"Y-You." Kihyun choked. There sitting right in front of him was the man who left him for dead, broken, and hurt. The someone dear but hated person but also the one who created a miracle. Changkyuns father. Kihyun slowly backed up almost falling onto the ground.
"Kihyun let me explain." He said getting up. It made Kihyun flinch and scream in terror finally falling. "Eomma!" Changkyun screeched and ran up to him. "I-Is that-" The man started walking to Kihyun but was stopped by the youngers words.
"Don't touch my son." Kihyun said harshly. He got up and pushed him away not getting far seeing as he was extremely small compared to Changkyuns father. He grabbed Kihyuns hand and tried pulling him closer. "Let go of me you monster."
He did as the younger told and put his hands up in surrender. "Just here me out." Kihyun picked Changkyun up and backed away. Shaking his head tears falling down his cheeks. "Kihyun what's all this commotion." Hyungwon asked.
He looked at the scene and gasped pulling Kihyun behind him and blocked the mans view. "What do you think your doing here Sohn Hyunwoo." Hyungwon spat. "Changkie scared." Changkyun mumbled in Kihyuns apron. Kihyun shushed the toddler and sniffled rocking him in his arms.
"Kihyun you're in danger so is our kid." Kihyuns heart stopped hearing that. "Changkyun isn't your kid. He's Kihyuns you're just the other guy who toyed and broke an innocent guys heart." Hyungwon yelled. Changkyun started crying which made Kihyun cry even more.
"Kihyun I know I fucked up but you're in danger. Come with me and you guys will be safe." Hyunwoo spoke softly and tried reaching for the boy. "Hyung watch out." The blue haired said and pulled Hyunwoo to the ground. All of a sudden gun shots were heard all around the cafe.
Kihyun dropped to the floor with Changkyun. Covering the younger so he didn't get hit. Hyungwon screamed and fell to the ground holding his arm. "Kihyun." Hyunwoo yelled over the gun shots. He crawled over to him.
"If you really care about us...save us." Hyunwoo lifted the two up like they weighted nothing. His friend following after but carrying Hyungwons unconscious body. They went to the kitchen and Hyunwoo searched for an exit. "Over here." A white haired boy said.
He led them out of the cafe and to the oldest car. Hyunwoo put them in the back. Kihyun tried calming Changkyun down and himself. Hyungwon was placed beside them still unconscious. "Hyunwoo." The white haired called.
He looked up from his seat eager to leave and drive somewhere safe. "Hurt him and-" "Yeah you'll kick my ass god it." "No." Minhyuk shook his head. "He will." and pointed to Kihyun. The older nodded and stepped on the gas as soon as Minhyuk stepped back.
"Uncle Wonnie." Changkyun cried. He started shaking him but got no response. "W-Wolfie...h-h-he's napping. R-Remember not to w-wake him up when h-he naps." Kihyun sniffled. Changkyun nodded and held onto Kihyun. He didn't know what those loud bangs were from or why they even happen.
All he knew was it was scary and his Eomma was crying. "Eomma don't cry." He sniffled. Kihyun tried his best to stop but he couldn't. It was silent besides Kihyuns quiet sobs. "It won't be safe at your apartment. They'll already be there." Hyunwoo announced.
Kihyun didn't answer just stared at Hyungwon and held his hand. Changkyun was already sleepy and starting to fall asleep. "Get some rest Wolfie." Kihyun mumbled. The toddler nodded and nuzzled into his eommas chest falling asleep. Kihyun rubbed his back soothingly the whole car ride.
"We're here." Hyunwoo said and turned off the car. They parked at a mansion. It was beautiful and big. Kihyun got out holding Changkyun who was still sleeping. "Do you want help." Hyunwoo asked. Kihyun wrapped his arms more protectively around his baby and shook his head stepping back a little and stayed quiet.
Hyunwoo nodded and walked towards the house. The others following besides Hyungwon. He was still unconscious. "You can pick any room you'd like. Hyungwon will get the one next to you." Hyunwoo said softly. "Changkyun needs to be in a safe room." Kihyun mumbled.
"There's a room upstairs. It has a small balcony. Changkyun will not be able to fall I promise you. There's only a bed, bed desk and a closet so he can't get hurt." Kihyun thought for a while and nodded. He had a lot more then that in his small apartment and Changkyun was just fine.
"Follow me. Hoseok you should tend to Hyungwons arm." Kihyun followed and Hoseok went to the kitchen. "I can get some toys and stuff from the store for Changkyun later tonight if you'd like." "H-He needs diapers and his plush." Kihyun said quietly.
He sat down on the bed still holding Changkyun close. "I can buy him the same plush-" Kihyun took a deep breath making Hyunwoo shut up. "There's only one like it. It was specially made years ago." Hyunwoo nodded and leaned on the wall. Thinking.
"I'll take you back to your apartment to get mandatory things. Only a few things. Make a list with Hyungwon and we'll get them." Hyunwoo stood up to leave. "If you need anything just ask. There are some cloths in the closet." Sering the younger in his work uniform. Kihyun just sat there and waited for him to leave. Which he did and shut the door.
He set Changkyun in the blankets that were soft almost a silky feeling to them and walked around. Opening the closet it had an arrangement of cloths all too big for him of course. He needed a change, at least his shirt and he was gonna try and find something for his baby.
All he could find was a large sweatshirt for himself. He quickly changed into it and went back to Changkyun sliding under the sheets and pulled him close. All the blankets and pillows even the sweatshirt smelt like Hyunwoo. Kihyun had missed his scent so much.
It was and always will be comforting to him. He took a deep breath and was about to fall asleep when there was a knock.
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