Chapter 10
Next day Shivey and Coral were up bright and early. They were about to sit down to breakfast when there was a knock on the front door. "Dish up!" yelled Shivey, "I'll get the door."
"Hey," grinned Seth. "I wasn't sure how early you wanted me here, so I figured..." he shrugged.
Shivey opened the door wider so he could come in, shutting it behind him. "Have you eaten?"
"I could eat." Was his response. "Oh and I brought clothes for tonight!"
Shivey laughed and looking towards Coral as they entered the kitchen, found she'd already placed another plate on the table. "What?" Coral said, "He's starting to grow on me."
Seth grinned giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you." He put his clothes on a side chair, then waited like a gentleman for both women to take their seats before taking a seat himself. Between mouthfuls he told Shivey that his father was cool with what his mother had said to her and he couldn't wait to go looking at courses later today. Then he got all quiet.
Coral and Shivey exchanged glances, waited for a couple of minutes, but when he still remained silent they knew something was bugging him. "Seth," began Shivey, "what's wrong?"
He remained silent, as if thinking on what to say then, "Thomas said he ran into you yesterday on his way home. Did you really call him..." he saw the curious expression on Corals face and said "never mind. Umm... I told my folks you invited me for dinner tomorrow night and that it's Mexican. I told them Taren and Owen were coming. Thomas, I think he kinda figured, maybe he should go too. I mean like maybe you might have overlooked... forgotten to ask... him maybe?"
"Shit!" said Coral. "I didn't even think of protocols. In any case it's up to Shivey. They both turned to her.
"Geezzzz! What do you want me to do! For God's sake, all I wanted to do was ask Taren over for dinner so that creep would leave me alone." She glared at both of them. "Fine!" Shivey left the table to get her phone. When she came back she was in the middle of writing a text to Taren letting him know it was okay to bring Thomas as well if he wanted too, because Seth would be there. She hit send and looked up.
"Please tell me that isn't how you've been communicating with our Alpha?" all the colour had drained from Coral's face.
"It's fine Coral. Taren might be my Alpha, but he's also my friend. I invited him here as my friend, not as my Alpha."
Shivey sighed and called Taren. He picked up on the third ring, "Siobhan, it's nice to hear your voice."
"I take it you don't like text messages either huh?" she shook her head, even though Taren couldn't see her. "Sorry, I forget myself sometimes and it's easier and quicker to text when I've got stuff to do... you know?" she really hoped he'd understand.
"It's fine Siobhan, I know what it's like to be in a rush. But I do like to hear your voice. So dinner tomorrow. Coral's cooking?"
"Umm, yes. Coral's a great cook and I figured it'd be a great way for us all to get to know each other better."
Taren smiled, trying not to laugh. His Siobhan was shy and uncertain of her feelings. It worried him that she didn't want to be alone with him, but considering her upbringing – the way she'd been treated, he couldn't really blame her. He'd need to go slow, not push. He needed for her to see that there was a possible 'something' there between them. He just hoped to god he had enough patience to wait her out.
"I tell you what, how about you make it up to me by letting me take you out to a nice lunch? I'll book a table at Margarites one day next week. What do you say?"
Shivey couldn't help but smile, Taren was so sweet. "That would be nice, I love Italian food. We can catch up at some stage and you can let me know what day and time?"
"And perhaps next time we can bring Coral with us." Taren offered, wanting to include Siobhan's friend in a future lunch. "Do you think she'd like that?"
Shivey's face broke into a grin, "Yeah I think she'd love that. I'll see you tomorrow."
Pushing the end button, Shivey turned to her friend, trying hard not to smile. "Happy?"
Coral glared at her, "Tell me or I'm gonna pounce on you and tickle!"
Shivey laughed, "We are going out for lunch next week. He's taking me to Margarites' and if you're really nice to me, I'll let you come with us next time."
Coral grabbed her arms, was shaking her. "Me. Next time. What?"
"Yeah, Taren thought you might like to come next time. I guess to thank you for dinner."
Seth glanced at both women, trying to figure things out. In the end, decided it would be in the best interest of his health to keep what he'd come up with to himself. At least for the moment, so he kept his head down focused on his food and grinned on the inside.
Three and a half hours later they were back at the house unpacking the car. Seth had no idea grocery shopping could be so painful – and tiring! But, he kept a smile on his face and did whatever Coral asked him to do, which was pushing the grocery cart or reaching for things neither of them could reach.
