Chapter 12
Tuesday morning came all too soon, both women were looking forward to seeing Owen, Coral had gotten up at the crack of dawn to start preparations on lunch wanting everything to be perfect. Shivey couldn't see why she was so frantic about it. It was only lunch, but she guessed Coral wanted to impress and food was her genre.
Poor Shivey was pretty much pushed out of the kitchen as soon as she'd finished her breakfast and Coral had given her a mug and a flask of coffee to keep her going so she wouldn't come inside interrupting her. Shivey took it in stride. Shook her head, but took it in stride. Food was to Coral like plants were to her. So, she understood.
Seth arrived at eight thirty and brought the wheel barrow outside into an area under one of the trees so the plants would get some filtered sunlight. After reading one of the books Shivey gave him, he'd figured out what filtered sunlight was. He then gave them a gentle spray of water, just enough to wet the potting mix and give them the moisture they need.
Shivey came over to him, "Good job Seth, you gave them just enough water." She wiped her hands on a cloth she was holding "Direct sunlight might just kill them at the moment. They're still a little fragile from being transplanted and put into potting mix. The shock should wear off in a few days and they take to their new home and grow stronger."
Shivey looked Seth in the eye. "This is the most important time when you are potting plants, whether you're moving them into a pot or from the ground to a pot then to someone's yard because we don't know what plant will live and what will survive."
"So we take care of them like they're our babies huh?"
"Yeah, I guess. In a way they are and now you're their father, Seth." Shivey laughed at the look on his face, but it was all good because if he was the father then she was the mother.
"Umm, I've heard about people talking to their plants and to trees and stuff... umm do you ever?"
Shivey laughed. "Yep! Plants are alive Seth, they have feelings. I think they enjoy having someone talk to them from time to time."
"Okay." Replied Seth, "Just don't expect me to start having conversations with trees any time soon."
Owen arrived around nine thirty and Coral was thankfully organised in the kitchen by then. He made his way over to where Shivey and Seth were working before heading inside. "Good morning Shivey, Seth, I'll just go in and let Coral know I've arrived."
They followed him in and were surprised to find that Coral was ready for Owen, even had a fresh pot of coffee and a freshly cooked date and walnut loaf on the dining room table ready to be eaten.
Seth thinking only of his stomach moved towards the kitchen, "I'll get a knife for the cake!" he called over his shoulder. "And some mugs for the coffee."
Coral opened her mouth, but Shivey shook her head, "he'll realise it in a minute."
Sure enough, Seth came back minus the mugs. "Umm, I figured it'd be best to leave the mugs where the coffee is." He laughed. "Want me to cut up the cake?"
"I hope you washed your hands..." Seth was nodding his head vigorously. "Okay then you can slice the cake." Coral couldn't help but smile. Seth was very quickly becoming part of the family. Then she had a strange thought, Seth just might end up being part of my family. Holy cow! He just might end up being my little brother! Bloody hell!
Taking several calming breaths Coral made her way to the kitchen to organised coffee for everyone. When she returned with a tray of coffee mugs she found that Seth had done just fine with the cake, not only slicing, but dishing it out onto plates as well. She nudged him with her elbow, "Good job." Making him feel like he'd actually done a good job.
Coral handed Owen a mug, "I know it's a bit early for morning tea, but if we have it now, by the time you and Shivey are finished switching plants around and deciding what you want, we'll be about ready for lunch."
"Good idea Coral and I've tasted your cake. I'd like to take a slice home if there's any left." He looked over his shoulder at the kitchen counter.
"I'll make sure there is, just give me a minute." Coral then make a b-line for the kitchen counter and what was left of the cake, placing two slices on a plate and setting it aside with cling wrap over it, calling out to Seth as she moved. "Seth you eat this and you're a dead man."
"No problem, you've got plenty of other stuff I can eat. And umm... would you like a hand with lunch while Shivey and Owen are sorting out what herbs they want to use?"
