Holly Darlin' Joins Delta Dawn For Her Final Haunted House
NOTE: This is the last and final haunted house Delta will be going through for one last time before participating in a TV special Trolls: Holiday in Harmony. I tried to get the YouTube video link of it, but it didn't go out as planned. But good news: I finally got the link of the said video.
🗓 October 29, 2021 🗓
Angelene: This Halloween it's important that we remember the reason for the season, we get to watch Delta fear for her life. [audience laughing] More than most days.
Delta Dawn: [laughs]
Angelene: For her final haunted house, I sent Delta to Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights with my good friend and country ambassador Holly Darlin'. I probably present Delta's final haunted house.
(Scene to Delta at Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights)
Delta Dawn: Hey, it's Delta Dawn. So, great news this is the last haunted house after two years that I will ever do, that's the good news. The bad news is that I still have to do it tonight before I start participatin' in a TV special Trolls: Holiday in Harmony. We are, of course, at Halloween Horror Nights here at Universal Studios. Look who I'm with today, just-- yeah, you're wonderin' who she's goin' through with.
(Holly Darlin', now a 3D animated character appears on screen)
Holly Darlin': The one and only Holly Darlin', and on the first timer.
Delta Dawn: It's not unusual to get startled. It's not unusual to jump a little, at least for me.
Holly Darlin': And this is very Covid safe.
Delta Dawn: It's Covid safe, all the protocols have been followed. And, uh... is there anything else I need to say? We're gonna get started--
(A monster comes from behind the duo and scares them)
Holly Darlin': [screams] Oh my gosh!
Delta Dawn: That's what I mean.
Holly Darlin': What was that?!
Delta Dawn: You know what? It's, seriously. That's unprofessional. Here's the only thing, sometimes if I get nervous I grab.
Holly Darlin': You'll grab me?
Delta Dawn: But I can't touch, just want to make sure.
Holly Darlin': Yeah. My hooves have this tiny heel, and I'm freakin' out.
Delta Dawn: Why? What happens?
Holly Darlin': Because I might fall, I don't know. I'm just nervous.
Delta Dawn: You're nervous?
Holly Darlin': I have no idea what I'm gettin' into by the way. I haven't seen any of these.
Delta Dawn: I'm super tough.
Holly Darlin': Okay.
Delta Dawn: That's the first thing you need to know.
(The haunted house tour begins)
Voice: Come inside.
Delta Dawn: So here we go, this is actually well lit. So, nothin' usually happens.
Holly Darlin': Really?
Delta Dawn: Um, a lot of it comes from behind us, so if you want. Yeah.
(A shadow scares them)
Both: [screams]
Delta Dawn: See? That's what they do, it's a warmup and it's good and thank you. Here's the best thing to know, walls.
(A monster comes out from the wall)
Holly Darlin': [screams]
Delta Dawn: It's not even a real thing!
Holly Darlin': [laughs]
Delta Dawn: What's wrong with you? You like this feelin'? [gets scared] WHAT?! Come on.
Holly Darlin': No, actin' you. Actin' you.
Delta Dawn: Feel the solid, you with me? That's the other thing.
Techno Troll Director: Side by side, guys. Side by side.
Delta Dawn: Don't scream at us!
(Two ghosts come out from the walls and scares the two Country Trolls)
Delta Dawn: [screaming]
Holly Darlin': I'm sweatin'! I'm sweatin'. We saw that. Oh no, you don't! One time, remember? One time.
Delta Dawn: Wait, I need this at my house to scare the snot out of my kid-- [screams]
Holly Darlin': Why would you do this to your niece?
(The same person scares them, and Delta gets behind Holly. Then a hog appears on the other side of the wall)
Delta Dawn: No! We're good! We're good! You're here and you're here. STOP!
Holly Darlin': [giggles]
Delta Dawn: I'm sorry about that.
Holly Darlin': It's okay, you can jump on top of me.
Delta Dawn: Look how calm you are. You like this!
