Chapter 7
I get ready go out with the group to the mall for a hang out. All week I've acting like a zombie, doing the repeating the same cycle every day; I go to school where I barely pay attention, go home, train, attempt to do my homework, eat dinner, and run until I'm exhausted enough to sleep. I haven't seen Ryder since the night at the cabin, staying away and keeping my promise.
I'm sure some of the guys have been wondering where I've been but according to Mason they think I'm just giving Sophia some space while getting over our breakup.
Arriving at the pack house, I made my way to Mason's room. Knocking three times before entering, I find him on the couch putting on socks.
"Hey! You ready?" I asked.
"Yeah almost done, also heads up, the guys invited the girls to join us."
"Sophia's coming," he said guiltily. I didn't want to spend the day in awkwardness but I needed to start appearing to be normal again so I didn't show him any emotions when I shrugged my shoulders.
His eyes narrowed at me but didn't press any further, I'm thankful for that.
We exited his room and met up with the rest of the guys since we are taking Sean and Jason's 8 seated cars.
The group is just made up of 14 of us since we're all the same age in the pack. We train together, go to school together, and grew up together so it just made sense we would hang out with one another since it's not like we can exactly explain to our human friends our weird natures.
I'm not particularly close with everyone except for Mason and Xavier, but I get along with the majority the all of them. I have nothing against anyone, but some of them I just do not want to be friends with.
We made our way to the mall, I sat in the second row next to Mason as we blared music in the car.
The girls were already waiting for us, they said they'll meet us in front of Victoria's Secret since they're just finishing. Most of the guys were making some sleezy jokes as we made our way over, but I just kept quiet not really comfortable joining in. Not because my mate was a guy, I'm still attracted to girls as a general but not liking the idea of not being with my mate. I just don't like how some of the guys talk about girls like they're a bit of sex objects.
I guess it's easy to dehumanize a sexual fantasy. I was never like that with Sophia, I always asked for consent and made sure that I took care of her afterwards.
We waited in front of the store, taking over the bench, making idle chat even a couple of the guys commented about wanting to see their mates in the lingerie outfits displayed in front and inside the stores.
We see the familiar group of girls coming out of store, a few holding their Victoria Secret bags. Some of them sent certain looks towards their mates, while some giggled together as they approached. I spotted Sophia towards the back, her blonde hair pulled into a pony tail that's complimenting her pastel dress she had on. She was chatting with Hailee and another girl, pausing for a moment when our eyes met before returning to whatever she was talking about.
I stuck with the guys mostly as we went our way around the mall, hopping from one store to another.
I didn't really end up buying anything as we passed a few stores we go to pretty regularly. Sometimes they have new things, but I wasn't looking for anything in particular nor did I want to really.
I heard someone mention the food court, which the rest of the group collectively agreed they were hungry enough to eat.
We were at one end of the mall so we headed our way over, some of the guys offering to carry the bags, which I know is only because they're trying to get into their pants especially when they're still horny from imagining them in lingerie. I hope no one thought of Sophia that way, even though I have no right. I can't exactly just erase all my feelings for her, but since meeting Ryder, my feelings towards her did change more platonically as if someone rewired my brain.
I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder, I turned to surprisingly discover it was Sophia.
"Hey can we talk?" She asked. I nodded my head, I have missed her. Through all of this chaos, a small part of me wished for things to have been different and for us to have been paired as mates. This of course made my wolf growl, I sigh internally. How simple would things be, everyone half-expected it to have happened too. The two of us fell behind the group, distancing a few feet to be out of ear shot. They pretended not to notice.
"I know it's only been a bit over week since you're birthday, but I've missed you. It's weird not seeing you at the table anymore, or having to talk to you when we used to talk almost every day all throughout high school. I miss my friend, Ryan. Even though we were dating, I just miss you." She confessed. I took a few moments to think before speaking.
"I've missed you too, Sophia. I agree that things have been strange. Maybe instead we could learn to be friends, you know? Not having to avoid each other and making small talk until we figure out how to be us in a different way. What do you say?" I offered, knowing that we can't go back to the way it was. She seemed a bit sad but also happy with my proposal, I wonder what she's thinking? I held my breath to wait for her answer, nervous that she'll reject me too.
"I'd like that. Maybe we can start with lunch? Come back and join us on the table, we really have missed you." I exhaled in relief, nodding my head gratefully.
"I'll join you on Monday, I promise."
"Good. I hope it's okay that I ask this but do you mind if I hug you? I've missed your hugs too," she blushed.
I didn't hesitate as I extended my arms towards her, enveloping her smaller figure against mine. It felt nice, comforting me in a way where I just needed her hugs after the week I just went through. I think it would be weird to ask Mason for a hug out of no where, when it hasn't really been a thing since we were kids.
It only lasted a couple of seconds because we started to walk at a faster pace to catch up with the group that was still within eyesight, making comfortable small talk as we joined them. Mason gave me a questioning look as if to ask me if I'm okay, which I gave him an honest smile back, first one in a week.
