"You want me to what." Hoseok asked. "Teach me how to fight." Kihyun repeated himself. This was how he'd prepare himself for the scary world and all its enemies. "Yeah no." The older scoffed. "Why not."
"First of all no. Second of all, if hyung found out he'd literally kill me. I'm sorry for the loss of your baby. I really am but revenge and ass kicking won't bring it back to life. Take it from someone who knows personally." Hoseok sighed. He set the weights down and wiped his forehead with his towel.
It had been a few weeks since the incident and he felt almost fully healed. "Then at least teach me the basics on how to defend myself. I want to learn how to protect Changkyun when needed. You'd understand if-." "Fine." He groaned. He walked towards the younger and spoke.
"The first and only rule to self defence is find an exit, run to it and get to me or hyung." He said it in a straight face and turned around going to his water. Kihyun ran and snatched it before the older could. "Stop acting like a child and give me the water."
The younger had learned that Hoseok wasn't mean unless pushed to it. He was nice and frendly. Happy and laughs easily. "I'll tell Hyungwon you're being mean." The younger pouted.
"You wouldn't dare." Hoseok glared. "Hyungwon." Kihyun yelled. The older quickly shushed him and agreed to teach him how to self defence. "If hyung finds out. I'm blaming you. Just so you know I don't go easy." He warned. The younger nodded.
"Go put on a sweatshirt and sweatpants." The younger did as he was told and came back after a few minutes. "First we have to toughen you up so I guess punching things is a start." The older said. Kihyun took mental notes. He was never one to work out or exercise. If it meant protecting the ones he loved then so be it.
He couldn't just stay in bed all day and do nothing but rest. He was the type of person that had to do something at all times. "Come over here and put these on." The older tossed him gloves. He put them on and went towards a big bag hanging from the ceiling.
"This is a punching bag. Now I wanna see how much strength you got. So punch it as hard as you can." The younger did as he was told and punched it. He did it completely wrong and ended up hurting his wrist. "Ow." He pouted. "Did you even try." Hoseok asked.
"Y-Yeah. The bag just didn't move and it hurt me." The younger said. "Okay well you did it completely wrong." He walked over and demonstrated how to actually punch. The bag moved a lot and he had to catch it to steady it back into place.
"I don't have muscle. All I am is skin and bone. Shouldn't I like work out or something." Kihyun asked. "No. Fighting isn't always strength. Usually it's all about strategy and speed and how you hit the person. Did you take Taekwondo in school."
The younger nodded. "Where you good." "Average." He answered. "Average is good. When did you start and when did you stop." Kihyun thought for a moment. "I was in it since kindergarten and then stopped when I found out about Changkyun. I don't remember much."
Hoseok nodded thinking. "Okay then we'll start there." He grabbed a wood pole and swong it towards the younger. He gasped and blocked it instantly. Then he swong it again and the younger blocked again. "What the hell, you could have hit me." He snapped.
"You might not remember much from your classes but your body does." Kihyun looked at him funny. "Say you played the piano. Got in an accident and forgot how to play. You go to a piano and you start playing it. You might not know what the fuck you're doing but your hands do." Hoseok stated.
Kihyun nodded understanding. "Now we just have to see how much you know. Do you remember what belt you where." The younger shook his head. "I was not trained to go easy so I apologise if I'm a bit rough." Kihyun nodded and prepared himself.
It was probably going to be rough training but he was ready. "Let's begin at level 1 and work our way up." Kihyun nodded and was led to some matts. It was a little section dedicated to wrestling around and kick ass.
"What level are you." Kihyun asked. "Let's just say no one can take me down." The older chuckled. "We have maybe 5 hours before hyung gets home. So we'll stop after 4 and a half." Kihyun nodded. Taking deep breaths. "I'm ready." He said.
Kihyun landed on the ground breathless and sweaty as the older was on top of him. He looked as if this was nothing. "That wasn't bad for day 16." "I'll kick your ass one day." Kihyun nagged. "I'd love to see you try."
"What the hell is all that roucous." They both looked to the voice and saw Hyungwon. "If Hyunwoo heard all that, came down here and saw what I'm seeing he'd kick both your asses." The younger looked mad and crossed his arms.
Hoseok got off Kihyun and helped him up off the ground. Then went to Hyungwon and kissed him. "I was so scared. Those noises are very questionable." He pouted and clung onto the olders arm. "Don't worry Wonnie. I was only helping him." Kihyun nodded.
He looked at the time and wiped his forehead. "I better shower before Hyunwoo gets here. Thanks for the practice. Same time tomorrow." The two watched as Kihyun went upstairs. "Why can't you teach me how to do that." Hoseok shook his head. "Nope."
"What why. I'll tell Hyunwoo you're being mean." The younger pouted. Hoseok remembered Kihyun use those same words. "Yeah no. If anything have him teach you. I'm not dealing with 2 Kihyuns." He sighed and walked away to his bedroom. Hyungwon trailed after him asking questions and bugged him for the rest of the day.
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