Chapter 4
First thing next morning Shivey was on the road. She could have caught the train, but wanted the time alone, besides she had plants to bring back and that would be impossible on the train. She enjoyed the drive; it gave her time alone that she rarely had. This trip wasn't just about work; it was about getting away, relaxing and maybe even having a good time.
It wasn't often Shivey got time out, real time away from family, friends and clients. She wanted to enjoy every minute of her short reprieve and couldn't help the smile that slowly crept across her face.
The trip took her about four hours, but she was in no hurry; stopping along the way for lunch and taking time to stretch her legs before preparing herself to enter the city. Bradfield wasn't a huge town, though it was bigger than the town she lived in. When Shivey had told Coral she intended taking a few days off Coral insisted on booking the hotel. Shivey wasn't rolling in it, but she was doing okay and hoped her friend had booked her into something nice but not too upscale.
Shivey was pleasantly surprised as she approached the hotel, it was a resort, not overly fancy, but nice enough that she'd feel like she was on vacation. There was no way Shivey could ever live in the city; she'd get too homesick for open spaces and the wooded areas close to her home. Even if she still worked with plants, it wouldn't be enough, so she'd take advantage of the time she had here.
After registering and settling into her room, Shivey checked out the hotel information and smiled when she saw there was a pool. Ten minutes later she was diving into the cool clear water happy with the knowledge that at the moment she had the pool all to herself.
After a good long swim she decided a nice lay in the sun was in order. It was a beautiful sunny day, which helped her relax, even dose a little as she lay back one the lounges by the pool. Thankfully the amount of time she normally spent outside had helped her acclimatise to the heat of the sun and she rarely got burnt. If anything she tanned, her skin appearing to have a golden glow to it.
Room service was a wonderful thing and since Shivey was so tired, that's what she opted for that evening. So she ate in her room as she checked out all the resort had to offer. Besides the pool there was a spa and sauna, as well as aromatherapy massage treatments. For once she wasn't going to consider the cost; she intended to enjoy all the resort had to offer.
Next morning, first thing after breakfast Shivey headed out to the garden supply store she'd placed her order with to make sure they had everything she needed. When she arrived Shivey parked her truck then made her way to the front of the building. She took her time wandered around, checking out the plants they had in stock and taking note of a few she wanted to buy before approaching one of the men stacking fertiliser. He was really helpful, even organising for her purchases to remain with them until the day she was leaving town. All in all Shivey came away feeling good about the amount of money she'd spent.
The rest of the day was spent by the pool. Rest and relax rest and relax. That was the mantra she kept repeating to herself. Shivey rested, sun bathed, swam and even managed to improve her tan.
Not one to sit around for too long, Shivey was out and about next day checking out all the touristy type shops, even buying a couple of things just to prove to herself that she too could go on a holiday.
The next couple of days went by quickly enough; Shivey having got a map of the area from one of the display areas near reception deciding to take advantage of her time out to explore the city. She visited museums, art galleries and other places of interest, but the place she felt most relaxed was in the huge park that was situated in the midst of the city.
She'd brought her sketch pad with her and found herself spending a good amount of time in the park sketching plants, garden displays and even a few people that interested her. Shivey always came away from the park feeling calm, grounded, and ready to take on whatever came her way.
Shivey had never sketched people before, was surprised not only that she had, but how good they were and went with, it knowing it was all part of the flow of what she was feeling creatively. She'd go back over all her sketches in a few days and see if there was anything she could use in future jobs.
Two days before she was due to leave Shivey had an appointment to see Dr Kara Sinclair. A little nervous about the appointment Shivey took several calming breathes before entering her office.
Thankfully she only had to wait in the reception area for a short time, before being ushered in to see the doctor and was surprised at what she found. Rather than the typical doctor's office with a desk between them Shivey found herself in what looked like a lounge room. There was a desk to one side with the obligatory seats either side, but what caught her eye was the two couches and easy chairs arranged around a coffee table.
Dr Sinclair seemed friendly enough, doing her best to put Shivey at ease. Sitting on the couches helped, as it gave her a feeling that this wasn't so formal. "This isn't what I expected Dr Sinclair." Shivey said.
