discriminated half breed
AN: i decided to make do this chapter in a different setting from the last few chapters and the setting will be in a country that still runs with the rule of mid-eval times, decapitation, kings, knights, witch hunts, etc. i decided to make a country thats still carried on its traditions from its past to make the story have more of and umf to it.
discriminated half breed
the country of sehrgiyithe
the guard kicked my jail ceil once more,and continued to spit rude words at me calling me a disgrace, a monster, an abomination, a mutant but i didn't say anything i simply continued to hang my head and mess with the pebbles on the concrete floor. i knew what he was saying about me was true there's no way a half breed hybrid like me could possibly not be a monster, i mean you don't usually find a half human, half dragon kid running around your usual calm normal town or in this case kingdom.
"you need to just die already no one wants you here. why the king decides to give you some jail time before a public execution just doesn't make sense to me." the guard said continuing to blabber on about why i'm not already dead yet.
" pfft i wish he'd just shut up and leave already. he's really annoying and he's only wasting his breath." i complain, laying my head down on my dusty dirt-filled pillow and wrapping my dirt torn blanket around me being the only thing protecting me from the cold floor. i guess he got the message that i wasn't listening because it got quiet and i heard the door that leads to the dungeons close,but soon after the door opened again and i could feet clicking on the floor making there way down the hall of jails getting loud and closer by the minute.
"oh wow." i heard a female voice say only seeing the woman's feet from my laying position.
"well that's a positive reaction if you ask me." i pointed out speaking up as i rose to a sitting position.
" y-your awake?! sorry if i woke." the girl apologized.
" hey its fine i wasn't asleep anyways." i informed crossing my legs in front of me and shaking my wings to get the cricks out of them.
"here i brought some food for you, since they've been starving you." the girl informed, sliding a plate of food under the bares; there was a 5 inch gap at the bottom of the jail ceil doors, and the there's about a 4 inch space between each bare so she handed me the drink through the bars.
"thank you. one question though why are you being nice to me?" i thanked, then asking the question that had been on my mind for a while.
" well your still a person, you deserve to be treated like one." the girl answered, i wasn't expecting the answer she gave, so i started to chock on my food which caused her to give me a confused and worried look.
"k-k sorry i wasn't expecting an answer like that." i admitted, relieving her of the confusion.
"be more careful you idiot you could die from chocking, geez i try to save you by bringing you food and you almost die from chocking on it." the girl scolded, making me chuckle a little at her fussy but worried expression.
" she's like a mom." i noted, laughing at the thought. she made a pretend pouty face because i was laughing at her which made me laugh harder. soon thinks calmed down but it must've calmed to much because we both just passed out there her outside my ceil and me on the other side of the bars.
morning like shined through the small window like thing in the wall also blocked of my bars. the light slowly woke me up. when i was completely up i nodded the girl sleeping in front of my ceil, and i remembered how we both feel asleep while hanging out last night. her hot pink hair was all messed up and all over the place.
" she looks so Innocent sleeping..... geez what the hell am i doing creeping on a girl i just met." i scolded. i then noticed the girl began to stir, her green emerald green eyes fluttering open, while she rubbed her eyes. when she rose to a sitting position i noticed she drooled a little on the floor, a the sight i began to laugh.
"haha you drooled on the floor." i teased, pointing to the spot of drool on the floor. she flushed and reached through the bars and bopped me on the head.
"ouch" i whined rubbing the spot on my head where she bopped me and she laughed pointing at me and sticking her tongue out at me.
" oh hey i never got your name." i pointed out, killing the previous humorous mood.
" oh i'm miyu, miyu reina. it means incredibly beautiful and pure." the girl called miyu answered.
" the name fits you." i mumbled under my breath so she couldn't hear.
" wow calling her beautiful again, i think i have forgotten what its like to be with a girl. who am i kidding i've never been with a girl i mean when you have scaly hand and horns coming out of your head with a scaly tail i'm pretty sure it's gonna be hard to get a girl"
"anyways" i hear miyu say speaking up which snapped me out of my thoughts.
" whats your name? i told you mine so whats yours." miyu continued, crossing her leg, my face flushed a bit at her actions. she was wearing a skirt so when she crossed her legs it showed her undergarments.
" u-u-uh y-your s-skirt." i stuttered looking away with a red face pointing at her legs.
"e-ehh!!!" she said changing her leg position so her skirt wasn't showing anything, she was looking down at the floor with a flushed face.
"u-uh can i look now?" i spoke up reminding her i was still turned around.
" o-oh y-yes you can turn around now." the girl answered, continuing to look down at the floor her face still flushed.
"t-that was u-uh..." i started, trailing off.
" embarrassing." miyu added. we both looked up at each other and somehow just busted into laughter. after we finished laughing the tension which was previously in the air had disappeared.
" my names sky; sky testurian nice to meet you." i said bowing.
" hey don't you have some place to be is already 3 in the afternoon and we woke up at 6 am, plus why are you spending your free time with me? i'm a disgrace." i asked, killing all humor and tension that was left behind and turning it to a serious atmosphere.
