Chapter 6
Taren and Thomas waited until Rhys had left the house and they were assured of privacy before they spoke. It also gave them both a few moments to mull over what had taken place.
"Well?" asked Taren.
"If and I do mean if, he survives his mother. That boy might just end up being what he reads on paper." Thomas paused thoughtfully. "So long as he takes a few steps back and realises there's more to life than popularity. Boy needs to learn how to be a brother." He laughed. "That's one hell of a family he came from Taren." He shook his head. "We might just have our work cut out for us there."
Taren rubbed a hand over his face, this was Siobhan's brother, her family. He'd need to tread lightly, even if all he wanted to do was rip their throats out for the way they'd treated her. "Keep an eye on him. The locals like him. He might just be the best way to help smooth our way in with some of the men in the community. They trust him and I'd like to recruit a few."
Thomas nodded, "Already looking into possible recruits. I was thinking though," he grinned. "I might have a chat with your Siobhan, you know get the low down on each of them."
Taren growled, making Thomas laugh, "Fine I'll ask Coral, and don't worry, I'll go easy there. She's quite a woman."
Rhys had stormed off dragging the damned cage with him. He strode out the front door heading toward his car stopping only to dump the cage in the back seat before getting in and preparing to take off. After taking a couple of deep calming breaths that he knew wouldn't help, Rhys put the key in the ignition, turned it, put the car in drive, released the hand brake then pushed his foot on the pedal so he could move away.
He did this slowly, but once he was out of the driveway and on public roadway Rhys quickly sped up wanting to get far away from those that were frustrating him. He made a B-line for the local tip, dumping the cage as he realised he wasn't going to need it anytime soon, then he took a long drive hoping it would help calm his anger before getting back to work.
Once he calmed down, Rhys realised he needed to go home to speak with his parents and reiterate what Taren had said to him. He wasn't looking forward to it. His mother never liked being told what she could or couldn't do by anyone. He had no idea how she'd react to what their new Alpha had told him to say and truth be told, he'd sooner have a run in with a riled up bull.
He parked his car out front, rested his head on his hands over the steering wheel for several moments trying to get his bearings. Taking a deep breath then slowly releasing it, Rhys got out of his car and made his way into his parents' home. It was late afternoon so they would both be home saving him to trouble of having to wait for his father to return home from work.
He made his way into the living room to find them both sitting quietly. His father watching a news program on television a glass of scotch in his hand. His mother flicking through a fashion magazine with a cocktail on their designer coffee table. She glanced up, but didn't speak, not surprising Rhys at all.
Rhys cleared his throat, getting their attention, "I, umm." He sighed. "I not long left a meeting with Taren."
His mother smiled at the mention of Taren. Rhys's position as Head of Security for the new Alpha made for some interesting conversation and it made her look good in the eyes of her friends as well as others in the community. She waited expectantly for her son to continue.
Rhys could see this and wasn't looking forward to her reaction to what he had to say. He looked at his father, but couldn't get a read off him so took a seat opposite them both before continuing.
"Okay, so we had a security meeting today to talk through a few things and to welcome me as the Head of Security." He paused for a moment trying to find the right words. "Taren also asked me to speak to you both about something. He meant what he said that night here... at dinner. He made a point of stating that he's brought three females under my protection."
"What! Who?" demanded his mother as she came to her feet.
"Martha, calm down and let the man speak." Called his father.
Martha growled at Thomas, but he came to his feet and grabbed her arm. "Let him speak. We don't even who all three females are, now do we?"
This calmed her and they sat together on the couch, Thomas giving Martha's hand a pat to comfort her. Poor Rhys, sat quietly looking like it was the last place he wanted to be. He had no choice though. His Alpha had told him to inform his parent and he would do it.
"So, Taren talked about how it's the responsibility of the Alpha to care for every member of the Pack. That while he doesn't usually step in there are times when it's necessary and when that happens it's his right to take that person under his care. That's what he did that night here... with Shivey. Taren has taken Shivey into his care. I also had an argument with Coral Wilson and now he's done the same with her."
"Taren's taken both Shivey and Coral into his care? Are you serious?" asked Thomas.
"Dead serious and to top it off he's also taken a liking to that damned cat as well!"
Martha looked from Rhys to Thomas then back again, a shocked expression on her face. "Let me get this straight. Our new Alpha has taken not only 'my' daughter but that grr..." she sighs, "Coral Wilson and her cat under his protection!"
