I Love you
"Yo,Ohm"The voice makes Ohm to stop walking."What a surprise to see you here."He gave a soft chuckle."Seems like you found someone,that's new"The male smirked making Ohm to glared at him."Stay away from him."The person laugh as he heard how angry Ohm was."Let's just see how it goes,things have just getting interesting now,You'll see Ohm."He ended with a smirk and walk away.Ohm started to get annoyed of the words that he just said.
"You better stay out of this Cartoonz."
"Bryce,Why you did not come to my house last night?"Bryce just continue to walk along the hall and ignore him."Bryce?"Bryce had to gave a force smile at him and then run as fast as he can.He can not bring himself to hate Jonathan because he is his best friend.He just hates to see that he is more attractive than him and thought that Ohm must have fallen in love with him.
Bryce then began to pondered how Jonathan knows about Ohm."This is mess up!"He groaned and caught the attention from people around him."Bryce?You okay?"Craig asked making Bryce jumped."Um..yea-yeah..I just.."Craig smiled and then wrap his left arm against Bryce's shoulder making both of them walk together."You always came out with a lot of surprises Bryce,But it is okay if you don't want to talk about it."He giggled and Bryce wondered what does he meant by a lot of surprises and manage to respond with a friendly smile to him."I guess so.."
Craig pondered as he stare at Bryce for a few second and then began to talk."Let me tell you this Bryce,There is something happening since you came here.I don't know what it is but you will figured it out sooner or later because i know how clever you are Bryce."Craig finished with a smile making Bryce to gave a soft chuckle."Clever? Me? i can't even figured that Ohm-"Bryce cut his words as he remembers not to mention about Ohm's name."Ohmwrecker?"
Craig raised his eyebrows as he heard Ohm's name."Yo-you know him?"Craig reaction making Bryce stutter."He quite well known as a boy in hoodie,He can beat almost 12 people in just a few minutes.He is very dangerous and you should never go near him,Let me tell you thi-""Craig,baby !i have been looking for you!"Tyler wrap his left arm against Craig waist making him jumped.
"Tyler! what are you doing here?"When Craig adjusting his glasses,Bryce gulped as he saw Tyler gave a glare to him and then slightly change as Craig staring at him."Just wanted to see you~"Tyler smirked at Craig making his face turn red."Yeah me too, we need to talk Tyler"Craig face suddenly turned into serious mode as they both stare at each other."Bryce, I'll see you in class, i gotta go."Bryce smiled as they both started to walk away.
Bryce then began to pondered as he walking alone to his locker.Every person he know started to act strange and his life slowly changed as the days goes by.At the same time he thought about what happen yesterday.He chewed his lips and lower his head as he thought about Ohm.Bryce then realize there is a sticky note on his locker and read it.
"Miss you Bryce,where were you yesterday? I thought you will be happy to see me."
Bryce tears almost falls as he had a sudden thought about how much he used to love Ohm so much.He can not forget how special he is to him.
Ohm suddenly heard someone knocking the door and started to get annoyed."Cartoonz! you better no-"His words cut as he saw no one at the door making him more mad and thought that Cartoonz was behind this.He then lowered his head as he saw a lunch box.His eyes widened as he remembered that this is the lunch box that Bryce used to gave him.He saw a sticky note on the lunch box and then read it.
"I miss you too"
That is all written in the note.But it meant so much to Ohm,making him to keep it in his pocket."Bryce?are you here?!"He shouted and then heard someone running from downstairs."Bryce !!"He saw the blonde running below on the ground.Bryce stop and stare at him from the building.They eyes locked from far away and Ohm's eyes widened as he saw Bryce tears falling like a waterfall.He always saw Bryce's cries almost every time he met him,But he knew that this is the heartbroken tears.
Ohm can not stand seeing his lover heartbroken at the moment when they eyes met.He suddenly jumped on the fence of the balcony.Bryce shocked as he saw Ohm falling from third floor of the building.Ohm landed safely with his feet but then began to feel the pain making him to grunted and holds his feet.
Bryce still shocked at his action.He worried for a second as he started to grunts then gasp as Ohm suddenly raise his head and stare at him.Bryce runs as he confirmed that Ohm is okay then manage to gets far from the school.He then stopped and landed his back to the wall while panting for air.
"Well,hello there"
Bryce shocked as he saw some thugs with scary faces in front of him."Bryce Mquaid! finally found you here."Bryce gulped as the male started step closer to him with a glare."Ho-how do you know my name?"Bryce gave a little shiver as the male seems not wanted to answer his question."Don't ask anything, we just want to know where is Ohmwrecker.I know that you know where he is SO THEN TELL ME NOW!!"
Bryce back away as the thugs started to surrounded him.He wished Ohm was here to help him and suddenly thought about how to deal with them."I-i won't tell you!"He tried to stare at the male directly to his eyes but his scary face makes him stutter and shaking."So,you don't want to tell us? Well then!"The male push Bryce till he falls to the ground and his head knocked making his eyesight turn blurry.
"Get the f*ck away from him"
Bryce suddenly heard Ohm voice but he still can not see him.The male laugh and stepped closer to Ohm"Oh! Ohm-"The words were cut off as Bryce heard someone punch him and the body falls to the ground with a single hit.Bryce head still spinning and his eyesight still blurry because his head knocked to the ground really hard.He just heard someone suffering from Ohm's punches and kicks.As his eyesight turned back to normal,he then realize that there's blood everywhere.
Bryce saw Ohm still beating the male that pushes him.He saw almost every thugs were coughing bloods and barely move.Ohm seems ignored him and keep beating the man till his fist were covered with red of bloods."No one can hurt my Brycey."He started to laugh maniacally making Bryce shocked and can not see the person as his lover no more.
Ohm stopped as he heard Bryce's voice.The male face seems changed so much as Bryce saw it earlier.Both of his eyes are closed and covered by sweat and blood.Ohm then stood up and step closer to Bryce.As he raise up his head,Bryce gave a shiver and Ohm softly touches his cheeks with some blood."Brycey,this is how i show you my love."Bryce shaking as he saw Ohm dead eyes.It is so different from he used to see it before.Bryce tears started to falls from shivering.
"I love you Bryce."
Ohm smiles widely while taking a knife from his sweater and then walk towards the male.Bryce shocked and knew that Ohm will kill him as he just saw the deadly face of him.He could not believe with his own eyes for what just Ohm did.He could saw Ohm smiles and seems exited to kill the man.
"i love you too,Ohm."
Ohm eyes widened as he saw Bryce's shoulder covered by his own blood."Bryce!!"Bryce falls and Ohm manage to catch is as fast as he can.He tears began to fall as he saw Bryce eyes starting to closed.Bryce smile as he could see Ohm is still who he is.As his lover."I am sorry Bryce,i do not know what just happen!"
Bryce's eyesight started to turn blurry and the last thing he saw was Ohm face cried for him.
Then the world turn to black.
Yo!! circus_monster here.Lol i am sorry for this crazy chapter !! XD Okay, okay i am sorry XD Wow this chapter is the longest i have written.Welp, anyway hope you enjoyed!! And..have a nice day..i guess :D
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