Once they unpacked and put everything away all he wanted was to sit down for a bit. He got his wish and coral even make sandwiches for lunch. He hadn't realised he'd worked up such an appetite until he saw them. He smiled at Coral gratefully, "Thanks, these look great."
"You're welcome Seth and if you'd like to help me out in the kitchen, maybe learn a thing or two, there'll be plenty of time to get cleaned up before everyone gets here. You can put your change of clothes in the spare room there's a bathroom opposite it." She looked at him hopefully.
"Sounds good Coral." Seth said, a big grin on his face. "Looks like I'm set."
"We have a meeting at the local College in fifteen minutes, we can help out as much as you want when we get back." Stated Shivey grabbing her keys again.
Shivey and Seth didn't spend too much time at the local college. Shivey had spoken with Seth earlier, gone through the course guide and discussed it with him before they arrived. They took some time for Seth to get a feel for the place then met with the course manager before organising his enrolment.
Seth would be in class, which included working outdoors around the college four days a week. The fifth day and weekends he'd either be working for Shivey or working on assessments. Having Shivey tutor him would be a bonus. By the time they headed home, Seth was feeling excited about what was to come.
Coral had turned the kitchen and dining room into a prep station. She was ready, waiting for them both to arrive, having everything prepared for them to put ingredients together when the time was right.
It turned out that Seth was actually a great deal better in the kitchen that Shivey. To Shivey's delight she was banished to the greenhouse, before she caused a problem. When Seth queried it, Coral shrugged, "Shivey has problems putting a salad together." He looked at her stunned.
"Okay, okay. Bacon and eggs, sure, but anything else and..." she shook her head.
"You're serious aren't you?"
Coral sighed. "Look at it this way. I do the inside work and Shivey does her best work outside." She patted him on the shoulder and got back to work.
It was strange, but he worked just as well with Coral as he did with Shivey. He loved food and liked helping him mother out in the kitchen. He found it relaxing.
With both of them working together, they had the food organised in no time and whatever needed to be cooked later was now in the refrigerator along with the salsas and salads.
Seth looked around the kitchen, "So is there anything else we need to do? Are we gonna make a big bowl of punch or drink beer or..."
"Drinks. Shivey!" yelled Coral, running for the front door.
"What's wrong?" came Shivey's response, poking her head out of the greenhouse doorway.
"I forgot all about drinks!"
Shivey pulled her gardening gloves off, tossing them onto a nearby bench and made her way inside to grab her purse and car keys. "A case of beer, a couple of bottles of tequila for shots, all the fixings for frozen margaritas. Oh and a bottle of whiskey, just in case. How does that sound?"
"Perfect." Coral smiled. "Seth you should go with her and help carry everything."
"Do I get to drink...?"
"No!" they both said in unison.
"I'm sure we'll be able to find something soft for you to drink while where we're there." Shivey said on her way out the door. They were back an hour later, a car full of alcohol and ice. Shivey with a smile on her face and Seth all pouty because he'd be drinking coke instead of the Mexican influenced drinks everyone else would be drinking.
Shivey's smile was because she knew damned well Seth would end up with at least one alcoholic drink before the night was over. She just wasn't about to let on that she knew it was likely to happen.
As they entered the house they both stopped dead. It had been transformed into a Mexican cantina. Coral had decorated the entire house with a Mexican theme and had sombrero's scattered about ready for people to wear if they so wished.
Coral came into the living room and swirled around showing off what she was wearing. The dress was ankle length, off the shoulder in a soft shade of green with tropical flowers all over it. The bodice was low cut and showed of her breasts without being too showy and the skirt flared out when she twirled.
"So, what do you think?"
"Wow!" they both exclaimed.
"Can I dance with you Coral?" Seth took her hand and twirled her around, to Corals delight.
Shivey stood there watching them play. Then suddenly realised, "Coral did you put out something for me to wear too?"
"Umm, yep. And don't grumble. The big guy is gonna love it."
"The big guy?" asked Seth. They both ignored him.
Shivey shook her head, could feel her face burning with embarrassment. "I think I'll go get ready."
Shivey found a dress similar to Corals laid out on her bed. Hers was a soft yellow gold in colour and scalloped at the bottom of the skirt and sleeves. The bodice was the same as with Corals, only because Shivey's breasts were larger, it gave the impression that it was lower cut. The sleeves where off the shoulder and scalloped. The colour would bring out her tan and give her a golden glow all over.