"Call me Kara. In my line of work I find the more relaxed people are the better. Please have a seat and tell me how I can help."
Shivey sat, doing her best not to look nervous. "I'm not exactly sure how to... I mean..." she sighed. "I'm sorry maybe I shouldn't have come here."
"Siobhan it wouldn't have been easy for you to come here. Our kind, we don't often have reproductive issues."
"You're a shifter? Shit, I must really be off my game. I didn't even notice." Shivey shook her head.
Kara smiled. "Whatever it is you want to talk to me about you can be assured that it will remain confidential. There will be no judgements here. Whatever it is, remember this is your body, your life, your choice. How about I get us some tea?"
Kara got to her feet and left before Shivey could answer, was back a few minutes later with two cups of something that smelled of flowers and lemon. It smelled good, tasted good too. By the time she'd finished half the tea Shivey was a great deal calmer. She looked from the tea to the doctor questioningly.
"It's an herbal blend, helps calm the nerves. I promise you it has no other effects. Now please, you came all the way here, you may as well at least speak to me."
Shivey put her cup down in case she spilled what was left of her tea all over herself. "I wanted to talk to you about birth control, maybe even preventing pregnancy all together. Is that possible, for us I mean?"
"You wouldn't need birth control unless you're mated. If you're mated there is no means of birth control. But yes it's possible to prevent pregnancy completely. You'd need to make certain that you really don't ever want to have children, because once done it would be irreversible."
Shivey could feel her hands begin to shake and was glad she'd put the cup down. Tears filled her eyes and she struggled to stay in control.
Kara handed her a box of tissues a gentle smile on her face. "I know this is difficult and I'm not about to ask to you make a decision now. I have several brochures that I'd like you to read. For now though, I don't want you to think about it at all. This is not a decision you should rush into. Take as much time as you need; remember if you choose to go ahead with preventing pregnancy it's a decision you'll have to live with for the rest of your life. Now if you have questions or you'd like to see me again to talk further that's fine, just give yourself some time first."
Unable to speak Shivey nodded, tried to get to her feet and failed. Kara approached, sitting on the coffee table in front of her. "Why don't you put her head down for a few minutes, leave when you're ready?" Before Kara left the room she placed a folder on the table beside Shivey, "Take this with you, make sure you read everything and as I said if you have questions call."
All Shivey could do was nod. She lay down on the couch stunned, more so at her reaction than at the doctor's words. She'd had it all figured out in her mind. She'd speak to the doctor, tell her what she wanted, get the information and mull it over before she made a decision. Nowhere in her imagination had she figured on the emotional upheaval she was experiencing. It scared her. Made her reconsider if this was really what she wanted, or if it was a means of getting her mother off her back.
Shivey closed her eyes and drifted, coming too about twenty minutes later. Gathering the folder with its information she made her way to the ladies room to freshen up before leaving. She didn't see Dr Sinclair on her way out, was grateful for it. Stuffing the folder into her bag as she moved up the street Shivey did her best not to look like she'd just woken up or was in a state of shock.
As she made her way along the street she found herself standing in front of a dress shop unable to move. There in the window was the most perfect dress she had ever seen. It had an underdress of black, with a fine lace overdress of a light shimmering grey. The dress was full-length with spaghetti straps and although it was low cut, Shivey knew it would cover what was needed to be covered and not make the wearer look cheap.
She had no idea how she ended up in the shop, but there she was inside indicating the dress in the window to the shop assistant. The woman's eyes sparkled, "This is going to look gorgeous on you." Moving to the back of the shop she pulled out a dress that looked similar.
"I know this isn't the same colour, but it's the same dress and the same size as the one in the window. If this fits, I'll have the one taken from the window for you." She moved towards the dressing room placing the dress there for Shivey to try on.
Shivey moved into the dressing room, dropped her bag and looked at the dress. Before she could make a move to close the door the assistant was back again, "We also have matching shoes and a clutch bag, these look about your size." She handed them off the Shivey and closed the door as she left. "Call out if you need me."
