a son and a girlfriend
AN: I decided maybe I should do a chapter on utau's band in the pov of the male vocalist; riku
a son and a girlfriend
the day was beautiful so i decided not to waist it and do something fun, as i was walking along the sidewalk with my arms crossed back behind my head, my mind began to stray to a familiar bleach-blonde vocalist. lately all i've been thinking about is her.
"could it be I'm actually falling for her?" i began to wonder as i felt my heart pace quicken.
"oh my god.. i really do have feelings for her. i normally tease her about liking me and all but now i'm beginning to like her." i finally realized. man i felt blind not knowing about my feelings for her until now. i decided to hangout on the roof of our school even though it was the weekend. i pulled out my song book and sat on the edge of the roof and began to write the words that were on my heart; it was about her. geez i'm like a love struck puppy. if utau ever got ahold of my song book she wouldn't let me hear the end of him, she'd tease me about having a 'lousy' song book. i decided to call my new song timeless (it's by ross lynch from austin and ally i had happened to hear it and fell in love with it.). after i had half of it i began to sing it, and as i sang i made the second half up as i went.
♪ Every day day day
I fall for you a little more
And every night night night
I dream of you so beautiful
Every time we laugh
I see the sparks fly
And every time you blush
I feel those butterflies
And baby how we feel
Will always be in style
Forever and ever...
This love is never gonna fade
We are timeless
We are timeless
My heart will never ever change
We are timeless
We are timeless
And we're gonna last
Our love will always feel this way
We are timeless...
We are timeless...
We are timeless
We can talk, talk, talk
For hours and there's more to say, eh, eh
And don't you know, oh, oh
That you and me fit perfectly, eh, eh, oh yeah
'Cause every time you smile you light the world up
No matter what you do I can't get enough
And baby how I feel will always be in style
Forever and ever
This love is never gonna fade
We are timeless...
We are timeless...
My heart will never ever change
We are timeless...
We are timeless...
And we're gonna last
Our love will always feel this way
We are timeless
Like the stars are in the sky
My love for you will always shine
It's you and me eternally
And there's no way to stop us
'Cause we're timeless
We're timeless
(This love)
This love is never gonna fade
We are timeless...
We are timeless...
My heart will never ever change
We are timeless...
We are timeless...
And we're gonna last
Our love will always feel this way
We are timeless...
We are timeless... ♫
"oh wow." i heard a shocked, but quite familiar voice say, and my face went red before even turning around to make sure it was her; utau.
"the fact that you have a song book is funny but the songs in it, well judging by this one must be good." the still quiet speaking utau said, approaching me from behind and put both of her hands on my shoulders and hugs me from behind which made me go wide-eyed.
"h-hey! what was that for?!" i sort of said/shouted out of shock, my face tinting pick again. i noticed from the corner of my eye that her face was a bright red.
"i.. uh i just really wanted to hug you." utau admitted getting quieter when she got to 'wanted to'.
"It's fine." I replied not teasing now. she then began to pull away and I grabbed her hand. I could tell she wasn't prepared for it because I felt her shake a little.
"heh jumpy much?" i teased pulling her next to me sending her the message that i wanted her to join me and sit down. she then sat down but i continued to hold her hand which caused her to look down and give me a confused look.
"am i not allowed to hold your hand?' i questioned teasingly. acting as if i didn't know anything. she giggled as a response, which she didn't often do so I was a little shocked and rose an eyebrow as a reaction.
"What I am allowed to laugh just as much as you are, anyways how about we go show that rough draft of a song to the band so we can clean it up to be a preform able song." Utau
suggested standing up again making sure not to fall to her death, and me also prepared to catch her if she did loose her footing. I then got up after her, me with much more ease though. after we arrived at the recording studio with the rest of the band member which we had called to action we began to clean up the song.
~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~
"Hey riku I'm gonna be going to the skateboard park to hangout with a new friend I made wanna come?" Utau shouted to me from a couple of feet away. we had just finished our business at the recording studio. I replied with a nod and told her i'd meet up with he there since we both had to go our separate ways to our homes to get changed and grab our skateboards for the skateboard park, what good is a skate park with no skateboard to ride it. after we met up at the skate park she introduced me to her friend kurai; some guy she said she met a few days ago here at the park.
