The youngers whole world stopped. "Y-Your fa-father." Kihyun gasped. "My dad wanted an heir to be the next ceo of his company. When he found out I didn't want anything to do with it. He sent me away. I didn't think he'd go after you. I'm so sorry." Hyunwoo said.
The younger didn't say anything. He stayed quiet and held onto Changkyun. "C-Can you take us back to the room." "Of course." Hyunwoo said softly. Kihyun held his arm out to wrap around the olders neck. He didn't have the strength to walk.
Hyunwoo picked him up, Changkyun was in Kihyuns lap like earlier. The toddler was shaking from fear. The older two could tell instantly. "It's okay sweetie." Kihyun cood. "Hyunwoo won't let anything happen to us." The older didn't say anything.
All he did was hold onto Kihyuns waist a little tighter so he knew he'd never let anything happen. After going upstairs into the room he set the two down. "I'll be right back." Kihyun held onto the olders arm. Not wanting to let go. He was frightened.
"I'm going to get you and Changkyun something to eat. Then I'll figure out how they got in here." The older was determined to find out. "A-Are they still here." The younger asked. Hyunwoo took a deep breath and kissed his forehead and Changkyuns.
Then walked out and shut the door. Kihyun instantly bursted out in tears and held Changkyun close. "M-Mommy that was s-so scary." "I know sweetie, I know." He kissed the toddlers head many times and patted his bottom. Hoping it would calm them both down.
"I-I have to g-go to the bathroom mommy." Changkyun sniffled. "Okay Wolfie." Kihyun got up shakily and carried the toddler to the bathroom. He shut the door and locked it then let the younger do his business. Kihyun was at the sink.
He turned on the water then splashed some in his face his cheek hurting a little as he touched it. He let Changkyun wash his hands. "Kihyun." They heard from inside the bedroom. "Hyunwoo's back with some food. Let's go and eat you must be hungry." The older put on a fake smile.
Not wanting Changkyun to be scared anymore. Hopefully in a few days he'd forget this day ever happened. Kihyun opened the door and held onto the toddlers hand. Guiding him to the room where Hyunwoo was.
"I was looking all over for you two." He sighed. "Sorry. Changkyun had to use the bathroom." The older nodded. "I've cleaned up the mess. The house is safe and I've made sure no one will ever get in here again." The older insured.
Kihyun nodded and thanked him. "Can you come out into the hall for a second." The younger nodded again and followed after making sure Changkyun started eating. "Does it hurt." Hyunwoo asked. He caressed the youngers cheek.
The one his father hit hard. There was a mark and puffiness in it. Kihyun winced at the sudden touch. "You shouldn't have fought him. He could have killed you. Come with me and we'll put some ice on it."
Hyunwoo grabbed the youngers hand and guided him to the kitchen. "I remember you being in taekwondo back in highschool. I didn't think you'd still be in it." Kihyun shook his head. "I quit after you left. I-I picked it back up recently. Thought it'd be helpful."
The older nodded. "I'm sorry for what my father did. I can't kill him since he's very rich and powerful, but I can make him scared. I can hurt him like he's never been hurt before." The pink haired shook his head. "You can't do that to your father."
Hyunwoo held onto Kihyuns hands. "I'm not gonna let him get away with what he did. He tried to take Changkyun away from us. Away from you." The younger thought for a moment. "What are you gonna do to him." "Nothing you'd like." Hyunwoo sighed.
The younger looked down at their feet. "You should go rest up. You did a great job." Hyunwoo smiled and lifted the pink hairs chin. Giving him a deep passionate kiss. "Why are you blushing." The older smiled. "I'm not blushing." Kihyun scoffed and looked away.
Hyunwoo poked his sides making him laugh. "S-Stop that tickles." He laughed and tried moving the olders hands. The older was just trying to cheer up the younger. Hated seeing him sad and scared. So he tickled him making him laugh out loud.
After a few seconds of begging him to stop Hyunwoo finally did and smiled at the younger. Kihyun looked at the older out of breath and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around his shoulders and stood up.
Since he was shorter than the older, standing up he was the same height. Hyunwoo wrapped his arms around Kihyuns waist pulling him closer. "Are you guys sharing the special hug," They heard a tiny voice from across the room and pulled apart instantly.
"W-Wolfie what are you doing down here. I-I thought I said to stay in the room." Kihyun asked, He started fixing his hair and clothes. "I was thirsty." The toddler answered. "I'll get you some juice." Kihyun walked to the fridge and grabbed the juice, then a cup.
"I'll be upstairs in a minute. Don't spill okay." The toddler nodded and was handed his juice. Then went back upstairs carefully. Hyunwoo grabbed the frozen pee's and handed them to Kihyun. "Go rest. I have some work to do. If you need anything call me."
"Y-You're leaving again." The younger frowned. Hyunwoo shook his head. "No I'm gonna go talk with my father-" "He's still here." Kihyun interrupted. "There's a special room in the basement. No one can leave it without someone opening the door from the outside." The older reassured.
"I-I don't want him in the same house Changkyun is. If he escapes and takes him. I don't know what I'd do." Kihyun sniffled. Hyunwoo wrapped his arms around the younger. "I won't let him. No one has escaped before, and no one will anytime soon."
Kihyun nodded trusting him and rested his head on the olders chest. "I hope Changkyun wasn't traumatized." Hyunwoo frowned. "He'll be okay. Give him a puppy he'll forget all about it." Kihyun smiled. Hyunwoo chuckled and nodded. There was a sudden thud upstairs.
The two instantly ran to Kihyuns room where the noise came from and opened the door.
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