What's Your Name?
"The wind curled through my fur; tracing its way around me. I felt it completely and it covered me wholly. I breathed it in, and it echoed through my lungs. It escaped me as a sigh and drifted out of reach."
"Wow, Rose, you're getting pretty good. You should publish that book once you're done."
"I'm serious!"
"You know I can't do that!"
"Why not?"
"It's embarrassing! I mean... what if nobody likes it?"
"I will."
"You're my Dad. You have to say that."
"It still counts."
I rolled my eyes and looked at my dad. He smiled and ruffled the fur atop my head. I swatted his hand away.
"Stop! You'll mess up my hair!"
He chuckled. "Don't worry. You look beautiful. You always do."
I rolled my eyes again and smiled. Well, what do you want me to say? This is us. Me and my Dad. I looked up at him. He's a Lucario. Strong. Powerful. I wish I could be like him some day. He's confident and never afraid, but I'm not like that. I get nervous, I start stuttering and, well, you'll see.
Dad and I have just moved towns. We used to live by the ocean, but Dad didn't like it there, so we moved. As of today, we'll be living in Cariole town. It's a small village hidden in the forest. I've never been here before; I'm both nervous and excited.
I wasn't too upset about leaving our old home. You see, it's like Dad says; there's nothing there for us anymore.
"This is it, Rose," said Dad, "Our new home."
I smiled. Our house is on the edge of town. It's made of solid wood and is in the shape of a basic square. It's not very big, but there's only two of us so I'm not worried. Dad walked over and unlocked the door. He pushed it open and stepped inside. I followed him in and looked around.
The house was bare. A moving company is delivering all our stuff tomorrow. For now, it's just us and an empty house. Dad walked into what would be the loungeroom and pulled the bag from his back. He dropped it on the floor and spread out his bedroll. I grabbed my pack and did the same.
Dad stood up and sighed; looking around with a small smile. "Well, how about we go get some dinner?"
I nodded.
"Come on," he said, reaching out his paw.
I took his paw in mine and we walked from the house. We followed the road down the street and into town. Streetlamps lined the road, covering it with a soft glow. There was a row of small shopfronts. Laughter could be heard coming from nearby homes.
Dad squeezed my paw gently and I squeezed back. We kept walking and soon found a small restaurant. We walked in and were greeted by a Bisharp.
"Hello and welcome to Forest Blend. Table for two?"
"Yes please," answered Dad.
"Right this way."
Bisharp showed us to a table and presented us with menus. I ordered pizza while dad chose pasta. It was good food and a nice restaurant. Well lit, with a friendly atmosphere. At the end of the night dad smiled and fished for some money. He smiled sadly at me.
"We'll be okay," he whispered.
I smiled back and nodded.
Dad paid the waiter and we left. As we stepped outside something caught my eye. I turned and saw a small crowd gathered around a streetlamp.
I tugged at dad's leg.
"What's that?" I asked.
"Let's find out," he replied.
With a grunt he lifted me up and sat me on his shoulder so I could see over the crowd. He walked closer and we saw a Pokémon. A Vaporeon was blowing bubbles and shooting jets of water then leaping through them. The light from the streetlamp shimmered in the bubbles. It was so cool.
"Wow," I whispered.
I leaned forwards, mesmerised by the show.
"Rose, sit still!" Hissed Dad. "Stop squirming or I'll drop you!"
It was too late. I tumbled off his shoulder. I hit the ground and rolled under the streetlamp where Vaporeon was performing, but when I opened my eyes and looked up Vaporeon was gone. Instead, a Riolu was staring at me. It looked exactly like me. In fact, it was me!
"I'm so sorry!" Said Dad as he pushed through the small crowd. "Come on Rose, let's g...?"
Dad looked back and forth between me and the other Riolu. I reached for his paw but the other Riolu grabbed me and spun me round. After a moment the spinning stopped but I was too dizzy to speak.
Dad um'd and ah'd as he looked back and forth between me and the other Riolu. The crowd laughed at his confusion. The Lucario reached out his paw and grabbed the wrong Riolu!
"Come on Rose. I'm so sorry everybody."
Everyone gasped as the Riolu vanished and flames appeared out of thin air. They spiralled around my Dad and circled upwards before coming back down and landing beside me. In a flourish of smoke, a Zorua appeared. The tricky fox Pokémon grinned and bowed. The crowd applauded and some of them tossed a few coins into a bag.
My jaw dropped. "That was awesome."
The Zorua smiled and waved to the crowd before picking up his bag. The Pokémon slowly started to walk away. Dad walked through the crowd towards me.
"Come on Rose. It's time we got home. You've got school tomorrow."
"Okay, just, wait one second."
I ran after the Zorua who'd started walking away.
"Hey!" I called after him.
He stopped walking and turned around. He smiled apologetically.
"That... that was awesome," I said, "What's your name?"
His smile fell. He waved goodbye, turned and walked away. I watched him go with a confused frown.
Now, at the time I'd never seen a Zorua before and even then, this wasn't a normal Zorua.
I turned to Dad in confusion. "What Pokémon was that?"
"Zorua," he replied. "A dark type that creates illusions. I guess he's a street-performer."
"Why wouldn't he tell me his name?"
"I don't know. I'm sorry Rose but we have to leave. Besides, I think you'll see him again. It's only a small town and he looked about your age; who knows, he might even be in your class at school."
A/N: This guy can't be a Lucario because he's psychic.
"Yeah, maybe," I agreed hesitantly.
"Come on, let's go home."
I nodded, took his paw and walked away.
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