Shivey took a minute to breathe before stripping down and putting the dress on. This one was the same make, but the underdress was dark charcoal grey with the same shimmering grey overdress. The material slid over her skin like a second skin, fitting her as if it had been made for her. She put on the shoes, smoothed out the dress then turned to look at herself.
Her breath caught in her throat and for several seconds Shivey was unable to breathe. She didn't know the assistant's name, but wanted a second opinion. Rather than standing in the dressing room like a dumb-struck idiot, Shivey made her way out to where she'd seen a full length mirror, hoping the woman would come to her aid.
As soon as she came out of the dressing room, not only the shop assistant but a couple of the customers stopped to look at her. "Is it that bad?" she asked.
Everyone started speaking at once, but the shop assistant who according to her name tag was Narelle, hushed everyone. "It's not bad at all. In fact you look beautiful! I can get the dress out of the window if you like, but honestly this dress is you."
"It is?" everyone nodded in agreement.
Shivey wasn't used to dressing like a girl, hell she wasn't used to looking glamourous or beautiful, it was new to her making her feel self-conscious. Narelle had a huge smile on her face, "I have a comb you could use to sweep your hair up, but it looks good down too. Please take another look in the mirror?"
Shivey turned to the mirror trying to see through their eyes, struggled at first then a soft smile seemed to light up her entire face. "I do look good, don't I?" she turned around enjoying the feel of the material on her skin and the way the dress swirled as she moved. "I'll take it, the shoes and the bag as well."
Narelle had everything boxed up and delivered to Shivey's hotel, she even put the comb in for free. Everything was sitting on Shivey's bed by the time she got back to the hotel. She moved it to all to the luggage rack so it would be out of the way then decided to go down to the hotel bistro for lunch.
It was nice at the hotel. No one was watching her or telling her what she was doing was wrong. No men were waiting for her to show up for dinner. Shivey couldn't help the smile on her face as she was shown to a table by the window giving her a clear view of the surrounding garden area.
Nice. Relaxing into her seat Shivey smiling once more. All too soon she'd need to face reality, but for now she intending to fully enjoy this reprieve. Giving herself an internal shake, she refused to think about what she'd be going home to.
Contemplating a nice steak, a glass of wine and maybe even a slice of pie, Shivey felt the vibration of her cell phone in her back pocket. Please don't be trouble, please don't be trouble. Noticing her home number on the phone ID window Shivey's gut knotted up. "Coral what happened?"
"What makes you think something happened?" there was silence on the other end of the line. "Okay, your brother happened. But don't worry I just wanted to keep you up to speed."
"What did he do?"
"Rhys paid me a visit this morning, had his bags with him and everything. He wasn't too pleased when I told him I was living with you." She laughed, "Especially when he heard Katnip purring in the background."
"Coral are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine; he's kinda scratched up though. He tried to push past me when I told him he couldn't come inside. Katnip took offence and pounced on him."
Shivey heard a catch in her voice, "Coral, spill?"
"He said Katnip was dangerous and he was going to make sure she was put down. Would he really... what am I saying, of course he would."
Shivey tried to think of the best way to handle the situation and grinned. "Coral you told me Taren called you because he was worried about me. Why don't you invite him over for coffee and I don't know... give him the heads up on me being out of town for a few days. You could introduce him to Katnip and if they become friends..."
"You are brilliant! Sneaky, but brilliant, I'll give him a call as soon as I hang up."
"You do that and don't worry too much about Rhys okay. See you in a few days."
"Oh, oh, oh.... Are you having a good time, are you relaxed soaking up the sun? I'm only asking because he'll want to know."
Shivey laughed, "Yeah, I'm feeling more relaxed than I have in like... forever! I leave day after tomorrow and I've organised to pick up my plants early that morning, on my way out of town. And yes I've spent some time by the pool. It's peaceful here Coral, thank you for organising the extra time. I've even done some sketches that might come in handy at some stage. Now if you don't mind I'm about to order a late lunch."
"Enjoy. I'll call you tonight and let you know how it goes or maybe just leave it until you get home. You sound so much better already. Wish me luck with the big guy! Bye."
