Chapter 8
Taren had been making a habit of eating in the kitchen with Owen. It was more relaxed, comfortable and he had Owen to chat with while they both ate. This morning however Owen hovered over him not wanting to sit and talk. His meal was all but slammed onto the table in front of him and for a moment he couldn't work out why the man was so upset with him.
Taren could feel his anger growing with Owen when he realised he deserved whatever his friend did or said. "Go ahead Owen, say it. I doubt you'll say anything I haven't already said to myself."
Owen growled, "What the hell did you do... did you say to Siobhan to make her so upset?"
Taren pushed his plate away from him. There was no way he'd be able to eat, not feeling the way he was. "I'm an idiot."
"Yes, I think we can both agree with that. Now what the hell did you do?"
Taren looked up at his friend with so much sadness in his eyes that it all but knocked the bluster right out of Owen. He sat in a chair adjacent to Taren. "Are you alright?"
Taren shook his head in the negative. "You're worried about me?" he shook his head again. "Owen that woman has been put through hell because of the way her family has treated her over the years;" he paused unable to go on for a moment. "Then I go and pull the Alpha with her and tell her what to do!"
"Exactly what did you tell her?"
"That if her family approach her or try to speak with her that she should walk away. She is to contact me and I'll deal with them. Not her. She said she's used to it, done it all her life and I told her no more."
"Well," began Owen, "perhaps it wasn't so much what you said as how you said it. After all you are, only trying to protect Siobhan and from what you've already told me of her parents," he shook his head and sighed. "Taren give her a day or two to calm down then go talk to her. Explain that well that you're..."
"An idiot!"
"That might help. Now eat, you have a busy day ahead." He got to his feet and freshened up poured coffee for them both before finally joining Taren for breakfast.
Coral kept an eye on Shivey over the following two days. She seemed sullen, angry, but angrier with herself than anything else. She at least tried to put on a semblance of happy when she was in the house with Coral, but the fact that Katnip kept her distance was a dead giveaway that Shivey wasn't herself.
Coral knew not to push, Shivey would come around, talk when she was ready to do so. If not she'd be there for whatever the outcome. That's what friends did and truth be told they were more than friends, they were sisters.
Shivey fed up with herself, fed up with being angry and fed up with being pushed around – told what to do, needed an outlet for all the built up energy she was carrying around. Work was quiet so an afternoon at the gym sounded good. Exercise and a swim. That should put her back to some semblance of herself.
"Coral! I'm going to the gym. I'll get something to eat while I'm out, so don't worry about fixing me anything."
"Okay!" Coral calling in answer. "Will you be home for dinner?" When Shivey didn't answer... "Don't worry I'll get something delivered. See you later."
Once she'd arrived and parked, Shivey made her way to the room she did her usual workout in. Her dance routine was usually enough for her. It was a time that was just hers that she could switch off and be in her own space and just 'be'. But not today. For the life of her Shivey could not get into the right headspace or relax enough to do or get through the piece. What she needed was something or perhaps someone to hit!
Packing up Shivey made her way to another area of the gym, the area where members boxed. The room where she'd had the match with Seth and shown Taren Wentworth that she wasn't just some helpless girl. That she was more than capable of taking care of herself.
That's what she needed now. Not a rematch, but a match, before she ended causing a problem with someone that didn't deserve it. As she looked around the room several people acknowledged her. When she asked if someone was up for a spar, the room went dead silent.
"What? I don't want to fight with anyone, I just want to spar. There is a difference you know." She watched as people either averted their eyes or turned their backs on her.
It was then that Max, one of the older members of the gym approached her. "Shivey, no one is going to spar with you. Can you imagine the repercussions if you got injured. Even accidentally, the person responsible would..." he paused, letting her come to her own conclusion.
"Because I'm under the Alpha's protection?" he nodded.
"But that's stupid. We'd be sparring..."
Max shook his head, "It wouldn't make matter."
"So what, if I go punch out a wall. Is he gonna go blow it up in retaliation?" Shivey waited, Max had no answer. She blindly stormed out of the room tears burning her eyes and slammed right into Taren.
