No Witness
A/n jesus, I have an army of yandere's in my comments xD i love you all :) your comments make me happy and they make my day hope you enjoy this chapter!
Play when you see 😓 or .-.
Vanoss walked towards his own house. His mind was still wondering towards delirious. He got snapped out of his trance when he heard his voice.
"T-this is D-dangerous"
His head darted towards delirious voice. Vanoss' eyes darted in different directions until it landed on something that made his world stopped.
"Hmmm. Tell me more"
Vanoss watched from a distance how delirious face turn a different shades of red. His mouth opens to let out silent screams when ever cry would lick his sensitive skin. Vanoss felt his hole body twitche and a deep growl escape his lips.
His feet begun to drag his hole body towards the two males.
Kill him
One step at a time.
Kill him
Every step vanoss took was every second cry dragged his face towards delirious' lips.
Kill him
A smirk danced around Evan's lips.
Vanoss froze and looked up at delirious.
Vanoss backed away and took cover behind the car.
Millions of questions flew thru his mind.
'Did he see me? Did I scared him?'
All his thoughts flew away ones he head a grunt.
"Ouch..." Cry said as he rubbed his neck.
"I said stop" Delirious glared.
Vanoss felt stupid. He wasn't even talking to him or did he see him and asked cry to stop?
"I'll go home by myself if your gonna keep doing that" Delirious glared. "But-"
"Go, they called you somewhere right?"
Cry sighs and picks up the board.
"Bye, delirious"
Cry stepped away from the ally and walked towards Tom's house.
Delirious sighs and fixes his hair and his shirt.
"CaRtOoNz is so gonna do an FBI check up on my body when I get home" Delirious mumbles. He picked up his bag and walked away.
Vanoss starts to get up and tried to follow delirious but something stopped him.
No, you go after him and kill him!
Vanoss nods and runs towards the direction cry went and let delirious walking by himself.
"I need to talk to him about this-"
"Hello cry~"
Cry turned around and saw a a pear of shades staring at him. Who else puts on shades other then Tom?
A chuckle was heard and was soon dragged towards the empty street. Cry kicked and punched but nothing work.
"Evan!" Cry yelled.
Evan never said anything. He just smiled and pulled cry closer to his death.
"Mother fucker- Let me go!" Cry growled.
Cry saw a wooden stick and he graved it and swanged it at Evan's head.
Evan let's go of cry ones the stick hit evan at the back of the head. Cry fixes his green sweater up and stands up in a flash. Vanoss rubbed te back of his head and pulled is fingers away. He looked down at his figures and saw a crimson color.
"Cry~ what part of...."
Vanoss quickly swings at cry and hit cry on the face.
"Delirious is mine, don't you understand?"
Cry falls to the floor and holds his nose. A crimson color oozed down his nose.
Vanoss tried to stomp on cry but cry rolls over and stands up.
"Don't underestimate me, evan, your stupid hockey and fighting skills won't help you win against me" Cry said.
"And you think your stupid wrestling moves are gonna help you?"
Cry growled and both vanoss and cry got themselves ready for each other.
"I think delirious likes big dick. He doesn't like small ones"
"Let see how small my dick is ones is shoved down your neck~"
"Disgusting" Cry snapped. "It can't be disgusting because, cry, we like the same thing~"
.-. 😓😓😓😓😓
Cry dives down and graved vanoss by the leg and pulls him making evan fall. Ones vanoss is on the floor cry jumps on top of him and starts punching him in the face.
Vanoss stopped one of cry's fist and he twisted it making cry yell in pain.
Vanoss flipped cry and a smirk danced around his lips. Cry's pupils shrink ones he sees vanoss fist go down. Vanoss punches cry incredibly hard. Cry finally was able to a do something ones his hand was freed. Cry shoved vanoss to the side and with his legs. He pushed vanoss completely off of him.
Vanoss rolls and cry gets up and kicks vanoss on the face.
Vanoss rolls away and runs towards the hover board.
"You gonna run?!" Cry yelled. Cry runs behinds vanoss.
Vanoss quickly graved he heavy medal object and holds it.
"Come here bitch!" Cry yelled. Vanoss heard the steps getting louder and louder so he swanged it as hard as he could towards cry's face.
The side of the wheel sinking in cry's head.
Hitting the sensitive spot on his head that kills a person instantly.
Cry's face was now sinking In. Vanoss puts the board down and gets on top of it. Ones his up he leans forward making the board go forward and smashed cry's head completely. His head exploded and blood was now scattered everywhere.
Scotty was walking down the streets. "Maybe he got lost" Scotty said.
But then he heard a disgusting sound and he swings his head to the right.
His eyes widen at the sight.
Vanoss was pulling off piece by piece something that looked like a body on the floor. Scotty walks forwards and gasped. It was cry, or what was left of him.
"E-evan?" Scotty called out.
Vanoss turned around and his eyes shrink. Vanoss was covered in blood. He had a few scratches on his face but nothing to serious to leave him dripping with blood.
Scotty found himself thinking.
That isn't his blood....
He killed cry
Scotty then heard a whisper from evan.
He whispered something and Scotty backs away. "W-wha-"
"It's Been a day already and Scotty hasn't showed up!" Tom yelled. "Relax, he probably went home" Brian said.
"But wouldn't he tell us if he did?"
Soon enough Toms phone rings. Tom pulls out his phone and doesn't even check who called he just answered it.
"TOM!" a voice called.
"Craig?" Tom asked. Tyler looks up and runs towards Tom. "Tyler turn in the tv!" Tom yelled.
Tyler runs towards the controller and turns on the TV. Tom puts mini on speaker and Tom walks towards the Tv.
"Today we found two bodies on the floor laying around in Clarkson street. Two males by the name of Scotty Reviles and Ryan Aden, there bodies where discovered today at 5 in the morning. A male knows as 'Dashie' was walking his dog for a morning walk and his dog ran off. The male said that he chased after his dog and soon almost threw up ones his nose smelled the smell of burned bodies or in other words 'unclean puh'
He said he used his phone to turn on his flashlight and saw an exploded pice of a hover board. He kept looking around and he said he was a leg. He made the light brighter and saw pices of body and a familiar green jacket.
We asked how he knew this people where really his friends and he said that the guy on the green sweater had his name sowed with white leters that spelled out cry at the back. He also said that the other male saw a familiar shoe and he said I know who wears does fake vans to school. Scotty.
Stay tuned for more information about these boys"
Tom dropped his phone and let the tears fall down his face.
Devastated he falls to the floor and starts crying, bawling his eyes out until he couldn't feel them no more, his body felt numb, he felt like it was his fault for letting Scotty go out at night by himself for a stupid hover board. Now. Both his friends are dead. Without there own people to give them a great day.
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