"And what exactly does that mean?" anger pricking her voice.
"What it means mother, is that none of us can go near or speak to either Shivey or Coral. They are under his protection and that damned cat is now protected too. What it means, is that the entire Pack is responsible for their safety!"
Martha shook her head, "Why would he do this, why would he go this far? What happened was a family issue."
"He didn't see it like that." Rhys shrugged. "He's pissed with me too." He sighed. "To be honest I can understand why. I haven't exactly treated Shivey as well as I should have and now I have to cow-tow to that bloody cat!"
Rhys looked at his father, he'd remained silent so far and he wanted him to say something. "Dad?"
Thomas ran a hand through his hair, "If only she'd have been more like..."
"For god's sake Dad, you're gonna blame Shivey for this!"
"Who else do you think is to blame!" screamed Martha. "She's caused nothing but trouble and heartache for me."
Anger had Rhys fisting his hands, he was on his feet pacing the room. He stopped after a few moments turning to his parents. Rhys opened his mouth to say something, but no words would come. He shook his head, turned and left slamming the door on his way out.
"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Rhys got back into his car and tore down the street screeching to a stop, realising he was likely to hit some innocent stepping off the curb. He slammed his hands against the steering wheel several times before holding it tightly taking deep breaths. In, out, in, out, in out doing his best to calm his racing heart.
Rhys had to get a handle on his emotions, or he was going to lose it. He needed to hit something, to pound the hell out of something to get what he was feeling out. This was all just part and parcel of being a shifter, but he needed to control it. He should be able to have better control especially considering his position in the Pack.
What he needed was to work through his emotions, pull them apart. That way he could deal with them, one at a time. So he drove until he found a place where there were no people, no risk of anyone showing up.
He was at entrance to the Rainforest on the edge of town. He parked his car and got out hiding the keys close by under a rock. Then he stripped closed the door and shifted into his wolf form and sprinted into the forest.
The freedom of being in wolf form was unbelievable! This was the first time he'd gone wolf in some time and the first time he'd done so since he'd been home in an age. The smells of the forest, the sounds were so much clearer, heightened as if being a wolf was what he was meant to be.
Rhys scented small animals nearby, a rabbit moved across his vision and he was off chasing it. He wasn't hungry, but enjoyed the chase. After a while he let the rabbit go, moving towards a stream to take a drink and rest while listening to its musical rhythm.
Rhys let his emotions come forward, slowly pulling them apart trying to see each one for what they were. Anger, guilt, frustration and a hint of jealousy which confused him. Who? What did he have to be jealous of?
Anger and frustration yes. These he could deal with. Hell he'd dealt with them his entire life. He'd had to with the parents he had. He pushed the jealousy aside and looked at the rest. As a shifter he would always have a short fuse, but he had better control than most, he had to as did all of Taren's men.
He took a breath, releasing it slowly as he went over everything that had taken place since he'd returned home. He realised that a great deal of the anger and frustration came from not being able to deal with his parents, that is to say, not being able to just say 'no' to his mother and telling her to back the hell off when it was necessary.
Yes. That was a good part of it, but the frustration he figured came from his new job. He really wanted this job, wanted it to work and more importantly he wanted the respect of Taren and the rest of the Pack. That wasn't going to happen with his mother interfering and giving her advice at every turn.
He was glad that he'd moved into the barracks and his position had meant he was given a room of his own. At least he had a place of his own, so to speak. At least he didn't have his mother there at the beginning and the end of every day. He was also beginning to think it would be a good idea to avoid her as much as possible.
"Okay!" he relaxed somewhat. He thought about the guilt aspect and didn't have to think too hard. Siobhan; he had treated her so badly, wasn't sure if he could ever make it up to her. What's more at the moment he couldn't even try, not if he wasn't allowed to go near her. Perhaps it would be best to leave things alone with Shivey for now. As for the jealously? Rhys couldn't see where that was coming from, decided not to think too hard on it at present.
Right now he needed to get on with his job and to do that he needed Taren's men on side. What he really wanted was their respect, but realised as with Taren it was something that he'd have to earn. He let out a sigh, ran a hand through his hair focused on what needed to be done. He couldn't take back what had already happened, but he was sure as hell going to make sure he didn't make the same mistakes again. With that thought in mind, Rhys headed back to town to talk with a few of the men he thought would be suitable to become lieutenants.
