Our Project
I sat in class with my head on the desk. Mr. Ludicolo was handing out sheets of paper.
"These are your next assignments. It'll be a group project. Work in threes or fours. I'll leave you to assign your own groups."
My ears perked up at the words 'group project.' I immediately looked at Lily, she grinned and nodded. I looked across the room at Fable, expecting to struggle to get his attention, but he was already looking at me. He quickly flicked his head away. I blinked in surprise. What was that all about?
He must just want to be in our group for the project. I reached out with my aura, giving him a gentle flick to the head. He turned around with wide eyes. I waved at him to get his attention. I pointed first at him, then me, and then Lily. He smiled happily and nodded. With that it had been decided, we'd be a trio.
Mr. Ludicolo went on to explain about the assignment. It was a group presentation on the weather. Each group was assigned a different weather condition to do research on. We got rain. I didn't have a problem with that. This could be fun.
The bell rang and everyone started walking out of class. I followed after them but froze when Mr. Ludicolo called out.
"Fable, could I see you for a moment?" He requested.
Fable walked towards the teacher and waited.
"I know how you feel about group assignments. If you're wanting to do this one alone then you can research the effects of Misty Terrain and hand in a paper to me."
Fable shook his head and simply pointed at me. Mr. Ludicolo looked back and forth between Fable and me.
"You're in a group together? You, Fable and Lily?" My teacher asked.
I nodded in response. Mr. Ludicolo was normally smiling but now his grin stretched from ear to ear. He chuckled and nodded his approval.
"Splendid. Alright, that's all, you can go. Have a good afternoon."
"Thanks Sir, you too," I called as I walked from the classroom.
Fable followed me into the hallway where Lily was waiting for us. The tiny water lizard climbed up onto my shoulder.
"What was that about?" She asked curiously.
"Just the project. Speaking of which..." I trailed off, an idea forming in my head, "Why don't we work on it tonight? You can both come to my place for dinner."
"Sure. My parents won't mind," said Lily.
"Cool, Fable?"
The tricky fox Pokémon seemed nervous. He looked away before turning back to me. He stared at the ground and shook his head sadly.
"Oh, well... that's okay," I said gently. "If you change your mind the address is forty-four Chicole street. It's on the outskirts."
"I'll let my parents know and then come over," said Lily.
I nodded. "Sounds good. I'll see you later then."
Lily scrambled down from my shoulder and walked off. I laughed a little as she went. She's tiny; a short walk for me must be really long to her. She's so small in fact that I sometimes wonder how she doesn't get stepped on. Hm, I wonder if she'd fit in my pocket (Not that I have any). I'm not really a big fan of clothes. Sure, some coats or scarves look nice, but I like feeling the sun on my fur.
A gentle touch on my paw made me turn. Fable had poked me, trying to get my attention it seemed. He smiled sadly and waved before walking away.
"Oh, okay... bye," I said, waving dumbly.
I sighed and turned towards home. Well, Fable isn't coming I guess, but I suppose that's okay. We could still get work done. Dad has lots of different books, I'm sure he'll have something about rain. He might even know some stuff himself. Actually, thinking of Dad, maybe I should tell him we're having a guest tonight.
Lily and I were sitting on the couch, reading books we'd found in Dad's study. We'd been like this a while now. I sighed and turned the page. Lily giggled.
"What?" I asked.
"You. What's wrong, missing Fable?" She teased.
"Huh?" I said in confusion.
She rolled her eyes. "It's obvious you like him."
"What?!" I yelped.
"You're the only one who doesn't know it."
I glared at her which only made her laugh. A sudden blush crept up my cheeks as I realised how hard my heart was beating.
"He... he's just a friend!" I denied, turning my head away.
Lily giggled. "Too bad, you're cute together. Besides, I think he likes you."
"What? Really!?" I shouted, excited.
Lily giggled at my sudden outburst and I blushed ever harder, struggling to regain my composure.
"I mean, what makes you think that?" I asked, genuinely intrigued.
"Oh, I don't know, maybe because he actually talks to you," Lily said as if it were obvious.
