Chapter 5
So I now have an Instagram account for this Wattpad account and so if you guys want to go follow it DaneskaMorgenstern go ahead.
Song ~ Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur
I will start taking song suggestions for upcoming chapters.
Kyra's Point of View
I see Melissa's dead body. Everywhere I turn. I see her again and again with a bullet through her heart. I turn once more and see my reflection.
I have blood on my hands and am holding a gun. I look down at my hands and they are clean. I look into the mirror again and see Soren there beside me, looking just as gruesome as me.
I jolt awake from my night terror.
I get up and go to the rest room. When I get in there, I splash my face with water and try to brush my hair to calm my racing heartbeat.
Once I am calm enough, I head to the kitchenette. When I get out there, I see a blonde head bobbing around the stove, trying to make some eggs.
I sit on the bar chairs and continue to watch Soren cooking. I focus on the muscles in his back.
Each time he moves, they ripple and it looks delicious. I know. I feel creepy, but beautiful people were made to be looked at.
When he feels my stare, Soren turns around and catches me staring.
He raises a brow questioningly.
"Like what you see?" He asks.
"Yup!" I reply.
"Wait, really?"
"Yeah, those eggs look amazing."
As I say this, Soren's shoulders begin to droop.
"Wow. I can just feel the love radiating off of you." He starts to serve the plates up and sets one in front of me and another in front of the chair next to me.
"Thank you."
"Any time."
"I meant for promising me to help me find out about Issy's death."
Soren's Point of View
I was sincerely hoping she had forgotten it.
"Well, there is not really much to find out. Her depression got too much for her to handle and she decided that she didn't want to deal with it anymore, so she shot herself. Right in the heart. " I say the rehearsed lie so bluntly.
"You know I don't think that's true. She was probably getting too far involved in something. She wouldn't just kill herself for no reason. She would only do it to hide something."
I wish she knew how close she was but then again, I never want her to know just how dark things had gotten for Melissa and myself.
"So where should we start looking?" She prods.
I sigh and decide that maybe it would be better and help her grieve if she knew what really happened.
"Maybe we should start with her boyfriend, Alejandro."
I drop the bomb, knowing that Kyra nor her family knew about any relationship that Melissa had here.
"Boyfriend? She had a boyfriend? Why didn't she tell me?" Ky asks, with her little nose scrunched in the most adorable way possible.
I shrug.
"We can go meet him tonight. He goes to the local club, the Elite. We can go find him and ask about their relationship."
She nods, her curiosity finally quenched for at least a few hours.
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x Dani
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