"Seriously," Coral asked as she came back into the dining room. "Or are you just sucking up?"
"No, seriously I love cooking. I helped you out the other night." He shrugged his shoulders. "I help my mother cook all the time."
Coral looked him in the eye and yeah, he was serious. "Okay, but you need to scrub your hands before you start. I don't want any garden germs..."
Seth grinned, "No problem."
Shivey and Owen took their time with the herbs talking over each ones use and how Owen might utilise them. In the end once Owen had made several choices, Shivey placed plastic sheets in the bottom of each window box then they placed the herbs in them to see how they looked. They did this several times with different mixes until Owen finally made a decision as to what he liked.
Shivey left the herbs where they were, but wrote down exactly what Owen wanted in each window box to make sure there were no mistakes then put all the plants in the green house, telling Owen to go ahead of her inside, she'd only be a few minutes.
Coral had made lasagne with fresh homemade made pasta with béchamel sauce, a green garden salad and crusty homemade bread for lunch. Owen had brought a box with him when he arrived, but didn't say what was in it, when Shivey looked on the sideboard she saw what looked like an apple sponge cake. Her mouth watered, right up until she saw that the table was set for five.
Shivey glanced at everyone, not wanting to put anyone in particular on the spot, "Are we expecting someone else?" she looked back at the table and waited for an answer.
Owen smiled gently, "Taren said he might drop by and as I said as how I was having lunch with you..."
Shivey could actually feel the colour drain from her face. "Fine." She turned her head to the front door wishing she could escape, knew she couldn't. "I'm just going to go wash up and get out of these work clothes." She rushed off wanting nothing more than to disappear.
Shivey quickly ran up to her room and into her bathroom, she stripped of her work clothes tossing them in the hamper then scrubbed her hands and arms then was her face. She was tempted to jump in the shower, but there were people waiting downstairs.
She quickly finished up in the bathroom grabbed underwear from her dresser draws then jeans and a long sleeved tee. For some reason Shivey felt exposed and it irked her. This was her home and she shouldn't feel this way. Not here. Not in her safe place.
Once dressed she sat on the bed brushing out her hair. It wasn't often Shivey wore it out and right now she didn't really have the strength to put it up. Besides, she was at home. She needed to relax and if she also needed to hide her face underneath her hair then so be it. After several long slow deep breathes, Shivey got to her feet slowly making her way to the stairs.
Shivey had been so preoccupied while she was upstairs that she hadn't heard a car pull up or the front door open, so she was somewhat surprised to see Taren turn and smile at her. He was standing in the dining room looking for all the world like he belonged right where he was standing.
Shivey's gut turned to jelly, or was it just a mass of butterflies taking flight? In any case she took a silent breath and smiled back in greeting, hoping Taren didn't sense how she was feeling.
How the hell did he manage to keep doing this to me? I need to pull myself together. Get my emotions under control.
After another quiet breath Shivey moved towards everyone. "It's nice to see you again Siobhan," Taren said as he gave Shivey a hug.
"Same here, Taren." She said as she returned his greeting. "I had no idea you'd be coming today."
"Well, when I heard Coral was cooking, how could I not come." He stated with a grin.
Shivey pulled away turning towards Coral for help. Coral saw her friend was on the verge of freaking out and moved. "Why don't you all take a seat? Shivey come give me a hand in the kitchen."
The men moved towards the table taking a seat as Shivey and Coral made their way through the kitchen and out the back door to the yard where Coral took hold of Shivey's arms. "Okay, now breathe. In, out. Nice and slow. That's it Shivey, nice and calm."
Coral waited a moment then, "You okay now... umm... I swear I didn't know he was coming until Owen told me when he came in side."
Shivey nodded. "It's okay Coral, I'm just a little freaked is all."
Coral snorted. "Ya think?"
Shivey thumped her on the arm. "He's the Alpha, Coral. The God, damned, bloody Alpha!" she shook her head. "Come on, we better go feed them before they come looking for us."