"oh no i don't have anywhere to go i'm the princess, and i'm spending time with you cause your my friend.... if you call yourself a disgrace again i will reach into the bars and slap you, you are not a disgrace you are a person just as much a i am." miyu responded, pointing her feminine finger at me with anger marks on her head.
"wow i barely know and she still cares about me."
" i wish i could free you but my father would slap me if i did. my father acts nice around his people but the really a drunken abusive man. he killed my mother when i was 7 and then blamed it on the stable boy who tended to the royal stables. the only reason i've kept quiet all these years is because he threatened to kill my bestfriends." the girl revealed, hanging her head. i could see tear falling on to the concrete floor, my without thinking i reached my hand out and wiped her tears. she jumped when i touched her face and looked up at me.
" don't cry miyu, your mother would hate to see you like this. you have to be strong for her miyu." i reasured, and miyu nodded and i wiped her tears once again, this time a guard saw.
"a prisoner is trying to attack the princess!" the guard yelled, and almost instantly a group of guards came in and took me out of the cage crossing there lances under my arms behind my back so that my arms were up, to insure i wouldn't attack. there was another guard holding the end of the chain that latched around my neck. after walking through endless halls we arrived at what i think is the throne room, one of the guards pushed open the door and in we walked appearing before the king.
"your majesty this prisoner was seen trying to attack the princess." one guard said standing up with his arms straight at his side.
"is that so?" the king questioned slowly in a deep voice, looking to another one of the guard who nodded.
"then he shall be ki-" the king started, before being interrupted by the throne room doors being slammed open.
" wait! he didn't try to attack me he was comforting me by wiping away my tear, because i was crying about.. one of my favorite flowers dying." the princess interrupted, making a lie up about what she cried about.
"oh i see. take him back to his jail ceil then." the king demanded shooing me and the guards. the princess stayed behind and the throne room doors were closed behind us. i could hear conversation on the other side of the door.
" why were you in the dungeons?" the king questioned.
" because i was checking up on the prisoners i didn't have anything else to do." the princess answered.
" i don't want you hanging around that disgrace, you can visit the other prisoners but not him. got it?" her kings loud booming voice yelled.
"y-yes sir." was all miyu replied before walking out of the throne room doors. sometimes super dragon hearing just makes life easier.
when i was thrown back into my ceil i noticed that it was dark outside. the guards turned out the lights
" lights out rats." the guard said, the door closing behind him.
" man i hope miyu is ok, she seemed pretty shook up when she left the throne room."
2 months later
" ooh ooh sky i convinced my father to let you be able to walk around outside the castle, but you'll have to stay in hand cuffs with that chain around your neck, but he said that since i'm good with hand to hand combat and swordsmanship that we can walk with out any guards. i'll be the one holding your chain thingy so yea." miyu rambled as she ran through the dungeon door, the guards giving her a funny look and laughing about it. a few minutes later i was let out of the cage with the assistance of the guards to cuff me and chain me.
once we were outside miyu instantly let go of the end of the chain.
" let me show you around town.... wait how long have you been in there? my father only just this years actually allowed me to go in the dungeons."
" hey i've only been in there 20 years its not that long." i admitted, waving my cuffed hands awkwardly in front of my face as a hand gesture to emphasis that is not a long time.
" WAIT! your twenty!!?" miyu squealed, making me fall to a kneeling position attempting to hold my ears with cuffed hands.
"o-oh sorry." she apologized remembering that i was half dragon and have super hearing.
" geez girl, I'm not all human i'm 6,894 years old. i'm pretty sure i'm not 20." i informed, she grew wide-eyed and stared at me in disbelief.
" what? i'm half dragon for crying out loud it should be expected that i'm immortal like one. or well not all dragons are immortal but my father is the leader of the dragons for Pete's sake." i rambled, she grew more shocked with each new peice of information.
" so your fathers THE leader of the dragons?!" she asked, making sure she heard me correctly, i nodded a reply.
" that's SO cool!." miyu cheered, but i simply look down at the ground with an angry expression remembering how my father pushed me away saying i wasn't his son, disowning me, calling me a disgrace. all my life all i've ever been called is a disgrace my mother was the only one who loved me... but of course she was only human so she eventually died.
"...no its not, my father dis-owned me for being a half-breed, he pushed me away kicked me out of the dragon territory. it may seem cool to be son of the strongest dragon who is also the leader but it's makes the worse father because he cares more for his title and place as leader then his son." i told, telling my sob story to miyu, eventually i ended up telling her my whole life story, until it became dark out and we had to return.
5 months later
"it has officially been 5 months and you still visit me everyday. i feel kind of special." i teased.
"haha well your my best friend why wouldn't i?" she retorted, laughing with me.
"hey can i touch your wings and and your scales...well i would like to touch your horns too uh if that's ok." she asked, as she sat down in front of my cage. i simply smirked and crawled to the poles as close as i could possibly get to them then i turned my head so that my horn was right in front of her. she touched my red horns and felt the sharp points when she did she jerked her hand back.
