a kidnapping for family
AN: i think the titles pretty self explanatory. so anyways to le story
a kidnapping for family
"master your a male?" i heard a someone say i turned to see who it was, it was a man with red hair and a ponytail.
"what do you mean master and what do you mean male?!" i more demanded then asked. i became confused i didn't know what he meant but i was worried.
" oh so you must be her brother i heard about then." the man spoke quietly as if more to himself then anyone.
" what do you mean?! who's brother?! an why is she your master?!" i began rambling question. i became shocked and.. kind of scared to hear the answers.
" ok look sir your sister elle is the master of hell she killed satan, now since i have told you i am gonna go ahead and leave so i don't have to deal with your mental break down. god humans are all the same" the man informed before walking off back into the woods, he said the last part quietly to himself.
"oh god she's the master of hell?!" i whispered to myself repeatedly, rocking were i was sitting; in my spot by the rock. and that's when that girl came she helped me home i made sure to grab my shirt and message to my sister, i knew i would be leaving my car but i could come get it later.
~~~~~ time skip~~~~~
after the girl left my room leaving me with my ramen, i got up set my ramen on my night stand beside me and followed after her, i knew it was something wrong and i was now clarified as a stalker but i had to show her to robbie and liz, so i'll find out where she lives.
after i followed her into the wood i found she lived in the trees, she jumped from branch to branch with ease, but i decided to follow her anyways even though i suck at climbing trees. i slowly climbed from branch to branch hanging on for dear life,i don't know if it was me or she just slowed down.
" could it be she knows I'm following her and she's letting me follow her? nah, that can;t be." i questioned but then brushed it off.
after a while i finally managed to get up to the top of the trees only to find a tree village built there. i then noticed the girl going into a near by house.
" ok then that's her house, ok." i concluded, decided to stay this girl was interesting so i sat quietly behind one of the trees that bordered the village. later that night i found that she came back out and met up with some other. i over heard them say someone was missing, they then all went in separate directions as if to search for something or someone. i assume they were looking this missing person and decided to follow that girl. she ended up just walking around the wood. that night i retrieved my car.
after sometime i noticed a man come out of a hole that magically appeared out of the ground, she looked as shocked as i was and walked out of some bushes freaking out about the whole thing she just saw.
the next day i woke up in my bed early in the morning i checked the time to find it was 6:00 in the morning. i got up took a quick shower, put my clothes on, and brushed my hair back in a different style as part of my disguise i also complemented my disguise with sunglasses. i then drove my car to the woods making sure to park it a ways away from where the village was located. today i was going to kidnap her, i don't like thinking of it as kidnapping though since I'm only taking her to show the kingsleys and elle. i walked into the woods and looked above me of course i couldn't see the village but i wasn't looking for the village i was looking for trees. i had memorized the figure of 2 trees by the village and that was what i was looking for to see where i was. i then recognized 2 trees and knew i was under the village i then began to climb.
" wooh i'm really getting a work out from all this climbing, i need to get out more." i thought while i was climbing.
after a few minutes of climbing which felt like forever, i came to the village of course i hide i couldn't be caught if i wanted to kidnap this girl. so i'll just sit and wait till i get her alone. that's when i noticed some one hopping in the distance from branch to branch, i recognized the maroon hair and quickly jumped after her.
" dang i feel like a bad ass ninja waa yeeeaa"(zack: ^w^) i thought while making stereotypical karate moves one a tree branch.
"w-woah a-ah not doing that anymore."(zack: 0,o!) i screeched now holding on to the branch like a koala, i had almost fell off the branch from doing the karate moves. that's when i realized i wasn't paying attention to were the girl had gone.
" oh geez zack you chilly cookie how do you lose your target?" i lectured in my thoughts. i then got back up to a standing position and began going from branch to branch. boy was my heart pounding i could've fallen at any minute.
after a while of suicidal branch jumping i managed to catch up to her, she was laying in a pile of leaves on the ground.
