The Ring
Vanoss pov
Ones me and jason got in school. I saw a familiar face. "Delirious!" I yelled. I saw him turn and smiled. My smile soon desapered ones I saw the person he was holding on too.
I look at delirious again and and fake smiled. I nudge jason and he looked at me. "Im going with delirious" I said. He gave me a small smile and nods. "Sure, I'll see you snack" Jason said. "Sure thing bud" I walked away and waved at delirious. Delirious let's go of cry's sweater and runs towards me. He hugged me and I felt the hole world go in slow motion. I felt like are body's connected like pancakes and syrup, like a straw to the berries.
I rapped my arms around his waist and took in a deep breathe. So I can just take in the smell of blueberries and strawberry. We pulled away but didn't let go of eachother. I felt like the everyone desapered and it was just me and him. I felt myself heating up a little and I chuckle.
"Hey" I said.
He gave me a big smile and his eyes sparkled like the stars. "Hi" He whispered. "Doing anything today?" I asked. "Y-yea...I am actually" he said looking nervous. I felt my body tense up and I looked at him. "W-with who?" I asked.
"If I recall.....i think shiala? Shydie- no Sydney!"
My heart cracked and I felt anger wash over me.
You greedy slut
"Vanoss....your scaring me" Delirious whispered. I snapped out of my thoughts and gasped. "I-I-Im....I'm sorry" I stutter. "I didn't mean to scare you"
Please don't be scared of me...I just want you to myself....
"Please don't be scared of me" I whispered in his ear.
I felt him shiver and he giggles. He pulled away and smiled. "Your change of attitude scared me, it looked like you where about to murder someone" he said laughing.
Cause I am sugar plums
"So Where are you going with...her" I asked. "How did you even meat?" I asked a little annoyed. He looked at me and pulled me. "Let's walk while I tell you the story" he said. I nod and looked up ahead.
Delirious pov
"Well it all started with me walking to my locker since I come to school earlier" I said.
Flash back
I walked to the locker and looked at my phone to check the time, but like always I wasn't paying attention where I was going and all I heard before I fell was a high pitched voice saying.
"Crap, I'm gonna be late! I won't get the money if I don't see him- kya!"
I looked up and saw a tall-ish blonde. Her eyes where brown and had thin lips. Her tan skin was for sure we'll taken care of and she was well fit. I looked down and saw that I had dropped her coffee.
"Im sorry, I didn't see where i was going" I said.
I could tell she was about to tell me off but she stopped. She just looked at me with googly eyes and blushed. "Im sorry as well...i wasn't paying attention either" she said.
We stood there for a good minute getting lost into each other's eyes and my breathe hitched as I saw her lean in. My bottom lip tremble and she gasped. "Oh no! I'm gonna be late!" She said. I got up and she picked up her purse. I stretched my arm and she happily accepted it. "Names Sydney" she said. "Delirious"
"Mysterious are we?~" she said with a playful tone. "Eh, you can say that- oh and before you go, w-would you like to go after school to get Starbucks, you kinda dropped yours and it was kinda my fault" I said pointing at the mess. "Crud..."
She sighs and smiled. "I'd love to go on a date with you"
I blushed and coughed. "I-I guess, it's not really a date-"
"Meat me at the school gates after school, bye-bye!" She said while blowing a kiss and running off. I blushed and looked down and saw a nice ring next to the coffee. "Oi! You forgot-....your ring...." I said
End of flash back
"I wouldn't call it a date thoe, it's just me buying her a coffee so I don't feel like I owe her something and I'm planning on giving her the ring after school" I said while taking out my ring from my sweater pocket. His eyes widen and he took the ring from me. He took in a shaky breathe and bit his lip after he looked at the inside of the ring.
He frowns and I looked into his eyes. It had emptiness, hurt, pain, sadness and anger. He closed his eyes looked at another direction making me loose contact with his chocolate orbs. I gasped a little and tried to make him look at me again but he refused my touch.
"Here" he said. He gave me the ring and sighs. "I'll see you later buddy" vanoss said and walked away. "Vanoss! Wait!" I yelled but I lost him in the crowd. I felt my heart crack remembering the look of pain in his eyes and face. I looked down at the ring and gasped. Feeling tears formed in my eyes and I covered my mouth.
In the ring. It had the words carved...
Evan & Sydney = love
My heart cracks even more and I felt tears run down my face. I don't know why this effected me so much. It's not like I liked vanoss. Right?
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