Taren saw Coral and her feline friend off after they'd had afternoon coffee, Owen promising to visit once Siobhan returned home so they could chat with her in regards to a herb garden for his kitchen. Both men were in a good mood, Coral seemed to have that effect on people, Thomas included.
Taren headed back to his office to finish up some work, was barely seated when his phone rang. He was no amused at his caller.
"Mr Wentworth this is Martha Anderson. Rhys told me what you've done." There was silence on the other end. Taren truly did not want to deal with this woman right now. He took a deep breath preparing to reply when she started up again.
"How could you? Have you got any idea of the standing Thomas and I have in the community. What you are proposing could ruin our reputation! And to group that Wilson girl and her damned cat with our Siobhan... well, it's just wrong. You can't do this Mr Wentworth you..."
Taren could feel his temper rising, this woman was enough to make a priest swear. "Mrs Anderson, are you trying to tell your Alpha what he can and can't do?"
Martha caught her breathe, took a moment before answering. "Of course not Mr Wentworth, but..."
"Then what are you raving on about?" he growled, surprising her at his gruffness. "If you remember correctly I informed you of what I would be doing in regards to your daughter the last time I spoke with you and your husband. At the welcome home dinner for Rhys, when you both physically and verbally attacked Siobhan."
Taren sighed, "I told you that night that Siobhan was now under my protection and I meant it. Mrs Anderson I'm not in the habit of repeating myself or of having to explain myself, but for the benefit of peace and so you will back off and truly consider your part in all this. It seems your son has no better control than you in regards to his actions. That is why Corral and her feline are also under my protection. So just for clarification. You, your husband and your son will not approach or make contact with either Siobhan or Coral. Is that clear enough for you Mrs Anderson?"
Martha was all but dumbstruck, no one had ever spoken to her in such a way. She opened her mouth to answer but no words came out. Tears pricked her eyes, she sat on the couch staring into space unable to move.
"I said is that clear, Mrs Anderson!" Taren all but yelled down the phone.
That jump started Martha and she was able to respond, "Yes Alpha." Then the phone went dead in her ear.
Martha sat for some time tears streaming down her cheeks. Shock, she was in shock. Her public life would be in ruins once word of this got out. And it would, the entire Pack would be informed.
Coral had had a wonderful day at Taren's, except of course for the incident with Thomas, Taren's Second. But the time she's spent with Owen was most enjoyable, she'd gotten to talk recipes and see the work Shivey had done on the property. Owen was even able to explain a great deal about each section they went to.
Katnip seemed happy when they returned, she was curled up near the fire sound asleep. Taren once again assured her that Katnip was now safe and she shouldn't worry, so she decided to put her faith in his words. She trusted him and so did Katnip.
Not long after she'd finished an early dinner Coral heard a knock on the door. She was more than surprised to see it was Rhys standing on the front porch. Coral could feel herself starting to shake, then remembered that they were under Taren's protection so she opened the door, leaving the screen door locked. She didn't say anything just waited.
Rhys looked at Coral through the screen door and gave a wan smile. "I don't blame you for keeping the door locked, I would to."
Coral folder her arms in front of her and waited. "I guess you know Taren had your cat with him in the meeting." Coral gave him a nod and he continued. "I was ready to cage the damned thing and have it put down."
He sighed, ran a hand over his face and seemed a little nervous. Coral had never seen Rhys nervous before. "I got chewed out pretty bad and I was pissed. I mean really pissed. At Taren, at you and even a Shivey. I had to go tell my parents that all three of you were now officially under his protection and well, you know my mother. She about exploded." He shook his head. "I'm use to her doing that, but my dad, he started to blame Shivey too and I got so angry, I tried telling him he had no right to blame her but neither of them would listen. I was so close to really telling them off, of saying something I'd likely regret later, so I turned around and walked out."
Rhys took a moment to breathe before he went on with his story. "I got in my car and just drove. I went bush and shifted so I could run, so I could think outside my human self – try to get a different perspective and it helped. Coral I'm sorry about what happened, for trying to force my way in here. I could have hurt you and I was showing you no respect at all by doing what I did. I've been such a crappy brother to Shivey, and I'd like to try and fix things between us. As of now I'm staying clear of my parents. I truly can't deal with that crap anymore." He looked at her hopefully.
Coral relaxed visibly, "Actions speak louder than words Rhys. If you really mean what you've said then you're going to have to talk to Taren. Tell him what happened with Martha and Thomas, because you and I both know this isn't over. She is going to be coming for Shivey because this is going to make her look weak and as a social climber this is going pull her down more than a few rungs."
