"From now on! Let's walk to school and home Bryce!"
Bryce remain silent for a few second as Jonathan finished.He really do loves to, but the person that asked him is Jonathan.He always walks home together with Evan and that also makes Bryce more surprised.
"I want to hangout with you more okay?is that odd for you?".Jonathan ended with a smirk making Bryce to lowered his head as he saw Evan starts to stare at both of them."Bryce! i want you to have lunch with me !"Craig joins in making Bryce jumped."I will have lunch with him if you do not mind!"also Brook and David."No! come to my house Bryce! walk home with me!"Jonathan smack his desk making all of them mad.
"What is even going on ?!"
Bryce could not say a single words as they start to fight."What are talking about Jon?The first lesson have not even started yet!Why you ask him walk home with you?"David said while smirking at Jonathan.
"Yeah of course we were having lunch first!"said Craig while smiles at Bryce.Bryce confused at his situation right now,Four popular students in school ask him to hangout and even fight for him that is just a normal student.That is not what he is worried the most.Its was Evan,Tyler,Brian and Lui that seems to stare death in the face at him.
"Wait guys! please don't fight! We can hangout together at my house ! Lets just walk together to my house after school ends.I do not like violence, just settle this fair and square without ruin any friendships"Bryce ends with a smile to support his suggestion.
"That's cool!"Jonathan widely grin at him and everyone seems to be happily satisfied at Bryce's suggestion.Bryce sigh as he saw everyone happy face.Then,the teacher walks in making everyone to rushed to sit on their places.During the first lesson,Bryce just wondered what is going on with his life?He had a lot of friends that is very nice to him.The other students started to likes him making him almost one of the popular boys in school.
That not just all,The main thing that makes him happiest is..when he met Ohm.He face turns red as he remembers Ohm's face.He then covers his face."No,No way..he is a mean gangster..i can not fall in love with him!"Bryce mumbled even he is lying to himself.For the first time..
He really do fall in love..
"Have anyone sees Bryce?"Jonathan asked everyone in the class."He just left,seems like in a hurry"Someone answered making Jonathan confused.
"I don't like greens!" Ohm said while gives Bryce all the green vegetables into his lunch."This lunch sucks!".Ohm's complains makes Bryce annoyed."Can't you just appreciate the hard works that i have made for you?Just eat it and stop complaining!"says Bryce angrily while gives the green vegetables to him back."Hey! how dare you speak to a gangster like that?".Bryce laugh at those words." I am not scared of you no more!".Ohm smirked as he says that.Then,the they both remain awkwardly silent making Bryce to start a conversation.
"Can i ask you about the omega tattoo on your neck?".Ohm pondered for awhile making Bryce more curious and then answered."It is represent a power and ranking of my family in the world of gangsters.I called as Ohmwrecker,that is why my tattoo is an omega.There is actually other members that stays hidden somewhere in this town.As Ohm finished, he did not expect for Bryce to be exited."Oh,Your father must be the leader of the clan?".Ohm nodded and making Bryce anxious."So, you must have bodyguards,so why are you stay hidden in this place?".
"Well, i am actually run away from home and you are the only one brave enough to help me".Bryce shocked at his words and thougth that his life could be ruined sooner or later."I just want to help no matter what.It is okay if its ruining my life at least i could help someone and make him feel better."Ohm eyes widened as he says that,He never met someone so kind like him because all his life is he knew was everyone in this world always focus on the negatives.But,by looking at him,all he saw was kindness and mercy.
"We can not solve with kindness no more Bryce,The world does not work like that anymore"Ohm said while stare at his blue eyes making Bryce to stood up from the chair."I believe that everyone can be good! they're just needed to see it!How good is kindness are to them and other people!"
Ohm can not argue with that,he then step closer to him and their eyes locked in a large amount of time."Let me honestly tell you something Bryce,You are obviously look like a weaklings and i will show you how to deal with some thugs if you're in trouble,because i can not be there for you all the time".Bryce sighed to show that he was right."I really do am i?So..what should i do first?"
"First thing first, You must act tough than them.Like this,You lowered your head and glare at them while saying ,What the hell do you want?"Ohm glared at Bryce making him gave a little shiver and back away."Okay now ,try it on me"
Ohm stood up and stare at him waiting for his first act.Bryce starts with deeply sigh and then began to lowered his head.He then stare directly into Ohm's hazel eyes making his heart beating so fast."Wh-what do you want ,h-huh?"Ohm just remain silent but gave a disappointed face."What's up with that face?!"Bryce said angrily and started to walk away."Huh! stop mocking me! i'll be going to my class now!"
As soon as Bryce disappear from Ohm's glance,He began to running his fingers through his brown hair.He was really confused what just happen as soon Bryce stare at him that way."Why is my heart beat so fast earlier?"He mumbled.
"This is bad"
Yo! monster_circus here! So how was it?This book almost finished btw, 4 chapters more !! Don't worry,There will be a sequel on a new story!
Anyway, there is something i'd like to share.
Also tell me how does the story goes so far?and would you like a sequel for this book?Let me know anything about this story.
Anyway,Hope you enjoyed! Thanks and have a nice day :D
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