Chapter 7
The sun had barely broken across the horizon when Shivey woke. It was time to get moving. She quickly showered and finalised her packing before heading downstairs to checkout. It was too early for breakfast, she'd get something along the road. She looked toward the restaurant and thought of coffee. Trying not to groan, she'd just have to wait.
Shivey paid her bill, thanked the person behind the counter and turned to leave. Out of the corner of her eye she saw one of the waiter from the restaurant headed her way. He was carrying a take away coffee and a paper bag. He also had a huge grin on his face.
"Good morning," he said. "I heard you'd be leaving early this morning, figured you wouldn't have time for breakfast. I spoke with the chef and since you have enjoy his food so much during your stay he wanted to show his appreciation." He grinned again. "Breakfast to go!"
"Seriously." Shivey was so surprised that the chef would do this for her. "Please tell him I said thank you and I'll most definitely be staying here again when I'm in town."
"How about you carry the food and I'll get your luggage?" said the waiter.
Grateful for his help, that's exactly what she did. Once in the car she bid him goodbye and headed out, driving a short distance before stopping so she could eat and drink her coffee. Once done she headed for the garden supply store.
It took almost an hour to finalise payment and load the truck so that there would be as little damage as possible to the plants on the journey home. She thanked the staff for their help and once more got behind the wheel.
Okay, now for home. Shivey couldn't help the smile on her face. She missed her house, her land and plants, her greenhouse and she missed Coral.
As Coral had told Taren, Shivey took her time on the way home. As much as she wanted to get home, she also wanted this trip to last. Who knew when or even if she'd be able to afford something like this again? It was an extravagance she needed just this once, but she was a practical woman and a trip like this was not practical at all. Not if she wanted to build her business.
Shivey made sure to stop and rest several times, to stretch her legs, have a coffee and an extended lunch taking in the scenery. It was around two thirty or there about when she finally pulled into her driveway. Coral came running out to meet her, Katnip following, both excited to see her.
"Welcome home!" cried Coral. Katnip meowed and pounced, jumping into her waiting arms.
Shivey laughed. This was home! "What a welcome! It's good to be home." They left the care for the moment wanting to catch up.
Shivey could smell coffee as soon as she walked in the front door. She turned to Coral who rolled her eyes, "I could hear you coming a mile away. Now come and tell me all about your trip. I'll get to coffee you settle on the couch. Then I'll help you unpack."
"Don't you think we should unpack first?"
Coral just looked at her as if to say, 'do you really think I can wait that long?' she shook her head and got comfortable on the couch with Katnip. It seemed Coral had been baking that morning too, because she brought the coffees over on a tray with a plate of mini-muffins.
"Okay, now tell me all about it."
Shivey couldn't help but laugh. She told Coral all about her trip, everything except her appointment with Dr Sinclair and her sketching Taren. Coral seemed impressed that she'd started sketching people and wanted her to have go at sketching her. Shivey promised she would.
"Okay, now it's your turn. Tell me what's been happening since I left."
"That's not what I agreed to. First umm, we should unpack your truck, those plants might need some water." Coral got to her feet moving quickly towards the front door before Shivey could stop her.
Shivey knew she wouldn't get anything out of Coral until she was ready to talk, so they went about unpacking. First her luggage and the extras she's bought were dumped in the living room, then then got started on the goods she'd purchased from the garden store.
Coral squealed with surprise when she saw the window boxes. "Please tell me these are for Owen?" she asked, "Because I told him to ask you about get some for herbs."
Shivey grinned, "Great minds," she replied. "I saw them and saw an image of Owen's kitchen." They put the boxes in the greenhouse where they'd be easily accessible and so she'd be able to picture what herbs to put in each of them.
Once everything was put away, Shivey took her luggage up to her room. Coral hadn't commented on the dress-box and she wanted it out of sight before she did. While Shivey unpacked, Coral sent Taren a quick text message letting him know that Shivey had arrived home safely, which he appreciated texting back that they should come by tomorrow for lunch if they were free.
Shivey came downstairs with the gifts she'd bought, couldn't wait to see the look on Coral's face when she opened hers. "Okay come sit on the couch," Shivey called to Coral who was in the office area. "I've got presents!"