Coral turned to go back inside then stopped. "Oh and one more thing. You're an idiot! Your sister loves you and I get that you want to fix things, but if you screw things up and hurt her again, you'll have more than Katnip to deal with." That being said she went inside and shut the door leaving Rhys standing on the porch considering what had just been said by both of them.
Rhys left Coral heading straight for Taren's home. He wanted to speak to him now, just in case his mother decided to contact him and tell him he was wrong in doing what he was doing. When he arrived at the house, Taren was standing on the front porch, a scowl on his face. Shit! She's probably already called.
Knowing there was nothing he could do but face the man, he got out of the car and walked towards him coming to a halt a few yard away from him. Rhys took another look at the Alpha's face. His expression hadn't changed. Shaking his head he spoke, "She called you huh?"
"Yep. Tried to inform me that I was doing the wrong thing that grouping your sister with Coral was wrong. Like Coral was beneath her or something."
"Yeah, that'd be about right. My mother put a stop to them being friends when they were kids because Coral didn't come from money. She wasn't the right kind of person to be associating with her daughter."
Taren shook his head. "Your mother; she's a piece of work Rhys and that saying something."
"It gets worse. I did what you told me to do. I told them and my mother about exploded, which I expected. What I didn't expect..." he lowered his head as if in shame before looking his Alpha in the eye. "My father tried blaming Shivey for everything. Said if only she was more like... and that's where I stopped him. I couldn't believe what he'd said Taren. I thought it was all just our mother, but I was wrong. We were both wrong. I tried to tell them that, but they wouldn't listen, didn't want to hear what I had to say. I walked out and to be honest I don't see me wanting anything to do with either of them again."
Taren wasn't surprised by what had happened, was glad he no longer wanted to let his mother manipulate him as she had been. "You do realise that until you actually tell them that to their faces, they and by 'they' I mean your mother; will assume you are still under her thumb."
"I know that's got to happen, but I figure I've had enough shocks for one day." Rhys rubbed his hand up and down on his thighs nervously. "I know you told me to stay away from Coral," Taren let out a low growl. "I know, I know, but I went around to apologise to her. I told her what happened with my parents and that I want to sort things out with Shivey. I realise I haven't been much of a brother. I'd like to change that if she'll let me. Oh and my mother isn't likely to let this rest. Shivey is to blame as far as she is concerned so she'll make sure she knows it."
"Are you telling me your mother is going to go after Siobhan?"
"Not directly, but she'll make sure that Shivey knows she's responsible for whatever fallout there is in regards to how any of this might affect her."
Taren could feel his entire body stiffen in anger... no rage. How dare this woman act this way towards an innocent! He looked Rhys square in the face, "And where exactly do you stand?"
"I stand with my sister, where I should have always been. And that means Alpha that I stand with you."
Taren stepped forward putting a hand of Rhys' shoulder, "Good. If things get too difficult come see me. I'll deal with your mother and your father if needs be."
Rhys smiled, "Thanks Taren, I appreciate the offer, but I think this is something I need to deal with. Not just for Shivey's sake but for my own peace of mind as well. I mean how the hell can I be the Chief of Security if I can't even stand up to my own mother?"
They both laughed knowing that when it finally happened it wasn't going to be pretty. Taren told Rhys to take some time and rest, he'd had a full day, there'd be a lot he'd need to process. Rhys got something to eat then did something he hadn't done in years, he camped out down by the river under the stars.
Rhys stayed in his human skin, didn't even need a fire the night was so warm. As he lay there looking up at the stars he was finally able to relax and for the first time since he arrive back in town he actually felt like he was home.
Shivey had spent the day being pampered in the hotel day spa, it was not something she would normally do, but she was determined to indulge herself just this once. She had a facial, a manicure and pedicure even though the manicure would be ruined once she got back to work and she also had an aroma-therapy massage. The massage just about put her to sleep it was so relaxing. By the end of the session she promised herself she'd do this at least a couple of times a year and maybe even get Coral to come with her, even if she had to pay for her to do so.
After a late lunch Shivey decided to go for a walk, taking her backpack with her so she'd have her sketch pad handy if she came across something interesting. Inevitably Shivey found herself in the big park in the middle of town. She found a spot to sit and pulled out her pad and pencils.
