Not alone
A/n I won't ramble too much in the beginning but if you want to know what's been going on with me, stick to the end to know. But without a further ado, lets go way back into the story, shall we? Before any of the main guys died.
"We'll protect you" he whispered and walked out of the room.
The sky was dark and the dim yellow lights were the only thing illuminating the streets, barely.
This part of the towns wasn't the sketchiest looking out of the whole city but it was still pretty bad. Houses around this area were for people with part time jobs, so meaning, if you want to live in this shitty place, you had to at least have roommates.
Nothing wrong with not having enough money to get a nice place, kudos to does people that can afford that. It's just life man, times are hard now days.
It was just easier to get broken into and rob.
And with that said, evan had to be careful. He didn't want to get jumped any time soon.
"Where were you?" The mom scolded. "I was with a few friends-" Evan tried to explain but his mom wasn't having nun of it.
"That's no reason for coming back home at such a late hour of the night! Besides! I have a ceremony to go to and I can't go alone without my family"
Evan wasn't gonna hear the end of it, but he couldn't blame his mom. She was just being a mom, even though it's annoying, he had to listen to her ramble of how dangerous late hours can be.
-skipping after the party
Mark was definitely a weird one, he didn't know much about him but that he acted and was very famous for it.
He had a strong fan base and money grows on trees for him. He is very lucky and humble, so I guess that's a bonus.
Something felt odd about him though, he had this dangerous vibe to him. It was definitely threatening, evan felt a bit of coalition when his hand brushed against his.
Maybe, just maybe, he was one of him.
It was a thought though, but he definitely wanted to know more about him.
Evan walks to his school seeing that he manage to leave his house before jason did, of course jason wasn't gonna be happy about it.
He had to go fast before anything, before his mom even said happy day to him.
A honk came from behind and he sees a black fancy car pull his way, "need a ride?" The deep smooth voice asked and Evan smiled, "If it isn't too much" he said and got inside the car.
"Good morning, Mr. Fong~"
"Morning, Mr. Fischbach" Evan said and mark drove away. "Im glad to see that you're wearing the neckless I gave you~"
"It's nice, I appreciate it" Evan said keeping things a bit short.
"Im sure you have questions-"
"Lots of them"
Mark hums, "Well ask away"
"Who are you exactly? You gave me a weapon, and not only that you knew what I was up to" Evan wondered, "Im glad you caught on~" mark said as he then took a sharp turn to the left. Evan was confused since his school was the other way but didn't question it, he just had his guard up. "With Ryan and Ken dead and missing, I assumed something wasn't going good in the school that I was once in"
Evan nods, "being the flirts they are, I assumed someone didn't take a liking to them, and to my suspicion, I was right" mark said and Evan huffs, "yea...."
"So who's the person that you're after?"
"His...his name is Jonathan"
"Denis?" Mark asked. "How do you Know?" Evan growls and mark laughs. "Relax tiger, I'm not after him, I have someone better"
"No one's better then Jonathan"
"Yes, my green bean is definitely better" mark growls and evan glares at him, soon it hit him.
"Are you...."
"What?" Mark asked, a toothy smile appeared in his lips and evan bites his lip, "I think we both know that you're not alone~"
" also-"
"Yes, I murdered, tortured and kidnapped....all for him" mark said as he looks to the side and sees a picture of a boy with green hair hanging by a string.
Evan stares at the picture and examins the happy smile he had. "Where is he?"
"His living with me" was all he said.
"Different house?" Evan asked. "The only way I can have him all to myself"
After a long drive, evan makes it to school, "good luck~" mark said, "We'll keep in touch, I'll see you very very soon~" he said.
Evan nods and gets out the car, "Thank you" Evan said and mark smiles, don't mention it- oh evan!" He yelled and Evan turned back. "Happy 18th birthday~" he said and drove away.
Evan was both creeped out and flattered but apart from all of that, it was a new day and a he had things to do. And lots of them.
A/n: hi.....sorry I've been gone for a long time..even thought it isn't much of a big deal since usually I take longer then this sometimes...but I haven't been doing great, I got authors block and not only that things haven't been good in my end. I won't talk about it too much, but Yea, this sucks and all...
But in the bright side, I've ran across a drawing by @H2ovanossi about this book, I was so happy to see it. I'm not trying to show off or anything but I wanted to show you guys and girls this because I thought it was neat and very cool of them to draw something for a contest that they made and this made an appearance in there.
Well ill let you guys go, comment what you think of the cannon ending and I'll talk to y'all hopefully soon!
Suh dudes!
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