" Hey I'm riku, nice to meet you." I introduced politely to her friend, even though i hate being polite. he then chuckled and I returned with a confused look.
"No need for formalities we're pretty uncivilized people so formally is definitely not necessary here." the black haired boy, called kurai stated.
"Wow kurai you sure do know allot of big words are you secretly paying attention in classes!?" one of his skate buddies asked, he looked to be 10 with brown hair. kurai seemed to freak a little as if he really had a secret.
"uh haha nah i would never we wouldn't be buddies if i was. were all dumb together remember that." kurai said at first still nervous but relaxing once again has he continued to speak. he then gave the kid a playful nuggy and everyone laughed at the kids reaction, trying to wiggle out of his arms.
"oh and by the way i'm kyle." the little seemingly 9 year old said being formal and giving me a hand shake.
"oh well aren't you the charming gentlemen. " utau teases a little, everyone laughing a little.
"hey kid why are your clothes covered in holes?" i questioned and everyone went silent. with made me raise my eyebrow in curiosity, utau now holding my shoulder.
".....u-uh well you see i actually have no home i belong to the foster home but i ran away and have been staying in the woods." the boy named kyle informed hanging his head down like a puppy dog would do if they peed in the house and your scolding them.
"oh hang on be right back " i said running off to my house none of my friends knew that i actually live in a mansion and my parents are famous stars my moms a singer and my fathers a famous pianist and vocalist.my friends would never think of me as a rich kid because of my slight thuggish casual wear which is how i intentionally portray myself as, because i had bring different. when i entered my house i ran to my mother and father who were by the piano my father was sitting on the stool with his hands on the keys and my mother on top of the piano they were just talking though no singing or playing.
"hey mom, can i have a foster brother?'" i asked. my mom looking at me contently. before looking to her husband for an answer. my father nodded in reply.
"let the boy have a brother, with us always on business and on tours he needs someone to have hang around." my father informed, his large hand now resting on my mothers shoulder she continued to look down at the ground before nodding an ok.
"ok you can adopt a kid but you have to take care of him we have to much business to be taking care of another kid so think of you as the father but with us buying the food and paying the bills." my mother said, and i nodded an ok and ran off back to the skate park.
" hey guys sorry if i took long im back now. hey kyle my parents said we can adopt you if you want to but we'll have to bring you back to the foster home to sign papers." i informed, the little Burnett 9 year old's eyes lighting up as i said 'Adopt'. the boy nodded and gave me a hug, which made me chuckle alittle.
"come on lets go sign those papers." considering i have my own credit card and my own bank account thank to my lovely family and there connections, i can pretty much sign the paper myself with the consent of my parents since i'm not 18 yet.
~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~
after we made it to the foster home by skateboard which was 3 miles away we finally got to stop and take a break.
"uh yes my parents decided that we would like to adopted this boy here i understand that he ran away but we would like to adopt him." i said to the woman who ran the place in her office.
"oh um ok sign these papers then and here's a paper telling you of all his allergies and medical conditions." the woman said handing me 2 sheets i quickly read the paper she wanted me to sign and signed it and handed it back to her then we were allowed to leave.
"hey lets go get my car so we can go have a little fun." i said giving the boy a wink eye goofy smile. and the boy nodded returning a goofy smile.
once we were home i walked to the drivers side of my blue Lamborghini, i looked to kyle to see why he wasn't coming and saw that jaw was dropped and his eye were wide.
" WOAH! YOU HAVE A LAMBORGHINI?!!" kyle practically screamed, i nodded and chuckled at his reaction.
" well get in kid we don't have all day." i hurried, snapping the kid out of his trance while i jiggled the key. we then both jumped into the car and drove to the mall.
" ok kid the malls got tons of store and we're here to get you some clothes because you can't be wearing those ripped ones all day every day, so lets find you some nicer clothes we've got plenty of stores to pick clothes from. don't hold back kid" i stated patting his shoulder.
"u-uh ok." the kid said kind of shy and nervous. he began to slowly walk to one of the cheap store called jc penny, so i ran up to him and kneeled down to eye level with him, both of my hands resting on his shoulders.