Shivey laughed. The big guy. She could just imagine Coral calling Taren that. She looked up as the waiter arrived to take her order and realising she was really hungry decided she'd ask for an extra scoop of ice-cream with her pie.
True to her word Coral called Taren as soon as she hung up on Shivey. He picked up on the third ring. "Hello?"
"Mr Wentworth, this is Coral..."
"No need to be so formal, my name is Taren. What can I do for you Coral?"
"Well, I was wondering if you aren't too busy if you'd like to come for afternoon tea... or coffee. If you're anything like Shivey you drink coffee."
Coral felt her face blush, but continued speaking because he couldn't see her. "Shivey left town and I thought you'd like the heads up on how she's doing. And umm," she sighed, "there's someone I'd like you to meet."
Taren wasn't exactly sure what Coral was up too, but the fact that Siobhan had left town concerned him. Deciding to play it cool he laughed softly. "You wouldn't be setting me up with someone now would you?"
"Huh? Oh, no I'd never do that, but this someone is kinda special to me and I'm hoping you two might like each other."
"In that case I'll be there in about an hour if that suits? And you were correct, I would rather drink coffee. I don't think I have your address though?"
"I'm house-sitting for Shivey."
"That address I have. I'll see you soon Coral."
He'd ended the call before Coral could say another word. She sat for a moment going over the conversation then. "Shit! The bloody Alpha is coming for tea... coffee!"
Coral got moving making sure the house was in order before putting a fresh pot of coffee on and putting a plate of her coffee and walnut cookies out for them to nibble on.
When she was ready she crouched down and call her friend to her. "Katnip, come here sweetie." Loyal and loving where Coral was concerned Katnip moved quickly to her side rubbing her body up against her leg. She picked her up rubbing her behind the ear. "A friend of Shivey's is coming to visit. He's kind of a friend of mine too and I'd like him to be your friend too. He's a good man and he said Shivey and I are both under his protection. I'm thinking if he likes you, the same will go for you."
Getting to her feet Coral rolled her eyes. Katnip was really smart, understood most of what she said. Coral could only hope her furry friend would give the Alpha a chance and that Taren in turn would do the same.
Coral couldn't have been any more ready when Taren knocked on the front door. She moved quickly to open it, Katnip not far behind. She opening the door with a smile, "Hi Mr... I mean Taren, come on in."
Taren looked over her shoulder. "You have a cat?" she nodded and Katnip moved towards him. Coral held her breath as Taren knelt down and waited for the big cat to approach him. Holding out his hand so Katnip could catch his scent, he glanced up at Coral, "Are you going to introduce us?"
Surprise and relief flooded Coral, "Katnip this it Taren, the friend I told you about. Taren I'd like you to meet Katnip. She's been with me since she was a cub." Coral smiled proudly, "Katnip is a friend and protector to both Shivey and myself."
Taren got to his feet, Katnip in his arms. "Is Katnip responsible for Rhys' condition?"
Coral could feel her eyes tear up, but wasn't about to lie to the Alpha. "Yes."
Taren had a feeling there'd be a story behind that 'yes'. "How about that coffee?"
Minutes later they were settled at the kitchen table with coffee and cookies. Coral wasn't exactly sure what to say; thankfully Taren took that worry away from her. "When did Siobhan leave?"
"Two days after the dinner at her parents' house." She saw concern on his face, "she didn't run away. The trip was already planned. Shivey was going to check out some of the garden suppliers and pick up an order she'd made with one of them in Bradfield."
She sighed, taking a sip of her coffee. "After what happened with her family I upgraded her accommodation and extended it so she'd be away for a full seven days. I figured she deserved it."
Taren nodded, "I tend to agree with you." He shook his head, "Her mother..."
Coral laughed and not in a good way. "She's a piece of work huh?"
They sat quietly for several minutes drinking their coffee. "You knew didn't you?"
"What; that her father wouldn't step up and support her." She shook her head. "He loves his daughter, but he loves his mate more."
