this shit is lovely
A/n how can he wink like that?! I can't wink for shit! *faints from the wink luke did*
Tyler's pov
"ME! his best friend! The homie! The bro!"
I felt like steam was coming out of my ears. I head to my dorm and stomp inside. "Tyler! Hi!" I heard my angle say. His voice some what calmed me down. "Hey Craig" I said. "What's wrong?" He asked. "It's evan....I just feel ma-......." I stopped talking after my eyes landed on Craig.
"Oh um, I was gonna tell you about my new boyfriend....his name is luke" Craig said. I looked at the tall chubby-ish man and gasped. "HOMELESS BOY?!" I yelled. "Hey Tyler" I stood still for a second until I felt myself snap.
"What the FUCK, craig!" I snapped. Mini gasped and trembles. "How come you never told me you liked this fuck boy!" I yelled. "Im sorry tyler!"
"Is he your best friend?" I asked. "Yea he knows me better then anybody" Mini said. My eye twitched and I felt myself heating up. "Uh...Tyler?"
"Im leaving, fuck you bitch" I said. I graved my sweater and my keys. "Tyler-" Mini whined but I cut him off. "Im going to clear off some steam, evan is on my mind right now- no I have a lot to think of"
I heard a whimper and a huff. "It's always evan" and with that I walked out.
I walked down the hall and I mimic mini "he knows me better than anybody" I huffed "Bitch i know you better than anybody! I've known you longer!"
To panda's, marcel's and Scotty's dorm
I walked into the dorm and Scotty screams and tries to cover himself.
"Shut your dumb fuggin mouth, Scotty....I'm a boy as well I have what you have" I growled. "Gee. Are you okay Tyler? You sound and look more pissed off then usual" Scotty said. "What the fuck does that mean?" I growled.
Scotty gasped and awkwardly laughed. "TYLER!" I turned around and saw panda tackle me to the floor. I heard another few steps and I heard marcel gasp.
Panda kissed me all over my face and I gasp. "Anthony!" I yelled. He stopped kissing me and smiled. He looked back up and did a thumbs up. "I love this giant man, if I get 1k likes I'll kiss him in the lips"
I gasped and looked up at marcel. He was recording. "If he gets 1k likes I'm after you kiss me I'm gonna do something to you of you know what I mean~"
I heard a click and I smirked. "Oh really? Like what?" Panda asked. "Punch you square in the face!" I yelled. I heard all of them laugh and I found myself laughing as well. "What brings you here?" Marcel asked. "The first place that came to mind to unwind" I said. "Why what's wrong?" Panda asked. "Evan is keeping secrets from me and I just found out Craig is dating luke"
"CaRtOoNz?!" Marcel asked. I frown "No! Homeless boy" I said. "For real!?" Scotty asked. "Yea! And I asked him if he was his best friend and he was like 'Yea he knows me better then anybody' and I was like 'bitch I know you better then anybody!' And vanoss is keeping secrets from me" I yelled. "Are you and evan a thing?" Panda asked. "No....his my best friend, we're Bro's...and he was hiding something from me"
"Ya'know what they say 'Bro's before hoes' and he is braking that guy code"
"But you know what the girls say 'chick's before dicks' " panda said. "Oh so I'm a dick?" I playfully said. "Yea, but your my dick~" panda smirked. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me. "Let's lay on my bed and let's just talk about shit" panda said. "I'd like that..." I whispered. "I know you would"
"Tyler are you gonna stay for dinner?" Marcel asked. "Do ya think I can stay over?" I ask. "Any time" Marcel said. "Thank you" I mumbled. "Aww your blushing" Marcel teased. "Don't ruin the moment" I glared.
Delirious pov
"Soooooo, what time are you suppose to be home?"
"Oh I don't stay home, I go to the hospital" Sydney said. "Huh? Why? Are you okay?" I asked. She smiled weakly and shakes her head. "Im not okay....but I don't go to the hospital cause of my own health...I go to the hospital for my grandma..." she said. "Wada you mean?" I asked. She sighs and bit her lip. " grandma has cancer...and my grandma is the last person I have of family" Sydney said. My eyes widen and I gasped. "Im so sorry I shouldn't of asked" I said. "'s okay, it feels good talking about something that has been on my mind for years"
I stood quite and nod. "If you need someone to talk to about this....I'm always here"
Sydney's eyes widen and she looked at me. Hope and relive was written in her face and her eyes said 'thank you'
"Really? Would you be there for me?"
"Of cores"
She smiles and laughed. She jumped on me and hugged me. "Thank you thank you thank you!" Sydney said. "Should I take you to the hospital?" I asked. "Yes please"
Time skip
We got inside the hospital and asked for her grandma.
"Room 492"
"Thank you"
We walked and got inside the room. Sydney's phone rings and she gasped. "Oh no" she whispered. She looked at me. "I need to take this call"
Vanoss pov
I followed them inside a hospital and I dragged luke and dashie with me. I hide on the corner of the wall and over heard Sydney talking. I took my phone out and recorder her. "What is it?....I told you I don't want nothing to do with you!, how much did you say?.....when do we meat?....during brake....sounds like a plan to me....bye"
"Fuckin hoe" I whispered. "Your calling her a hoe and your the one over hearing propels conversation" Luke said with a wink (Like the pic.
"Shut the fuck up, I got my reasons" I said. "And so does she, what ever she does its nun of your business. And if she didn't cheat on you or insult you, there's no need to call her a hoe. You don't Know what's she going thru"
"Yea, if you talk shit about her without her doing nothing then your just a lunatic" Dashie said.
"But she did cheat on me!" I snapped. Luke frowns and gave me a weird look. "And you still want her?" Luke said.
'Fuck, his catching up on my act!'
"Yea. She's hot....everyone makes mistakes-"
"Then why are you calling her all this names?" Luke said annoyed. "Bitch, cause I want's a free country u could do what ever I want" I growled. "Alright mister stalker~ in hungry let's get the fuck out of here"
"Dude, if you want to know why I called her a need to hear what she was saying~" I said showing them the video of her talking on the phone. "Drama~" Dashie said.
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