Light and Dark - Creative Writing Piece
Velvet brushed against my bare feet as I treaded lightly on the moss covered ground. Sweet, untainted air filled my lungs with neither the feeling of heavy fumes nor icy bitterness, and engulfed my body with its sweet gentle kisses. Large, rich brown pillars loomed above me, reaching out to grasp the beautiful green gems, only succeeding in brushing them with the very tips of their cold, prickly fingers. Cracks of warming light broke through the green canopy in a golden stream from the heavens, only allowing humanity the pleasure of sight.
I lifted my face, letting the light and shadow dance across my skin. I inhaled the minty smell of my surroundings and continued on, delighting in the sound of my feet dragging through the crisp autumn leaves. The trees stood utterly still around me like statues in a living museum where no leaf dared to fall.
The cracks of light faded, creating new shadows and dark patches around me. Vibrant, all-seeing eyes glimmered from the tree hollows and stared straight at me making me feel as though they were waiting for something. The wind wailed between the distorted trunks, carrying the sickly smell of wood rot.
I began to move faster, ignoring the stray branches that caught at my clothing and the damp leaves that grimed my ivory skin. Rough, jagged objects pierced the skin on the soles of my feet creating a sharp, swift, stinging feeling that flowed through my nerves. Each step made me wince in pain until my feet came into contact with something soft. The thick grass cushioned my feet as I walked.
As my gaze drifted upwards, I realised that the shelter of the thick canopy overhead had begun to shrink revealing the sky. The usual radiant sun had been shrouded by a thick, grey cloud of impenetrable darkness. I watched as the wind gained momentum and sucked the crumpled, dry leaves up towards the sky as the wind blew the stray strands of my hair in front of my face clouding my vision.
The earth beneath my feet trembled violently as a howl of thunder roared across the sky, alarming the mighty earth and impelled it into utter chaos.
I could now not only hear the cry of the wind but also the painful shrieks of the sky. First a clap of thunder before a flash of lightening streaked across the sky. Cold tears erupt from the dense clouds, a heavenly downpour. The light reflected off of the water that fell from the sky, revealing the droplets to be tears of glass. The salty, bitter tears traced the contours of my face and the drops on my tongue were like soft pelts of cool refreshing moisture laced with minerals that seeped through my skin.
The anger of the storm began to subside as a cool, gentle breeze flowed around me. The curious sun peeped out from behind its grey curtain, spreading a bright smile across the woodland. The darkness evaporated from around me and the warmth seeped through my clothes making me forget the desolation and the anguished misery that had surrounded me further back in the forest.
The aroma of fresh lavender engulfed my senses as I strode further through the luscious grass that caressed my feet. The trees began to disperse, leaving only a few remaining; they stood alone facing the small clearing ahead. The bright, warming light of the sun flooded through the gaps in the trees, creating beautiful streams of light which illuminated the vast expanse of nature ahead.
Running water could be heard flowing down a river nearby. The sloshing and splashing of the water grew louder until it sounded as though it was growing closer. A sudden whooshing sound made me realise that the running river was in fact a wild waterfall which stood high allowing the clear liquid to fall into the deep blue depths below. Jagged rocks pierced the surface of the water, rising high above the restless current and towered over its depths whilst the troubled waves collided with the solid rock, covering the surface with the cold liquid. Green moss concealed the rocks like a warming blanket protecting them from the icy waves that continued to crash against them. The sweet smell of the water was welcomed by my senses when I approached the waters edge.
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