We reached the food court where the group talked over one another in attempt to figure out what to eat. Once we all decided who's getting what, we mainly split into groups, I was the only one feeling like having some Greek food.
My phone buzzed in my pocket when I went to line up, I saw the screen showing an unknown number. That's weird.
Meet me in the men's bathroom on the first floor by the book store.
I look around the food court to see if anyone was watching me, the group oblivious to their lineups to notice my change of behaviour.
I mind-linked Mason letting him know that I was going to the bathroom as I went to meet the mysterious stranger.
When I got there, I was shocked to find a very angry and annoying alpha.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" He asked like it was the question tasted poisonous on his tongue. I froze when he asked, looking thoroughly into his eyes to see if he's being serious. He was, and this sent rage coursing through my body now making me glare at him. How dare he?
"Do. You. Have. A-" I raised my hand to stop him.
"Why do you care?" That seemed to make him even more upset as his eyes darkened letting me know his wolf is on the brink.
"No really, do you even care? How dare you get all possessive alpha mate on me when you are the one resisting the pull. An apology and a half assed explanation does NOT mean you get to get away with you the fact that YOU are the one continuously rejecting ME." I went off. He softened slightly but still kept a seething expression, his fist clenched by his sides. Those veins though. Stop it.
"You still didn't answer my question," he said stubbornly. "Are you and Sonya or whatever her name is, is she your-"
He couldn't even say the word again, like even the thought of it sends a flash of pain for him.
"Sophie and I have recently broken up, for your information and just decided to be continue being friends. We are still figuring out what that means, not that it's any of your business. But how did you even find out about that? How the hell did you even get my number anyhow?"
"I was near the food court when I was the two of you hug," a grimace showed up on his face as if he's picturing us hugging right now. "And as for the number, it's easy in today's world to get anyone's number."
He's so jealous, I know Alphas are worse when it comes to their mates, confusion passed through me; but he rejected me? Why would he be jealous if he doesn't want to be with me?
"Why do you even care that we hugged? Do I have to keep reminding you that you rejected me? Your mate? Well I guess ex-mate now, right?" I threw it in his face since that's getting him more agitated.
"Of course I care! Of course I still feel the mate bond affecting between the two of us, how I can't sleep without wanting you in my arms, and no matter what I do I can't get you out of my mind. I hate the idea of you moving on into the arms especially of a female, the very thought of you and Silvia—"
"—Sophia, whatever. I don't care what her name was. The fact alone that she was your girlfriend makes my wolf want to kill her. But I know I don't have that right. I know that I caused this pain between us, but I'm TERRIFIED of what the world could do to us if this becomes public." He finally admitted it, he's terrified of what others would do if they find out there's two gay alphas leading a merged pack. I don't think either of us have heard of another pack being co-lead as same sex mates, usually it's by alliance or they fight for it. Maybe the rest of us are in hiding, maybe we're out there just waiting until the moment is right, I hoped.
"You don't think I'm not terrified as well? But I can't imagine my world without my literal other half, my soulmate who I was supposed to be with for the rest of my life helping me rule the pack and raise a family, the one who's supposed to complete me. I may have grown up thinking that my mate was supposed to be a girl like most heteronormative werewolves, but when I found my mate on my birthday, I didn't care that she is a he. I didn't think about what everyone else would think because we were paired as mates, blessed by the Moon Goddess herself. How's there any wrong when she's the one who chose us to be together," I resorted back.
He didn't say a word, but he walked right up to me, grabbing my wrist and dragged me towards the door. He ignored my protest and his grip tightened as I attempted to take back my arm. I didn't really use my strength, not really minding the small physical contact.
The bathrooms were near a mall exit which I'm sure conveniently had his car parked there. I was right when he lead us towards a black speak car parked near the doors.
He opened the passenger door for me but still held my wrist so that I won't escape, this action made me roll my eyes at him.
"How very chivalrous of you," I taunted at him.
"Just get in the car, Ryan." That's the first time he said my name, it made me want to hear him say it again, the idea of him saying in bed shot through my mind. I pushed it quickly, not wanting my arousal to start something I'm in no mood to try to fix.
Even though we both know I don't owe him anything, I behaved maturely and sat in his car, buckling my seat in. He seemed pleased and surprised by my behaviour but didn't question it, making his way over to the drivers side.
I closed my eyes to breathe in the smell. Th car smells of him, of maple syrup and cinnamon, the heat of the leather seats makes me feel like I could lose myself in here for a moment.
It wasn't long before I felt the door open, feeling the cat bounce as he got in. The car roared loudly, the car obviously customized to sound like that telling me that he's a car guy.
"So where are you taking us?" I asked him as he exited the parking lot. Instead of answering, he turned the music on and said he'll tell me when we get there. I concluded it was useless to ask him again and just kept quiet, studying him from where I sat.