Taren had been speaking with one of the gym members and just turned towards where Shivey was coming from when she slammed into him. He grabbed hold of her shoulders to steady her and she dropped her bag, flinching when she realised who'd grabbed her.
"Whoa there, I've got you." Taren was none too happy to feel Shivey flinch at his touch or the fact that she immediately tried to pull away from him. He ignored it, "What's got you so wound up?"
Shivey looked at him incredulously, tried to pull away again. Taren held on firmly knowing he needed to try and make things right between them. "Come on, we need to talk and I'd suggest we do it in private."
When Shivey didn't move he glared at her, moving close to her ear and whispering. "Come with me or I'll carry you out of here." Shivey opened her mouth as if to speak, he beat her to it. "Don't think I won't."
Taren picked up her bag and they walked outside to his car. He opened the passenger door indicating with a nod of his head that she should get in then placed her bag on her lap before getting in the driver's side.
He'd barely gotten in the car when he addressed her. "Buckle up." Then he started the car, buckled his own seatbelt and was out of the parking lot and on the road.
"Hey! My car." Shivey all but yelled at the man.
"I'll have someone pick it up for you."
"Without the keys?" she glared at him.
Taren was doing his best to remain calm. "Siobhan, I'll get the keys from you and have someone pick it up for you."
"No! I'll go with them and pick it up myself." She folded her arms and turned to look out the window away from him.
Taren did the only thing he could do, he drove on in silence. He glance at Shivey at intervals to see if she'd calmed down, it didn't seem like she had. Taren knew that as an Alpha others, that is to say those closest to him could sometimes emulate his emotions. He was angry at Siobhan's response to him, it may well have heightened her own emotional state. He needed to chill, to calm down and hope it rubbed off on her as well.
Ten minutes later he glanced over at Shivey and she had drifted off to sleep. He sighed, pulled over so he could toss her gym bag in the back without disturbing her then got on the road again. Now to get somewhere safe so we can talk.
As they drove he put in a call to Owen. "Who's at the house... never mind, if there's anyone there can you get rid of them. I want the house to myself for the rest of the day. And contact Thomas. I want Rhys on call this afternoon."
"Of course Taren and I'll have food in the oven kept warm for you. I'll be visiting with Coral for a few hours. Although if you'd like me to be here when arrive?"
"Thanks Owen, I'd appreciate that." Taren looked at Siobhan one last time as they made their way to his home. He couldn't help but wonder if she'd been suffering from lack of sleep as he had been the past couple of days and if so he couldn't help but feel glad that he was helping her rest, even if she'd be pissed at him when she finally woke up.
Owen was waiting on the front porch with the door open, it was like the man had a sixth sense because he had a pillow and light blanket on the couch in the living room. Waiting as he carefully carried his mate inside.
Once he'd got her settled he turned to Owen, he didn't have to ask. "I got a call from one of the men at the gym asking if the two of you had come here. They wanted to know what to tell Rhys. I informed him that they were to tell him to stay clear of the main-house until such time as he was called in and that his sister was in good hands."
He gave Taren a nod and left leaving a rather stunned Alpha standing in front of the couch occupied by his hopefully soon to be mate. "I've made a fresh pot of coffee and you might want to each something. Keep up your strength. I'd say you're going to need it. There is food in the oven being kept warm should you both want nourishment in the early evening. I'll be back late." At that he left not giving Taren a chance to say a word.
Taren checked on Siobhan to make sure she was comfortable then made for the kitchen and coffee. Coffee mug in hand he sat in the recliner opposite Siobhan and quietly kept watch. Taren had just finished the last of his coffee and placed the mug on the side table when he noticed Siobhan starting to stir. He took several calming breathes knowing she wasn't going to be happy to discover where she was and that her car was still at the gym.
Shivey hadn't meant drift off to sleep. The first thing she noticed what there was no movement and she was lying down. Shit! Where the hell am I? As she came to full wakefulness opening her eyes she knew exactly where she was.
Two calming breathes and she felt it... that is to say, she felt him. Taren, the Alpha bloody Wentworth! Why the hell did I ever come home? I should have extended my vacation indefinitely! Grr...
If there was one thing Shivey could say about herself it's that she wasn't a coward. She had never run from a fight. Picked a few maybe, but never run from one. And now, unfortunately there was nothing to do but face the situation she was in. And! Try not to piss of her new Alpha too much while doing it.