That got Coral moving and she squealed when she saw the pretty box Shivey held out to her. "For me?" Shivey nodded as she handed it to her.
Coral sat next to Shivey and carefully pulled open the ribbon tied around the box, then carefully unwrapped it. When she finally opened the box her eyes were so wide they almost popped out of her head. "Tiger Eye, I love Tiger Eye. Shivey this is beautiful, thank you so much. It must have cost heaps, but I'm so worth it!"
"Yeah, you are. Coral you're not just my friend you're my sister, when I saw these they spoke to me. They screamed your name!"
Coral dropped everything into her lap and hugged her sister-friend, as she looked over her shoulder she noticed the cat bed, Oh my goodness, a bed for Katnip! You're the best." Shivey turned to look at the bed and grinned as Katnip had already taken ownership of said bed.
"Oh and I bought some really good coffee for me... well us really and I also got some for Taren as well because he was so nice to me and I knew he'd help you out with Katnip. He did help you our right?"
Coral nodded, "Yeah, I invited him over like you said and introduced him to Katnip. They're getting on like a house on fire. He umm, even took Katnip to his first Pack meeting to welcome their new Chief of Security."
"Seriously? How'd Rhys take it?"
"He wasn't too happy at first. Taren had words with him. He also told everyone that you, Katnip and I are all officially under his protection, so Rhys had no choice but to ensure her safety." She couldn't help but laugh. "That really pissed him off and to make matters worse, he had to officially inform his parents. And also remind them that they are not to approach or contact you in any way."
"Holy crap!"
"Yeah and it gets even better." Coral said with a soft smile. "Rhys was also warned of contacting either of us. Late that afternoon he came to see me. He apologised for what happened, said he realised he could have hurt me and that he'd actually been disrespectful towards me." Shivey's jaw just about hit the floor.
Coral laughed, "Yeah," she said shaking her head. "I couldn't believe at first either. But then he said he'd had time to think and he knows he's been a crappy brother to you. Rhys said he wants to make things right with you Shivey. I actually think he means it, but I told him he's gonna need to deal with his parents first, cause and I hate to have to tell you this but you dad's almost as bad as your mother."
Shivey was about to tell Coral she was wrong, but she put a hand up to stop her. "When Rhys told them what Taren said, that it was official and they weren't to contact you. Well you know your mother, she exploded. He expected that, what he didn't expect was you dad to turn around and blame you."
The shocked expression on Shivey's face was almost too much for Coral, but Shivey needed to know. Rhys tried to tell them it wasn't your fault, they just didn't want to hear him. He told me he walked out of the house and doesn't want to go back."
Tears were streaming down Shivey's face, wiping her eyes with the back of her hands she said, "My mother is going to be pissed when everyone finds out. In her eyes it'll make her look weak and undermine her position in the community." Shivey laughed sadly, "No guessing where she's going dump the blame for this?"
"People know what your mother is like. They aren't going to blame you, if anything if she starts she's only going make herself look bad. Hell if our Alpha had to step in to make sure you're okay how the hell could any of this," she waved her arms around to indicate everything, "be your fault?"
That seemed to calm Shivey somewhat and she reached for Corals gift wanting her to try everything on. She'd been correct, the colour of the stone suited her. They sat chatting for a few minutes when Coral cleared her throat. "Umm, the big guy. I mean Taren, he's been worried about you. He was actually glad you left town."
Coral laughed when she saw the confused look on Shivey's face. "He agreed that you could probably do with some time out, but asked me to keep him posted as to how you were doing. I texted him to let him know you got home in one piece."
"Why do I think there is an 'and' here?" asked Shivey.
"Well," began Coral, "because there kind of is. He's invited us both over for lunch tomorrow. That is if we are available?"
Shivey snorted, "If we are available? He's the Alpha, Coral. We can't be unavailable, especially after all the crap my family has pulled." That and the fact that for some unknown reason, Shivey was actually feeling a little nervous about seeing again.
"It's not like that Shivey, honest. He wouldn't pull rank like that, he's been genuinely worried about you and if you were busy, I'm sure he'd understand. Really."