"What? He's never said a word to me," I replied, confused.
"He's speaking with his eyes," Lily said, pumping her brows suggestively.
I went to respond but froze when I heard a knock at the door. I sat dead still. Lily's face clouded in suspense and excitement. I heard the door open and my Dad laugh.
"Hey, Fable! You made it!" He said happily. "Please, come in. The girls are just in the other room."
Lily giggled as my face fell.
"Shh!" I hissed before shoving a book in my face.
"Rose, Fable's here," my Dad said, walking into the room.
I lowered my book and saw Fable smiling at me. An unconscious grin spread across my face. I heard Lily giggle from the other couch and I internally glared at her.
"Glad you could make it. Lily and I were just doing research."
Fable nodded and stepped towards the pile of books I'd gathered. He grabbed one and threw it onto the couch beside me before jumping up. My mouth hung open a little as he settled in and started reading.
Feeling something hit the back of my head, I turned around. Dad and Lily were grinning at me. Both mimed closing their mouths. My jaw clamped shut and I glared at them. My Dad chuckled and walked from the room. I turned again and saw Fable looking at me weirdly. I laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of my head. He shrugged and returned to his book.
I looked across the room. Lily pointed at the space between us and mimed the closing the gap. I blushed and shook my head furiously. She nodded emphatically. I rolled my eyes in defeat and did as I was told. Well, not told really, but you know what I mean.
I moved a smidgeon closer to the Zorua. Lily shook her head, unimpressed. I groaned silently and just decided to go all the way. I rolled over and lay on my back. My head was just in front of his book and if I looked up, I was staring into his crimson eyes. He looked at me in surprise.
"It's more comfortable this way. You don't mind, do you?"
He smiled and shook his head. Then, he went back to reading. I rolled my eyes and groaned inwardly. Boys are so dense.
I lifted my book and started reading. We stayed like that for a while, but then Fable shuffled sideways. Next thing I know I was sitting up and leaning my back against his shoulder. I tried to fight down the furious blush rising in my cheeks. When Dad called for dinner I both thanked and cursed him.
We moved to the dining room and sat around the small table. Dad grinned as he brought over steaming plates of delicious food. It looked really good, but it still surprised me when Fable's jaw literally dropped. He seemed shocked for some reason.
"What're you waiting for? Dig in!" Said Dad.
Fable took a hesitant bite. His eyes sparkled and a huge smile suddenly sprung upon his face. He tugged Dad's arm and pointed at the food.
"Hey, woah!" Yelped Dad. "What's up, Fable?"
Fable pointed at the meal. Suddenly, another Lucario appeared beside Dad, but this Lucario was wearing a chef's hat and cooking something. The Lucario tried hard, but the meal didn't turn out any good. He turned to Dad and shrugged sadly, a defeated look on his face.
Dad slowly grinned. "How'd I make it?"
Fable nodded.
"Well, I could teach you sometime. I'm free on Friday afternoons. I could give you lessons if you like."
Fable's brows drew together worriedly.
Dad raised his paws in the air. "Don't worry about it. I'd be happy to teach someone. Besides, if you come Rose might finally cook with me again. She used to do it a lot, but its been a while now."
Dad looked at me with feigned sadness. I deadpanned at his guilt trip, and I pretended it didn't work. I loved cooking with Dad, but we used to do it with Mum too...
"Lily, you're welcome to join us," offered Dad. He was on a roll now.
"For now, let's just start with the poster," I said.
Fable smiled at Dad and nodded happily.
Dad chuckled. "Alright, I'll see you Friday then."
The Lucario reached out to ruffle the fur atop Fable's head, but the Zorua flinched away. I couldn't hide the weird look which crossed my face. Fable saw it and blushed violently. He straightened in his chair and relaxed. He looked at Dad and nodded with a nervous smile. Dad slowly reached out and gently tousled the Zorua's fur. Fable looked nervous and uncomfortable.
What was with that reaction? I enjoy a good head pat, not that I'll ever admit it. Maybe he just didn't like them, but it didn't seem like that. Fable had seemed... scared. My curiosity was piqued. Just who are you Silent Fable?
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