Lunch was delicious, though Shivey didn't really taste it. Her entire focus on not giving away how her emotions, her body was reacting to Taren being so close to her. Thankfully he was on the other side of the table, out of reach. She really didn't trust herself to be too close to him. She couldn't umm, shouldn't touch, but her emotions were telling her to dive right in and grab him! Part of her just wanted to take Taren and go for it, but another part, the sensible, afraid part of her was screaming 'RUN'.
Somehow they made through lunch, Shivey even smiled and added to the conversation, although she was sure Taren noticed she was quieter than normal. As they were leaving Shivey came up with an idea and called out to Taren, making her way to the front yard to show him what they'd been working on.
"Taren, if it's okay with you and since you're here," she pointed to the window boxes and smiled.
"You want me to take these back with me?"
"We can both take one each." Stated Owen.
"I'd appreciate it if you could. I'll bring everything else with me tomorrow and Seth and I can install them and set them up with the plants in the pots one more time to make sure it's how you want. Then we'll transplant them for you." She waited.
"No problem Siobhan. Seth give Owen a hand with the window boxes."
Shivey almost panicked right in front of the man. "I can help!"
"I got it Shivey." Said Seth, thinking he was being helpful.
Coral moved towards Owen's truck to open the back and to give Taren a moment alone with Shivey.
Taren smiled softly at Shivey, reaching a hand up to touch her cheek. "Siobhan, talk to me." He had an idea what was wrong, but no way in hell was he going to take back that kiss. She was his and he wasn't going to go any slower that he already was. This was killing him!
Taren saw tears in her eyes and realised that maybe he had moved a little too fast for her. He sighed. "Siobhan, I won't ever lie to you. You are mine and I am Yours. I'm willing to go as slow as you need, but will not."
He shook his head. "Scratch that. I cannot back off. I think you already know what you are to me. What we are to each other. Once you're ready to acknowledge that..." he pulled her into his arms and held her close, giving her a kiss on the cheek before walking away from her.
Shivey stood there watching as Taren and Owen left. Once they were out of sight she caught her breathe. Coral and Seth were both watching her, but she didn't seem to notice. She just stood there shaking her head.
"Shivey, Shivey honey are you okay." Coral asked.
Still looking down the road that Taren had driven down, Shivey took a deep breathe, then exhaling before saying. "Fuck me! I am so screwed!"
Doing her best not to grin, Coral guided her friend back inside. "Come on Shivey, I'm make you a nice calming cup of tea. Things will seem a lot better in the morning."
Unfortunately things didn't 'seem better in the morning'. Shivey still had to go install the window boxes and the chances of not running into Taren to slim to none. But as she often reminded herself, she was no coward.
Seth said he'd meet her there, so she packed up the potting mix and necessary tools on the bed of her truck then put all the plants into a large box on the back seat where they'd be safe.
The drive to Taren's didn't take long. In fact it seemed way too short for Shivey's liking. Getting out of the car, Shivey knocked on the kitchen door before pocking her head in. "Owen, you there?"
Owen was sitting at the kitchen table going through some paper work. He smiled as he looked up. "Shivey, it's nice to see you. I wasn't sure what time you'd be here, would you like something to drink?"
"Umm, no thanks," she replied, looking around the room warily.
"He isn't home." Owen smiled softly coming to his feet.
"W... what? I mean. No I'm fine thanks. I should get started."
"Of course. I can help until Seth gets here. Come show me what needs to be done."
Shivey headed back to her truck and opening the passenger side door, grabbed her backpack and pulled something out of it, quickly putting inside her jacket out of sight. "I've got something for Taren. Is it okay if I put it on his desk?"
"Of course Shivey. I'll wait here for you."
Shivey made her way towards Taren's office, trying hard not to remember the last time she had been in there. The door was ajar, so she pushed it open half expecting to see him sitting at his desk. Something relaxed in her when she saw the empty seat. She smiled softly to herself and stepped inside the room.
