He saw Kihyun laying in the jacuzzi. It looked as if he was asleep. The older undressed and quietly got in. Kihyun hadn't even noticed until Hyunwoo pulled him so his chest was touching the youngers back. He gasped and tried to move away.
"W-What are y-you doing." He blushed. "You looked comfy and I wanted to join." The older chuckled. "Don't worry I won't do anything." Kihyun relaxed and took a deep breath as Hyunwoo started to massage his shoulders. He closed his eyes and almost fell back asleep.
"I hope you and Changkyun were okay while I was gone." The older asked. Kihyun hummed softly. "You're a great father. Despite him just finding out who you are. He really likes you." Hyunwoo scoffed and smiled. "I have no idea what I'm doing. I was just doing what you did."
The younger sat up and turned around. His bruised cheek was visible and a few more scattered on his chest and arms. "Did he do this to you." Hyunwoo asked. He lightly brushed his thumb over a few. "I'm okay." The younger reassured. Then he wrapped his arms around himself.
"What's wrong." The older asked. Kihyun shrugged and sighed. "I look different then I did 4 years ago. I've gained a lot of weight." Hyunwoo was heart broken. The younger looked as if he'd lost a lot of weight. His ribs showed. He was just skin and bone.
"Kihyun-ah you're not fat. I'm gonna have to force feed you soon. Look at yourself. You're skin and bone." The older complained. Kihyun was about to cry. He knew he was thin but he wanted to be thinner. He wanted to look good for Hyunwoo.
He had gained a lot of weight because of Changkyun but after many years he lost all the weight still believing he had it. "I-I know." He stuttered and sniffled. Hyunwoo sighed and pulled Kihyun into a hug. "To be honest. I'd prefer you fat then skinny. You had the cutest chubby cheeks in the world."
Kihyun laughed at that. "And your stomach was the cutest thing. I could just pinch it." The older chuckled. "Ani I was such a pig then. I ate and ate all the time. If anything I was fa-" Kihyun was cut off by Hyunwoo kissing him. He kissed back instantly and positioned himself so they were facing each other.
His hands went to the olders hair and tangled himself in it. Hyunwoo placed his hands on the youngers waist. Kihyun sat on top of the older and created much needed friction. He moaned as Hyunwoo started to kiss his neck.
"I want more." He breathed out. Hyunwoo stopped and looked at the younger. "I don't think you're ready." He sighed. "I-I am ready. Believe me, I'm not scared of you. I know you won't hurt me-" "I'm not ready Kihyun." The older confessed. He looked at the older confused.
"Wh-What do you mean." The older looked into his eyes and smiled. "You're the most beautiful thing in the world. I was gone for 4 years. I don't want to rush anything. I prefer going at a slow pace with you. You might be ready but I wanna wait for a special time. One we can remember and enjoy."
Kihyun nodded and let go of his hair. He moved away but was instantly pulled back to where he was and blushed hard. "Just because I'm not ready for that doesn't mean I'm not ready for this." He smirked and kissed him. Kihyun kissed back and smiled.
"Aish you really know how to bedazzle me don't you." Kihyun giggled and relaxed back in the tub. Hyunwoo went back to messaging the youngers back and neck. Soon they were ready to head to bed. Kihyun got dressed but Hyunwoo hadn't brought clothes so he just wrapped a towel around his waist. "I'll see you in bed in a few minutes or do you still have things to do." Kihyun asked.
"First of all we are going downstairs and getting you something to eat. Then I'll get dressed and we can finally sleep." The older said. "Ani you don't have to do that. I can eat by myself." "I'm hungry too." Hyunwoo stated. "O-Oh." Kihyun looked down at the ground.
The older scooped him up and brought him downstairs. "What do you wanna eat." He asked. "A-Anything you'll eat I guess." Kihyun answered. "I asked you. From now on I'm only eating as much as you and only what you eat." Hyunwoo stated again.
"No you can't do that. You need your strength." The younger frowned. "So do you." Hyunwoo said. Kihyun sighed and went to the fridge he pulled out a few things then went to the cupboard. If Hyunwoo was gonna do what he said he would then the younger had to eat as much as he could.
"We'll eat this then." He said. Hyunwoo nodded and kissed him. Making him blush once again. "I'm gonna get dressed. It's freezing in here." The older shivered and went to his bedroom. Kihyun got two plates and filled them with food. One more then the other.
He warmed them up and grabbed two forks. He sat down in front of the plate that had less food. About to take a bite when Hyunwoo switched the plates. "Hey." The younger pouted. Hyunwoo just kissed his head and started eating.
Kihyun picked up his fork again and ate from the plate. He hadn't realized how hungry he was till he took the 5th bite. Soon he devoured everything on the plate. Then he noticed something about the older. "What happened to your hands." He asked.
Hyunwoo looked at his knucks. "I had to get information from Woobin. My father. Why he went after you and sent me away." The older was honest. "Wh-Why d-did he go a-after me." Kihyun looked down at the floor. "Before graduation. I told him about you. I was gonna ask you to marry me."
The younger looked up into his eyes. "When you graduated don't worry I wasn't about to make you marry me at 16. Woobin wanted me to marry a nice young lady. She was rich like my father but a bit more. He wanted that money. I didn't know he wanted me to marry someone. So I told him about you. The day after my graduation. He didn't approve and I didn't care. I was heading back to you when he sent some guys to kidnap me and send me away to america. He took everything I had besides one thing. I never told him about it and he never found out I had it." Hyunwoo explained.
"Wh-What did you have." Kihyun asked. "The hamster plush you made me. I was surprised you still had the one I gave you. I know you suffered a lot when I was gone and I'm sorry." The older held onto the youngers cheek and lightly stroked it.
"I had my friends and family to help me. I forgave you when you saved me and Changkyun from the cafe." Kihyun smiled. "I think Hyungwon still hates me." Hyunwoo whispered. Kihyun started to laugh at that. "He doesn't hate you. He just doesn't like people."
The older shook his head. "Ani. Just a few days ago he was gonna tattle on Hoseok for not- He doesn't hate you." Kihyun said quickly. He almost blew it for himself. "Wait what tell me." Hyunwoo was curious now.
"It's nothing." The younger yawned and stretched. "I'm tired we should go to sleep. Changkyun usually gets up at 8. Meaning I'll only have 5 hours of sleep." "I'll get up with him. I usually get up that early as well." Hyunwoo insisted. Kihyun nodded and got up and set the empty plates in the sink.
Then headed upstairs Hyunwoo was right behind him. He was extremely tired. Both of them were. As soon as Kihyun laid down he fell asleep.
Hyunwoo on the other hand stayed awake and thought. His father knew where they were meaning he'd have to find somewhere secret to live. He hated how Kihyun was cooped up all day. How much it was making him wanting to never leave.
He hoped one day soon the younger would go outside and go somewhere fun. A family vacation. Just the three of them. One Day.
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