"Hyunwoo watch out." Kihyun yelled and ran towards the older pushing him out of the way. All the older heard as he fell to the ground was the sound of a car screeching and a bang. Then everything went black.
2 hours before
"Hyung can I please go to the store. Changkyun is gonna be out of his 'vitamins' soon and he needs them." Kihyun pleaded. "Why can't you just tell me which one to get. I have eyes and can read. Why can't you just tell me." They had been fighting over Kihyun leaving the house for 3 days now.
It had been a few months since the incident at the cafe and nothing had happened. The younger wanted to leave the crowded house. Then what happened in the olders room. He needed to get out and breath for a while. "I'm not gonna risk anything happening. I'll go alone."
"No I'm going. Besides I got to get Christmas presents for Changkyun." The older huffed. "Fine but if anything happens we're heading straight back." Kihyun nodded and grabbed his shoes with his coat. "Oh no." He gasped.
Hyunwoo looked over at Kihyun. "What." "I don't have any money. I spent the last bit on my phone bill." He frowned and was about to take his shoes off. "Come on I'll pay for it." Kihyun didn't like when people payed for him.
"Are you sure." He asked looking down. Hyunwoo nodded and opened the door. They left out and into the car. The younger smiled and felt happy. He'd been cooped up in the house for so long. Sure he'd go outside and look at the stars or play with Changkyun and his toys.
But to actually leave made him happy. "I still feel like something bad is gonna happen." Hyunwoo sighed. "If you'd shut up and drive then we'd be home faster." The younger snapped. The older started driving and it was silent. Very awkward silent.
They both reached for the radio button and their hands touched. Kihyun quickly moved his away and turned to look out his window. "Are you okay." Hyunwoo asked. "I'm fine." The younger replied instantly.
"You know, just a few days ago you were all over me now you're scooting as far away as you can from me in the car-" "That will never happen again." Kihyun interrupted the older. Making it silent again.
Kihyun knew what had happened wasn't the olders fault but he blamed him. Even though he'd tried to stop him. "I-It's embarrassing." He sighed. "Everyone has urges its not that bad." Hyunwoo said softly. "It is bad. People do bad things with those kinds of...urges."
The older stayed silent and kept driving. Still having that uneasy feeling in his stomach. It was always right when he got that feeling. He just hoped it wasn't right this time. "Hyung watch out." Kihyun yelled and shaked him out of his thoughts.
The car in front of them had slammed their brakes and almost crashed into them. "S-Sorry." The older said. "They suddenly slammed their brakes and kept going. What the hell." Kihyun mumbled unknown words. His heart almost stopped as they almost hit the car.
Why did they suddenly hit the brakes and then drive fast. Then they did it again making Kihyun gasp and hold the handle of the car. "Pass them." He said. "I-I can't they're going past the speed limit and this car isn't that fast." Hyunwoo stated.
"Maybe we should have taken another road into town." The older shook his head. "This is the only road. They'll have to turn eventually. It's not like they're going to the same place as us. Shit." "What is it." Kihyun asked.
"There's someone behind us so I can't slow down." Hyunwoo had that feeling of something going wrong again. He tried to look in his mirrors to see the face of whoever was in the car behind him but couldn't see who it was. He didn't even know if there was 1 or more people.
The car in front slowed down again and made Hyunwoo hit the brakes once again. "What the fuck is up with them. Don't they know how to drive." He put his blinker on to signal going right and slowed down.
"Probably some teenagers messing around." Hyunwoo turned the wheel so they were heading to the mall. "You can get whatever you want or need." "I don't wanna waste your money. It's very hard to earn and keep." Kihyun frowned.
"I'm a billionaire I don't really run out." The younger forgot about the older being extremely rich. He parked the car and they got out heading inside. "I take it you're old enough to travel around alone in the mall, I have things to get as well and it'll be a lot quicker if we split up."
Kihyun nodded. He was glad he could have some alone time now. "Take this card and get whatever you want. Wanna buy a house go for it. I don't care. I'm gonna write the pin number on your arm." He took a pen out of his pocket. Kihyun having no idea where it came from.
He was handed the card and the number written on his arm. "Have fun and don't get lost." Hyunwoo grabbed himself a cart and headed into a direction. Kihyun set the card in his coat pocket and grabbed a cart for himself. Then headed to the pharmacy first.
Knowing it would take the longest for the medication he needed to get. Then headed to the kids section. He knew exactly what to get Changkyun for Christmas. Wanting to spoil him this year. He got the younger many many things.
He wanted to get other people things as well since he'd never had enough money before to get them anything. He walked around and found the center of the mall. There was a make and build your own plush. Kihyun remembered going to one with Hyunwoo when they dated and made each other stuffed plushies.
"Sir would you like to make one." He snapped out of the memory and shook his head smiling. Then walked away and went into another store. He bought everything he needed and headed back to the car. Setting all he had into the back. He waited awhile for the older.
He got out of the car and headed back inside. He stopped and saw the older crossing to the parking lot and smiled. But then it faded as he saw a car head straight for him and ran.
"Hyunwoo watch out." Kihyun yelled and ran towards the older pushing him out of the way. All the older heard as he fell to the ground was the sound of a car screeching and a bang. Then everything went black for him.
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