I look around in surprise, unable to comprehend what happened for a few seconds.
'Did I just get kidnapped...?' I mutter in my head, raising a hand and touching the wall. I realised then that my arm guards were still active, pulsing brightly in the dark. Suddenly, my mind flits to King leaning in for... something. Whatever it was, I was so scared and embarrassed that my ears turned red along with my face. I shake my head to clear my mind and turn to the dented iron door blocking my escape. I had no doubt in my mind that the others would already be on their way to save me, but no one knew where I was. Hell, I didn't know where I was.
I give the door an experimental push, feeling the cold metal on my palm, before drawing back my fist and slamming my right guard into it. The crash of it snapping its rusty hinges and clattering to the floor makes me wince, the loud noises rupturing the unearthly stillness.
I heard the sound of armed footsteps next, so I hurried down a corridor, away from them. Suddenly, a hand shot out of a cell and grabbed me, holding me in a death grip.
"I'm sorry, but if we catch a runaway, our sentence gets reduced!" an emaciated woman says, "HEY, I CAUGHT HER!!"
I struggle with all my strength, my guards flailing around wildly, but her grip holds. The first knight comes into view and my jaw drops.
~ (King's P.O.V) ~
"Come on, we have to find her!" I shout, flying ahead of the giant pig. The fort looms in the distance and I can just feel that she's in there. I don't wait for the others as the pig stops, shooting over the walls and crashing through the windows of the guard house. Shocked cries erupt around me and a few crossbows were pointed, but they were too surprised to fire.
I rip the trapdoor leading to the prisons straight off, leaving Chastiefol to block it from the crossbow bolts that were finally fired before taking it with me. I focused my senses and I could hear her talking, hear her trembling in fear. I could smell her too, that weird flower scent, not unlike my own. I shoot off down a corridor as fast as I can, following the trail.
"Jacob, what the hell are you doing here?" I ask, backing up against a wall and trying to hide my trembling. When the knight arrived, he walked straight past me and kicked the starving woman in her face, sending her sprawling. His eyes were a dull, almost black purple.
"So you do remember me." he says, his voice strangely deep. The way he said it chilled my bones.
"I watched you die!" I shout, cursing the tremble in my voice, then make a break for it. He follows after me with ease, blocking my escape... then staggers to the side as a familiar spear is smashed into his head. King flies into view and throws his arms around me, almost making me fall over from the speed and force of him. For the first time, I hug him back.
"I don't know who you are, but get your hands off my woman!" Jacob snarls, recovered from the spear attack and charging towards us. Not thinking, I jump forwards to meet him, smashing both my guards into the sides of his head.
"You beat and abused me for the whole of two days while we were together!" I shout, kicking him savagely and landing one final punch before turning to King, eager to escape.
"Let's get out of here."
I revel in the sunlight and fresh air. The dungeons had been so stuffy and the air was heavy. Breathing was like trying to breathe in water. I sigh in relief, then float over the bodies of unconscious knights who had gotten in the way of the other sins. King floats next to me protectively, his arm brushing mine. After the incident with Jacob, my guards had disappeared. Suddenly, I feel King's hand wrap around my own.
"I'm sorry I didn't save you sooner." he apologises, frowning down at the ground. I laugh and punch him in the shoulder playfully.
"Don't worry about it. We're safe and that's all that matters."
He stays silent for a few seconds before turning to me, grabbing my shoulders to turn me to him, and wrapping his arms around my neck. I smile happily and gladly return the hug, closing my eyes. He was always so warm.
"Stop hugging, lovebirds! We've got places to be!" Ban calls. I flip him off and hold King for a few seconds longer before letting go. He seems disappointed and I laugh at his pout.
"Come on, let's go."
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