angel of death
AN: this is a chap about a tsundere boy and his twin, whos pretty much his exact opposite. i am like dying like oh my gosh the japanese subaru ad had ATTACK ON TITAN live action in the ad, like omg epic. random epic battle song on the side ♥ skyrim ♥
angel of death
"geez my life sucks." i breathed, walking along on the foundation that once held a building. i stand in the dark shadow of blue crystal city, the city that once stood here, i stand in the very center. the city is in ruins every building is destroyed, the ground is only dirt the air is thick and cold almost suffocating. the city has a chill to it, the city is silenced, with not a single sign of life. i am the reason this city .people continuing to re-build and re-make thinks to make them more advance, in the long run they always repeat the same thing each century. humans don't live as long as we demons do, they never live long enough to know that all they do is constantly repeat a constant cycle only becoming more advanced with objects they use in there everyday lives. humans follow a constant circle just like the planets follow the same path as they circle the sun, theres no changing it or creating a new one.
i don't go around in a black coat with a scythe in my hand i simply live among the humans as an ordinary human, though my presence kills every life form with in a 500 mile circumference. i can control my curse of death and maintain it, but when i let my emotions of grow to strong my aura explodes and kills thousands of living things in a 9000 mile circumference, and that is the very thing i wish to avoid so every week i must retreat to a place such as this one, with no inhabitants. its like i'm cursed to forever be shrouded by a cold and lonely darkness. no matter what i wish this curse continues to control me, sometimes my aura overflows cursing me to constantly watch everyone around me die, even if i were to find love my feelings would grow to strong and my curse would destroy my lover before my very eyes. i'm cursed to live forever, and never be able to die, unless i can find the one, the one who can seal my powers. every angel of death is linked to there destined lover, cursing us to never be able to love unless it were the one destined for us. the very one we are linked to is the only one that can free me from this dark realm where the ground is completely covered in blood no sighs of living grass anywhere. there is no like in the realm no life no sound, no sound except for the ugly sound of pain and sorrow. we death angels are cursed to feel the pain of sadness and sorrow that everyone who morns the dead feels. we're cursed to feel all the worlds pain and sadness that has ever been felt for someone who has died, as if all the world's sadness and pain of loosing a loved one is poured into us. we are
" damn it i cant stop these tears, i can't stop this pain..... GG-AAAAAHHAHH-ISS" i said, then falling to the ground on my knee, pulling my hair and crying out , the horrific sound of weeping, disturbing the silence that once stood. my loud and horrific cries being the only thing heard. i then rose to my feet.
" i killed my mother, i cause everything to die in this city.... when i was FOUR...b-b-.....because i couldn't contain it. ..... damn it, why didn't i learn to control it!!!!?" i yelled punching a piece of rubble, causing my knuckles to bleed.
"....." i sat silent on the edge of the woods, listening to my music in my headphones, with my purple jacket hood on my head over the headphones. a soft and quiet river flowing 10 feet below me like a mini-Cannon, on the other side of the river lies a beautiful field of different color flowers. the flower field being part of a famous legend; the famous land of the great dragon, rhaegon the great leader of the dragons. ( if you remember from 'discriminated half breed' sky says his father; a dragon is the leader of the dragons hint hint.) the island is as big as your average island, but its not in water its just cut off all the way around.. even if you climbed down the Cannon like walls to get the the edge of the island there seems to be some barrier believed to be put there by rhaegon the dragon himself to protect his island from trespassers. humans of today's generation don't believe in magic and are unaware that they can actually learn and use magic, but the particular barrier is amazingly powerful it would take the 7 strongest mages to lift the spell. with today's generation barely anyone knows about magic, half of the ones that do just know about it and do little to study it, and the small percentage left of people who know about magic and practice it, are far to weak to even come near being a master it take 50 years to master magic when you spend everyday of your life doing nothing but eating sleeping and studying, imagine how many year it would take with only 30 minutes a day to practice humans don't even live that long.demons could always do it but the barrier is of light magic its impossible for demons to learn light magic unless they are one born of an angel and a demon. only good wizard masters could lift the spell, though the legend says when rhaegon's descendants return to scylre ( now known as oak town) the barrier with be lifted, once the descendent leaves the barrier with be reformed.
"i with to be in there to see the legends of the beauty on the islands." i found myself saying. it is said that there are all type or creatures and flowers that have never been seen by human, that don't exist in the outside world. the barrier allows in rain and sunlight but not physical living breathing creature.
" i know, its pretty right?" i her someone say from behind me, i removed my headphones and looked to see who it was. it was a girl with pink pigtails, and i sinply nodded and watched as she came and sat next to me.
" i'm kairi hakuru and who are you?" she asked, looking at me.