" geez is this girl suicidal!!? these people are CRAZY!!!!" i freaked in my head. i made sure to stay a far distance and climbed down there i then slowly crept up behind her, since her eyes were closed it was easier. i then quickly put the bag over her head and tied it up loosely. i walked her back to the car her hands wrapped behind her, i pushed her into the passenger seat as softly as i could and closed the door. after we got into the car i removed the bag on her head.
" hello again miss thank you for helping me the other day" i blurted awkwardly.
" how do you talk to people in this kind of situation.. i've never kidnapped someone before what do i do?! am i supposed to hold a gun to her head or something or like put her in a sack and stuff her in the trunk??" i wondered curiously, i then noticed her giving me a confused look and i started my engine and began driving off.
" what?" i asked, getting kind of creeped out from the endless staring.
" i'm an assassin." was all i heard her say, after she said this i simply let out a "mhm" and looked back at the road.
"WAIT WHAT!!!??? Y-YOUR AN ASSASSIN??!!"(zack: @,@!!) i screeched just now processing what she said. i almost swerved off the road at this but managed to regain control of the car.
" you realize i knew you were following the whole time right? since last night? and i knew it was you behind me. oh and everyone in the village knew you where hiding behind that tree by the way. I'm flattered you find me interesting enough to kidnap but I'm a bit confused, why do you want to kidnap me after i did such a nice thing for you." i heard her state. my jaw dropped at the whole 'i knew you where there' thing.
" damn and i thought i was being ninja... im sorry my fellow ninja brothers out there i am a failure of a ninja; a disgrace. ohno i feel my life... its fading away... it's slipping from my grasp... live on my fellow ninja friends don't let my death be in vain." i pretended in my head, sometime i think i should be in the mental hospital.
"so to sum up what i just said... i let you catch me." the girl said looking over at me expressionless.
" way to stomp on my ninja dreams"( zack: TwT) i mentally cried.
after a whole day of driving and getting weird looks from people at the corner stores for having a tied up girl in my passenger seat, i finally managed to reach home. of course it was dark now so we were going to stay with my parents and sister.
"hello mom, dad its me i've come home to stay the night." i said through the crack of the door as i knocked.
"oh my baby your home your father and i were worried! we missed you soo much!" my mother exaggerated wrapping me in a hug.
" uh w-who's this and why is she tied up?" my mother asked giving me a he's-gone-mad look.
" oh mom, dad this is....uuh-" i began to say, but was cut off.
"cody resmay jonas, nice to meet you." the cody girl butted in, giving them awkward handshakes with bound hands.
" y-yea cody.. well ok I'm not crazy but i kidnapped her to show her to the kingsleys." i blurted getting the jest of it out.
".....i knew it he's gone mad, absolutely bonkers.. honey what do we do he's kidnapped a woman... just to show her to the kingsleys." i heard my mother fret to her husband.
"way to give it to 'em straight smith" i heard cody whisper into my ear. i then noticed she called me by my last name.
" how do you know my name?" i interrogated.
" simple." she answered holding up my drivers license. i then felt all the pockets of my clothes.
" how did you get that?" i questioned.
" simple, i have skill." she bragged handing it back to me, her hands still bound together. she then broke free and the rope just ripped in half and fell off.
" there that's better." she muttered to herself, rubbing her wrist where the rope used to be tied.
" o-oh eh sorry i didn't mean to tie it tight." i apologized scratching the back of my head guilty.
" so uh can we stay here mr. and mrs. smith?" cody asked.
" oh uh yea sure zack your bed is made and cody there's a guest bedroom at the end of the hall on your right next to the restroom." mom yelled at us from the door. we had already entered the house and began heading to the rooms.
"elle your brothers here!" i heard my mother yell not long after elle came busting into my room.
" zack!!" she yelled, glomping me, that's when i pulled out the letter and handed it to her, i had added the part where i met a maroon haired girl that looked like robbie last night.