Shivey sat up, swinging her legs around at the same time so they were on the floor, with her back leaning against the back of the couch. Her left hand had hold of the corner of the pillow, perhaps for comfort or support. Whatever it was Shivey didn't want to let go, needed something to hold on to.
After a short glance at Taren, her eyes turned to the room taking note that they were in the large living room. There were two black leather couches and two recliners sitting opposite each other. There was also a rather large open fire at one end that would be wonderfully warming in winter. Shivey couldn't help the fleeting thought that this would make a wonderful family room. She noticed the artwork, landscapes mostly and a large empty space over the fireplace probably waiting for his portrait. There were several side tables and a coffee table that had been moved aside so there was obstruction to where she had be placed.
There were also no nick-knacks or frilly curtains, nothing speaking of a female touch to the room at all. Finally she turned her gaze back to Taren. Shivey didn't know what to expect, she didn't know how she felt except that she was rested. She hadn't slept well at all since she'd last spoken with Taren and it had frustrated her that he could affect her so much.
The need to yell, to hit out at something had receded. Now she just wanted to go home and pull the covers over her head and stay there. But she couldn't because the damned man was sitting in the same room as her and he was her bloody Alpha. And if she was honest with herself, he'd tried to do the right thing in regards to her safety and welfare. And for that alone he deserved for her to at least hear what he had to say; that is if he decided to speak and not just sit staring at her as he was doing at the moment. She gave him a few more moments, when he didn't speak she moved as if to get to her feet.
"Siobhan, please sit down. We should talk." She sat, no longer looking at him, but she did sit.
"First of all I'm sorry. I'm trying to protect you from overbearing dominating people who try to rule your life and what do I do." He leaned forward resting his arms on his thighs never taking his eyes off her. "I stuff up any trust we might have built up by treating you in the same way. I really am sorry. It was not my intension to treat you in that manner. I know you've always had to deal with your parents yourself, what I was trying to say in my own stupid way was you aren't alone anymore.
"Your parents need to know that I'm in charge, they also need to realise that they are answerable to me. Siobhan, I have never in all my life seen anyone treat their child, especially a daughter the way they treated you."
He ran a hand over his face. "I have to say, I've never reacted quite so strongly before either. "I'm used to protecting a Pack. I've never taken anyone under my protection before. There's never been a need."
He laughed softly hoping she'd understood what he was trying to say. "I'm likely to make mistakes or word things the wrong way. I'm your Alpha, but we're friends and I want you to talk to me, tell me if I'm stuffing up. Poke me in the ribs. Tell me I'm wrong." Then he pretend whispered. "Just don't do it in public."
The more Taren spoke the more Shivey relaxed. She couldn't help a little smile when he whisper asked her not to call him out in public. "I guess maybe I overreacted a bit too." She smiled again. "I'm just so fed up with people trying to rule my life and tell me what to do and how to do it."
She shrugged. "I reacted and didn't think. So if you want to try again, I'm game." Shivey paused for a moment. "Just remember you gave me the go ahead to call you out. Not so sure I'd poke you in the ribs, but I have to tell you if you weren't you when I ran into you tonight..."
"What? Tell me Siobhan, what set you off, what got you so upset?"
Shivey could feel the heat rising to her cheeks and hoped Taren didn't notice. She lowered her head trying to get control of her emotions before looking at him again. "I don't sleep very well when I'm angry with a friend." She watched him waiting for a reaction.
He nodded, "Neither do I."
"Good. I mean good you understand." Shivey sighed giving her head a shake. "Okay, so I haven't been sleeping well since we..." she waved her hands around and he nodded letting her know he understood what she meant.
"Anyway, I had all this energy build up so I went to the gym. Thought I'd work it off you know with my dance routine." She shook her head.
"It didn't work?" asked Taren.
"Nope! I packed up and went looking for some other way to get rid of the energy..." she looked at him, so the knowing look in his eyes. "Okay the frustration. In the end I thought hitting something might help, so I went looking for someone to spar with."
Shivey sat forward folding her arms, "No one would spar with me. They were all too afraid of the repercussions."
