom. You could have stayed with her." The younger shook his head. "She's still dating him. No way I'm staying in the same house as him after what he did to Changkyun." "What did who do to Changkyun." Hyunwoo asked.
The toddler was still in his arms. Kihyun walked over and held his arms out to hold him. Changkyun leaned towards the shorter male and wrapped his arms around his neck. "He's not like any ordinary kid out there so there were a lot of problems after he was born." Kihyun sighed.
"That guy was a complete asshole. Called Kihyun a freak. Drank till he puked. Hit Changkyun when he cried." Jooheon growled. He was still mad and remembering made him even more mad. "Calm down Joonie." Minhyuk whispered and rubbed his back.
The toddler whimpered. "He scared Changkyunnie a lot." Kihyun bounced him softly and shushed him. "He can't hurt us anymore." He assured. "Why didn't you call the police." Hyunwoo asked. "I-It was only f-for a short time. I moved out and got the apartment with Hyungwon."
The older nodded and held onto the youngers waist. Pulling him close. Changkyun yawned and rubbed his eyes. Then sucked his thumb and leaned his head in the crook of Kihyuns neck. "I think it's nap time for someone." The red haired chuckled.
The toddler nodded and closed his eyes sighing. "I'm gonna go put him down. It's only 5:14 so it'll be a small nap. I want you to sleep tonight okay." The toddler nodded once again. Kihyun went upstairs after letting the younger say goodnight.
Even though he'd be getting up in 30-45 minutes. "Eomma and appa play fight today right." The toddler asked. Kihyun smiled and nodded. "Yeah we play faught." Changkyun stood on the bed and tried imitating the olders moves. "I thought you were tired." Kihyun asked.
"I-I am." The toddler gasped and instantly laid down under the covers. The older yawned as well and made sure the younger was tucked in. Then he gave him a kiss on the head and went for the door. "Wait eomma. Stay." Changkyun pleaded.
Kihyun yawned once again and nodded. "Okay." And crawled under the covers. Changkyun snuggled up to his eomma and smiled closing his eyes. He sucked his thumb and held onto Kihyuns shirt. "Sleep well Wolfie." The toddler mumbled unclear words and soon soft quiet snores were heard.
merry christmas everyone
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