"i'm jin kuragari." i answered, continuing to look at the field of flowers on the island. thats when i noticed there was one single flower in the field that was tall then the rest, it was the only one like it.
" you must be lonely too huh? being the only flower of your kind."
"well i'm new here. when i first came here this was the very first place i found, and well i made it my little place to come to when i need some along time." she stated, leaning back onto her hands, facing the sky with her eyes closed.
" what a strange girl, she doesn't even know me." i then felt the overwelming sadness again and began to cry silently. she then looked back at me and gave me a worried look.
" why are you crying?" she asked, and i shook my head.
" i don't know i just am." i replied making her become confused.
" how can you not know why your crying?" she asked
" i .. dont know ok!" i answered irritated at her persistance.
" ... sorry..." she replied looking down at her lap a sad expression on her face.
" why do i feel like apologizing? i've made many people sad and yet i wish to comfort this one girl.... i actually feel.... guilty."
"geez uh look i'm sorry i didnt mean to snap a you its just i.....i don't know why i was crying, see i stopped now, it's complicated." i stated, and she looked up at me.
" soo.... does it happen alot, you know you crying for no reason?" she asked and i nodded.
" yea." i answered.
" geez i don't need to be telling you these things why are you still here anyways? can't you see i want to be alone?" i asked, coldly.
" know you shouldn't keep pushing people away, your only breaking yourself." she said look back out at the field of flowers.
" what do you know!" i retorted, angerly, her expression became sad again.
"god damn it jin quit making the girl sad."
" looks sorry i'm just not a fan of people." i apologized, she looked up at me and smiled.
" your so tsundere!!" she squeeled.
" hey!.. i'm so what?" i asked confused.
"tsundere" she repeated.
" geez i'm done with this." i said getting up and jumping into the trees running off to a random tree and going to sleep on a branch.
the next morning i headed out for a walk and ended up running into a blonde girl walking with a boy with maroon glasses.
"...."i said nothing and walked around her.
" hey uh don't you have school?" she yelled to me, waving her hand over head.
" i don't need you worrying about me, just leave me alone!" i yelled back continuing to walk, putting my headphones on and sticking my hands in my pocket. i jumped into a tree and layed back against the trunk and read a book, until i fell asleep again.
when i woke i looked up at the sky, i could tell it was 3:20, i decided to go to the edge of the forest again and admire the flowers. but again i ran into the blonde girl this time she was leaving school.
"hey wait!" she said grabbing my wrist as i was going around her.
" i think i at least have the right to talk to you after you ran into me twice and didn't even bother to apologize." i said and i sighed and agree to talk to her. the maroon haired boy ended up comming along too. the blonde took me out for a meal at mcdonald's i have no cash so she offered to pay.
" ok what do you want to talk with me about?" i asked irritated.
" well first off who are you?" she asked furrowing her eyebrows.
"i'm jin, jin kuragari." i answered. at this her and the maroon haired boy grew wide-eyed.
"what?" i asked angerly that they were just sitting there and not telling me whats going on.
" we know a guy names jun kuragari, do you know him?" they asked, this time it was my turn to go wide-eyed. i then felt my aura being releasted.
" damn it i'm getting to shocked and happy. control yourself jin you know your curse is like acid control it."
i looked down and saw that the seat began to crumble on the edge. not my curse doesn't just kill living things it destroys object that are exposed to it.
"so do you know him? that reaction says you do." the blonde asked again.
" yes i know him you don't have to ask twice i can hear!" i snapped and she furrowed her eyebrows angerly again.
" look here sir i'm paying for that meal your eatin i didn't have to so you best respect me while we have this conversation." she retorted and i sighed and nodded.
" good now how do you know him?" she asked.
" he's my brother i thought he died with our parents." i admitted, and they gave me a crazy look.
" YOUR PARENTS DIED! BUT AREN'T THEY-" the blonde began to shout, i covered her mouth before she could say the word, everyone in the building was now looking at us. i uncovered her mouth and she slouched guilty.
" sorry." she whispered, and everyone returned to whatever they were doing.
"geez you almost said it!" i scolded, she slouched some more, feeling guilty if she were a puppy she'd be putting her ears down and her tail between her legs whining.
"geez now can you take me to him?" i asked and they nodded, we ran out of the building leaving the money on the table the lead me to the woods and used some rings they had to creat a whole in the ground. we the all jumped through; we were in hell now.
"hmm so those rings allow them to get to hell without being demon, why are they allowed into hell is what i'm wondering though. is satan really allowing humans into his hell?"
"here he is" the blonde anounced, moving out of the way revealing my brother; a red head.
" man he look the same"
"jun!" i shouted running up to him but i stopped i could feel my aura be amitted, we i stopped jun began coming forward instead.