At first Shivey drew sketches of plants and trees that were nearby, then she began sketching a mother and her toddler sitting on a blanket. Once again she was surprised at how good it turned out and without thinking she pulled the sketch out of the pad got to her feet and started towards the woman.
"Excuse me, but I couldn't help but sketch the two of you. I hope you don't mind?" she handed the drawing to the woman who smiled at what she saw.
"This is really good. How much do you want for it?"
"No, I don't want any money. I just thought you might like it." Shivey grinned at her and went back to where she had been sitting. She did a few more sketches of people around her then decided to free draw, let the pencil take on a life of its own. What she came up with shocked her. When she'd finished the sketch and looked at it she realised she's drawn a picture of Taren. What the hell? She could feel her face blushing, was glad no one she knew was anywhere near. Coral would make far too much out of this.
Shivey packed her sketch pad and pencils away and got to her feet. Looking around she spotted a row of shops not too far away and decided to check them out. She wanted to get a gift for Coral and something for Owen as well, so maybe she'd find what she needed there.
The first shop Shivey stopped at was a gift store, it wasn't your average junky type touristy gift store which drew Shivey in. There was a huge jewellery display across the back wall which she went to investigate knowing she'd find something Coral would love.
As she looked over the merchandise her mind kept wandering back to her sketch. For the life of her, she couldn't figure out why she'd chosen to sketch her new Alpha. Perhaps it was because he'd been so nice to her. Yep! That had to be it. That settled Shivey continued with her search until she came across a matching necklace and bracelet. They were made from Tiger Eye, cut into small smoothed rounded beads. There was even a pair of ear-rings that matched, so she bought the whole set and got them gift wrapped for her. Coral would love them.
Shivey saw a rack of leather belts and an array of belt buckles, spotted one she knew Rhys would like then scowled at herself. She walked away and came back three times before she gave up and bought it for him. It was silver and had a wolf calved howling into it. I'm an idiot! Okay, okay I'm an idiot, but he's my brother and as stupid as he is he's mine and I love him. Besides. Just because I bought it doesn't mean I have to give it to him.
On the way out she spotted of all things a cat bed. She had to have it! Well that is to say, Katnip had to have it, so she bought it as well. She worked her way through a few more shops and came to a halt in front of a coffee shop that roasted its own coffee beans. She tried the coffee and bought herself a one kilogram bag then after thinking about it bought the same for Taren.
Shivey was on her way back to the hotel when she spotted a shop with flowers and a few plants for sale. She just had to have a look and was so glad she did. There in the back of the shop were two window boxes that would be perfect for Owen's kitchen. Realising how much she already had to carry and knowing full well she could, but couldn't be seen to be so strong as to be able to, she asked the shop owner if there was any way they could deliver the boxes to the hotel. The owner took pity on her. "I'll have my son drop them off. If you're headed back now he can put them straight into your car if you like?"
"Thank you, that's really nice of you."
"Joel!" Called the woman, "Come give this lady a hand with her purchases." A moment later a tall lanky teenager came out from the back room, "No problem."
It took no time to get everything back to her truck, she placed the window boxes, the cat bed and the coffee in the back seat not wanting to have to take any of it upstairs only to bring it back down again in the morning. Corals Jewellery she kept with her.
Shivey thanked the kid and gave him ten dollars for his time. His entire face lit up! "Go and have some fun with that. Good fun though okay?"
"Okay, and thanks!" he gave Shivey a wave as he ran off happy that he'd been in the shop that afternoon.
Shivey settled for an early dinner so she could get her room packed and organised ready to leave early next morning. She hadn't heard from Coral and was taking that as a good sign. Not knowing exactly what she'd be heading back to, Shivey knew she had to be prepared for just about anything. That much she had learned from have the kind of mother she had. Always be prepared for the worst!
She shook her head not wanting to deal with negative thoughts, at least not yet. Dinner consisted of a large steak, medium rare with baked potatoes steamed vegetables and a magnificent garlic sauce. For dessert Shivey went all out – Pavlova! It was light, fluffy and she asked for an extra-large slice.
Once everything was packed Shivey was in bed by eight thirty. She was ready to hit the road. Her visit to the city was nice, but it wasn't home and she was feeling the need to run. That wasn't something she could do here. Not in her furry-self that is.
Early as it was, it didn't take long for Shivey to drift off to sleep. Thoughts of gardens, gazebos and a big scary Alpha who was really not so scary followed with her putting a smile on her lips as she settled in for the night.
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