Kihyun woke up warmer then the day before feeling something beside him. He turned his head and saw Changkyun playing with fabric from the blanket. He'd always done that until someone had woken up. He looked a bit up more and saw Hyunwoo.
Then started crying. "E-Eomma your awake. It is Chri- why are you crying." The toddler asked. He sat up and tried wiping his mother's tears. "I missed you so much." Kihyun cried and pulled Changkyun into a hug on top of him. He didn't care how much it hurt.
"It is Christmas eomma. Can we go downstairs and open presents now." Changkyun giggled. "Is anyone else here." The older squeaked out. "Yeah. Uncle Wonnie and uncle Honey, ooh and uncle Minnie plus uncle Wonho but he's always here." The younger yelled.
"Go wake them up and tell them I said to get up so you can open presents." Kihyun smiled. The toddler nodded and got down off the bed. Heading to the others rooms. Kihyun took a deep breath and tried sitting up.
"K-Kihyun." Hyunwoo gasped. The youngers heart stopped at the voice. The one that saved him. He turned his head and looked at him. Tears coming down his eyes. "H-Hold me. I don't care if it hurts. Please hold me." He sobbed.
Hyunwoo didn't want to hurt him but knew it was what the younger wanted. So he scooted closer and held him in his arms. The younger cried even more and held onto Hyunwoos shirt. "Th-Thank you f-for s-saving me." He gasped.
"You shouldn't have pushed me out of the way." Hyunwoo sniffled. "I should have listened to you. If I wasn't so stubborn I-" He couldn't finish his sentence and just cried. "C-Can you help me downstairs. I told Changkyun that I'd be there when he opens his presents." Kihyun sighed.
The older shook his head. "You have to stay here. I can't let you out of this bed. What you went through. I'm so sorry-" "P-Please don't speak about it. I just wanna go downstairs and watch our son open his christmas presents."
"O-Our." Hyunwoo asked. Kihyun nodded and smiled. "Yeah our." "Eomma come on." They heard from downstairs. "Fine but I'm carrying you." Hyunwoo sighed. He let go of the younger and stood up grabbing a robe for him.
"Put this on." Kihyun looked at what he was wearing and it wasn't much. He nodded and had help putting it on then was carefully carried downstairs. It hurt a lot especially his leg. He was carefully set on the couch and was greeted by everyone.
They all cried glad Kihyun was safe and back. Hyunwoo sat next to him since Changkyun wanted to pick where everyone sat. "Which one can I open." The toddler asked. "Which ever one catches your eye first." Kihyun spoke weakly.
He leaned on Hyunwoo and took a deep breath. The pain in his ribs and body almost being too much, but he had to be there for Changkyun. "This one's from mommy." Hyungwon said reading the label." "Who wrapped all these." Kihyun asked.
"Minhyuk wanted to do something so he did it all." "I got everyone something how are you guys gonna know what's for who." He asked. "I looked on your phone and found your list for everyone's things." Minhyuk butted in. Changkyun started unwrapping his presents and gasped at them all.
He'd asked Kihyun for them almost daily and yearly but hadn't had money. "What did Santa get you." Kihyun smiled. The toddler looked around for ones that said Santa but couldn't read. "Here you go Wolfie these are from Santa." Hyungwon said.
He opened them and screamed loving them as well. "C-Could someone hand out the rest." Kihyun asked quietly. Jooheon and Hyungwon nodded getting up and looking at all the tags. Giving everyone their gifts.
Kihyun didn't expect receiving presents. He'd never asked for anything. "You didn't have to get me anything." Kihyun smiled. He opened the gifts and smiled even bigger. Not being able to express his excitement.
"I love them all thank you guys so much." He said. He was a fan of certain jewlary. Bracelets, necklaces, rings. He even got a few new sweaters. Everyone else opened their presents. The only person who didn't was Hyunwoo. He seemed a bit down but didn't want to show it. Knowing the younger wouldn't get him anything.
"Wait hyung where's yours." Kihyun asked. He looked around him but didn't see his presents. Kihyun got up slowly and everyone tried to stop him but he didn't listen. "I want to find hyungs presents." He pouted. "I'll look behind the tree just sit down." Jooheon demanded.
The older nodded and sat back down slowly. His body shook from the pain of getting up. "I found them." The younger sighed and handed the oldest his presents. "Kihyun you didn't have to get me anything." He said.
"Shut up and open them." He mumbled. The oldest did as he was told and opened them. They were things that he looked at online and in the store but never bought. Shirts, shoes, and last but not least, a necklace that could hold photos. "I followed you around when I was done shopping and grabbed a few things you looked at." Kihyun smiled.
"Thank you." The older smiled. Kihyun was glad he picked the right things out. "I love them. Thank you Kihyun. I didn't get you anything though." He frowned. "Changkyun is the best present I could ever ask for." The younger smiled. A tear ran down his cheek and quickly wiped it off.
"I'm gonna make breakfast." Minhyuk said and got up going to the kitchen. "You should go back to bed. Doctor said you need to stay there and get as much rest as possible." Jooheon suggested. Kihyun nodded. "I want a bath first. I wanna be clean before I lay in bed for a good month or two." He sighed.
"I'll do it." Hyunwoo said. "I'll help you with whatever you need and get you whatever you want." "Y-You don't have to do that." Kihyun blushed. "I won't do anything you don't want me to. I'll leave you alone while you bathe I'll just help you get in and out." The older sounded serious.
Kihyun nodded and held his arms out to be picked up. Which he did and was brought up the stairs and back into the room. "You should pick out what you want to wear afterwards." Hyunwoo said. "To be honest I feel like anything I wear is just gonna cause me pain." Kihyun frowned.
"Then maybe just underwear and the robe you're wearing." The younger nodded. Hyunwoo went to the dresser and grabbed a fresh pair of boxers for Kihyun and picked him back up bringing him to the bathroom.
Since the older owned a big Jacuzzi it would be easy for Kihyun to bathe and have room. Hyunwoo started the bath and turned on the jets. Making sure there were bubbles for the younger. Knowing he'd probably want to be covered up while he was there.
After it was the perfect temperature he got up and walked towards Kihyun. "Are you ready." He asked. The younger was hesitant at first but nodded. He held the robe around him shut tight. Not wanting anyone to see what was underneath.
"Kihyun I'm not gonna hurt you and neither is anyone. As long as I'm around you won't get hurt." The younger looked down and still held on. "I did get hurt." He mumbled. Hyunwoo rubbed the youngers cheek. Yoochan instantly came to his mind. Kihyun pushed the older away and screamed. "Dont touch me."
Hyunwoo backed up instantly and put his hands up. "Okay, okay I won't touch you. Take a deep breath. I'll leave you alone. The bath is all ready. When you are just get in. I will have Jooheon or Hyungwon come up when you are done." "N-No. I-I'm sorry. When you touched me...h-he came into my mind." The younger frowned. "I'll be outside the door if you need anything." Hyunwoo said softly.
Kihyun didnt want the older to leave. He felt so guilty for pushing him away. "S-Stay."
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