"hey I'm serious ki-son you can go to any store here don't hold back ok, just think of me as your dad so don't hold back." i said then tapping his shoulder and standing back up.
" geez now i have to father a kid. its not all that bad though, it cool seeing a kid run around with that look in his eyes, the look of a kid who want to play with the new toy he saw on tv or the look of a kid in a candy store. i can't believe I'm starting to like fathering this kid, if anyone were to see this i'd die." i thought, never noticing a familiar bleach blonde haired girl peeking at us from behind one of the poles that held up the floor above us.
"hey son lets go to that store over there." i said again squatting down to his height and pointing to an expansive store. the boy gave a are-you-crazy?! look which made me chuckle.
" b-but that place is expensive there's no way anyone could afford going there." the boy stated, but i simply shock my head, no then stood up and grabbed his hand and headed toward the store. even though he's nine he could really easily get lost or taken.
" u-uh riku y-your a father?!" i heard a familiar female voice screeched from behind me i turned to, see that it was utau. i then felt my face heat up a little.
" did you adopt him as your son?!" utau continued on to say.
" e-eh well actually its a long story but in the end he's my son so yea." i replied, rubbing the back of my next nervously and continuing to look away. kyle was simply looking up at us, his little brain not understanding what was going on.
" h-hey um kyle go look for some clothes i'll come find you just stay in this story." i said not looking st him or utau, but continuing to look the way i had been looking the past 45 seconds.
" ok daddy " the boy relied then ran off. me and utau staring in shock at were the boy once stood.
" he called me daddy. god i really am a father now aren't i?" i realized, kind of shocked and scared at the realization.
" h-he just called you daddy! ... i think it's cute, especially that you would take on such a role just so the boy could have a home. your...really sweet." i heard utau state now looking at me and me looking at her.
after that whole incident me and kyle headed home after buy him a whole wardrobe of clothes. utau ended up hangout with up the whole time we were at the mall and picked out kyle's outfits. hm and her really get along... almost like a.. family.
" why am i think about her? and why do i get so chocked up around her, she's just a girl." i wondered, letting the thought float around in my head a while.
"so daddy i heard you agree to meet utau somewhere, where you 2 going?" kyle started, breaking the silence that was once among us. his questioned making me jump a little at the sudden sound.
" oh to the festival don't worry you'll be able to go, my friends rina and len will look after you there, make sure you tell them i said to hold your hand. i don't want you straying from them understood?. i said the last part a demand which seemed to naturally flow out of my mouth.
" ok daddy thanks for letting me go to." the boy, said giving me a big unexpected hug.
" well if you plan on going you best get changed out of those torn clothes." i pointed out, he nodded and ran upstairs to the room i showed him to; the room i put his clothes up in. i then headed off to change into nicer clothes too.
after i dropped off kyle with rina and len and met up with utau i pulled her hand and we grabbed some cotton candy, and looked at the objects being sold i ended up buy utau a love charm necklace which promised that she would get the man of her dreams, and she ended up buying me a lucky necklace that promised me good fortune if finding and gaining what i wanted. i secretly bought a ring for utau that i'd give to her later, it had 2 hearts one pink and one blue on it. that's when i noticed a tattoo stand which kind of shocked me considering the setting.
" hey utau wanna get a tattoo with me? i'll hold your hand so you can squeezing my hand when the needle starts hurting." i asked, the bleach blonde and she simply answered with a nod, fear could be clearly seen in her eyes.
" hey you don't have to do it if you don't want to." i informed, giving her a look if concern. she shook her head as a reply.
" no its fine i've been wanting to get one anyways." utau reassured pulling me to the stand by my sleeve.
" we would like to get a tattoo sir." i said to the man with his back to us. the man had tons of tattoos up the back of his neck and arms and back. the man then turned to face us.
"what do you to love birds what to get?" the su[per muscular man said in a deep voice.
" e-eh we're not a couple but how about the heart lock and key connected by a chain." utau stated, before continuing.
"it can show our friendship." i nodded in understanding and sat in the chair next to utau he began working on her half which was the heart lock. after he finished hers she was almost in tears and he moved onto me i didn't want utau to know but i've had 2 tattoos before this one so the pain doesn't really bother me, my half was a breeze. after we finish getting out tattoos she was crying a little bit at the pain so i gently kissed her tattoo, she gave me a strange look as a reply.