After Shivey showered and slipped the dress on, she stood in front of the mirror and cringed. "Just for one night. But I'm still gonna kill Coral afterwards. Coral!"
Coral had just taken a sip of her test run, margarita and almost choked. "Shit! Shivey you'll be fine! I promise!"
Shivey came down the stairs, hands on her hips and a very miffed expression on her face. "Now look me in the eye. I dare you. And tell me I look alright!"
Both Coral and Seth looked at Shivey and their eyes kept going to her...umm well to her... she screamed. "Seeeeee! Neither one of you can keep your eyes on my face."
Seth, god love him tried. "Shivey, wow... umm... you look so... umm... so...umm...beautiful."
Coral just smiled at her as if to say I told you so.
"Grrr, maybe I can wear a wrap or something?"
Coral moved towards her taking hold of her arm. "You'll do no such thing. Hells bells women, you look 'sexy as' for the first time since I've known you. Use it. Or at least show it off for one night."
Shivey was kinda speechless, so looked towards Seth hoping for some sense, should have known better. He was nodding his head for all it was worth. Taking a long deep sigh, Shivey said, "Fine! But if this backfires, it's on you two!" they both just stood there grinning.
"Okay, okay so what needs to be done before our guests arrive?"
"I just need to light up the barbeque and get the coals ready so I can start cooking, then put everything on the table and make the drinks."
"I'll handle the drinks!" stated Seth.
"Yeah maybe in a few years. You can assist me if you like, but I'll be handling the drinks." Shivey sighed. "I really could use a frozen margarita. A really, really big one."
Coral just laughed and led her towards the area she'd set up as a bar. Two minutes later she was sucking a frozen margarita threw a straw and smiling while doing so. "Okay, I think I've got the balance right for this. You want one Coral?"
Coral took the one Shivey was drinking. "Nope, I'll finish this one off. Make a new one for yourself."
"Okay, but I'm gonna pace myself. The last thing we need is either of us too mellow with our Alpha and his Second coming for dinner." It was the latter that brought Coral to a halt almost choking on her drink.
"Thanks Shivey, I really needed that."
Shivey grinned trying not to laugh. "You're welcome." She spotted Seth grinning in a knowing way, "What?"
"Nothing. I know nothing, I swear." He called as he made his way towards the stairs, "I'm going to get ready if that's okay?" He didn't wait for an answer, he took off up the stairs hearing laughter on his heels.
Seth didn't mind, he was with two of his favourite people and he had a feeling he was in for an interesting evening. Especially with Shivey wearing what she was. Actually both women looked kind of hot, but he was not about to utter those words out loud. He wanted to keep his head right where it was thank you very much.
By the time Seth came down stairs the barbeque was fired up and there were dips with flat breads and corn chips set out. Seth's mouth watered and his stomach grumbled. Coral took pity on him. "Go for it. Just keep plenty of room for everything else, okay?"
"Hey, I'm a growing boy. I could eat all day and still be hungry."
Coral gave him the eye. The eye that meant she'd be keeping an eye on him. "Pace yourself then."
He grinned, "Will do."
The back yard was a menagerie of plants and shrugs with the odd tree thrown in. There were actually small pathways worn into the ground from Shivey walking in and out between plants giving the yard a real rainforest type feel. There were lots of differing shades of green and also a good many different blossoms, colours both pastel and bright.
Coral had the barbeque set up just outside the back door. There were lights strewn along the edge of the roof that Shivey had left since last Christmas. She figured they'd come in handy and tonight proved her correct.
Shivey smiled as she looked around the yard. With the sun going down the twinkling lights came to life but, not just on the roof. Coral had been busy while she and Seth had been out, there were lights strewn over several low trees and bushes, giving the garden a mystical feel.
Coral giggled, "It kinda makes me want to sneak through the garden looking for fairies."
Shivey smiled. Seth snorted, "Just so long as they're ground fairies, cause if they aren't you'd never find them." He pointed to the fact that Coral couldn't reach high enough to touch the top of the trees. Of course she thumped him good humouredly and he adjusted the lights so they sat higher up on the bushes and trees.
"There. Now you can go search for fairies to your hearts content!" Shivey did her best not to laugh, was saved by the doorbell.
All three turned at the same time. Seth moved towards the front door, Shivey and Coral towards the kitchen. First they needed to get the chicken and meats out of the refrigerator so it would come to room temperature before cooking.