Shivey sighed, "Okay, your right, I'm over reacting. I can give him his coffee; Owen... I'll take a photo of the window boxes to show him, then he can come over so look at the herbs I've got and we can discuss which ones will grow best in the window box."
"Good." Coral smiled, pulled out her mobile and sent another text message to Taren letting him know they would be able to join him for lunch tomorrow. A response came back a minute later with just four word. See you both then.
"Okay, since you didn't fight me on lunch, I'm not going to pester you about what's in that big fancy box you rushed up to your room." Shivey ignored her heading for the front door.
"Hey, where you going?"
"I need to go wolf and run. Being in the city was nice and all, but I need to stretch my limbs and let loose for a bit. Want to join me?" Coral jumped up running after her friend, they had always run together as children, hadn't for ages. They needed this, it would help keep the bonds of friendship, of sisterhood and if Coral had anything to do with it, it they'd have a great deal of fun.
And it was; Coral had them running through streams chasing rabbits as well as each other. They splashed under a small waterfall and played hide and go seek then when they needed to, they rested under the shade of an old willow tree. By the time they got back to the house they were tired, but happy. Neither wanted to cook so they ordered Chinese food and ate sitting on the couch watching old movies.
That night as Shivey moved up the stairs towards bed, she called out over her shoulder, "So I take it you've moved in?"
Coral didn't answer, just started giggling then rushed up the stairs to hug her. That pretty was pretty much answer enough. "Welcome home Coral." Shivey hugged her friend back then as the hit the top of the stairs went to their rooms and bed. For Shivey it had been a long day and tomorrow was looking like it would be more than interesting.
Shivey was up with the sun, her first priority was to put a pot of coffee on then check on her newly acquired plants that they'd placed in the greenhouse. She needed to see if they'd travelled well. That is to say - if they'd survived the trip home.
Shivey gave each plant some water and checked to see how they were faring, thankfully they all seemed healthy enough, but she wasn't fool enough to believe that meant they would all survive. It was early days yet and they would need a few days before she could start thinking about what she might do with them.
When she was done in the greenhouse, Shivey cleaned up and headed for the kitchen and coffee. Food sounded good too and it wasn't long before the smell of bacon, eggs and sausage brought Coral downstairs.
"Oh my God, Shivey! That smells scrumptious."
Shivey handed Coral a mug of coffee and started plating up for them both. Bacon, eggs, sausage, tomato, mushrooms and hash browns as well as toast. A meal fit for a, well... fit for a Shifter. "This should keep us going until lunch." Stated Shivey.
"Mm," was all Coral could get out around a mouth full of food. Silence prevailed as they demolished their meal, Coral enjoying both the food and the prospect of seeing Shivey and the 'Big Guy' meet up for lunch. Coral could sense her friend's nervousness and had a feeling lunch was going to be interesting.
Breakfast done, Coral did the dishes while Shivey unpacked and put a load of washing on. Domestic duties helped bring her done to earth, made her feel like she was home again and having Coral and Katnip around also helped.
Shivey had a few things she needed to go over in her office regarding upcoming work and was soon drawn to the kitchen by the scent of chocolate mint. "Coral what are you cooking up?"
"Well, since we've been invited to lunch, I thought we'd bring dessert." Shivey gave her a confused look as if to say and that means????
Coral grinned, turned around from the counter she'd been working on holding out a plate with a double layered chocolate cake. "Chocolate cake with a layer of clotted cream, covered in choc-mint frosting and slivers of fresh strawberries."
Shivey's mouth started salivating. "Keep it away from me or it's never gonna make it to Owen's kitchen!"
Coral laughed, "Don't worry I'll keep it safe. Why don't you go ahead and pack all your gifts in the car while I finish up here." Shivey turned, reluctantly. She really wanted a piece of that cake.
When they were finally organised, including Katnip they headed out to Taren's home. Shivey kept glancing at Coral doing her best not to glare. Coral just grinned. "The safest way to get this cake there in one piece is for me to hold it, so suck it up and drive! I promise you can have a huge piece of it later okay?"
"You're cruel Coral, you know that." She laughed and kept her eyes on the road for the rest of the drive.
