I'm coming for you
A/n I really like this picture, it brings yandere evan to the show xD anyways this story is a few chapters away from being over and I hope your as exited as I am xD repeat the song as much as you need to, truest it makes it sound really epic. Anyways enjoy!
Also this art is by Kyo-kyo, if you want to use her art please credit her cause she's the best
Luke knew that whomever pulled evan off the stage, was gonna be Evan's nightmare. There was no point on risking delirious' and dashie's life, not even his own. Evan was fucked to say the least and he wasn't about to get killed just to save someone that he doesn't have much care for.
"Im sorry" cartoonz said and he picked up delirious and ran with dashie following closely behind him. "NO!" Delirious shouts. It brakes cartoonz heart to have his best friend suffer but no way in hell was he risking there lifes. "EVAN!" Delirious screams one more time before he was out of the gym.
Evan hears the scream and he struggles to get away from Felix. "Jonathan!" He called out but after that it was silent, silent as in he couldn't hear delirious anymore. "Don't you fuck on me" Felix growls.
Evan stays quiet for a moment before he brakes into a pit of laughter. His laugh sounded insane, almost deadly. The way he laughed and the way he wriggled around in the floor made Felix sick. Felix deeps his feet deeper into Evan's body making evan groan a little.
"You know what? Why even hide the truth? You already know so there's no point of pretending~"
His chocolate eyes mixed with a dark brown, the brown was so dark it looked almost black.
Felix glare was quickly replaced by a scared look. Evan smirked and graved Felix by his ankle and pulls it off of himself slowly and pushes it to the side making Felix fall to the floor and smack his face onto the floor. But even so, he got up slowly and gets on his fighting stand.
Evan giggles and springs up.
Felix quickly backs up into the table area and tried staying a safe distance from vanoss. "What's wrong, Felix? Scared~?"
"Not even close" Felix said. Throwing the first punch evan moves to the side and punches Felix in the rib cage.
Felix groaned but swings his arm to the side hitting evan in the face with his elbow. They both stand back and struggle to get back in action. Felix holds onto the side of his body and evan shakes of the pain on his nose and mouth.
Evan goes again and throws punches. Felix covers himself and even runs away just to keep that safe distance between them.
Another giggle comes from evan and he charges towards the Swedish male.
Felix quickly graved a base full of flowers and smashes it on top of Evan's head. Evan groans but still picks up Felix and body slams him. Blood drips from the top of Evan's sweaty forehead to Felix's face. They stare deeply into each other's eyes and say nothing. Evan's smirk grew and he leans over a little closer just to scare the male more.
"But, I gotta ask you something, how did you find out it was me?~" Vanoss asked.
"I saw you walk towards the back, I was gonna go and kick you're ass for telling me what to do but then I saw you poison the shit. I went out and looked for a cop but then I realized I was the one that got the beer and Tom was the one that got them inside. So even if I did call for help I was gonna get busted and expelled from school"
Felix paused and clinched his fist. He looks at evan with hatred but evan didn't even look amused, he still had that sinful smile on his lips.
"I came back and I heard you say for love and everyone cheered. I saw everyone taking a sip and I ran to look for Marzia. When I found her she was the second to fall to the floor while holding her throat. She chokes for air and fights for her life but by the time of lifted her up she died- YOU FUCKIN CUNT!" Felix screamed.
Evan didn't flinch at the screams that came from the Swedish male. He yawns making Felix grind his teeth together. "Whatever, boo-hoo! You're the famous PewDiePie, you should be able to get any girl you want-"
"That's not the point! She was the one I love! She was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with-"
Evan laughs making Felix stop talking. Evan let's go of Felix and gets up slowly. Felix gets up and looks at evan. "Is that true?~" Evan said. Felix froze and evan walked around him he leans in next to his ear and whispered.
"Are you sure there was no one else~?"
"Your lying!" Evan punched Felix in the face making him fall. "There's someone else, someone your not telling me about-"
"Whats wrong? Did I hurt you're feelings?~ maybe if I spell out his name you'll remember~"
"Evan stop it!"
"Y~ hahahaha!"
Felix growls and gets up. "Guess what evan? Delirious will never love you~"
Evan's laugh stops instantly. "Yea that's right, and you know what else? He was fun in bed, it felt good to fuck him senseless~" Felix teased. "You...what?" Evan asked.
Felix then realized, that telling him that was a big mistake. It slipped out of his lips, he wasn't thinking correctly. The thought of Cry made his heart boil in anger, love, sadness and Jealousy. He never touched delirious, in the contrary, he hated him. Because of him, cry left his side. He wasn't his friend any longer, he was just someone he use to hang out with and Felix hated that.
Felix couldn't do anything. The punch was too fast. Evan punches Felix in the face multiple times with a straight face, his eyes wobbled and twitched. Evan was a new person, he was the real killer and all for one person.
Felix stumbles up and runs back into the table area further inside but there was no use, evan was behind him, throwing fast punches but Felix manages to dodge most of them. He then slides under the table and takes cover behind the flipped table infront of him.
Just as he was about to sit down and pull out his phone, a hand goes threw the table and snakes his way towards Felix neck. Evan's arm strangles Felix and lifts the table and the guy both up in the air. Felix gets a hold of the top of the table and the other one graves Evan's arm. His feet dangle and his breathe hitch as he tries his best to breathe.
"S-stop- aauh! E-evan!" Felix manage to say. Evan slams the wooden table down and Felix cries out in pain. He arches his back and struggles to stand up. Evan's dark soulless eyes trail towards the tables wooden leg and brakes it. He spins it in his hand before he graves it with both his hands and swings it at Felix.
He hits him multiple times with the wooden leg. There was just so much Felix could do but surviving wasn't an option. Every time he would stand up evan would kick him down and beat him again with the stick.
"I-ARK!- I was- grrr- lying!"
Evan stopped hitting him and looks down at the man. "I...lied" Felix hisses.
Evan didn't say anything. He just glared at Felix and raised the wooden stick up high. He turns it around so the spiky end would hit him.
He brings it down with an incredible amount of force and staves Felix with it in the face. Blood slowly comes out of the weak body and the sound of something squishy was echoing. Felix left eyeball pops and soon his head was just pure mush. His head was pushed in and blood comes out, you can see parts of the skull popping out and how broken it was, but it wasn't enough. He was still alive. Evan slowly dragged his feet to a table with knives and forks. He brings every single one of them back to Felix almost dead body. He gets on top of him and stabs all of the knives in his neck. Cursing everytime he pushes one of the dull knives inside. Then comes the forks. Sticking them in different areas.
Soon enough, Felix looked like a porcupine and it was time to kill the rest.
Once evan walks towards where everyone ran to he sees dead bodies laying on the floor everywhere. A smirk tugged on his lips and he brings his insane self towards the gardening place.
"Im coming for you~"
A/n unedited, sorry I wrote this in the middle of the night and I'm super tired. I'm probably gonna post this tomorrow morning, whatever comment, vote and I will see you next chapter, Suh dude ✌
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