Shivey could hear footsteps coming towards the kitchen and quietly took several calming breaths before turning to greet her guests, a smile on her face. As she turned she realised it was Taren and Owen. The expression on Taren's face when he laid eyes on Shivey was priceless. His eyes all but bugged out and his jaw almost hit the floor. But that only lasted a moment, before his entire face lit up with a smile.
"Siobhan, you're looking lovely this evening." He moved forward and wasn't quite sure if he should give her a hug or a peck on the cheek. Owen saved him from making a decision by embracing her himself.
"Shivey, where should I put this?" and he held up a bottle of white wine. "I know it's not typically Mexican, but..."
Shivey laughed, "Its perfect Owen. Here, I'll put it with the bottle I bought, just in case anyone wanted something other than 'Mexican' orientated alcohol, or beer."
Seth signalled for his brother to follow him out back to where they had a huge tub full of ice and beer. Thomas gave Shivey a nod of his head as he passed, then made short work of putting half the beer from the carton he was carrying into the tub. He set the remainder beside the tub so it could be topped up when needed. Then took a cold one, opening it and taking a long swallow almost choking as he turned and saw Coral and what she was wearing.
Seth turned away for a moment trying not to laugh. Shaking his head he moved towards Coral, Thinking this was going to be an interesting evening.
He put his arm around Corals shoulder partly because, well she was his friend and partly to get a rise out of his brother. When he heard a low growl coming from Thomas he kissed Coral of the cheek and moved closer to the barbeque.
"So since I can't drink, do you want me to help with the cooking?" he smiled all innocent.
Coral grinned, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. This time they both turned when Thomas growled. Seth of course couldn't help himself. "You got a saw throat bro?"
Thomas glared and shook his head while Seth did his best not to laugh.
Shivey felt almost trapped in the kitchen with Taren. Both standing wanting to say something and unable or unsure of what to say.
Seth broke the ice, shoving a beer in front of Taren's face, "Thought you'd be ready for a cold one." Turning to Shivey, "You want me to get you another drink?"
"No, but thanks Seth I'm fine. Why don't you both head outside while I finish here. I'll only be a few minutes."
"Hey!" called Seth. "How about music?"
"Go for it. You're in charge, just no crap."
"You mean modern crap right? Like the kind of music I'd listen too." He rolled his eyes. "Not much chance of me finding any of that kind of music here." He walked away shaking his head, leaving Taren and Shivey laughing.
Taren smiled at her, "You really do look lovely tonight Siobhan. I'll leave you to it, but please give me a call if you need me."
Shivey stood quietly as Taren walked outside with everyone else. He didn't make a fuss at how she looked. He simply said she looked lovely and left it at that. Apart from the surprised expression when he first saw her, he hadn't even ogled her.
A grin crept onto Shivey's face as she made quick work of setting out the salads, salsas and flat breads on the dining room table. Plates, cutlery and napkins were already in place around the table, as were serving spoons, forks and tongs. Everyone would be able to help themselves or hand the platters of food around.
Owen came in as she turned to join everyone. He had a smile on his face. "This look wonderful Siobhan. I can't wait to taste it all. Coral's made a good start with the chicken and meats, so it won't be long until we'll be sitting at the table and enjoying everything the both of you have prepared."
Shivey was about to speak when she heard the sounds of Bob Marley floating through the house. Both Owen and Shivey moved towards the living room and Seth. He was looking through C.D's, a thoughtful expression on his face.
Shivey cleared her throat and he jumped. "Shit, Shivey you scared the hell outa me!"
She tried not to laugh at him, couldn't help the smile. "Bob Marley?"
"Hey, it's the closest I could get to 'the theme', if you know what I mean." He was all smiles.
"No, I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but he'll do. It's official, you're the music man for the evening." This put a huge grin on Seth's face.
They moved towards the back door, Owen holding Shivey's arm and shaking his head as he laughed.
"So we did good huh, the dinner I mean?" asked Shivey.
Owen gave her arm as squeeze. "Yes, you did good, indeed." As they made their way out to the yard, Owen kept hold of Shivey's arm. He had fed her and now it seemed she was returning the favour.
The closer they got to the barbeque the more the heavenly scent of meats mixed with herbs wafted towards them. "Holy cow!" said Shivey.
"And lamb and chicken..." laughed Seth, coming out the back door and making everyone laugh.