"stop!" i shouted, everyone gave me a crazy look, i finally got my aura under control then walked up to hug him.
"sorry about that but everythings good now so." i said, jun then hugged me back.
" i thought you died with mom and dad" i anounced.
" well i thought YOU died with mom and dad." he replied.
" i wonder how they died though" he continued, i then felt the heavy weight of guilt fall over me.
".... ok look i'm the angel of death, i couldn't control my power then.. i'm the reason mom and dad are dead." i admitted, just tell it the way it is.
"w-what?!" jun said falling to his knees.
" look i'm sorry jun if you hate me now that ok. i deserve to be hated, because i killed them." i said, not feeling bad about making him sad.
" i don't feel bad about making jun upset yet i did with that girl, somethings up with that girl."
" no i don't hate you. you didn't do it on purpose, we were only 4 then how could you have known how to control your powers." jun state, standing back up and hugging me.
" i'm....sorry jun hnn why did they keep me around when they knew about my powers?" i asked, not expecting an answer, tears began to flow out of my eyes, jun was already crying.
" because they were your parent, its far worse then death to be seperated from your kid. any parent would rather rise dying the live without there kid to insure there death." the blonde answered.
"so they loved me even with my curse"
" they loved you jin, they died because they wanted you to feel the warmth and love of parents." the maroon haired boys said.
"oh uh jin here." jun said handing me a picture of some hawk man.
" who's this?" i asked, raising an eyebrow at my brother. his face flushed red and he began to play with his fingers while looking at the ground. his expression was that of a childs when they're embarressed.
".....jun?" i asked waiting to hear his answer.
" his name is haru and i..... i have a crush on him." he admitted, turning redder.
" jun your gay?!" i shouted, wide-eyed and he nodded innocently.
"i think its cute. it shows that love concors all love even concors gender." i heard another voice say from inside of a dark hall the owner of the voice slowly came into the light, she had to big red pigtails with a bows on them. she then tilted her head to see me, her eyes were serious with no emotion showing like that of a business woman whos serious about her work.
"hmp, so this is the brother. hmp dont you think your hairs to feminine considering your masculine figure the hair just throws it off." she said the same expressionless look on her face as she circled me touching my hair.
" i don't need your fashion advice!" i snapped, she smirked evilly at this.
" hmm a fighter i see." i muttered.
" jin, why not dye your hair." she continued, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.
" i said i-" i began to shout but she coveredmy mouth with a finger.
" i heard you." she replied, continuing to circle me.
" ryo what the heck is wrong with you?" the blonde asked and the girl know as tyo stopped and looked up at her.
" simple nothing." she answered then continued to circle me.
" ok i knew i was a little good looking but i didn't think i was THAT good looking to have a girl circle me." i stated, trying a different method to get her to stop.
" a bit narcassistic are we?" she noted continuing to circle me.
" geez this happens to her sometimes , she has a multi-personality disorder, this is version of her is chyoko; shesthe rude one that always makes rude comments to someone.
" well chyoko wanna stop circling me now?" i asked irritated though it was more like a demand.
"fine." the stated, stoping, then walking to stand next to jun with her hands on her hips giving me a raised eyebrow with a smirk.
"geez..." i muttered sighing i then felt my aura leaking.
"damn it, i need to go release it."
"i got to go!" i shouted running making a hole in the ground above me, i opened my black feathered wings and flew out all the way to the death city. i felt my aura spreading the trees below me as i flew were begining ro die.
once i got to the city i released all of my power that was whelling inside. what was left of the buildings crumbled and fell.
"geez they're probably worried about me...i guess i'll return and explain to them what just happened." i muttered, thinking my decision out loud. i then then made a hole in the ground and jumped through ,walking to the room in the castle that was juns.
"hey guys, anyone still here?" i shouted wondering around the castle.
" hey jin your back, let me call robbie and elle with this weird summoner rectangle thing. why does it have a keypad anyways. this thing is stupid its way easier to summon with magic." jun called walking into his room which i was in. i facepalmed at him calling it a phone a summoner.
"dude thats a phone, you really need to get out more. for real." i stated.
"well i'll summon them with the ph-o-ne." he stated and i facepalmed again.
"you are going to call them with the phone, geez give me that i doubt you even know how to make a call." i i corrected, taking the phone from his hand and dialing up elle and robbie, who i presume to be the maroon headed boy and the blonde chick.
" hey uh e-ll-e, elle and robbie i'm back at hell, in jun's room." i informed, before getting a reply of ok and hanging up.
" hey can i stay the night here i don't really live anywhere anyways, and i need a place to stay since tomarrow i'm going to emroll at the school that elle and robbie go to." i asked, telling my little brother my plans for tomarrow. he nodded a yes and pointed to an extra bed that was in his room.
