I'll be damned
Tyler's pov
Last time
"Dude, Tyler..." Delirious mumbles. "What?" I asked. He looks at the ice cream store and next to it, was a place to play video games and on that place, there was a giant teddy bear. Delirious stares in awe and makes his way towards the place. "Delirious....what the hell are you going?" I asked. "Teddy....teddy bear" he mumbles. I saw they way his eyes sparkled with delight. "Are...are you for real- WOW!" I saw the way delirious graved me by my shirt and pulled me towards his face. "Need....the teddy bear" he whispered in front of me. I felt my cheeks heating up and I looked to the side to avoid eye contact.
He pulls me inside the place and we walk around. I heard him gasp and he gets a hold of my hand and walks towards the place. "Look at the fat sumo! Sumo smash- why the hell....where's the ninjas at god dammit- *gasp* look at the Fuckin game boy!" Delirious yelled as he runs towards the prize stan. "Yea, the game boy's back in the day" I told him as we look at the last game boy. "Hello yea..." He mumbles. I look to the right and saw luke and syndicate. My heart stopped ones I saw mini with them.
"Oh that's fuckin awesome..." Delirious said as he pulls me away. I didn't dare to look away. I kept staring at them and then it hit me.
'Aren't they suppose to be in school?'
We stopped walking and delirious reads out loud. I didn't know what he was reading or what he was saying until I heard him whine. "Fuck reading! I hate reading....I hate it..."
I snapped out of my trance and looked at delirious. "Hey, um....delirious" I called out. He looks at me and frowns. "What's wrong?"
"I...mini...his here"
He makes an O shape with his mouth and nods. "Well...what if we play something to get that out of your head" he said with a smile. I sigh and nod "sure, I got nothing to lose"
He pulls me and takes me to a big radio. "What the hell is this?" I asked. He gasp and tries to press the play button. "Music! Play it!" He said with excitement. I chuckle and pressed the button.
The radio plays and this weird man begins to talk. Delirious face drops and glares at the radio. "Fuck is this? Cut that shit off" Delirious said with a pout. I rolled my eyes and turned it off. "I don't- *gasp* HIPPO! I love the hippos...I love'em....does are cool" Delirious said as he looks at the stuff hippo. I cover my face and looks away from crowds. "Jesus Christ...." I whispered.
We went towards a dart board and the giant teddy bear was sitting down next to it. "Aww....I fuckin suck at darts" Delirious said in a sad tone. His frown makes my heart shatter and I look around. I sigh and walked towards the board. "What do I do to win this bear?" I asked. "Get 3 bullseye and you get it" the woman said. I sigh and motioned the woman to give me that darts already.
"Good luck~" she teased.
I smirked and brought the dart close to my eyes. Ones I knew I wasn't gonna miss I throw it and let it go softly. It hit in the middle and I smirked. "Bam bitch!" I yelled. I looked at delirious and I saw the biggest of smiles. I did the same thing I did two more times and the woman was speechless. "You won the big prize!" She yelled. Delirious and I smiled and he squeals "you did it!" He said. He jumps towards me and I catch him in my arms. I spin both of us around and I bring him closer to my body. We laugh a little before I let him go and grave the teddy bear. Ones I got it I gasped. "Fuck it's up to my shoulders" I said. I looked at him and I half smiled. I felt everyone's eyes on me and then I saw delirious eyes. The whole world stopped and I smiled kindly at him. "Here" I told him. He looks at me and his eyes water. I gasped and I was about to ask what was wrong but he ran towards me and hugged me and the bear. "Thank you, wildcat...thank you so much tyler..."
I blushed and hugged him. "No need to thank me....it was my pleasure" I told him. I looked up and saw mini staring. I felt my heart dropped and I wanted to let go but my body didn't want to let go of the male infront of me.
'Maybe I'm fuckin myself with this...'
He let's go of luke's arm and a tear falls from his eye. I felt bad but this time. I didn't feel as bad as before. Delirious was taking over my thoughts and mini, is just someone I use to know.
Delirious pov
Present time
"You know what bitch?" I told dashie. "I don't even work, tell luke about this" I growled. "Oh and I'm leaving, I need to see marcel" I told him. "Nah uh, you got me fucked up, rent is do next and I'll be damned, if I eat Ramen noodles tonight!" I giggle at his stupidity and rolled my eyes. "Tell that guy you talked to" I told him. "Witch one, I talk to a lot of people?"
"That bold one-"
"Madafacka who?!" He yelled. "Maurice! Or some like that" I told him. "Ooooh! Da homie blastphamous" he asked. I nod and he laughs. "Nah, he has his own shit to deal with, tsk! Besides he doesn't even live with us what the fuck you mean!"
I rolled my eyes and walked away. "Shut up. I'm leaving" I told him. "WHAT?!! DON'T LEAVE!" Dashie yelled. "Shhhh dashie. Your gonna get us in trouble and we are gonna get another complain"
"Can you at least make me something to eat?" He asked. I sigh and walked towards the kitchen. "OOOOOOOHSHIT! THATSWHATSUP!" Dashie screamed. I laughed and covered my ears. "Dashie, be quiet!"
The door opens and I look and saw luke. "Luke-"
"There's a guy outside are house saying if we want pills" Luke said. "Um.." I wanted to laugh but that was way to weird to do so.
"Tell him to- fuck it I'll tell him" Dashie said. He goes outside and opened the door. "Madafacka! Get your Bill Cosby pills out if here!"
I gasped and luke laughs. "NO! That was horrible!" I yelled. "Get- GET THE FUCK OFF MY LAWN!" Dashie yelled. He opens the door and walks outside. Me and luke yelled for him to stop but that wasn't working. "Get him off me!" The man yelled. "I told you to get the fuck out of here!" Dashie yelled. Luke goes behind daisies and pulls him closer to his chest. "Dashie chill!" Luke yelled. I went in between both males and pointed my wooden spoon to the guy. "Listen here, you bitch....get off my mother fuckin lawn. Before I shove my hot wooden fuckin spoon so far up your ass you'll need surgerie for a new asshole" I snapped.
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