where are the castles?
AN: this will be a return of the flame princess miyu and her boyfriend who is the only dragon boy in my story sky.
where are the castles?
" i-if you d-drop me i'll kill you sky!" i shouted over the loud wind, he looked down at me in his arms a let out a little laugh, so i gave him a pretend pouty face. he was currently flying with me in his arms bridal style flying away from our old home in sehrgiyithe.
" there. we're here the town i used to live in about 100 years ago it's must have change quiet a bit." sky informed, folding his wings and making then disapear once we landed along with his horns, tail, etc.
"woah this is a kingdom?" i asked, completely shock as to why there was no castle and why everything looked so weird.
" no its called a city, here theres no king, i mean besides the one of all the land but thats off topic." sky answered, grabbing my hand and leading me onto a weird trail, it was the same color as our dirt path roads back in sehrgiyathe but it was harder, and there was no dirt not to mention its perfect shape.
" its called a side walk." sky piped up as if reading my mind, while we walked. the ground then began to rumble and shake.
" what the- an earthquake?" sky said. attempting to keep balance and help me keep mine. a light them shined in the sky seemingly at the end of the forest which was far away from where we currently are.
"what was that?" i asked scared, getting up from the ground. i had failed to keep my balance. i looked over to the gray trail next to the 'sidewalk' and saw a bunch of weird giant bug things.
"sky!! look there are giant bug thing why'd you bring us here there gonna eat us!!?" i shouted scared as i saw a bunch of different color ones all over the gray trail.
"miyu this gray trail is called a road, and those are called cars there made by people as a better form of transpertation instead of horses." sky replied, with a look that seemed to say ' my god your stupid.' ( this look: -.- )
" dont give that look this CITY is different from my kingdom i can not help my lack of knowledge of such a place." i replied, my eyes closed, and my arms crossed against my chest with my head held high.
" i am a princess i won't be mentally called stupid, if you must know i'm quite knowledgable about battle." i said still in the same pose.
" haha don't be like that." sky chuckled his voice playful now, as he grabbed me unexpectidly from behind in a hug from behind.
" haha ok." i ended up lossing my fake seriousness, and began laughing with him.
" boy that was one earthquake all the car are in one big wreck." sky said after we settled down looking back out to the 'road'.
" welp there wont be any traffic for a while." he said walking off, i didn't understand the traffic that he said, so i decided to asked.
" sky what does traffic mean?" i asked as we walked him leading me by the hand.
" .... cars or vehicles moving on a road or highway." he answered continuing to walk not turning to look at me as he said it.
" oh... whats a vehicle and a highway?" i asked now feeling really stupid and realizing why he had made the face.
" a vehicle is like a car another form of transportation and a highway is a bigger road." he answered, no irritation in his voice at all.
' he's being patient with me, and my lack of knowledge.' i infered starring at the back of his head.
" so where are the castles?" i asked looking around. they dont have kings but surely they hand castles.
" there are none." he answered simply. until we finally stopped infront of what looked like a weird house.
" are these what houses look like in cities?" i asked point to the house thing, he simply nodded and knocked on the door.
" hello?" a blonde teenage asked point her head out of the door.
" who are you?" she asked.
" i'm sky and this is miyu are you elenor smith?" he asked curiousity in his eyes.
" yes. do i know you?" she answered, trying to get sky to hurry and explain ehy we are here.
" so your the queen of hell right?" sky asked, in a hushed voic so that no one heard.
" what are you?" elle shouted backing up as a means if defence.
" i am a dragon and i was told this is your home me and miyu need a place to stay, we only need a few nights until we can get used to new things." sky said, the blonde named elle hesitated then called for her mother.
" mother these people need to asked you something." she shouted into the house and left from the door only for an older woman to appear where she once stood.
" yes?" she asked.
" we asked for a place to stay we only need a few night to get everything settled." sky said repeated what he said to elle. the woman hesitated before nodding and showing us to the guest bedroom.
" here and if you 2 try to take anything, or doing anything dangerous. i will kick you out and call the cops." the woman said giving us an icy glare, as she stepped out of the door way. a shiver went down my spine at the thought of her wrath.
" whats a police?" i asked, curious sitting on the bed.
" there light nights but with guns not sword and they keep the city safe, they dont fight wars though." sky answered.
" i hate to ask... but whats a gun?" i asked, now feeling dummer then a baby.
" its a weapon that shoots a projectiles that can kill a person." sky answered in a dead tone.
"Don't say it sounding like that!" I whined hugging him.
"Haha sorry just pretty tired." sky stated, letting out a yawn.
" it's because you were in that cell for 9 years and this was the first time in a long time that you flew and you were carrying me." i concluded. but he shook his head.
" i'm going to sleep." he continued and layed on one of the bed in the room.
" i guess i'll sleep too." i decided and layed on the bed across from sky's.
the next day i woke up early and got dressed before sky got up, since thats would be kind of weird. after i got dressed i walked out into the living room, i was greeted by mrs. smith, who was in the kitchen. mrs. smith was cooking breakfast and i decided to help out. after everyone woke up we all sat down and ate i noticed sky and elle in uniforms.
" hey whats with the uniforms?" i asked, and sky simply held a stack of folded clothes out to me as he swallowed the food in his mouth.
" we're gonna go to school. its a place where people teach you like a royal tutor but theres a bunch of teachers and other kids our age. the teachers teach lots of kids our age at once instead of one person like a tutor." sky explained.
" dang now he's giving the definition of everything to me i feel really dumb."
" woah how do you not know what school is?" elle asked shocked.
" she's the princess of sehrgiythe. " sky informed, i then heard a sound like metal clanging against the ground and noticed elle had dropped her fork.
" uh you ok?" ii asked, elle nodded, and seemed to regain her composure.
" well it's everyday you learn that a princess is stand or sitting right infront of you" elle stated, putting the fork in the sink and grabbing a new one.
after i changed we headed to this place called school and where told that we could start today since school hadn't started yet and we already had supplies. the whole day sky taught me things about school and such. he taught me what a chalkboard was, what a vending machine was, what a cafeteria was, what a basketball court was, what a football field was. after school sky took me to the store.
" why are we at this 'store'?" i asked using this lands word for a market. which sky taught me also.
" we're gonna buy you some clothes since all you have is the clothes from the kingdom and this uniform." she answered. he then grabbed my hand and walked into the store we bought a LOT and i mean A LOT of clothes. after shopping we quickly headed home with tons of bags full of clothes. we had so many bags the bags trailed up my arm and i even held some in my teeth. after dropping the stuff off at home sky took me to the 'theatre'. "we watched what he called a movie and ate what he called soda and popcorn. can you believe it we we're watching people trapped in a paper thing. how could people enjoy watching people who are trapped? finally it waslate so we headed home there he taught memany more things about the strange land.
" i guess there no more castle from here on out."
AN: i was in a rush to finish chapter since i had bad writers block on this chap and i had lots of ideas for the nokken chap. so please forgive me for this crapy chapter.
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