Shivey looked around taking in the scene. Coral was busy at the barbeque, Thomas standing alongside her and if she wasn't wrong they both looked a little nervous. Taren stood a little further back looking over the yard. Most likely trying to figure out the layout of the garden and if it was like it was on purpose.
Shivey gave Owen's arm a squeeze then moved towards Taren, leaving Owen to step in and calm the waters between Coral and Thomas. "So how do you like my garden?" she tried not to smile.
"Ah, I'm not really sure what to make of it. I mean... well." He sighed, looked at her, looked back at the garden. "It's pretty with the lights."
Shivey burst out laughing. "Coward! Just ask me."
Taren glared at her for a moment. It's not every day someone called him a coward. He took a deep breathe, released it before he spoke. "Okay. I can't make heads nor tails when I look at it. It's like a cockeyed maze."
"Umm, yep that pretty much sums it up." She moved as if to walk away from him and he grabbed her arm. "You're serious?"
"Yeah. I fully intended to make this garden something beautiful, but time and need and what I had to do for plants and space and trying to keep certain plants alive and... wallah!"
Taren couldn't help but laugh. "It kind of built itself according to your work needs huh?"
"Yeah. But I know where every single plant is and have developed areas that are best for certain ones to thrive." She smiled as she looked out at the garden. "In the process I've tramped pathways all the way through, so in a sense it is like a maze. A mini maze." She shrugged. "I can lose a whole day in there and never feel lonely."
Taren smiled at Shivey then looked at the garden with a different perspective. "Yeah, I can see how you might. It's like a jungle. Alive, moving, growing as it needs to, but it's beautiful and has a sense of strength about the entire garden that most don't have."
Taren reached out taking Shivey's hand, "You gave this garden life Siobhan. Without you it would never have come into being." He gave her hand a squeeze, a smile on his face and she could see that he was genuinely acknowledging her work.
Shivey was astounded that Taren had seen so much, decided not to over think the fact that she was leaning into the man in thanks. The next moment Seth approached drinks in hand breaking the moment, for which she was grateful.
"Shivey," he began handing her a drink. "I made you a frozen margarita. I'm actually getting good at making these." He turned to Taren, "I thought you could might want another beer." He offered him the bottle and turned to leave. "Oh and Coral said the food should be ready in a few minutes."
Shivey laughed, "That's Coral speak for 'get your arses over here and eat'."
"Then we best get moving." He laughed.
They started moving towards the back door when after several steps Shivey came to a dead stop. "I'm thinking Seth should probably stay the night. If he's getting good at making my drinks..."
"Yeah! He's probably sampling them. We should probably keep an eye on him for the rest of the evening too?" Shivey nodded in agreement.
They made their way inside where Thomas was helping Coral place the cooked meats on the table. Beef and lamb on skewers that had been marinated or dusted with Mexican barbeque sauce as well as chicken cooked to perfection and flavoured with a mix of chilli and other Mexican type flavours. The armours coming off the table were wonderful!
Everyone settled around the table, "Okay," said Coral. "Dig in and don't be shy."
Before they began eating however, Owen clinked his glass with the side of his knife. If it's alright with everyone, I'd like to make a toast to both Coral and Siobhan not only for inviting us to their home, but for putting on such a fine array of food. Thank you both!" there were cheers all round making both women blush and smile.
Finally the eating began and it seemed that everyone enjoyed the food that was provided. There was a great deal of small talk, glances across the table between not just Taren and Shivey, but Coral and Thomas.
Owen took over as the barman, stating Seth had the music to take care of. It seemed Shivey and Taren weren't the only ones who'd noticed Seth's sampling. In any case he would still be staying to night. No way was Shivey sending him home with alcohol in his system. She didn't think she'd be able to look his mother in the face if he showed up with even the smell of it on him. While he was in her home he was her responsibility, even if his older brother was here as too.
The drinks flowed as did the conversation and the food, the food was most enjoyable. When they'd eaten their fill, the men got up to clear the table, but the women put a stop to that. "This is our home, and you're our guests. Please sit and relax." Asked Shivey.
All four men including Seth looked at each other before nodding and retaking their seats. There was a lull in the conversation, until the table was cleared and the women were back all smiles ready for the next part of their evening.
"I thought our stomachs could use a bit of time to digest before desert and coffee. How about we move to the living room. We can sit and chat or we can pull back the coffee table and dance if you up for it?" Coral smiled eagerly.