Coral wiped a tear away from her face. "Shivey always believed he had her back. I think finding out she was on her own where he's concerned hurt more than what her mother did to her. Don't get me wrong, he's a good man in his own way; just a coward when it comes to his mate."
Taren scratched the now sleeping cat in his lap behind the ear. "I'm guessing Rhys hasn't been much better?"
Coral lowered her eyes not wanting to answer him, but realising this wasn't curiosity it was genuine concern. "Shivey loves Rhys; he takes advantage of it at times."
"At times?"
Coral sighed, "Okay, whenever it suits him. Like he fully intended to hang out with his sister that night, right up until he got a better offer. This morning..." She got to her feet and topped off their coffees.
"I know he's your head of security. He's probably even good at it, but he's an arsehole. As far as his mother's concerned he can do no wrong. Martha would have him live with him permanently, or at least until she found him the right mate. Unfortunately for Martha, there's only so much anyone can take of her. Rhys included."
"Tell me what happened when he showed up here?"
Coral cleared her throat, averting her eyes. "I need to tell you something first. I umm... I kind brought you here under false pretences."
He raised a brow waiting for her to explain herself. "I spoke to Shivey before I called you. We knew Rhys would eventually show up wanting to move in with her, that's why I'm house-sitting. After ditching her then what happened at the dinner there was no way she was going to let him move in again. Shivey's my best friend and I love her."
Coral took another sip of her coffee, her hands shaking a little. "As much as I wanted to, I couldn't tell her what her brother was like; she had to see if for herself. This time I think she finally did. Anyway, I told her that Rhys showed up and..."
"It's all right Coral, tell me what happened."
"Rhys wasn't happy when he saw me here." She laughed. "He was pissed when I told him Shivey was out of town and I was living here. I told him he couldn't come in and he tried to push past me. Like I already told you, Katnip's protective of me and Shivey and she doesn't like Rhys; at all. When he pushed past me, she scratched him up pretty good. He told me she was dangerous, that he was going to make sure she was put down."
Taren's expression softened, "Siobhan suggested you call me?"
She nodded, "Yeah, she figured if you two liked each other there's no way Rhys would hurt her."
"You know my mother had a cat. When we were old enough she gave me and my brothers a kitten each, said it would teach us how to care for those who weren't as strong as us." He laughed. "We learnt a lot more than that. Your friend is safe Coral."
Coral burst into tears, "Thank you so much."
Taren smiled, "You leave Rhys to me. He may be good at his job, but he has a great deal to learn about people."
That being said Coral calmed down and Taren took the opportunity to get to know her and Siobhan a little more. "Siobhan's business is still fairly new, how could she afford to buy this place?"
"Her Grandma on her mother's side left it to her. I'm guessing Martha wasn't happy about it, but her Grandma had a mind of her own. She liked to do things her own way, just like Shivey. I sometimes think she knew Shivey was going to need the security of her own home once she was strong enough to leave her mother." Coral laughed, "She was right."
"So she works from here as well?"
"Yeah," Coral replied, pushing the cookies in front of him. "There's room enough for an office and outside she's got garden plots, a greenhouse and sheds for all her other plant stuff. You know tools and what not. I work for her three days a week and if I end up moving in permanently it'll work out fine. I'll have a roof over my head, I'll be with my best friend and Katnip will get spoilt rotten because Shivey loves her to death."
"Mm, this is good," Taren said over a mouth full of cookie. "You'll have to give Owen the recipe." He got a weird expression on his face, Coral scrunched up her face waiting. "Why don't you and Katnip come over for lunch tomorrow? You'll get to meet Owen, talk recipes and our mutual friend here can even sit in on a meeting I'll be having after lunch with some of my men." He grinned at her, "We'll be discussing security."
Corals entire face lit up. "That sounds like a really nice idea. Owen and I can swap recipes and he can show me some of the work Shivey did for you."
Placing the cat on the floor he came to his feet picking up another cookie. "Wait!" Coral grabbed a zip bag and put several cookies in it for him. "For later. Umm, Owen might like to try one as well." He nodded took the bag and showed himself out, calling over his shoulder, I'll see you tomorrow at twelve thirty."
"Looking forward to it Taren."
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