His hair is shorter than I remembered, he must've gotten a hair cut. His button up shirt left two undone, exposing his collar bones and the top of his chest. He gripped one hand on the wheel and the other on the stick shift, never leaving his hand off it. There it is again, the veins I could almost drool over, ashamed by the dirty thoughts that accompanied me. I could almost feel him smirking, which made me force my focus on anything outside this car.
He took us two towns over, about a half hour drive where we reached into an empty parking lot.
When I opened the door, smell of chlorine and salt lingers in the air. As I stood, I read a sign ahead that says the swimming pool is closed. I turned to him, confusion plastered across my face as if to ask him why are we here.
"I bought this public pool when I heard it was being shut down. While I keep it up and running for the regulars to still come, I sometimes come here at night when I know I'll have it all to myself. It's been closed the past couple of days, the lifeguards' caught a bad strain of flu, wouldn't wish that on anyone during the summer especially," He started saying as he unlocked the gates to lead us inside the building. Why's he showing me this place?
"I fixed it up a bit, did whatever repairs necessary but I kept it relatively the same. My parents used to take me here in the summers almost every weekend to get away as a family and relax for the day without any alpha duties or danger that comes with it. It's the only place I'll ever feel almost at peace in, knowing no one else knows about this place, well except for you now," his confession made me even more confused, which must've showed on my face as he gave me an indescribable expression but continued on.
"My mom died when I was 14 so my dad and I stopped going here, before he died when I was 16 making me take over the pack duties early. Soon after that I made this place my only secret. 7 years later and it's still the only place I escape to because I allow myself to delude myself to fantasies, like the fact that sometimes my parents are here with me enjoying the swim, or pretending that I'm not an alpha and just a regular kid with regular problems."
"So why'd you bring me here? To fulfill some kind of fantasy of yours to be your mate for a few hours?" I asked. The idea sent both pleased and sorrowful expression on his face, quickly changing it to neutral as he cleared his throat.
"No, I can't do that do you, but for one night, I want us to pretend that neither of us have responsibilities and fears, and we're just two people spending time with each other. Unless you can't do that either, then I can just drive you home, I'll understand."
I almost said no, but a huge part of me wants to play along whatever role is set out for the night just to escape the nightmare we call reality. Maybe for one night I can have peace too.
I nodded, giving my answer and his eyes sparked up. He's so cute.
"I have extra swimming shorts, I always keep a spare in the office," he said grabbing the two shorts from a locked drawer.
He passed me the red one while keeping the black and green for himself. The tension thickened as he opened the men's change room door for me to go through first, I awkwardly headed my way to a stall. God why do I act and feel like an idiot around him, I need to get my shit together.
I placed my clothes in a pile with my phone, watch, and shoes, leaving them in the stall. He must've been done a few minutes before me because he was waiting by the pool with two towels on the lounging chairs.
Instead of walking to him, I just walked into the pool using the staircase located at the shallow end. He saw that I got in, and had a goofy smile across his face like he had an idea. He backed up a few steps before running to jump in the pool, water splashing all over me.
He grinned at the shocked expression on my face when his head rose above water, mischievous eyes still squinting at me.
I was suddenly very aware of his half naked form, trying not to think about those abs I attempted not to stare at before I got in the water.
"Why don't we play 20 questions to make us less of strangers towards one another?" I wanted a distraction and this game is my go to.
"Sure, why don't you start."
"What's your favourite colour?" I asked, panicking at what to start with.
"Grey," he answered.
"That's a shade, not a colour," I argued.
"Okay, then I'd say red, it's my second favourite."
"Mine's yellow, like the warm sunset kind, not pastel or anything." We swam a bit while took a few moments to come up with his question.
"What's your favourite food?"
"There's this restaurant near the mall that serves the most delicious seafood paella in the world," I answered, almost drooling at the thought of it.
"Mine's nothing fancy like yours, but I could always go for some good grilled burger and fries."
We continued to play this game for a while, each question unlocking a little bit more of each other. I liked this side of him, I wish I could get to see this every day.
I didn't even seem to notice how close he was as we swam along one side, enjoying the refreshing water in the early summer heat.
"I wanna do something, if that's okay with you?"
I nodded in confusion, even though I should ask what he meant by it, I was intrigued by the curiosity the situation held.
He moved closer to me, his face inches from mine.
"You can always tell me to stop if it's too much," he said. Although it's not our first kiss, it's the first time he's asking, which warms my heart a bit.
I closed my eyes in anticipation when I felt his lips hovering over mine for a second before he closed the gap. My whole body buzzed at the sensation of his lips on mine, instinctively pulling him closer. Wherever our limbs touched, more sparks were ignited, every minute passing made me feel drunk.
At first his soft lips were gentle against mine, barely leaving each other as we started to graze our lips with our tongues. We fought for a battle of dominance when our tongues met, focusing more on the sensation and taste of him rather than the battle itself. The passion grew like a flame, allowing ourselves to get lost within.
Neither of us moved as we caught our breaths, our foreheads supporting one another. I didn't dare to open my eyes just yet, not wanting this moment to be over.
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