Seth, not being one to sit back and wait moved right on in. "Only if I get first dance Coral? And I'll even let you pick the music." He grabbed hold of her hand and headed for the living room, which is where the music was set up.
Seth started looking through the CD's available to him, but sensed Coral glaring at him. "What? He's not gonna ask you, but he will cut in." he shrugged his shoulders and went back to the CD's.
Coral could feel her face burning bright red! She opened her mouth to give him a piece of her mind, but nothing came out. She stood there a full half minute with her mouth open before realising it, then shut it and knelt down next to Seth to help find the right music.
They settled on The Best of The Eagles giving up on the whole 'Mexican Theme'. They danced to two songs, were just really getting a good rhythm together when Thomas tapped Seth on the shoulder. Coral thought she'd freak out, but she'd had a few drinks and she was feeling mellow. They danced the rest of the CD and she didn't mind a bit.
Shivey started out in Owens arms, was soon in Seth's and finally she looked up and Taren was holding her. She wasn't as mellow as Coral, but Taren's smile put her at ease easily enough.
"I have to say you two put on a good dinner. I've had a wonderful time. The food, the drinks, the conversation and of course the people have all made it an evening to remember. Now if we can just get Seth to bed in one piece I'll be extremely happy.
The evening came to an end all too soon. Coral was sitting on the couch with Thomas, discussing band preferences, Katnip laying across both their laps. Taren and Owen were on the other couch speaking quietly while Shivey was content to sit back and take in all in. She glanced over at Seth and realised he was struggling to keep his eyes open.
Getting to her feet, she patted his arm, "Seth. Seth." When he didn't respond, she turned to his brother who in turn got to his feet.
"What room?" he asked.
"I'll go ahead and pull the bed down, you can follow." She turned to everyone else. "I'll be right back."
It only took a few minutes to get Seth into bed, take his shoes off and pull the covers over him. He looked so sweet when he was asleep, Shivey couldn't help but smile. She bent down and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Sweet dreams my friend."
"He's a good kid," said Thomas. "What you've done for him. Giving him a job. It's really helped him in a lot of ways."
Shivey patted Thomas on the arm. "Seth earned it Thomas and he'll keep on earning it so long as he keeps up his studies and as long as he shows up and does his work."
Thomas nodded in agreement then they headed back downstairs to find everyone getting ready to leave. They'd all been too full to eat desert, so Coral was boxing up brownies for Owen to take home with him. She also had a smaller box for Thomas.
"Chocolate - chilli brownies. I figure if you take it home both you and Taren will be able to share" The brownies were Corals idea, figuring everyone loved chocolate and the chili would represent Mexican food. She'd tried one before everyone arrived and the word 'divine' came to mind.
"Okay now I would really like some feedback on the brownies. This is the first time I've made then and I'd like to know if they're any good or not." Taren and Owen nodded as she spoke putting a smile on her face.
"I hope you left enough for my brother to try or he's so going to annoy me and you." Thomas laughed.
Coral grinned. "Yeah I put some aside just for him," she says as she hands him a container with half a dozen in it.
He smiles, "Just in case I get hungry when I get home huh?"
She laughs, "Something like that, yeah."
As they make their way towards the front door with Owen, Shivey steps closer to Taren. "You're going to love those," she indicated the brownies Owen was carrying.
Taren looked down at Shivey doing his best to maintain control. All he wanted was to take her in his arm and claim her with his mouth, with his arms, with his... He gave himself an internal shake, pulling himself together. He had to go slow, she deserved that much.
"Siobhan, I had a wonderful time tonight. We should it more often. I'm thinking next time I might even explore your garden."
Shivey grinned. "I promise if you get lost I'm come rescue you."
"I'll keep you to that promise. Although it might be interesting to stay lost in there for a time. With you I mean." He smiled again. And before she realised what he was going to do, he kissed her. Ever so softly on the lips. He pulled away for a moment then kissed her again this time with a little more force. Just enough so that she knew he was really doing it, but not enough so that she couldn't pull away if she wanted to. And that was the thing. Shivey found that she didn't want to pull away. And that confused the hell out of her!
"Good night Siobhan." He gave her arm a slight squeeze, then left.
Shivey stood there watching as Taren walked away from her. Shock, shock I'm in shock. I'd have to be, cause... well why the hell did... why would he... holy cow! I am so not going there!
"Son-of-a-bitch hekissed me!"
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