No sooner were they pulled up and a car door opened when Katnip jumped out running towards the kitchen door. A minute later Owen came out with the feline in his arms, a huge smile on his face. "Hello Coral, welcome home Siobhan, come on in lunch is almost ready."
Coral rushed over giving Owen a hug before taking Katnip off his hands. "Do you need any help with lunch?"
"No, everything is well in hand." He turned to Siobhan, "You look relaxed, well rested." He smiled and she too gave him a hug.
"It's good to see you too Owen." She turned back to the car, "I just have to get a couple of things." She grabbed her bag, the kilo bag of coffee for Taren and checked her phone to make sure she still had the photographs of the window boxes she bought Owen.
Shivey sighed, her thoughts momentarily going to the small box containing the belt buckle she'd bought her brother in the bottom of her bag. Shaking her head, dispelling thoughts of her brother Shivey walked back to Owen, took his arm and let him lead her into his domain.
"Something smells good Owen," Shivey couldn't help but smile.
"I did a roast, with all the trimmings. Taren should be here momentarily, he had a meeting in town," he paused listening for a moment. "Ah, here he is now."
A minute later the sound of a car could be heard pulling up outside. Siobhan could feel butterflies flying chaotic circles inside her stomach and she wanted to punch Coral when she caught her looking at her with a smug little smile. She did the next best thing. She ignored her.
"Owen, what can I do to help, and don't say nothing?" before Owen got a word out Shivey realised there were no drinks on the table. Setting her things on a chair in a corner near the pantry, Shivey opened the refrigerator taking a jug of ice-water to the counter by the sink where she cut thin slices of limes and lemons to float in the water. Once done she placed them in the water gave it a stir with a wooden spoon put the jug it on a large coaster in the middle of the table ready for use.
No sooner had she placed the jug on the table than Taren walked in, "Something smells good!"
Shivey turned somewhat in fright, but also excitement. "Taren. It's nice to see you again." She smiled softly walking towards him offering him is hand, somehow they ended up hugging. Pulling back a little embarrassed, her face flushed, thankfully Taren took control of the situation.
"Your look good Siobhan, relaxed and I'd say you've spent some time working on your tan." He smiled hoping to put her at ease.
Shivey breathed a sigh of relief. "Yes. The time away was a good idea. There's nothing like R&R to help mend the mind and body. And at this time of year I had the pool to myself a great deal of the time as well." they all smiled at that.
"You'll have to tell us more about your trip," said Taren.
"Over lunch," stated Owen as he began to dish up. Coral helping him.
It wasn't long before they were sitting down to eat, then before they began Shivey jumped to her feet. "I have gifts!"
Shive rushed to the chair to get her phone and the coffee she'd bought for Taren. First handing the coffee to Taren. "I rarely take a vacation so this time while I was away I wanted to do the whole tourist thing - you know, buy gifts and stuff. So I spent a day wondering around looking for things that best suited those I considered closest to me and I went into this café that roasted its own coffee. I had a cup and well... It's really good coffee Taren. I bought a kilo for myself as well."
"The coffee made you think of me?" Taren asked with a smile.
Shivey nodded then turned to Owen. "I'm sorry Owen I couldn't bring your gift" she fiddled with the photo app on her phone until she got up the photographs she wanted to show him, then passed her phone to him. "This is your gift."
Owen took the phone and his face lit up. "This is wonderful Siobhan! I was hoping to speak to you about window boxes when you returned. These are perfect. Thank you."
"I'll need another week to see if everything I brought back is going to survive. I brought back some herbs that might just be what you'd like. So if the take, then perhaps we can get together and work out what you'd like me to put in the boxes and I can sort them for you."
"That would be wonderful Siobhan, thank you."
"No problem. No how about we eat before it gets cold." She turned to Taren with a smile, "Coral made the most disgustingly wonderful chocolate cake for dessert." He grinned and they all got stuck in to their meal.
By the time they'd made it through dessert Shivey felt like she was about ready to bust. Coral and Owen were busy in the kitchen clearing things away as Taren had ushered her into his office for a private talk. She'd guessed this would be coming, just wasn't exactly sure what would be said or how bad it would be.
