Changkyun heard the front door open and close. It had been storming out so he couldn't sleep. He never liked storms and always got comforted by his eomma but he was sleeping and wouldn't wake up. The toddler ran down the stairs and saw the lights on in the kitchen.
There was a flash of lightning and then a loud boom. The younger swore the house shook. He ran as fast as his tiny legs could go and hugged whoever's legs were in the kitchen. "Ch-Changkyun what are you doing awake." The younger started crying.
He was picked up and clung onto the olders shirt. "A-Appa." He sobbed. The older hugged him tight and took a deep breath. This was the first time he heard Changkyun call him appa. He didn't even know he knew. If he did he'd rush back sooner.
"Wolfie." He sniffled. There was another loud boom making Changkyun hold on tighter. "I am scared appa." The toddlers voice was muffled from the olders shirt. "It's okay. I got you." Hyunwoo patted his back. Hoping to calm him down. He stood there and hoped to remember this night forever. Not the Changkyun getting scared part but finally being recognized by the younger for who he truly was to him.
"Close your eyes and cover your ears so you can't hear it." He said softly. The toddler did as he was told and couldn't hear the loud frozen rain fall anymore, and he couldn't see the loud flashy lights. Hyunwoo held him close and turned off the kitchen lights. Then went upstairs to Kihyuns room.
He laid down beside Kihyun and pulled him close. After a while the thunder died down and so did the rain. Changkyun was still on his chest but fast asleep. "I could get used to this." He mumbled and ran his hands through the toddlers hair.
Then looked at Kihyun. "I'm so sorry for what my dad did to you." He whispered. The younger just shifted in his sleep to be closer to the older. "For what they all did to you." He had finally found out the truth about the secret his family hid from him.
Why they sent him away after finding out about Kihyun. His father and trusted uncles, work partners and friends were apart of the hate crime against the younger 4 years ago. "They'll never touch you again." He whispered and kissed his forehead.
Kihyun woke up to a dip beside him and he was snuggled up to a hard warm surface. He opened his eyes and saw Hyunwoo sleeping. Changkyun was asleep on top of him and the olders hand was placed over him so he didn't fall off. He loved the sight so much almost making him cry.
"Good morning." Hyunwoo whispered. The younger looked at him and instantly hid his face in the blankets. "Hey what's wrong." The older asked. "N-Nothing." He sniffled. "I just want to wake up to this every morning." Hyunwoo chuckled.
"You already do." The younger shook his head. "Every day I'm dreaming. One day I'll actually wake up and be in that tiny apartment. You'll still be missing and I'll be miserable." The older moved the blankets and kissed Kihyun. "I'm not going anywhere."
Kihyun kissed back instantly. They shared many kisses until the older stopped. "Changkyun is still here and you're not ready for something like that." The younger loved how caring he was. Always putting him first before his own needs. "I love you so much." Kihyun breathed out.
The older opened his mouth to respond but Changkyun yawned and opened his eyes. "Eomma." He smiled and held his arms out for him to hug him. Kihyun pulled the toddler on top of him and hugged him tight. "Good morning wolfie. Did you sleep alright."
The younger shook his head. "There was a big storm. You were sleeping but appa came home and made me feel safe." He giggled. "I'm glad." Kihyun smiled. He looked at Hyunwoo with eyes full of love. "Can you guys share the special hug and get me a sister now." The toddler asked.
Kihyun blushed. "What is your obsession with the special hug." "Uncle Wonnie and Wonho won't show me how to do the special hug. They're mean." The toddler pouted. "Definitely my son." Hyunwoo smiled and ruffled his hair. "100%." Kihyun agreed.
"30 because you're pretty pervy." Kihyun gasped and looked at him. "I am not." "I remember the day you came onto me. It wasn't even that long ago. If I remember it was-" Kihyun had put his hand over the olders mouth. Changkyun giggled and put his tiny hands over Kihyuns.
Making it so Hyunwoo couldn't speak at all. After a few seconds the younger removed his hand. Then his stomach started grumbling. "Lets go make some breakfast." Hyunwoo smiled. The younger nodded and so did Changkyun.
He got up and scooped Kihyun and their son into his arms. "Y-You're gonna drop us put me down." The younger said. He had one arm around the olders neck and the other around Changkyun so he didn't fall out of his lap.
"I lift weights twice your weight." He said and started walking. The three laughed as they made it downstairs, but stopped as they noticed something. It was extremely cold. The front door was wide open. Hyunwoo set Kihyun down and got serious.
"Stay behind me." He said. Kihyun held Changkyun tight and held onto the back of Hyunwoo's shirt. "Eomma it's so cold." "Lets go downstairs. Hoseok should be down there." The younger nodded and followed slowly. There was faint noises coming from his room.
"Go over there. Hide behind something anything. Just stay silent." Hyunwoo said. Kihyun nodded again and walked over. He was about to turn the corner when someone grabbed him from behind and held his mouth shut. Hyunwoo hadn't noticed.
Then put a gun to his head. He held on tight to Changkyun who screamed. Making Hyunwoo look and was about to walk over and save them but a few people from Hoseoks room came out and held his arms to his back.
Behind them was Hoseok and Hyungwon. The younger was unconscious while Hoseok was in front of him. Not allowing anyone to be near him. Though they were both tied up. "We were deciding if we would ruin your nice nap or just take out these faggots first." ??? said.
"Should have known." Hyunwoo struggled to get out of the men's grip. "So this is my grandson." The man smirked. He walked up to Kihyun. "Don't touch him." Hyunwoo snarled. Kihyun tried with all his strength not to let go of Changkyun. But the man in front of him was too strong.
Changkyun started crying as if he was in pain, scared and called out for his eomma and appa.
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