"You've been straining your leg too much. It'll never heal if you don't rest and stay in bed. What happened there's so many bruises." Hyunwoo frowned. "I-I have been in bed all day when you're gone. I only get up to use the bathroom and eat." "He also said you've been losing weight like crazy. Is everything okay." The older said.
He looked into the youngers eyes with hurt and worry. "Yes I'm okay. It's probably just the medication. I'll make sure to eat a lot more." Kihyun smiled. He hated lying to Hyunwoo after all he did for him. "I brought some take out if you're hungry." Hyunwoo asked with a smile.
He wanted to cheer the younger up. "Depends on what you brought." He teased. "I'll go get it. Be right back okay." He kissed Kihyuns cheek and left downstairs. The youngers smile faded as he left. He didn't understand how he'd treat him like that after many months of being nothing but a bitch to him.
Saying how Changkyun was only his and how he didn't need them. The many times he was cold towards him and didn't let him near the toddler or the toddler near him. The many times he'd let Changkyun call him scary man. Then the sudden mood change and he'd let him hold him.
He still hadn't told the toddler Hyunwoo was his father. "It's a little hot so be careful." Hyunwoo said entering the room. He set the food down and looked at Kihyun. "Hey what's wrong." He asked and sat down wiping the tears from his eyes.
Kihyun hadn't noticed he started crying. "Are you still upset about the baby." Hyunwoo asked. The younger shook his head. "How can you treat me like this." "Like what-." "Like the most precious thing in the world. I've treated you so poorly. How do you not hate me." Kihyun sniffled.
"I'm not capable of hating you. I understand why you treated me so badly. I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most. So I'm here now." Kihyun smiled and wiped his tears. Hyunwoo grabbed the food and fed the younger. Making him giggle and smile.
"It's Changkyuns birthday soon. I was wondering if you wanted to go into town and get him a present." Kihyun shook his head. He didn't want to leave this house ever again. "I know leaving this house is scary for you. So I was gonna have more then just me come with. We don't have to go today or tomorrow."
"I-I can't leave this house yet. What if someone comes for Changkyun while we're out. Or someone comes for us again. H-He said he'd come for him. I-I can't let him take Changkyun away from me." Kihyun began to hyperventilate. "Calm down. Breathe. He's not gonna get Changkyun if he's here." Hyunwoo said calmly.
"H-How do you know that." The younger asked. "Hoseok is here. He'd never let anyone I don't know in this house." Kihyun thought for a moment. "Do you trust him. Y-Yoochan said not to trust the people around me. Hoseok seems tough and he knows a lot of things."
The younger knew to trust Hoseok. If anything he trusted him as much as he trusted Hyunwoo. "Hoseok is the type you don't question trust. He was trained and built for this kind of work." "Built." Kihyun questioned.
"He didn't go to a normal school. He went into training to fight and do the things he does today at a very young age. His fighting skills are far far above exceeds. No one can beat him. Not even me." Kihyun knew he was good but not that good. "I see." He mumbled.
"What's all this talk about him. You falling for him or something." Hyunwoo joked. "Ew no, I hate super muscular guys. Hyungwon can have him. Blah eww." He sighed. Just thinking of the older like that made him want to puke. "Good. I gotta leave soon. My dad wants me to do some more of his work." Hyunwoo said.
"Are you being careful." Kihyun asked. The older nodded. "Don't worry about me and get some rest. I'll be home around 3am so don't wait up for me." "You know I still have to meet your father. I've seen your mother all the time but not your father." Kihyun smiled.
"When." Hyunwoo questioned. "Hmmm. When I was in the hospital. When I found out about Changkyun and was attacked. She visited me and apologised. I never knew why she apologised. She didn't do anything. No one knew about the attack either. She even paid my hospital bills and everything." Kihyun shrugged. "She gave me this coin and said one day it'll be useful."
Kihyun reached in the dresser and pulled it out. "I hold onto it for good luck." Hyunwoo thought for a moment and got up. The dots were finally connecting. "I gotta go. Whatever happens. I love you." The older kissed his forehead and ran out. Not giving Kihyun time to protest or ask questions.
"Eomma look what Shownu gave me." The toddler ran in with a wolf plush. "I named him I.M he is hamster and Shownu child." The toddler giggled. "Hamster." Kihyun questioned. "Shownu gave him to me for Christmas."
He crawled onto the bed and showed him the plush. It was a baby wolf. "It is cute." He smiled. "Look just like me." The older nodded and hugged his son. "Mommy can I call Shownu something else." "The plush?" Changkyun shook his head.
"Human Shownu. It is very hard calling two thing is Shownu." He pouted. "Wolfie there's something I gotta tell you." Kihyun said serious. Changkyun looked at his eomma and set the wolf plush down. "What is wrong mommy. Did I do something." Changkyun frowned.
"No, no, no sweetie you did nothing wrong. It's me who's done something wrong." Changkyun hugged his eomma. "It is okay eomma. You do not have to tell me." "I-I have to. Hyunwoo is your father." "No he is not. You are. You are my eomma and my appa." Changkyun giggled.
Kihyun just cried even more. Knowing the toddler wouldn't understand. "Uncle Wonnie said 2 people have to share a special hug to create a baby. Did you and Shownu do that. To create me." The toddler was so clueless and innocent. Kihyun hated telling him things like this.
The older laughed through his cries. "Y-Yeah we shared a special hug." The toddler gasped. "That mean I can have many many siblings." Kihyun laughed again. "Maybe." The sadness turned into happiness. Changkyun always knew how to cheer up his eomma. "I'm gonna go ask appa to do the special hug with you again. I want a little sister so I can take care of her. Defeat the bad guys with my ninja skills."
Changkyun got up and started making sound effects while punching and kicking the air. Kihyun clapped at his performance. "Do you think appa will teach me how to fight bad guys." "When you're older maybe." Kihyun yawned. "Eomma you should sleep." Changkyun said.
The older nodded and laid down. He'd taken his afternoon medication which made him sleepy. "Wake me up if Hyunwoo gets here okay." Changkyun nodded. The older was surprised at how well he took the news. "H-How do you feel that Hyunwoo is your appa." The toddler shrugged. "I think I know for long time he was."
Changkyun was happy he finally had 2 parents. He felt like the older was apart of his family. He'd over heard Kihyun and Hyunwoo talking about him. When he was sleeping or in another room. "Goodnight mommy."
Kihyun woke up in a bed. He knew exactly where he was and remembered everything. His eyes opened and he saw a strange lady. She looked as if she was praying. "M-Ma'am." He said weakly. She immediately stopped and mumbled a "thank god." "Kihyun-ssi how are you feeling. Ah stupid question sorry. I'm very sorry for what those men did to you." She said.
"Wh-Who are you." Kihyun asked. She brushed a few strand hairs from his eyes and smiled. "I am Hyunwoos mother. The doctor told me everything. You are a miracle." She said and placed her hand on his stomach. He was still processing the baby as well. "Y-You dont th-think I'm a feak." He asked. Mrs. Sohn shook her head. Then her phone went off. "I have to go." She said and retracked her hand quickly.
"Protect this child please. Whatever you need please see the doctor. I have paid every bill you will need to keep my grandbaby safe. Those men will pay one day for what they did to you. I will visit again soon. Be careful." She ran out after someone had called her name. The younger couldn't remember her name. Before he could get out of bed Minhyuk and Hyungwon appeared.
Monbebe will not back down we will get OT7 again!!!
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