Holding her hands together in her lap so he wouldn't see how badly they were shaking Shivey took several deep breathes to calm herself. "Okay, so how bad is it." I wasn't getting anything from the expression on Taren's face so kept speaking. "Coral told me what Rhys did. I'm guessing she told you what I told her to do with regards to Katnip and getting you two to get to know each other."
Taren brushed a hand over his face. He needed to be careful, to tread lightly with Siobhan or he'd lose her. He also didn't want to start things out with deceit or lies. He sighed, placed both hands on his desk so Siobhan could see them. "I've dealt with your brother and we've come to an understanding."
He got to his feet, began pacing back and forward came to a stop in front of her then took the seat next to her. I asked your brother to officially inform your parents that both you, Coral and Katnip are now under my protection." He paused waiting for the bomb to hit. It didn't take long.
"How long?"
"How long?" Taren asked confused.
"How long did it take for her to call and demand you to not do it?"
Taren was flummoxed. "You knew she'd do that??"
Shivey laughed and not in a good way. "She's my mother, Taren. My entire life has been based around what and how I could benefit her and her status in the community." She saw the shock in his eyes. Shook her head. "Don't look so surprised, you saw what she was like at Rhys' dinner. Hell as an Alpha you shouldn't be surprised at all. I mean the sad truth is she's not the only family that thinks like that. She's just the only one I know that's so damned gung-ho about it."
"Rhys has had enough. When he spoke to your parents," he paused not sure how Siobhan would react to her father's betrayal. "Your father..."
"He blamed me too didn't he?"
"Yeah. That's what just about broke your brother. He said he tried telling them that none of this was your fault. When they wouldn't listen, I guess he realised some of what you've been going through. He walked out, went for a run and got his head together. Then he came and spoke to me. Let me know he was done with his parents. Rhys said he wants to make things right with you Siobhan. He also knows that right now he can't go near you."
Shivey suddenly realised the true implications of what being under Taren's protection would mean. "Rhys can't talk to me at all?" she asked.
"Not unless he wants a world of trouble." Then he smiled softly. "The only way he can speak to you is if you approach him first. If you speak to him and ask him a question he has to answer."
Shivey nodded her head at Taren for the moment unable to speak. Then a thought came to her. His job, was his position with Taren safe? "What about his position here with you Taren, will this cause any problems for him?"
"No. If anything he'll learn a few things from all this. I have no doubt he's a good man Siobhan, but he's very self-centred. He needs to learn to do for others and I finally think he's realised he has a sister that needs him."
Shivey sighed, "Whoa! That is good news and eventually I'm going to like it, but no way is he moving in with me."
Taren grinned, "What you don't love him that much?"
Shivey laughed, "No. Katnip would kill him and that's if Coral didn't first." They both laughed breaking the tension between them.
"Okay, on a serious note." Shivey let out a breath. "I'm not ready to see Rhys yet let alone speak to him. He's my brother and I love him but..."
"It's alright Siobhan, he knows not to approach you. He may smile or give a nod of his head, but he will not approach or speak to you. Not until you are ready."
"Okay, I can deal with that. Rhys staying away from our parents might be a little more of a problem though. My father's on several boards and my mother's on just as many committees. Rhys will to need to have those people on side when dealing with security issues for the Pack and other..." she looked up and realised Taren was smiling at her. "What?"
"It's all in hand Siobhan. Rhys knows what he'll be dealing with. He's well known in this community as well, which will give him an excellent starting point in regards to the people you are referring to. I'm assuming he knows many of their children?"
Shivey laughed seeing where he was going with this. "Yeah he does, he grew up with most of the guys and dated some of the females. They all like him, so that's a positive."
"Good. He's already begun working towards bringing in several locals to see if they'll work for me. If they're loyal to Rhys I'm assuming they will in turn be loyal to me."
"Yes. Once they get to know you and realise that Rhys trusts you; they'll be loyal to you. That in itself should be more than enough to bring their parents around."
"Siobhan, there is something else we need to discuss." Taren wasn't certain this was the right time to discuss what was between them but, it needed to be said.
"Yeah I know," Shivey sighed and he felt a sudden sense of relief until...