As she stood in front of Taren's desk for a moment Shivey wondered what it might be like to be his. He has so much power, so much strength behind him. It would be so easy to be with him, yet... it would be far too easy to lose herself, lose any sense of who she is or who she could be. And he'd want babies. But... but this was Taren. The pull was so strong. Without thinking Shivey pulled the sheet of paper she'd carefully rolled up and tied with a green ribbon. The ribbon was so that no one could see what was on it. She placed it on Taren's desk and stepped back.
Looking at the paper she'd turned into a scroll she couldn't help but smile and wondering what his expression would be when he saw what was on it. Would he realise what it meant? God I hope so.
Leaving the office Shivey made quick work of getting back to the kitchen where she found Seth waiting for her.
"Sorry I wasn't here when you got here, but I'm here now. I've laid out all the tools we'll need and put the brackets on the grass near the windows ready for us to get started."
Shivey raised and eye brow. "All the screws are in my pocket." He pull a couple out to show her.
Shivey grinned and put her arm around Seth, "Come on, let's do this."
By the time they'd finished the window boxes were sitting in place like they were always meant to be there. The herbs sheltered and easily accessible to Owen. Both Shivey and Seth looked at each other smiling. Shivey could tell he was proud of what they'd done.
"We did good, huh?"
"Yep, Seth, we sure did. You should take a photograph. Actually we both should." And they grabbed their phones from the car and took a few photos from different angles. They even took a couple with Owen standing next to the window boxes, a huge grin on his face. He loved what they'd produced.
Owen asked if they'd like to stay for lunch, but Shivey said they had a few things they needed to do so couldn't. She did however accept a hug of thanks from him. Once they were on the road Seth turned to her. "So umm, what are these things we have to do?"
Seth could see her face turn bright red and couldn't help himself, he started laughing. "What!?" she all but yelled.
"Don't worry Shivey I won't say a word. Your secret's safe with me."
"Wha... what secret?"
Seth started laughing again and Shivey just wanted to cry.
"Shit! Ahrr. Is it that obvious? Really?"
"Really." The smile on Seth's face looked like it was glued there.
"You're enjoying this way too much."
"Well think about it Shivey. You and Taren and Coral and Thomas. Both at the same time." He laughed. "This is gonna be so much fun."
"Fun! Just remember Taren is your Alpha and I'm your boss!" she pulled the car over so she could glare at him." It didn't work, he burst out laughing, so she thumped him. This just made him laugh even more.
"Damn it Seth who's side are you on?" she rolled her eyes realising he was looking at his own interests here. "Fine, just you wait until you find... a significant other. I am so going to rub it in your face." She saw the colour drain from his face and felt a little better.
"Aww come on Shivey, you know I don't mean anything by all this. You know I'd take your side, but for crying out loud he's my Alpha the safest place for me is on the sidelines. I promise I won't tell anyone. Honest and if I can help I will, but if Taren pulls rank I'm done for." He looked at her with such big sad eyes.
"Fine! But only if he pulls rank." He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
They spent the rest of the day reorganising and repotting plants that needed a bigger pot. Having her hands in the dirt seemed to calm Shivey and Seth found it had the same effect on him too.
That evening when Taren came home he went to his office and found the paper scroll on his desk. He was about to call out to Owen, decided not to, then sat in his seat looking at the rolled up piece of paper.
Taren knew who'd put it there, he could smell Siobhan's scent all over it. Ever so carefully he picked up the paper and pulled open the ribbon, placing it aside. He held the paper for a moment before opening it and was in awe of what he saw. The likeness of himself on the page shocked him.
Siobhan had no idea how good she was. But right now, at this moment, whether or not the picture was good or not didn't matter. It was the meaning of it and why it was placed on his desk that was the point.
Taren smiled. "Thank you Siobhan. Nice and slow and I promise I will never hurt you."
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