" k thanks." i thanked, flashing him a smile, which was rare for me. i noticed a wide goofy smile had formed on his face as he walked to his own bed.
"hey i'm gonna head to bed." i informed and he nodded switching off the lights and heading to bed himself.
when i woke i found that my brother was already up and busy, though i wonder what in hell could possibly make someone so busy. ( haha see what i did there.)
" hey i'm off to go enroll, i'll be back later." i shouted out the sound of music, i heard an ok, then grabbed my jacket flung it over my shoulder and headed for the school. i find it funny that my human form is a teens human form while jun's is an adult yet we are twins; me being the oldest by a few minutes.
after reaching the school i used some magic to find the principal's office i told her that i wished to enroll, and she handed me all these papers to fill out. after i was done with the papers she told me i'd start school tomarrow. so i went home and went back to bed. when i woke i checked the clock on juns wall, it read 3:30.
" hmm schools out jun can i barrow your phone?" i asked he nodded and tossed it to me. i caught it and flipped it open, and dialed up elle.
"hey elle, lets go rollar skating at the rink that just opened, there having an annual opening and i need something to do to." i suggested, i noticed jun looking surprised at me fro the croner of my eye.
"mhm ok i'll go." elle replied, i then continue don to say.
" ok invite some friends, and will all meet up at the rink at 5" i informed, and hung up.
" jun get ready your comming too." i informed, his face lighting up with happiness as he jumped out of his seat and ran to his dresser to get clothes. i pulled out some of his clothes and asked to barrow them since i don't have a home and he nodded.
after we were done getting dress we left for the rink. once we got there we found that elle and robbie were already there. they said they were waiting on there friends to arrive. by the time it was 5 everyone was already skating, or almost everyone a guy named kurai; another one of elle's friends came late. no one seemed surprised though i guess because this was normal for him. elle introduced me to her friends ther names were, ayano called ryo, elizabeth called liz, lucy called lu, kurai, of course robbie, her older brother zack, cody, and a boy named raven. kurai introduced people he brought with him that no one else seemed to know/ be friends with and there names were, utau, and rikuto called riku. after all the introductions the dj at the rink began playing music and we all went back to skating and dancing. thats when i noticed the girl i had met at the forest edge.
"what was her name again?....k-k.....ka-iri"
i then skated over to the pink haired girl, though i'm ntot a fan of people and i'm pretty anti-social i feel back for just up and running of on her when all she was trying to do is be nice.
"hey kairi.....look i'm sorry i was so rude that time at the forests edge i'm not much of a people person, andi'm not big on sharing my personal life." i informed, skating backward infront of her, so that we were facing each other.
"i really dont't wanna talk to you. i don't like people who push away people who try to be nice to you." she informed, averting her gaze, so that she was never looking at me.
" i don't like you jin, leave me alone i don't want anything to do with you." she continued, aserious expression on her face.
" fine whatever, i don't really care, theres no point and apologizing when people won't accept them." i sort of mumbled, but stll audiable.
" i don't like you because you push people away, and refuse to tell about yourself, people can't help when you don't tell them" kairi, sais now expressionless.
" god there you go again whining about me not telling you i'm life story, i don't want to tell you my personal life and i shouldn't have to for you to talk to me. i just don't want you to know, but if you want to know about me fine then. i'm a fucking demon from hell and i'm 4,000 years old, not what you would expect is it? well now you got me to spill you happy now?." i stated angerly, i then skated off and sat at a table off to the side of the rink.
"why the hell does everyone expect me to tell them freely about myself, what if it to painful. what am i not allowed to have friends because i'm a fucking death angel and i refuse to tell my life story?" i say to myself, angry from before.
elle's pov
i noticed jin skate off angerly after talking with a pink haired girl an i noticed she looked upset and kind of scared. that when i decided to go talk to her.
" hey you and jin were just arguing right?" i stated she nodded.
" well try not to be to mad at him. he has a pretty bad past and he's really tsundere, and because of his anti-socialness and tsundereness it make it hard for him to make friends. please don't be to mad at him he needs all the friends he can get to deal with his parents death. at this thegirl went wide-eyed.
' o-ok b-but he said he was a demon who's 4000 years old. so uh does he have a mental disorder or something?" the girl asked, that when i realized where the look of fear came from.
"..... no i think he was just something random so that you wouldn't bother him about his personal life." answered lying straight to her face, though i'm not a fan of lying.
" ok well after what you said, i guess i'll forgive him." the girl anounced, and i gave her a small smile and nod before skating off to join jin.
jin's pov
" jin lets be friends ok"
AN: i felt like just hurrying and ending this chapter, probably because all of the writers block, the writers block was making me bored since i update in my free time.
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