"My mother isn't going to give up. If anything she's likely to come after me. After all it's me she blames for all this." She said waving her hands around to encompass everything.
"It'll be okay Taren, I've been dealing with her all my life. I can handle whatever she throws at me."
Taren felt like someone had punched him in the gut. It took him a moment to get control of himself and the situation. "Siobhan, you won't be dealing with anything. You are under my protection. If your mother or your father for that matter says or does anything to harm you they will answer to me."
"But, I can..." He shook his head at her until he saw understanding in her eyes.
"You will walk away from any and all situations regarding your parents and contact me immediately, is that clear."
Shivey pulled her hand from Taren's wiping it on her thigh as she got to her feet. "Yes Alpha it's clear. Now with your permission I'd like to go home." She stood, bag in hand waiting for him to give her leave to go. When he did she turned on her heel and left the room walking as calmly as she could through the house.
Shivey scooped up Katnip from the kitchen hearth on her way out to the garden ignoring her purrs and hisses wanting to go back to the warmth of the hearth. She found Coral and Owen chatting in the garden just outside the kitchen Owen.
Coral took in Shivey's expression and body language and froze. Shit! Coral knew her Shivey long enough to know when not to ask questions. She gave Owen a hug, said goodbye and headed for the car. Shivey hadn't even said goodbye to the man, just headed straight for the car, placing Katnip in the back seat and glaring at her until she settled down and realised she had to stay put.
It was a silent ride home, Coral glancing at Shivey every now and then to see if she was okay. When they got home Shivey made a b-line for the green-house and stayed there all afternoon and into the evening. Coral coming out at intervals with coffee and snacks. Still not a word had been spoken between them.
Finally it was too dark to be working outside that and she was exhausted. Shivey made her way inside her home and to her room. She needed a shower and clean clothes. Comfortable soft clean clothes.
Showered, dried dressed in pj's and Ugg boots Shivey headed towards the kitchen and food. She was mad at Taren, mad at herself and confused about why she was so mad. Most of all she didn't want to think about it or try to explain it to any one; especially Coral who'd likely read more into it than was there.
Coral was dishing up bowls of spaghetti bolognaise and setting them on the table as Shivey walked in. She nodded to the chair indicating Shivey should sit, which she did. There was a basket of garlic bread sitting between them and the scents coming from both the bread and the bowls was divine!
Coral offered Shivey a bowl with shaved parmesan cheese and she took it silently. They were halfway through their meal before Shivey stopped to open the can of coke that was sitting on a coaster next to her bowl of pasta. Most people liked a fine red wine with the pasta, Shivey like a coke. So did Coral.
After a long drink she looked across the table at her friend a small smile creeping at the corner of her mouth. "Don't ask, okay."
"Okay, but if you want to talk or if you need a sounding board. I'm here. I mean if the big guy said something to piss you off..."
"Coral, what part of 'don't ask' don't you understand?"
Coral smiled. "I didn't ask Shivey. But. I'm your friend. Your best friend. I've known you most of your life. I know you almost better than you know yourself. For you to walk out of Taren's house the way you did... he had to have done something to really piss you off."
Shivey glared at her. "I'm not asking. I'm just saying is all." She smiled and began twirling her spaghetti on her fork before changing the subject. "Oh I thought we could have cup-cakes for dessert. I made them while you were working in the green-house. There's chocolate, vanilla and strawberry."
"Strawberry!" declared Shivey. "I've had enough chocolate for one day."
Coral smiled knowing full well chocolate was Shivey's favourite. "Strawberry it is."
Taren watched as Siobhan left his office realising too late that he'd put his foot in his mouth and swallowed it. God damn it! He paced his office several times before throwing himself into his chair. He slammed a fist on the top of his desk in anger. Anger at himself for not thinking through his words or the way in which he'd used them. He'd just treated Siobhan in the same manner as her family had. Worse still he'd used his Alpha authority to instil his will upon her. Siobhan would do what he had said, but only because she had no other choice but to do so. He'd forced her, which is exactly what her family had always done to her.
"Damn it she's mymate! How the hell am I'm going to get her to want me if she's pulling awayfrom me. If she only does what I ask because I force her to. Damn it!"
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