Their eyes locked and it actually took Taren several moments before he realised what she was really saying. Taren considered things then, "Sparring isn't the same as..." the glare she was giving him stopped any further thoughts in that vein.
"I'm sure we can find someone to spar with you. But, if you're thinking this well fall over into your everyday business." He was shaking his head. "I doubt that very much. From what I've been told you have a good reputation and work ethic. You have a growing business, according to Owen you don't overcharge and I've seen your work first hand. Its good Siobhan, people know they can rely on you to do a good job. I can't see how my putting you under my protection will cause a problem?"
"Yeah? I hope your right Taren." Shivey swatted at a stray tear. "It's just, well... you didn't see the way they all looked at me or should I say didn't look at me."
Taren tried a smile, "Maybe after you beat Seth they were all a bit hesitant?"
Shivey burst out laughing at the memory. "Okay, okay let's go with that and leave it for the time begin." She looked at him hopefully, "I don't suppose Owen left a pot of coffee for us?"
Taren got to his feet feeling more relaxed than he had been in days. "He sure did and dinners in the oven as well." he reached a hand out to Shivey and she took it.
Owen had a lamb casserole in the oven, there was a loaf of crusty bread on the table and Taren was pretty sure there was left over cherry pie in the refrigerator. He checked pulling it out to come to room temperature for later.
It was an early dinner, but neither minded. The conversation flowed as if they'd come to a new understanding. They were friends and friend sometimes had misunderstandings. Shivey actually felt honoured that Taren wanted to be her friend. Good friends, friend you could truly count on were rare and she hoped Taren fell into that category.
Taren asked her about her trip away and because it was just the two of them she gave more details, telling him of the time she spent in the park sketching and how she'd started sketching people instead of plants.
"I'd like to see some of your work, your sketching's that is. I'd like to have a portrait done to hang over the fire place in the living room. I've been waiting hoping that..." he smiled. "Maybe if I find the right artist."
"I've already done a sketch of you." Shivey blurted out before she realised what she was saying. "I, I umm was in the park and thinking about things and how kind you'd been to me. I started to free draw and when l looked down. There you were!"
Shivey could feel her face heat up, "It's not very good, but if you'd like I can show you? It was I think my second attempt at drawing a person."
"I'd love to see it Siobhan and I bet it's a great deal better than you believe it to be. I've seen some of the artwork you left with Owen before you began work here and they're good. If you don't intend keeping them I'd like them. I might even frame one or two. We can have copies made if you'd like to have them for a portfolio or for advertising." He smiled, "Think about it."
"I'd like that Taren, to have copies made. You should have the originals. The house and other buildings are in some of them so they'd be a good historical record of property."
By the time they'd had pie and ice-cream they were like old friends, both relaxed and chatting as if they'd known each other a great deal longer than they had. Taren looked at his watch, "I should be getting you back to the gym to pick up your car, unless you trust someone else to drive it?"
"Actually she's a stubborn old girl, not many can handle her. It might be best if you take me to get it."
After straightening up the kitchen and putting the dishes in the dishwasher they headed out. It had been an eventful day for both of them.
That night they both lay in bed thinking back over the day, Shivey glad that things had been sorted out between them and that they could now get back to where they'd left things before the blow up.
Taren. Taren was another story, he was glad of the fact that things had been sorted out between him and Siobhan, glad that they were on friendly terms again. The trouble was they weren't just friends and he had no idea how to tell her.
He thought about the upfront approach, just telling her and figured it would make her run. Especially after what she'd told him about her mother trying to get her mated to someone – anyone she might approved of. Nope! That won't work.
"Okay then, I'm just going to have to woo her." he smiled to himself. He'd never courted a woman before, believed he'd only do it the once. This was the once. Siobhan was the one. Now all he had to do was figure out how to make her see that he was her only one.
His phone buzzed with a text message from Rhys. "Boss, heard what happened at the gym. Everything okay?"
He had to laugh,normally Rhys would have barrelled in to find out what the hell was going on. Theboy was learning. He texted back, "It's all good Rhys. Siobhan is at home resting."He received a smiley face in reply and laughed! That was the first time anyonehad sent him a smiley face.
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