" ouch your horns are to pointy, look i'm bleeding." she lectured showing me her pointer finger. that's when i reached out and pulled her hand to my face and stuck her finger in my mouth, and sucked it a little, to make sure it didn't get infected. then i released her hand, only to find her face flushed a bright pink.
" W-WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!??" she squealed, i chuckled alittle at her reaction then pointed to the injured finger, so she looked at it only to find it completely healed.
" you have magical healing properties that's cool." i shouted, smiling at me.
"so if i cut my lip then.." i heard her say trying to mumble so that i wouldn't hear. everyone seems to continue to forget i'm half dragon.
" well miss princess i didn't know you felt that way about me." i teased and her face flushed once again.
" d-dang it i f-forgot about your super hearing." she cursed under her breath playfully punching my leg. i then stretched my left wing out to her so that it was going through the space between the bars.
" you gonna feel my wings or not?" i reminded, and she simply nodded and started to feel the leathery yet scaly surface of my wings. then she moved onto touch my scaly hands and claws/talons.
"wow" was all she said.
"so is this our only 'form'?" she questioned, putting air quotes on the word form. and i nodded.
" but theres supposedly some legend about when a half-breed, half dragon half human kid finds his or her 'true' love then they magically develop a human form. considering i'm pretty the 3 dragon, human half breed born in the last 2,000 years there's no way to prove it and honestly i don't believe that kind of magical love crap." i informed, she listened contently.
"hmm that's a pretty interesting sto-" miyu began to say before a the loud sound of a door being slammed open interrupted her.
" hey dragon kid it's time for your public execution." i heard one of the guard yell from down the hall rushing down to my ceil. miyu moving out of the way. she looked like she was about to burst into tear, then i noticed her crying while i was being pulled out the dungeon doors by many hands. she slowly vanished from my line of sight.
" i'm gonna miss her she was the first girl i actually loved."
once we got to the decapitation table the guard pushed my head down into the stock and latched it, i could just imagine the slanted blade at the top of the to wooden poles that made up the decapitation table. i don't fear death when you have lived as long as me you began to wish to die, you constantly see those around you grow old and die and you stay young forever.
after waiting 3 hours for everyone in the kingdom who wanted to come see the kind decided to start the show and give his big speech about this is what happens to evil people who do bad. then he moved off the stand and was about to begin counting down to let go, before being interrupted.
"STOP!!" i heard a a female voice yell, one i never thought i'd hear again. she ran onto the stage which is where the decapitation table was.
"miyu get down from there now or i'll 'whoop you'" the king threatened, she seemed to hesitate before she suddenly bursted into flames. she was transforming! her haired turned red and her bangs grew longer, and her eyes turned purple. the purple that used to be on her outfit also turned red.
" no! you don't control me! and you don't get to kill innocent people no matter who or what they are!" she shouted, down at her father, i was shocked because she never got angry of argued with anyone.
" i see her transformation must be her but also with her anger... so like she had locked away her angry and bad side and this version of her is her but with the angry and all."
" she must be under a spell of that dragon boys there no way she could have powers or defend him! " a person in the crowd shouted.
" grr you people are blind. you can't make of sense of things so you blame it on something else, your so afraid of having someone who's different, who's stronger then you could ever imagine around the you try to kill then or shoo them way. you people are pitiful you let your fear run your lives. its disgraceful. you have no right to kill him" she lectured giving a long ass speech.
" why do you defend him princess?" another person in the crowd yelled.
" because.... i love him" she confessed, looking down immediately after hearing that my head shot up still in the stock and looked at in shock. i felt heat rise to my face.
"she's under a powerful love spell to be his minion he needs to be killed now!!" a couple of people in the crowd shouted simultaneously. miyu then caught om fire again.
" don't touch him!!" she screamed to the shy, the flames around her body bursted like an explosion catching all the wood on the stage including the wooden stage on fire.
" oh geez! i would've died if i was an ordinary human but i'm not and dragons have flame resistant scales and i was born with my skin having the same properties." the stock burned quickly faster then the rope that held up the blade so i was able to get out of there quickly.
"miyu!" i shouted to my best friend and crush. she turned around at the sound of my voice and as soon as she did i pulled her into a tight hug.
" god i love you!" i shouted up to the sky.
" man i thought i'd never see you again, even thought i wanted to die for about 2,000 years." blurted.
" some people are worth living for." was all she answered before her hair and eyed turned back to normal. right after she turned back she kissed me, i was a bit shocked at her bold move, but ended up smile out of happiness. i then felt my body change seeming my and my wings, horns, tail, and claw/talons disappearedd along with the green scaly skin that used to be my hands and feet. now i had normal hand and feet with a completely human look.
" looks like that legend is true. now lets leave this kingdom." i suggested, pulling out of the embrace but still holding her hand, we both then look to the sun set and smile.
"time to get moving." we both said simultaneously.
AN: i wanted a different country with a different time setting to add a umf to the story.
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