" here, i was gonna mail it to you but i made an unexpected home visit, so you can have it now." i informed waving the letter with no envelope in her face. she then took it out of my hand and sat down to read it, and as she did i casually brought up a topic i was once freaking out about.
" so your the new master of hell? is it cool? do the demons like tend to your every need or something?" i began to as tons of questions, i was more interested as to how the process work then i was freaked out about her being the master.
"...so you found out eh? eh it's pretty cool i guess, and no they don't they just blend into our school to protected us though... so who told you i was the master of hell anyways?" elle answered, the last part a question.
"oh it was the human looking guy with red hair in a ponytail... what i don't get though is why he was wearing a lab coat." i informed.( zack: ?.?)
"oh you mean kage? he's one of my teachers at school he's one of the demons that recently moved to my school." elle informed matter-of-factly holding her head up like she just accomplished something. elle then went quiet for a second and i could tell she was reading the letter, her eye then grew big.
" who's this maroon haired girl that looks like robbie?" elle then questioned, i figured that was why her eyes had grown big. i lifted my hand to my mouth and then yelled.
" hey cody come here a sec please!" a few seconds later she was in my room, i figured she followed my voice to find my room. elle then raised her hand and pointed to the girl looking at me, a look of shock on her face.
"s-so you brought her here!?" she then yelled. i then chuckled at her reaction it was priceless. she looked so dumb-struck with her mouth hanging open.
"well yea how else was she supposed to meet the kingsleys" i replied, making her feel stupid.
"well he actually kidnapped me, but i'm an assassin and i technically let him catch me and when we got here i simply broke free on the ropes. your brother is the worse kidnapper ever this was just a field trip for me. i guess finding out demons are real and that his sister is the master of hell is just that shocking to him, but then again i freaked out last night when i found out my boyfriend was a demon." cody the assassin girl rambled. elle was again dumb-struck from how straight forward and blunt cody was being about the whole event that just went down.
" and your totally ok with this?!" elle shouted, i could tell she was a bit confused she probably thing cody mad.
"basically yea" was all cody answered nodding her head, cody then walked off to the room she was staying in.
" hey you should head to bed to elle even though its friday and tomorrow is saturday. you shouldn't stay up too late." i suggested with a little info.
"ok" elle replied then she headed out of my room to her own room. i looked over to check the time only to find it was 1:00 am.
"welp better get to bed." i thought to myself, then switched off the light and headed to bed.
when i woke up it was the middle of the day and found that it was 3:00 pm. as i dragged myself out of bed i headed to my closet and pulled out a: 'i am a gamer' shirt which was gray, a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, and black vest for over my shirts, and a pair of black converse, i then headed to the shower. i locked the door and jumped into the shower.
after my shower i dried my hair and wrapped a towel around my neck and threw my clothes on. when i stepped out of the restroom i went to find out what elle was doing. i found her putting on her shoes by the door.
" hey elle where are you going?" i yelled, waving to her.
"i'm going to robbies, but geez it sure is cold out today." elle informed grabbing her jacket, that's when i got an idea and called for cody.
" hey elle why not we take cody over there and show her to the kingsleys so she can meet them. you agree that she looks like robbie and liz don't you?" i suggested the last part a question.
" yea she looks way alike to liz and robbie, mr. and mrs. kingsley will definitely flip." elle stated. we then all headed to my car and drove off to the kingsley's place.
once we got to the kingsley's place we got out and knocked on the door. mrs. kingley had answered the door.
" hey mrs. kingsley can we come in we got to show you and the rest of your family something." elle said, making a confused and curious face form on mrs.kingsley's face.
"oh ok come on in i'll call everyone into the living room." mrs.kingsley replied. we nodded and took a seat on the gray leather couch in there living room. we then noticed liz, mr.kingsley, robbie, and mrs.kingsley come into the living room and, that's when we called cody to come in. everyone of the kingsley's had a look of shock and fear on there face.