"w-woah it doesn't hurt that bad now, how did that work?" utau shouted, in shock at how the pain mostly disappeared after i kissed it. utau then seemed to notice the singing that was going on and grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the source of the king to find it was a stage set up for karaoke so she jumped on after the girl finished and sang. ( song: tomoe by: smile.DK )
"she looks so beautiful up there." my mind began to wonder, and i felt word flow out of my mouth, after i realized i had said something out loud the area was silent and everyone was looking st me.
"w-whats going on?" i questioned not even knowing what i had said, when my mind was wondering.
" y-you just said i was beautiful and that you loved me." utau replied refreshing my memory.
"is that true?" utau continued, staring at me contently.
" w-well.... yes. i don't know when i began having these feelings but i know now what these feelings are and what they mean, they mean i love you utau." i confessed, my face going pink and utau's as well.
"do you ... like me back?" i asked quietly while i naturally began to lean forward closer to her face slowly.
" yes i love you." utau answered before closing the gasp between us and our lips. i felt myself smirk against her lips.
" god i'm hung up on this girl and we only just kissed for the first time " i admitted. us pulling apart.
"what do you say how about we go see the fireworks." i suggested, utau nodded and i grabbed her hand and walked to the park next to the festival were the fireworks were to be held. i pulled out a blanket and layed in on the ground so utau didn't have to sit on the spiky grass. soon the fireworks began and when sat holding hand her head on my shoulder like you would expect any stereotypical date night to be.
"what does this make us now?" utau questioned, turning her head which was still resting on my shoulder to look at me.
"friends with benefits." i answer as seriously as possible, before laughing. utau looked scared for a moment that i had seriously said that but when i began to laugh she realized it was a joke.
"well isn't it obvious your my girlfriend." i continued this time seriously answering the question.
"ok" utau replied smiling brightly, now she was laying her head in my lap.
"hey daddy!" i heard a familiar young boy shout from behind me. i turned to meet face to face with kyle.
"oh haha hey son come lay with me and ut-mommy." i invited, smirking at utau i wanted to see her reaction to being 'mommy' of the boy. utau popped up out of my lap at being called 'mommy' and gave be a shock look that said are-you-crazy- we're-not-married which made me chuckle a little.
" hi mommy i'm kyle i met you as the skate park." kyle stated walking around to in front of utau and held out his hand to shake hands, utau took his hand and gave it a shake. i noticed her smile from the corner of my eyes, and as a result made me smirk.
"now our tattoos can symbolize our love" i announced, utau almost instantly flushed red, and i smirked at her before kissing her right next to her lips, at this she got even redder.
"R-RIKU!? thats embarrassing with people around." utau squealed, again i chuckled at her reaction. then i pulled the neatly wrapped box out of my pocket, the red sparkly ribbon was perfectly wrapped around the box with a perfect bow on top.
" why does this feel more like i'm gonna propose?" i wondered.
"hey utau here its a gift." i informed, grabbing her attention, and handing her the small box, the gave me a shocked like that said why-did-you-buy-me-something.
"oh thank you riku." she replied opening and instantly becoming entranced with the ring. when she snapped out of it she hugged me tightly and thanked me again then put the ring on her left ring finger , and i smirked.
" so are we engaged now?' i asked leaning in to say it in her ear. she seemed unprepared because she jumped a little and looked at me confused.
"your left ring finger is your engagement ring and your right ring finger is married." i informed, smirking at her.
"o-oh i'll stick it on my middle finger then." she decided, but i put my hand over hers showing the ring on my left ring finger that matched her but the base was red not purple like hers, both our rings had a light blue and a pink heart. ( i changed the color of her ring ) at this she smiled at me.
"don't take it off leave it on, it's cute." i admitted and she blushed a little and nodded. we both then heard a chorus of 'awws' behind and turned to see everyone including len and rina looking at us making 'aww' sounds, as a result i laughed a little, while utau's face flushed.
this girls is my girlfriend and my best friend. she is important to me, i love her, i will hold her near my heart forever.
AN: hope you like it
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