You don't know me
Mini's pov
Why? I don't understand why. I love him, he was all I ever wanted in a guy. He was amazing, but it was always evan. Evan this, evan that, but what about me? When was he thinking of me?
All I ever wanted was his attention. His love but I took the wrong turn. I was pretending to go out with luke just to get him jealous, but nothing went like the way I planned it to. It's not like I care or anything though, I have more plans and that plan includes delirious.
Tyler was looking at me. An unknown tear falls down my face and I watched his color drain out of his body.
He pulled away and looks at delirious. I saw his lips moved but no sounds came out. I saw him lean in an peck delirious lips.
End of flashback
What does he see in delirious that he doesn't see in me? I won't worry, I'll ask him another day about it.
Next day
Vanoss pov
"Stay home today, jason" I told my sick brother. "How did I get sick?" He asked. "I was just fine yesterday"
I faked a frowned but in my mind I'm smiling. Jason is allergic to condiments. I put little dots of ketchup in his salid that mom made for us making him get a fever and his body to kinda inflate. I knew the risk that it would have but I only put a little. I don't want him in school today because today is the day, I kill half the school.
Everyone is gonna be in prom and it will be easy for me to kill them. The teachers will be guarding the place outside and all the kids are gonna sneak in alcohol. I'm going to food poison there drinks and I'll leave but in order for me to get there or even in there, I need a date, but who? I can't bring delirious with me, I cant take the risk on food poisoning him for accident. I need someone that I don't like...
As I walk towards my door I grave my backpack and walk outside. Ones I closed the door I was face to face with Tyler. I flinched and glared at him. "What the hell man-"
"Do you have a date for prom?"
"Great, your going with Sydney" and with that said he gave me a ticket and walked away from me. I blinked a few times and growled. I was about to rip the paper but I stopped myself. I smirked and I put the ticket on my pocket.
"Perfect.... she's everything I need~"
I run after Tyler and walk along with him. "Thank you, Tyler. I was wondering who I wanted to take to prom with me~"
Tyler glances at me and he rolls his eyes. "Yea, whatever you say you sick fucker..." He said. I frowned but then I realized he was still mad about that and I never even apologized. "Yo-ah....Tyler"
"Im sorry"
Tyler flinched a little and looks at me weirdly. He stares at me and says nothing. " we cool?"
Tyler looked away and kept walking. "Took you long enough to apologize" he mumbles to me. An unknown smile forms in my face and I laugh.
Tyler and I get inside the class and I see a face that makes my blood boil. "Felix...." I growled. I saw him poke the back of lui's head with his foot and I saw him spit out paper balls at nogla's back. "That cunt..." I mumbled. At the corner of my eyes I saw delirious struggle with books all the way up to his forehead. Ones he past by Felix I saw him smirk and gave him a booty slap. I was already pretty mad that this guy is bullying my crew and now that I saw him just slapped delirious' ass thick me off. Delirious yelps and let's go of all the books he was holding. I saw the group in the back laugh and he huffs. I lifted up my sleeves and walked towards Felix.
This guy's face is gonna meet my fist. "Evan, relax" Tyler said to me. I was debating on weather ignore tyler's warning and fuck this guy's shit up or wait till later. "Can I give him a warning, his bullying them" I said. My jaw was clantched tight and Tyler sucks on his lip. "Just a warning....if you fight then you won't be able to go to prom" Tyler explained. "Your right..." I mumbled. "Let's give him a warning~" I whispered.
I walked towards Felix and growl. He looked up at me and smirks. "What do you want?"He asked. I took a deep breathe and tried to smile. "Im warning you. Stay away from delirious"
"And don't you dare touch them again before we push your teeth in Swedish asshole" Tyler said. Tyler poked my side and I took a deep breath.
"What if I don't?~ I'm untouchable. You touch me, everyone! And I mean everyone, is gonna hate you. I'm the most popular person around school. I'm the most wanted and loved I'm. The. Best"
"I care less if everyone hates me. I don't need them. They don't control my life. There not me and I don't care what people say about me or do. As long as I have delirious, my friend and my family I'm okay" I said.
"Is that so~ well....if you really think that, let's see how long you last before you start feeling the pain of people hating you~"
My eye twitched and he smirks. "Lay a single finger on me and your life is over" Felix told me.
I'm just getting tired of this guy's bullshit. I'm so ready to fuck his Swedish ass up but I have to be smart about this. Everyone does like him. His parents are rich and they can just pay to make my life a living hell. If I touch one hair on his pretty face im not gonna be able to go to prom. I'm fucked and I will never progress. Sumer is coming up and I still have lots of people to get out of the way.
I huffed and pushed my chest up. "Watch your self Felix. I'm warning you one last time. Leave them alone" I walked away and I heard him chuckle. "I knew you weren't gonna do shit~"
I stopped walking and I felt my lips twitch. I felt myself slowly turning back and I glance at him ones again. That stupid smile on his face was swiped away in a few seconds and I can just smell the fear.
"You don't know me~"
Mini's pov again
I was sitting down on the benches looking at the sky. I felt completely relaxed. "Craig!" I heard someone call. I looked back and I got up. "Sydney!" I called. We hugged and I motioned her to sit next to me. "Hey girl what's up!" I told her. "I just got my new apartment around here but closer to the hospital" she said with a smile. "Aye! How's your grandma been going?" I asked. She sighs and sinks into the bench. "She's....I don't even know anymore"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know if she is progressing or not. When ever I'm with her she is always coughing but she pushes that aside and always smiles at me"
"She looks fine. She looks like she has the flu or the cold but....after I leave I tell the doctors how do they see her and they said when ever I leave she starts coughing again and getting worse by the second"
"Im sorry to hear that....I was really hoping she was getting better"
"Yea me too...."
I pat her on the back and she sighs. "Let it out" I told her, and after does words escaped my lips she broke down. I just rub her back and let her cry. "I don't want to loose her.....she's all I have" she whispered. "I know I know"
"I can't pay for her next surgery....the money is to much and I just paid rent" she paused. "I have to let her die...."
"Besides. Her body can't take more surgeries.....there's no more options. She can't see the world and she can't come back home to see her cat and see her I once told her-"
"You are her world. You are her first and only granddaughter. You made her proud. She saw you grow into a nice lady. Seeing you is a blessing to her. She doesn't need nothing else but you"
She just let's tears fall but doesn't say nothing, she just listens. "I know how it feels to have one of your family members have or died from cancer" I paused and sigh. "That's why they send me here. Alone. So I can get away from them and not get depressed by all of this family member dying thing"
"Im sorry"
"Don't be, I'm just giving you something to think about. It's not the things that make you happy. Is the people that make you smile. Is the people that care from start to finish. If they do die. They'll die thinking of the happy things. Even if there little, they'll see it"
"I wonder how do they does it feel to be forever asleep"
"You know when you sleep and you wake up...what do you remember?"
"Exactly. It's like being asleep without having dreams. You don't feel anything. It's just peaceful and quiet"
She let's out a small giggle and smiled at me. "That's a trip"
"Life is wonderful. You just need to change the way it looks. Everyone deserves happiness. Even if you don't think so let me tell you....your wrong. Everyone and I mean everyone deserves happiness"
"Thank you mini...."
"Your welcome"
A/n I wanted mini to be a little tsundere hope you don't mind xD and I made Sydney and mini friends because in Twitter there always talking and commenting on there stuff. So I was like why not?
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