"u-uh w-who is this?" robbie questioned stuttering.
"my name is cody, cody resmay jonas. i was raised in a village of assassin i don't know my real family i just know that jonas found me and took me in." cody informed, earning nods from everyone.
"well you look crazy alike to the kingsley's so we brought you here to see if they may be your real family." elle stated, looking to cody.
"lets get a DNA Test then!" mrs. kingsley suggested bouncing up to her feet, pulling her husband up with her.
"ok" was all cody replied, robbie gave her and interested and curious look, seeing her all casual about the idea. i then felt an arm pulling on me and found that it belonged to elle, she was pulling me to get me to get up. i then stood up which caused her to stumble a little. we all walked to our cars, me, elle , robbie, and cody in mine, mr.and mrs. kingsley and liz in the kingsley's car.
after a few minutes of driving we arrived at the hospital, we all got out and went inside. mrs. kingsley made arrangements with the lady at the desk, me, elle,and robbie were all playing clash of clans with each other as we waited for mrs. kingsley and the desk lady to finish talking.
after what seemed like and hour mrs.kingsley finally came back and told us that they had one cancellation so they could take us, she also said that the lady said we were all allowed to watch as the whole DNA test went down.
soon we arrived at the testing room. the nurse told cody and robbie to take a seat since they looked the closet alike it was more likely to provide factual information or so i heard.
once the preparations for the test we're ready the nurse took some blood from each of them, even though it can be done with any bodily fluid. after she came back from putting the blood samples in the lab she told us to return home, she said the results can take up to 24 hour to a week to get in and that they'd sent it to the kingsley's once the results were in.
once we returned to the kingsley's home we all began rummaging through old family stuff of the kingsley's in search of anything thing that may have shown signs of them being related.
" so i heard twins have a psychic connection" i said to mrs. kingsley as we were looking through old boxes.
" huh really?!" mrs. kingsley replied curiosity and interest could be heard in her voice.
" they sometime have the same comment sometime and sometimes start singing the same song at the same time. they also have crisis telepathy when they can sense the other is hurt or in danger." i continued. she stopped and looked at me wide eyed, she then got an idea.
" wait wouldn't that mean robbie and cody would be twins? since there the same age?" mrs. kingsley questioned, i nodded.
" they are more likely to be half-identical twins, which are identical twin except there the opposite gender since they look so alike." i stated, earning another look of shock from mrs. kingsley. i then heard robbie squeal in a way i'd never imagine. as a result me and mrs. kingsley ran into the room robbie and liz were in.
"what is it robbie?!" me and mrs. kingsley yelled simultaneously, we didn't pay much attention to it though there were more pressing matters to attend to like why robbie just squealed.
"i found this picture!!" robbie yelled shoving the picture in our faces, elle finally coming to check was going on. me, mrs, kingsley, and elle all looked at the picture. it was a picture of 2 little kids that seemed to both be 4, they looked exactly alike except one was a girl and one was a boy.
" t-this is!!" mrs.kingsley started but was cut off
"me and him" cody said.
"me and her" robbie said,both of them saying it at the same time. they then looked to each other and laughed a little.
" that's cool we're so in sync!" cody and robbie said simultaneously. they were now sitting face to face on the red and golden ancient looking carpet, they were laughing.
"hey quit copying me!" they both joked. and continued to laugh, i then noticed a tac near cody's leg but i was to late to warn her.
"o-ow" cody whined rubbing her now bleeding leg.
"ow why does my leg hurt a little now?" robbie questioned, he then looked to cody and she looked back at him. they both then smiled and then robbie helped cody to the restroom to clean up her bloody scratch which turned out pretty big considering it came from a tac. that's when we realized we no longer needed the result of the DNA test the answer was already found.
cody ended up returning to the assassins village but she promised she'd think about were she'd rather be while she was there.
AN: hope you all liked it. it was fun to write but be for warned the next chaptr may be short sorry :/.
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