Holly Darlin': No I don't. I'm just gettin' sta-- [screams]
(Another monster scares Holly)
Delta Dawn: I told you!
Holly Darlin': [laughs]
Delta Dawn: We're almost...
Holly Darlin': They're really missin' an opportunity to not get us from behind--
(A green monster appears)
Delta Dawn: That's... what the heck is that? Okay, we got it.
Holly Darlin': Okay, that's gotta be this.
Delta Dawn: Y'know it's gonna be fun in this here private--
(A skeleton scares them)
Holly Darlin': [screaming]
Delta Dawn: OKAY! Geez.
(Then another)
Delta Dawn: Agh! You suck-- [she turns her back, but she unexpectedly hits her face on a pillar] Ow. Okay, see?
Holly Darlin': Okay, I got it.
Delta Dawn: That's where the "jump a little" happened. Okay--
(The last skeleton scares them)
Delta Dawn: Almost done! Almost done.
Holly Darlin': Wait, we're almost done?
Delta Dawn: No?
Holly Darlin': [she sees some bats] Now I'm really into these.
Delta Dawn: What is wrong with you?
(The same person scares them)
Delta Dawn: [screaming]
Holly Darlin': This same person! [laughs, screams] It's just you. [laughs]
Delta Dawn: I told you.
Holly Darlin': I got scared of you.
Delta Dawn: It's not-- Stop! How many times! Dummy, that's not real. This is all props.
(A Medusa head scares them)
Delta Dawn: [screams]
Holly Darlin': Honestly.
Delta Dawn: Alright, bright, bright, talk about--
(A claw scares them)
Delta Dawn: We're good.
(Then another)
Delta Dawn: You can't just jump if it's not scary. You can't rattle me.
(A tall king comes up from his throne and stands up)
Delta Dawn: Gosh, you're real! I hate his legs!
Holly Darlin': You better not bring your niece here.
Delta Dawn: She'll flip out-- [runs off as the tall king tries to pursue her, but he goes back to the throne he's sitting on]
Holly Darlin': You can't bring your niece here. How old is she?
Delta Dawn: Five.
Holly Darlin': No-- [screams]
Delta Dawn: I ain't bringin' my niece here!
(A tarantula scares Delta)
Delta Dawn: [screaming] NO!
Holly Darlin': [screaming]
Delta Dawn: [screams] What are you screamin'?! Oh my--
(Another tarantula scares her)
Delta Dawn: Not you! How many flippin' times?! Geez louise!
(A ghost scares Delta)
Delta Dawn: NO!
Holly Darlin': [giggles] She ran.
Delta Dawn: [they exit] Oh as you can see, we brave through it.
Holly Darlin': That was it?
(The same monster scares Delta)
Delta Dawn: NO!! It's supposed to be! It's supposed to be it!
Holly Darlin': [scares Delta]
Delta Dawn: [screaming] STOP IT!!
Holly Darlin': [giggles]
Delta Dawn: Angelene, I hope you enjoy the last ever time I do this. Holly?
Holly Darlin': I hope you enjoy the first time I did it, and--
(A tarantula scares the two Country Trolls)
Both: [screaming]
Delta Dawn: Ha! Ha!
Holly Darlin': [laughs]
Delta Dawn: Goodbye, Angel. Goodbye--
(Two skeletons scare them)
Both: [screaming]
Delta Dawn: One flippin' time! Geez.
Angelo: Oh my God! Oh, I like that Delta used Holly as a shield the entire time!
Angelene: Yeah. She uses whoever she's with as a shield. She's such a sweetheart. She was so excited 'cause this was the last one that you're doing, and Holly scared you which was very funny.
Delta Dawn: For some people.
Angelo: It's funny.
Angelene: It's been great, you can now finally relax.
Delta Dawn: AAH!! [gets up from her chair and then threw her hat on the ground] For Pete's sake, STOP! [then she picks up her hat and returns to her seat]
Angelo: [laughing]
Angelene: We'll be back.
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